module Fudget( module Fudget,SP, --XCommand,XEvent, FRequest,FResponse, Message(..),Path(..),Direction) where --import Command(XCommand) --import Event(XEvent) import FRequest(FRequest,FResponse) import Message(Message(..)) import Path(Path(..),Direction) import SP(SP) type TEvent = (Path, FResponse) type TCommand = (Path, FRequest) type Fa a b c d = SP (Message a c) (Message b d) type FEvent a = Message TEvent a type KEvent a = Message FResponse a type FCommand a = Message TCommand a type KCommand a = Message FRequest a type Fudget a b = F a b -- Traditional definitions: --type F a b = Fa TEvent TCommand a b --type K a b = Fa XEvent XCommand a b -- New definitions: type FSP hi ho = SP (FEvent hi) (FCommand ho) -- = old def of F hi ho type KSP hi ho = SP (KEvent hi) (KCommand ho) -- = old def of K hi ho newtype F hi ho = F (FSP hi ho) newtype K hi ho = K (KSP hi ho) --data F hi ho = F (FSP hi ho) --data K hi ho = K (KSP hi ho) kk=K ff=F unK (K sp) = sp unF (F sp) = sp