{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI #-} -- For HasCallStack compatibility {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures #-} module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.WebGLRenderingContextBase (js_activeTexture, activeTexture, js_attachShader, attachShader, js_bindAttribLocation, bindAttribLocation, js_bindBuffer, bindBuffer, js_bindFramebuffer, bindFramebuffer, js_bindRenderbuffer, bindRenderbuffer, js_bindTexture, bindTexture, js_blendColor, blendColor, js_blendEquation, blendEquation, js_blendEquationSeparate, blendEquationSeparate, js_blendFunc, blendFunc, js_blendFuncSeparate, blendFuncSeparate, js_bufferData, bufferData, js_bufferDataPtr, bufferDataPtr, js_bufferSubData, bufferSubData, js_checkFramebufferStatus, checkFramebufferStatus, checkFramebufferStatus_, js_clear, clear, js_clearColor, clearColor, js_clearDepth, clearDepth, js_clearStencil, clearStencil, js_colorMask, colorMask, js_compileShader, compileShader, js_compressedTexImage2D, compressedTexImage2D, js_compressedTexSubImage2D, compressedTexSubImage2D, js_copyTexImage2D, copyTexImage2D, js_copyTexSubImage2D, copyTexSubImage2D, js_createBuffer, createBuffer, createBuffer_, js_createFramebuffer, createFramebuffer, createFramebuffer_, js_createProgram, createProgram, createProgram_, js_createRenderbuffer, createRenderbuffer, createRenderbuffer_, js_createShader, createShader, createShader_, js_createTexture, createTexture, createTexture_, js_cullFace, cullFace, js_deleteBuffer, deleteBuffer, js_deleteFramebuffer, deleteFramebuffer, js_deleteProgram, deleteProgram, js_deleteRenderbuffer, deleteRenderbuffer, js_deleteShader, deleteShader, js_deleteTexture, deleteTexture, js_depthFunc, depthFunc, js_depthMask, depthMask, js_depthRange, depthRange, js_detachShader, detachShader, js_disable, disable, js_disableVertexAttribArray, disableVertexAttribArray, js_drawArrays, drawArrays, js_drawElements, drawElements, js_enable, enable, js_enableVertexAttribArray, enableVertexAttribArray, js_finish, finish, js_flush, flush, js_framebufferRenderbuffer, framebufferRenderbuffer, js_framebufferTexture2D, framebufferTexture2D, js_frontFace, frontFace, js_generateMipmap, generateMipmap, js_getActiveAttrib, getActiveAttrib, getActiveAttrib_, js_getActiveUniform, getActiveUniform, getActiveUniform_, js_getAttachedShaders, getAttachedShaders, getAttachedShaders_, js_getAttribLocation, getAttribLocation, getAttribLocation_, js_getBufferParameter, getBufferParameter, getBufferParameter_, js_getContextAttributes, getContextAttributes, getContextAttributes_, getContextAttributesUnsafe, getContextAttributesUnchecked, js_getError, getError, getError_, js_getSupportedExtensions, getSupportedExtensions, getSupportedExtensions_, js_getExtension, getExtension, getExtension_, getExtensionUnsafe, getExtensionUnchecked, js_getFramebufferAttachmentParameter, getFramebufferAttachmentParameter, getFramebufferAttachmentParameter_, js_getParameter, getParameter, getParameter_, js_getProgramParameter, getProgramParameter, getProgramParameter_, js_getProgramInfoLog, getProgramInfoLog, getProgramInfoLog_, getProgramInfoLogUnsafe, getProgramInfoLogUnchecked, js_getRenderbufferParameter, getRenderbufferParameter, getRenderbufferParameter_, js_getShaderParameter, getShaderParameter, getShaderParameter_, js_getShaderInfoLog, getShaderInfoLog, getShaderInfoLog_, getShaderInfoLogUnsafe, getShaderInfoLogUnchecked, js_getShaderPrecisionFormat, getShaderPrecisionFormat, getShaderPrecisionFormat_, js_getShaderSource, getShaderSource, getShaderSource_, getShaderSourceUnsafe, getShaderSourceUnchecked, js_getTexParameter, getTexParameter, getTexParameter_, js_getUniform, getUniform, getUniform_, js_getUniformLocation, getUniformLocation, getUniformLocation_, js_getVertexAttrib, getVertexAttrib, getVertexAttrib_, js_getVertexAttribOffset, getVertexAttribOffset, getVertexAttribOffset_, js_hint, hint, js_isBuffer, isBuffer, isBuffer_, js_isContextLost, isContextLost, isContextLost_, js_isEnabled, isEnabled, isEnabled_, js_isFramebuffer, isFramebuffer, isFramebuffer_, js_isProgram, isProgram, isProgram_, js_isRenderbuffer, isRenderbuffer, isRenderbuffer_, js_isShader, isShader, isShader_, js_isTexture, isTexture, isTexture_, js_lineWidth, lineWidth, js_linkProgram, linkProgram, js_pixelStorei, pixelStorei, js_polygonOffset, polygonOffset, js_readPixels, readPixels, js_releaseShaderCompiler, releaseShaderCompiler, js_renderbufferStorage, renderbufferStorage, js_sampleCoverage, sampleCoverage, js_scissor, scissor, js_shaderSource, shaderSource, js_stencilFunc, stencilFunc, js_stencilFuncSeparate, stencilFuncSeparate, js_stencilMask, stencilMask, js_stencilMaskSeparate, stencilMaskSeparate, js_stencilOp, stencilOp, js_stencilOpSeparate, stencilOpSeparate, js_texParameterf, texParameterf, js_texParameteri, texParameteri, js_texImage2DView, texImage2DView, js_texImage2D, texImage2D, js_texSubImage2DView, texSubImage2DView, js_texSubImage2D, texSubImage2D, js_uniform1f, uniform1f, js_uniform2f, uniform2f, js_uniform3f, uniform3f, js_uniform4f, uniform4f, js_uniform1i, uniform1i, js_uniform2i, uniform2i, js_uniform3i, uniform3i, js_uniform4i, uniform4i, js_uniform1fv, uniform1fv, js_uniform2fv, uniform2fv, js_uniform3fv, uniform3fv, js_uniform4fv, uniform4fv, js_uniform1iv, uniform1iv, js_uniform2iv, uniform2iv, js_uniform3iv, uniform3iv, js_uniform4iv, uniform4iv, js_uniformMatrix2fv, uniformMatrix2fv, js_uniformMatrix3fv, uniformMatrix3fv, js_uniformMatrix4fv, uniformMatrix4fv, js_useProgram, useProgram, js_validateProgram, validateProgram, js_vertexAttrib1f, vertexAttrib1f, js_vertexAttrib2f, vertexAttrib2f, js_vertexAttrib3f, vertexAttrib3f, js_vertexAttrib4f, vertexAttrib4f, js_vertexAttrib1fv, vertexAttrib1fv, js_vertexAttrib2fv, vertexAttrib2fv, js_vertexAttrib3fv, vertexAttrib3fv, js_vertexAttrib4fv, vertexAttrib4fv, js_vertexAttribPointer, vertexAttribPointer, js_viewport, viewport, pattern DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, pattern STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, pattern COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, pattern POINTS, pattern LINES, pattern LINE_LOOP, pattern LINE_STRIP, pattern TRIANGLES, pattern TRIANGLE_STRIP, pattern TRIANGLE_FAN, pattern ZERO, pattern ONE, pattern SRC_COLOR, pattern ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, pattern SRC_ALPHA, pattern ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, pattern DST_ALPHA, pattern ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, pattern DST_COLOR, pattern ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, pattern SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, pattern FUNC_ADD, pattern BLEND_EQUATION, pattern BLEND_EQUATION_RGB, pattern BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA, pattern FUNC_SUBTRACT, pattern FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, pattern BLEND_DST_RGB, pattern BLEND_SRC_RGB, pattern BLEND_DST_ALPHA, pattern BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, pattern CONSTANT_COLOR, pattern ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR, pattern CONSTANT_ALPHA, pattern ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA, pattern BLEND_COLOR, pattern ARRAY_BUFFER, pattern ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, pattern ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, pattern ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, pattern STREAM_DRAW, pattern STATIC_DRAW, pattern DYNAMIC_DRAW, pattern BUFFER_SIZE, pattern BUFFER_USAGE, pattern CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB, pattern FRONT, pattern BACK, pattern FRONT_AND_BACK, pattern TEXTURE_2D, pattern CULL_FACE, pattern BLEND, pattern DITHER, pattern STENCIL_TEST, pattern DEPTH_TEST, pattern SCISSOR_TEST, pattern POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL, pattern SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE, pattern SAMPLE_COVERAGE, pattern NO_ERROR, pattern INVALID_ENUM, pattern INVALID_VALUE, pattern INVALID_OPERATION, pattern OUT_OF_MEMORY, pattern CW, pattern CCW, pattern LINE_WIDTH, pattern ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, pattern ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, pattern CULL_FACE_MODE, pattern FRONT_FACE, pattern DEPTH_RANGE, pattern DEPTH_WRITEMASK, pattern DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE, pattern DEPTH_FUNC, pattern STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE, pattern STENCIL_FUNC, pattern STENCIL_FAIL, pattern STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL, pattern STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS, pattern STENCIL_REF, pattern STENCIL_VALUE_MASK, pattern STENCIL_WRITEMASK, pattern STENCIL_BACK_FUNC, pattern STENCIL_BACK_FAIL, pattern STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL, pattern STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS, pattern STENCIL_BACK_REF, pattern STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK, pattern STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK, pattern VIEWPORT, pattern SCISSOR_BOX, pattern COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, pattern COLOR_WRITEMASK, pattern UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, pattern PACK_ALIGNMENT, pattern MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, pattern MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, pattern SUBPIXEL_BITS, pattern RED_BITS, pattern GREEN_BITS, pattern BLUE_BITS, pattern ALPHA_BITS, pattern DEPTH_BITS, pattern STENCIL_BITS, pattern POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS, pattern POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR, pattern TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, pattern SAMPLE_BUFFERS, pattern SAMPLES, pattern SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE, pattern SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT, pattern COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, pattern DONT_CARE, pattern FASTEST, pattern NICEST, pattern GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, pattern BYTE, pattern UNSIGNED_BYTE, pattern SHORT, pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT, pattern INT, pattern UNSIGNED_INT, pattern FLOAT, pattern DEPTH_COMPONENT, pattern ALPHA, pattern RGB, pattern RGBA, pattern LUMINANCE, pattern LUMINANCE_ALPHA, pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, pattern FRAGMENT_SHADER, pattern VERTEX_SHADER, pattern MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, pattern MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS, pattern