-- vim: ts=2 sw=2 et : module GHCi.History.ParseSpec where import Test.Hspec import GHCi.History import GHCi.History.Parse ( parseHistory ) isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool isLeft (Left _) = True isLeft _ = False left :: Either a b -> a left (Left a) = a left _ = error "not a left" -- parseHistory :: String -> Either String [HistoryItem] emptyHistoryStr = "Empty history. yibbideh yibbideh" nonEmptyHistoryStrA = unlines [ "-1 : fib (src/Stuff.hs:52:8-16)" , "" ] nonEmptyHistoryA = [ HistoryItem (-1) "fib" "src/Stuff.hs" (FilePos 52 8) (FilePos 52 16) ] nonEmptyHistoryStrB = unlines [ "-1 : fib (src/Stuff.hs:52:8-16)" , "-2 : fib (src/Stuff.hs:(51,9)-(54,16))" , "-3 : fib (src/Stuff.hs:(46,1)-(54,16))" , "" ] nonEmptyHistoryB = [ HistoryItem (-1) "fib" "src/Stuff.hs" (FilePos 52 8) (FilePos 52 16) ,HistoryItem (-2) "fib" "src/Stuff.hs" (FilePos 51 9) (FilePos 54 16) ,HistoryItem (-3) "fib" "src/Stuff.hs" (FilePos 46 1) (FilePos 54 16) ] nonEmptyHistoryStrC = unlines [ "-1 : fib (src/Stuff.hs:10:13-15)" , "-2 : fib (src/Stuff.hs:(4,1)-(12,16))" , "..." ] nonEmptyHistoryC = [ HistoryItem (-1) "fib" "src/Stuff.hs" (FilePos 10 13) (FilePos 10 15) ,HistoryItem (-2) "fib" "src/Stuff.hs" (FilePos 4 1) (FilePos 12 16) ] main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "parseHistory" $ do it "it parses empty history to an empty list" $ do parseHistory emptyHistoryStr `shouldBe` (Right []) describe "parseHistory" $ do it "it parses non-empty history to an expected list" $ do parseHistory nonEmptyHistoryStrA `shouldBe` (Right nonEmptyHistoryA) describe "parseHistory" $ do it "also more non-empty history to another expected list" $ do parseHistory nonEmptyHistoryStrB `shouldBe` (Right nonEmptyHistoryB) describe "parseHistory" $ do it "also should handle ellipses at end for long histories" $ do parseHistory nonEmptyHistoryStrC `shouldBe` (Right nonEmptyHistoryC) describe "parseHistory" $ do it "should give some sort of error for badly formed things" $ do parseHistory "XXX" `shouldSatisfy` \x -> isLeft x && (length (left x) > 0) describe "parseHistory" $ do it "should successfully parse 'point ranges'" $ do let pointRangeStr = unlines ["-1 : fib (fib.hs:3:10)" ,"-2 : fib:a (fib.hs:6:14-16)" ,""] pointRangeExpected = [ HistoryItem (-1) "fib" "fib.hs" (FilePos 3 10) (FilePos 3 10) ,HistoryItem (-2) "fib:a" "fib.hs" (FilePos 6 14) (FilePos 6 16) ] parseHistory pointRangeStr `shouldBe` (Right pointRangeExpected)