{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI #-} -- For HasCallStack compatibility {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures #-} module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.Coordinates (js_getLatitude, getLatitude, js_getLongitude, getLongitude, js_getAltitude, getAltitude, getAltitudeUnsafe, getAltitudeUnchecked, js_getAccuracy, getAccuracy, js_getAltitudeAccuracy, getAltitudeAccuracy, getAltitudeAccuracyUnsafe, getAltitudeAccuracyUnchecked, js_getHeading, getHeading, getHeadingUnsafe, getHeadingUnchecked, js_getSpeed, getSpeed, getSpeedUnsafe, getSpeedUnchecked, Coordinates(..), gTypeCoordinates) where import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord) import qualified Prelude (error) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHCJS.Types (JSVal(..), JSString) import GHCJS.Foreign (jsNull, jsUndefined) import GHC.JS.Foreign.Callback (syncCallback, asyncCallback, syncCallback1, asyncCallback1, syncCallback2, asyncCallback2, OnBlocked(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSVal(..), FromJSVal(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure (PToJSVal(..), PFromJSVal(..)) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word, Word64) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import GHCJS.DOM.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import GHCJS.DOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName, unsafeEventNameAsync) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.Enums foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"latitude\"]; })" js_getLatitude :: Coordinates -> IO Double -- | getLatitude :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getLatitude self = liftIO (js_getLatitude self) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"longitude\"]; })" js_getLongitude :: Coordinates -> IO Double -- | getLongitude :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getLongitude self = liftIO (js_getLongitude self) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"altitude\"]; })" js_getAltitude :: Coordinates -> IO (Nullable Double) -- | getAltitude :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m (Maybe Double) getAltitude self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAltitude self)) -- | getAltitudeUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Coordinates -> m Double getAltitudeUnsafe self = liftIO ((nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAltitude self)) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getAltitudeUnchecked :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getAltitudeUnchecked self = liftIO (fromJust . nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAltitude self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"accuracy\"]; })" js_getAccuracy :: Coordinates -> IO Double -- | getAccuracy :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getAccuracy self = liftIO (js_getAccuracy self) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"altitudeAccuracy\"]; })" js_getAltitudeAccuracy :: Coordinates -> IO (Nullable Double) -- | getAltitudeAccuracy :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m (Maybe Double) getAltitudeAccuracy self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAltitudeAccuracy self)) -- | getAltitudeAccuracyUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Coordinates -> m Double getAltitudeAccuracyUnsafe self = liftIO ((nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAltitudeAccuracy self)) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getAltitudeAccuracyUnchecked :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getAltitudeAccuracyUnchecked self = liftIO (fromJust . nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAltitudeAccuracy self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"heading\"]; })" js_getHeading :: Coordinates -> IO (Nullable Double) -- | getHeading :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m (Maybe Double) getHeading self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getHeading self)) -- | getHeadingUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Coordinates -> m Double getHeadingUnsafe self = liftIO ((nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getHeading self)) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getHeadingUnchecked :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getHeadingUnchecked self = liftIO (fromJust . nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getHeading self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"speed\"]; })" js_getSpeed :: Coordinates -> IO (Nullable Double) -- | getSpeed :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m (Maybe Double) getSpeed self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getSpeed self)) -- | getSpeedUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Coordinates -> m Double getSpeedUnsafe self = liftIO ((nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getSpeed self)) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getSpeedUnchecked :: (MonadIO m) => Coordinates -> m Double getSpeedUnchecked self = liftIO (fromJust . nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getSpeed self))