MAX_VARYING_VECTORS, pattern MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, pattern MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, pattern MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, pattern MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS, pattern SHADER_TYPE, pattern DELETE_STATUS, pattern LINK_STATUS, pattern VALIDATE_STATUS, pattern ATTACHED_SHADERS, pattern ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, pattern ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, pattern SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION, pattern CURRENT_PROGRAM, pattern NEVER, pattern LESS, pattern EQUAL, pattern LEQUAL, pattern GREATER, pattern NOTEQUAL, pattern GEQUAL, pattern ALWAYS, pattern KEEP, pattern REPLACE, pattern INCR, pattern DECR, pattern INVERT, pattern INCR_WRAP, pattern DECR_WRAP, pattern VENDOR, pattern RENDERER, pattern VERSION, pattern NEAREST, pattern LINEAR, pattern NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, pattern LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, pattern NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, pattern LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, pattern TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, pattern TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, pattern TEXTURE_WRAP_S, pattern TEXTURE_WRAP_T, pattern TEXTURE, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, pattern TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, pattern MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE, pattern TEXTURE0, pattern TEXTURE1, pattern TEXTURE2, pattern TEXTURE3, pattern TEXTURE4, pattern TEXTURE5, pattern TEXTURE6, pattern TEXTURE7, pattern TEXTURE8, pattern TEXTURE9, pattern TEXTURE10, pattern TEXTURE11, pattern TEXTURE12, pattern TEXTURE13, pattern TEXTURE14, pattern TEXTURE15, pattern TEXTURE16, pattern TEXTURE17, pattern TEXTURE18, pattern TEXTURE19, pattern TEXTURE20, pattern TEXTURE21, pattern TEXTURE22, pattern TEXTURE23, pattern TEXTURE24, pattern TEXTURE25, pattern TEXTURE26, pattern TEXTURE27, pattern TEXTURE28, pattern TEXTURE29, pattern TEXTURE30, pattern TEXTURE31, pattern ACTIVE_TEXTURE, pattern REPEAT, pattern CLAMP_TO_EDGE, pattern MIRRORED_REPEAT, pattern FLOAT_VEC2, pattern FLOAT_VEC3, pattern FLOAT_VEC4, pattern INT_VEC2, pattern INT_VEC3, pattern INT_VEC4, pattern BOOL, pattern BOOL_VEC2, pattern BOOL_VEC3, pattern BOOL_VEC4, pattern FLOAT_MAT2, pattern FLOAT_MAT3, pattern FLOAT_MAT4, pattern SAMPLER_2D, pattern SAMPLER_CUBE, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER, pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, pattern IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE, pattern IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT, pattern COMPILE_STATUS, pattern LOW_FLOAT, pattern MEDIUM_FLOAT, pattern HIGH_FLOAT, pattern LOW_INT, pattern MEDIUM_INT, pattern HIGH_INT, pattern FRAMEBUFFER, pattern RENDERBUFFER, pattern RGBA4, pattern RGB5_A1, pattern RGB565, pattern DEPTH_COMPONENT16, pattern STENCIL_INDEX, pattern STENCIL_INDEX8, pattern DEPTH_STENCIL, pattern RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH, pattern RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT, pattern RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT, pattern RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE, pattern RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE, pattern RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE, pattern RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE, pattern RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE, pattern RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE, pattern COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, pattern DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, pattern STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, pattern DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, pattern NONE, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED, pattern FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, pattern RENDERBUFFER_BINDING, pattern MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, pattern INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION, pattern UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, pattern UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, pattern CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL, pattern UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL, pattern BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL, js_getCanvas, getCanvas, js_getDrawingBufferWidth, getDrawingBufferWidth, js_getDrawingBufferHeight, getDrawingBufferHeight, WebGLRenderingContextBase(..), gTypeWebGLRenderingContextBase, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase, toWebGLRenderingContextBase) where import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord) import qualified Prelude (error) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHCJS.Types (JSVal(..), JSString) import GHCJS.Foreign (jsNull, jsUndefined) import GHC.JS.Foreign.Callback (syncCallback, asyncCallback, syncCallback1, asyncCallback1, syncCallback2, asyncCallback2, OnBlocked(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSVal(..), FromJSVal(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure (PToJSVal(..), PFromJSVal(..)) