# Version 0.9 * BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE COMPILER ASSISTED CHANGE: The `Show`, `Read`, `Eq`, `Ord` and `Generic` instances now live in the `exinst-base` package. This is so that `exinst` doesn't need to depend on the large `singletons-base`. Users wanting access to those instances need to import `Exinst.Base` explicitly. * Builds with GHC 9.4. * The tests for `exinst` now live in `exinst-base`. # Version 0.8 * Builds with GHC 8.10 and `singletons-2.7`. # Version 0.7 * BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE COMPILER ASSISTED CHANGE: All of the cabal flags for turning on and off instances were removed. The `hashable` are now always exported from the `exinst`, and the `aeson`, `bytes`, `cereal` and `serialise` instances are now exported from new packages `exinst-aeson`, `exinst-bytes`, `exinst-cereal` and `exinst-serialise`. The instances exported from those packages are the same as the ones exported with `exinst-0.6`. # Version 0.6 * The `binary` and `deepseq` Cabal flags were removed since these two packages are always included with the GHC distribution, so it doesn't make sense to make them optional. * The optional dependencies hidden behind Cabal flags now apply to the test suite as well. * Builds with GHC 8.4. # Version 0.5 * BREAKING: Depend on `singletons == 2.3.*`. * Add `same{1,2,3,4}`. * Add dependencies on `cborg` and `serialise` * Add instances for `serialise` (binary CBOR encoding/decoding) # Version 0.4 * BREAKING: Decouple `binary` and `cereal` instances from `bytes`. This introduces a slight backwards incompatible change if you were using some `Serial` instances that depended on host endianness (such as `Int`). * Add `P1`, `P2`, `P3`, `P4`. * Add `S1`, `S2`, `S3`, `S4`. * Add `Read` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}`. * Moved documentation from `README.md` into the top-level `Exinst` module. # Version * Removed dependency on `generic-random`. * Correctly deal with cabal flags for `deepseq` and `hashable`. * Add `binary`'s `Data.Binary.Binary` and `cereal`'s `Data.Serialize.Serialize` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}`. These instances are compatible with each other and rely on the `Data.Bytes.Serial` instances. # Version 0.3 * BREAKING: Renamed module `Exinst.Singletons` to `Exinst`. * BREAKING: The `Exinst.Instances.Base` module is gone. The `base` instances are now exported from `Exinst`. * Add `Dict0`. * Re-export `Constraint` from `base`. * Add `Dict{0,2,3,4}` instances for `Bool`. * Add `GHC.Generics.Generic` support for `Some{1,2,3,4}`. This only works for indexes with `PEnum` and `PBounded` instances. * Added tests. * Added `Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}` in `Exinst.Instances.QuickCheck`. These instances and their dependency on `QuickCheck` can be toggled with the `quickcheck` Cabal flag. * Added `Data.Aeson.{FromJSON,ToJSON}` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}` in `Exinst.Instances.Aeson`. These instances and their dependency on `aeson` can be toggled with the `aeson` Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the `exinst-aeson` package, and are compatible with them. * Added `Bytes.Serial.Serial` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}` in `Exinst.Instances.Bytes`. These instances and their dependency on `bytes` can be toggled with the `bytes` Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the `exinst-bytes` package, and are compatible with them. * Added `Control.DeepSeq.NFData` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}` in `Exinst.Instances.DeepSeq`. These instances and their dependency on `deepseq` can be toggled with the `deepseq` Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the `exinst-deepseq` package, and are compatible with them. * Added `Data.Hashable.Hashable` instances for `Some{1,2,3,4}` in `Exinst.Instances.DeepSeq`. These instances and their dependency on `hashable` can be toggled with the `hashable` Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the `exinst-hashable` package, and are compatible with them. # Version 0.2 * Depend on `singletons-2.2`, which means `KProxy` is gone. * Add `_Some{1,2,3,4}` prisms. * Add `Dict1` instance for `Bool`. * Add `some{1,2,3,4}SingRep`. * Thanks to Sandy Maguire for having contributed to this release. # Version 0.1.2 * Export the `Some{1,2,3,4}` constructors. * Make all the fields in `Some{1,2,3,4}` strict. * Relax upper bound on `base`, `singletons`, `constraints`. * Re-export `Dict(Dict)` from `constraints`. # Version 0.1.1 * Relax upper bound on `singletons` dependency. * `withSome{1,2,3,4}Sing` brings `SingI` instances to scope. * Generalized the `(* -> Constraint)` parameter in `Dict{1,2,3,4}` to `(k -> Constraint)`. # Version 0.1 * Initial release.