# Haskell Flatbuffers An implementation of the [flatbuffers protocol][flatbuffers] in Haskell. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/dcastro/haskell-flatbuffers.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/dcastro/haskell-flatbuffers) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/flatbuffers)](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/flatbuffers) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Codegen](#codegen) - [Enums](#enums) - [Bit flags / Bitmasks](#bit-flags--bitmasks) - [Structs](#structs) - [Unions](#unions) - [File Identifiers](#file-identifiers) - [TODO](#todo) ## Getting started 1. Start off by writing a [flatbuffers schema][schema] with the data structures you want to serialize/deserialize. ``` namespace Data.Game; table Monster { name: string; hp: int; locations: [string] (required); } ``` 2. Create a Haskell module named after the namespace in the schema. ```haskell module Data.Game where ``` 3. Use `mkFlatBuffers` to generate constructors and accessors for the data types in your schema. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Data.Game where import FlatBuffers $(mkFlatBuffers "schemas/game.fbs" defaultOptions) ``` 4. The following declarations will be generated for you. ```haskell data Monster -- Constructor monster :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Int32 -> WriteVector Text -> WriteTable Monster -- Accessors monsterName :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError (Maybe Text) monsterHp :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError Int32 monsterLocations :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError (Vector Text) ``` We can now construct a flatbuffer using `encode` and read it using `decode`: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import FlatBuffers import qualified FlatBuffers.Vector as Vector -- Writing byteString = encode $ monster (Just "Poring") (Just 50) (Vector.fromList 2 ["Prontera Field", "Payon Forest"]) -- Reading readMonster :: ByteString -> Either ReadError String readMonster byteString = do someMonster <- decode byteString name <- monsterName someMonster hp <- monsterHp someMonster locations <- monsterLocations someMonster >>= Vector.toList Right ("Monster: " <> show name <> " (" <> show hp <> " HP) can be found in " <> show locations) ``` For the rest of this document, we'll assume these imports/extensions are enabled: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import FlatBuffers import qualified FlatBuffers.Vector as Vector ``` ### Codegen You can check exactly which declarations were generated by browsing your module in ghci: ```plain λ> :m Data.Game FlatBuffers FlatBuffers.Vector λ> :browse Data.Game data Monster monster :: Maybe Int32 -> WriteTable Monster monsterHp :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError Int32 ``` Or by launching a local hoogle server with Stack: ```plain > stack hoogle --rebuild --server ``` There are lots of examples in the [test/Examples][examples] folder and the [`THSpec`][thspec] module. In particular, `test/Examples/schema.fbs` contains a variety of data structures and `Examples.HandWritten` demonstrates what the code generated by `mkFlatBuffers` would look like. ### Enums ``` enum Color: short { Red, Green, Blue } ``` Given the enum declaration above, the following code will be generated: ```haskell data Color = ColorRed | ColorGreen | ColorBlue deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Bounded) toColor :: Int16 -> Maybe Color fromColor :: Color -> Int16 colorName :: Color -> Text ``` Usage: ``` table Monster { color: Color; } ``` ```haskell data Monster monster :: Maybe Int16 -> WriteTable Monster monsterColor :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError Int16 ``` ```haskell -- Writing byteString = encode $ monster (Just (fromColor ColorBlue)) -- Reading readMonster :: ByteString -> Either ReadError Text readMonster byteString = do someMonster <- decode byteString i <- monsterColor someMonster case toColor i of Just color -> Right ("This monster is " <> colorName color) Nothing -> Left ("Unknown color: " <> show i) -- Forwards compatibility ``` ### Bit flags / Bitmasks ``` enum Colors: uint16 (bit_flags) { Red, Green, Blue } ``` Given the enum declaration above, the following code will be generated: ```haskell colorsRed, colorsGreen, colorsBlue :: Word16 colorsRed = 1 colorsGreen = 2 colorsBlue = 4 allColors :: [Word16] colorsNames :: Word16 -> [Text] ``` Usage: ``` table Monster { colors: Colors = "Red Blue"; } ``` ```haskell data Monster monster :: Maybe Word16 -> WriteTable Monster monsterColors :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError Word16 ``` ```haskell import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, MonadIO, liftEither, liftIO) import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.)) import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text -- Writing byteString = encode $ monster (Just (colorsBlue .|. colorsGreen)) -- Reading readMonster :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ReadError m) => ByteString -> m () readMonster byteString = do someMonster <- liftEither $ decode byteString colors <- liftEither $ monsterColors someMonster let isRed = colors .