-- vim: ts=2 sw=2 et : {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, RankNTypes #-} {- | Some minimal bits of E Kmett's parser combinator library, . -} module Parsing ( module Parsing, module Control.Applicative ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad -- | Generic Parsing type-class, based on a class -- from E Kmett's parser combinator -- library, class Alternative m => Parsing m where -- | try something, then backtrack if it doesn't consume anything try :: m a -> m a -- | Give a parser a name. Won't necessarily do anything -- in all implementations. (But works in Parsec.) () :: m a -> String -> m a -- | A version of 'many' that discards its input. skipMany :: m a -> m () skipMany p = () <$ many p -- | @skipSome p@ will apply parser @p@ one or more times, skipping -- its result. (aka skipMany1 in parsec) skipSome :: m a -> m () skipSome p = p *> skipMany p -- | emit an error on an unexpected token unexpected :: String -> m a -- | @notFollowedBy p@: succeeds when parser @p@ fails. Consumes -- no input. notFollowedBy :: (Monad m, Show a) => m a -> m () notFollowedBy p = try ((try p >>= unexpected . show) <|> pure ()) -- | Parse a single character of the input, with UTF-8 decoding satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> m Char -- | parses a character, return it char :: Char -> m Char char c = satisfy (c ==) show [c] -- | succeeds for any character anyChar :: m Char anyChar = satisfy (const True) -- | parse any character other than some character. notChar :: Char -> m Char notChar c = satisfy (c /=) -- | succeeds at end of the input. Defined using 'notFollowedBy'. eof :: Monad m => m () eof = notFollowedBy anyChar "end of input" -- | parse a string string :: String -> m String string s = s <$ try (traverse_ char s) show s where -- traverse something, but ignore the result traverse_ f = foldr ((*>) . f) (pure ()) -- | parse a digit digit :: m Char -- | parse one or more of some other parser many1 :: m a -> m [a] -- | satisfied by any char which is not in the string noneOf :: String -> m Char -- | parses a space character space :: m Char -- | something optional; if it doesn't parse, return the first arg option :: a -> m a -> m a -- | read many of some parser until an end parser is satisfied manyTill:: m a -> m end -> m [a] -- | parse an end-of-line sequence (newline or crlf) endOfLine :: m Char -- | a monadic Parsing computation type Parser a = (forall m . (Monad m, Parsing m, Alternative m) => m a)