# Changelog ## (2024-02-06) * Added support for `text` >= 2.0 and `template-haskell` >=, removed support for older versions. * Tested with GHC 9.2.5, 9.4.8 and 9.6.4. * Forbid writing/reading `Nothing` to/from union vectors and required unions fields. ## (2020-11-14) * `FlatBuffers.Vector.toByteString` renamed to `FlatBuffers.Vector.toLazyByteString` * Allow trailing comma after the last enum/union field for compatibility with flatc. * If a Haskell keyword is used as the name of a table or struct, then suffix the name of the generated constructor with an underscore. ## (2019-10-21) * Add support for bitmasks, i.e. enums with the `bit_flags` attribute. * `FlatBuffers.Vector.length` changed from `Either ReadError Int32` to `Int32`. * Vector length is now read once upfront, rather than on every access. * Added to `FlatBuffers.Vector`: * `fromByteString` * `fromLazyByteString` * `fromMonoFoldable` (supports `Data.Vector.Unboxed` and `Data.Vector.Storable`) * `take` * `drop` * `toByteString` * TemplateHaskell: * Added `colorName` for enums. * Fixed error messages when running `ghcid` (they used to be truncated). ## (2019-09-22) * First version.