fay-builder-0.2: Compile Fay code on cabal install, and ad-hoc recompile during development

Safe HaskellNone




readPackageDescription :: FilePath -> IO PackageDescriptionSource

Default parsing of a Cabal file.

build :: PackageDescription -> Maybe FilePath -> IO ()Source

Compile code

listField :: String -> PackageDescription -> Maybe [String]Source

Try to read a comma separated field

listField_ :: String -> PackageDescription -> [String]Source

Read the value of a comma separated field, gives an empty list if the field is not present.

field :: String -> PackageDescription -> Maybe StringSource

Try to read a field's value

field_ :: String -> PackageDescription -> StringSource

Force reading of a field, fails if it doesn't exist

readField :: Read a => String -> a -> PackageDescription -> aSource

fayConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [String] -> Bool -> ConfigSource

Default config, TODO make this optional

defaultFayHook :: IO ()Source

Default build hook for your Setup.hs

postBuildHook :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()Source

Default post build hook for your Setup.hs