# esqueleto-textsearch Haskell bindings for postgres full text search in esqueleto. for a good explenation see https://rachbelaid.com/postgres-full-text-search-is-good-enough/ you can turn postgres into a database that is similar in performance for search as elastic search, without having to deal with elastic search. ## Tutorial 1. decide which fields you want to search for, this can be from several tables 2. setup a materialized view with the fields, for example: ```sql CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW public.companies_search_index AS SELECT c.id, c.name, c.type, c.trade, countries.name AS domicile, p.name AS parent, c.is_archived, COALESCE(string_agg((cd.name)::text, ', '::text), ''::text) AS domains, (((((setweight(to_tsvector((c.name)::text), 'A'::"char") || setweight(to_tsvector((COALESCE(c.type, ''::character varying))::text), 'D'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector((c.trade)::text), 'D'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector((COALESCE(countries.name, ''::character varying))::text), 'C'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector((COALESCE(p.name, ''::character varying))::text), 'B'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector(COALESCE(string_agg((cd.name)::text, ' '::text), ''::text)), 'A'::"char")) AS document FROM (((public.companies c LEFT JOIN public.countries ON ((countries.id = c.domicile))) LEFT JOIN public.companies p ON ((p.id = c.parent))) LEFT JOIN public.company_domains cd ON ((cd.company_id = c.id))) GROUP BY c.id, p.parent, c.name, c.type, c.trade, countries.name, p.name WITH NO DATA; ``` the [blogpost](https://rachbelaid.com/postgres-full-text-search-is-good-enough/) describes better what goes on here. 3. Create an associated persistent model to convince esqueleto this is a table ```haskell mkPersistWith sqlSettings $(discoverEntities) [persistLowerCase| CompanySearchIndex sql=companies_search_index Id CompanyId -- in this case a 1 to 1 relation with the real company table -- these fields are mostly for debugging the document name Text type Text Maybe trade Text domicile Text Maybe parent Text Maybe domains Text -- we query based on the documeent, this is the important bit. document TsVector isArchived Bool deriving Show |] instance ToBaseId CompanySearchIndex where type BaseEnt CompanySearchIndex = Company toBaseIdWitness = CompanySearchIndexKey ``` 4. make sure to periodically refresh this view, or setup database triggers to do that for you. ```sql CREATE FUNCTION public.refresh_companies_search_index() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin refresh materialized view companies_search_index; return null; end $$; CREATE TRIGGER refresh_companies_search_index AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE OR TRUNCATE ON public.companies FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION public.refresh_companies_search_index(); ``` 5. use this library to search, for example: ```haskell import Database.Esqueleto.TextSearch.Language(SearchTerm, prefixAndQuery, ((@@.)), ts_rank) import Database.Esqueleto.TextSearch.Types(defaultWeights) searchCompany :: SqlExpr (Entity CompanySearchIndex) -> SearchTerm -> SqlQuery () searchCompany company term = do let query = prefixAndQuery term norm = val [] where_ $ (company ^. CompanySearchIndexDocument) @@. query orderBy [desc (ts_rank (val defaultWeights) (company ^. CompanySearchIndexDocument) query norm)] ```