&. colorsRed /= 0 liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Is this monster red? " <> if isRed then "Yes" else "No" liftIO $ Text.putStrLn $ "Monster colors: " <> Text.intercalate ", " (colorsNames colors) ``` ### Structs ``` struct Coord { x: long; y: long; } ``` Given the struct declaration above, the following code will be generated: ```haskell data Coord instance IsStruct Coord -- Constructor coord :: Int64 -> Int64 -> WriteStruct Coord -- Accessors coordX :: Struct Coord -> Either ReadError Int64 coordY :: Struct Coord -> Either ReadError Int64 ``` Usage: ``` table Monster { position: Coord (required); } ``` ```haskell data Monster monster :: WriteStruct Coord -> WriteTable Monster monsterPosition :: Table Monster -> Either ReadError (Struct Coord) ``` ```haskell -- Writing byteString = encode $ monster (coord 123 456) -- Reading readMonster :: ByteString -> Either ReadError String readMonster byteString = do someMonster <- decode byteString pos <- monsterPosition someMonster x <- coordX pos y <- coordY pos Right ("Monster is located at " <> show x <> ", " <> show y) ``` ### Unions ``` table Sword { power: int; } table Axe { power: int; } union Weapon { Sword, Axe } ``` Given the union declaration above, the following code will be generated: ```haskell -- Accessors data Weapon = WeaponSword !(Table Sword) | WeaponAxe !(Table Axe) -- Constructors weaponSword :: WriteTable Sword -> WriteUnion Weapon weaponAxe :: WriteTable Axe -> WriteUnion Weapon ``` Usage: ``` table Character { weapon: Weapon; } ``` ```haskell data Character character :: WriteUnion Weapon -> WriteTable Character characterWeapon :: Table Character -> Either ReadError (Union Weapon) ``` ```haskell -- Writing byteString = encode $ character (weaponSword (sword (Just 1000))) -- Reading readCharacter :: ByteString -> Either ReadError String readCharacter byteString = do someCharacter <- decode byteString weapon <- characterWeapon someCharacter case weapon of Union (WeaponSword sword) -> do power <- swordPower sword Right ("Weilding a sword with " <> show power <> " Power.") Union (WeaponAxe axe) -> do power <- axePower axe Right ("Weilding an axe with " <> show power <> " Power.") UnionNone -> Right "Character has no weapon" UnionUnknown byte -> Left "Unknown weapon" -- Forwards compatibility ``` Note that, like in the official FlatBuffers implementation, unions are *always* optional. Adding the `required` attribute to a union field has no effect. To create a character with no weapon, use `none :: WriteUnion a` ```haskell byteString = encode $ character none ``` ### File Identifiers From ["File identification and extension"][schema]: > Typically, a FlatBuffer binary buffer is not self-describing, i.e. it needs you to know its schema to parse it correctly. But if you want to use a FlatBuffer as a file format, it would be convenient to be able to have a "magic number" in there, like most file formats have, to be able to do a sanity check to see if you're reading the kind of file you're expecting. > > Now, you can always prefix a FlatBuffer with your own file header, but FlatBuffers has a built-in way to add an identifier to a FlatBuffer that takes up minimal space, and keeps the buffer compatible with buffers that don't have such an identifier. ``` table Monster { name: string; } root_type Monster; file_identifier "MONS"; ``` ```haskell data Monster instance HasFileIdentifier Monster -- Usual constructor and accessors... ``` We can now construct a flatbuffer using `encodeWithFileIdentifier` and use `checkFileIdentifier` to check if it's safe to decode it to a specific type: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} -- Writing byteString = encodeWithFileIdentifier $ monster (Just "Poring") -- Reading readName :: ByteString -> Either ReadError (Maybe Text) readName byteString = do if checkFileIdentifier @Monster byteString then do someMonster <- decode byteString monsterName someMonster else if checkFileIdentifier @Character byteString then do someCharacter <- decode byteString characterName someCharacter else Left "Unexpected flatbuffer identifier" ``` ## TODO ### Features - [ ] gRPC support - [ ] Size-prefixed buffers (needed for streaming multiple messages) - [flatbuffers/3898](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/issues/3898) - [FlatCC](https://github.com/dvidelabs/flatcc/blob/master/doc/binary-format.md#nested-flatbuffers) - [ ] Fixed length arrays in structs - [flatbuffers/63](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/issues/63) - [flatbuffers/3987](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/pull/3987) - [flatbuffers/5313](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/pull/5313) - [FlatCC](https://github.com/dvidelabs/flatcc/blob/master/doc/binary-format.md#fixed-length-arrays) - [ ] unions of strings / structs - [FlatCC](https://github.com/dvidelabs/flatcc/blob/master/doc/binary-format.md#unions) - [ ] `key` attribute (See ["Storing dictionaries in a FlatBuffer" section](https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp.html)) - [ ] `nested_flatbuffer` attribute - [ ] `hash` attribute - [Docs](https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema.html) - [Docs](https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp.html#flatbuffers_cpp_object_based_api) - [ ] DSL that allows sharing of data (e.g. reuse an offset to a string/table) - [ ] `shared` attribute - [Docs](https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp.html#flatbuffers_cpp_object_based_api) - [ ] Attach [Haddock documentation to the generated code](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/template-haskell- ### Other - [ ] TH: sort table fields by size + support `original_order` attribute - [ ] Enrich `Vector` API: drop, take, null, folds, sum, elem, for_, traverse_, ideally support most of operations in `Data.Foldable` - [ ] Improve error messages during `SemanticAnalysis` stage, provide source code location - [ ] Try alternative bytestring builders: `fast-builder`, `blaze-builder` - [ ] Try alternative bytestring parsers: `cereal` [flatbuffers]: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/ [schema]: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema.html [examples]: https://github.com/dcastro/haskell-flatbuffers/tree/master/test/Examples [thspec]: https://github.com/dcastro/haskell-flatbuffers/blob/master/test/FlatBuffers/Internal/Compiler/THSpec.hs