name: ethereum-client-haskell version: 0.0.3 cabal-version: >=1.10 build-type: Simple author: Jamshid license-file: LICENSE maintainer: synopsis: A Haskell version of an Ethereum client extra-source-files: fastNonceFinder/bitfn.h fastNonceFinder/sha3.c fastNonceFinder/sha3.h category: Data Structures license: BSD3 description: The client described in the Ethereum Yellowpaper source-repository this type: git location: branch: master tag: v0.0.3 executable ethereumH default-language: Haskell98 build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , base16-bytestring , binary , bytestring , containers , cryptohash , data-default , directory , either , entropy , ethereum-merkle-patricia-db , ethereum-rlp , filepath , haskoin , leveldb-haskell , mtl , network , network-simple , nibblestring , resourcet , time , transformers , vector , ansi-wl-pprint main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Blockchain.BlockChain Blockchain.BlockSynchronizer Blockchain.Colors Blockchain.Communication Blockchain.Constants Blockchain.Context Blockchain.Data.Address Blockchain.Data.AddressState Blockchain.Data.Block Blockchain.Data.GenesisBlock Blockchain.Data.Peer Blockchain.Data.SignedTransaction Blockchain.Data.Transaction Blockchain.Data.TransactionReceipt Blockchain.Data.Wire Blockchain.DB.CodeDB Blockchain.DB.ModifyStateDB Blockchain.Display Blockchain.ExtDBs Blockchain.ExtendedECDSA Blockchain.ExtWord Blockchain.Format Blockchain.JCommand Blockchain.PeerUrls Blockchain.SampleTransactions Blockchain.SHA Blockchain.Util Blockchain.VM.Code Blockchain.VM.Environment Blockchain.VM.Labels Blockchain.VM.Memory Blockchain.VM.Opcodes Blockchain.VM.VMState Blockchain.VM C-sources: fastNonceFinder/nonceFinder.c ghc-options: -Wall buildable: True hs-source-dirs: src executable queryEth default-language: Haskell98 build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , ansi-wl-pprint , cmdargs , cryptohash , binary , bytestring , containers , ethereum-rlp , ethereum-merkle-patricia-db , filepath , time , network-simple , nibblestring , haskoin , base16-bytestring , mtl , network , transformers , resourcet , data-default , leveldb-haskell , array , directory main-is: Main.hs C-sources: fastNonceFinder/nonceFinder.c buildable: True hs-source-dirs: queryEth_src, src Test-Suite test-ethereumH default-language: Haskell98 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: test, src build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , test-framework , test-framework-hunit , HUnit , containers