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word, Word64) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import GHCJS.DOM.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import GHCJS.DOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName, unsafeEventNameAsync) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.Enums foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"activeTexture\"]($2); })" js_activeTexture :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | activeTexture :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () activeTexture self texture = liftIO (js_activeTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) texture) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"attachShader\"]($2, $3); })" js_attachShader :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO () -- | attachShader :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () attachShader self program shader = liftIO (js_attachShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (maybeToOptional shader)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"bindAttribLocation\"]($2, $3,\n$4); })" js_bindAttribLocation :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> JSString -> IO () -- | bindAttribLocation :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> name -> m () bindAttribLocation self program index name = liftIO (js_bindAttribLocation (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) index (toJSString name)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"bindBuffer\"]($2, $3); })" js_bindBuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Optional WebGLBuffer -> IO () -- | bindBuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLBuffer -> m () bindBuffer self target buffer = liftIO (js_bindBuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (maybeToOptional buffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"bindFramebuffer\"]($2, $3); })" js_bindFramebuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Optional WebGLFramebuffer -> IO () -- | bindFramebuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLFramebuffer -> m () bindFramebuffer self target framebuffer = liftIO (js_bindFramebuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (maybeToOptional framebuffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"bindRenderbuffer\"]($2, $3); })" js_bindRenderbuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Optional WebGLRenderbuffer -> IO () -- | bindRenderbuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLRenderbuffer -> m () bindRenderbuffer self target renderbuffer = liftIO (js_bindRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (maybeToOptional renderbuffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"bindTexture\"]($2, $3); })" js_bindTexture :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Optional WebGLTexture -> IO () -- | bindTexture :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> m () bindTexture self target texture = liftIO (js_bindTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (maybeToOptional texture)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"blendColor\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_blendColor :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> IO () -- | blendColor :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> m () blendColor self red green blue alpha = liftIO (js_blendColor (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) red green blue alpha) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"blendEquation\"]($2); })" js_blendEquation :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | blendEquation :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () blendEquation self mode = liftIO (js_blendEquation (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mode) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"blendEquationSeparate\"]($2,\n$3); })" js_blendEquationSeparate :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO () -- | blendEquationSeparate :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () blendEquationSeparate self modeRGB modeAlpha = liftIO (js_blendEquationSeparate (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) modeRGB modeAlpha) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"blendFunc\"]($2, $3); })" js_blendFunc :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO () -- | blendFunc :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () blendFunc self sfactor dfactor = liftIO (js_blendFunc (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) sfactor dfactor) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"blendFuncSeparate\"]($2, $3,\n$4, $5); })" js_blendFuncSeparate :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO () -- | blendFuncSeparate :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () blendFuncSeparate self srcRGB dstRGB srcAlpha dstAlpha = liftIO (js_blendFuncSeparate (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) srcRGB dstRGB srcAlpha dstAlpha) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"bufferData\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_bufferData :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Optional BufferDataSource -> GLenum -> IO () -- | bufferData :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsBufferDataSource data') => self -> GLenum -> Maybe data' -> GLenum -> m () bufferData self target data' usage = liftIO (js_bufferData (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (maybeToOptional (fmap toBufferDataSource data')) usage) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"bufferData\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_bufferDataPtr :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Double -> GLenum -> IO () -- | bufferDataPtr :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLenum -> m () bufferDataPtr self target size usage = liftIO (js_bufferDataPtr (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (fromIntegral size) usage) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"bufferSubData\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_bufferSubData :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> Double -> Optional BufferDataSource -> IO () -- | bufferSubData :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsBufferDataSource data') => self -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Maybe data' -> m () bufferSubData self target offset data' = liftIO (js_bufferSubData (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target (fromIntegral offset) (maybeToOptional (fmap toBufferDataSource data'))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"checkFramebufferStatus\"]($2); })" js_checkFramebufferStatus :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO GLenum -- | checkFramebufferStatus :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m GLenum checkFramebufferStatus self target = liftIO (js_checkFramebufferStatus (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target) -- | checkFramebufferStatus_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () checkFramebufferStatus_ self target = liftIO (void (js_checkFramebufferStatus (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"clear\"]($2); })" js_clear :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLbitfield -> IO () -- | clear :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLbitfield -> m () clear self mask = liftIO (js_clear (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mask) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"clearColor\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_clearColor :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> IO () -- | clearColor :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> m () clearColor self red green blue alpha = liftIO (js_clearColor (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) red green blue alpha) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"clearDepth\"]($2); })" js_clearDepth :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLclampf -> IO () -- | clearDepth :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLclampf -> m () clearDepth self depth = liftIO (js_clearDepth (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) depth) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"clearStencil\"]($2); })" js_clearStencil :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLint -> IO () -- | clearStencil :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLint -> m () clearStencil self s = liftIO (js_clearStencil (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) s) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"colorMask\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_colorMask :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> IO () -- | colorMask :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> m () colorMask self red green blue alpha = liftIO (js_colorMask (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) red green blue alpha) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"compileShader\"]($2); })" js_compileShader :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO () -- | compileShader :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () compileShader self shader = liftIO (js_compileShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) => { return $1[\"compressedTexImage2D\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); })" js_compressedTexImage2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> ArrayBufferView -> IO () -- | compressedTexImage2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsArrayBufferView data') => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> data' -> m () compressedTexImage2D self target level internalformat width height border data' = liftIO (js_compressedTexImage2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level internalformat width height border (toArrayBufferView data')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) => { return $1[\"compressedTexSubImage2D\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9); })" js_compressedTexSubImage2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> ArrayBufferView -> IO () -- | compressedTexSubImage2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsArrayBufferView data') => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> data' -> m () compressedTexSubImage2D self target level xoffset yoffset width height format data' = liftIO (js_compressedTexSubImage2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level xoffset yoffset width height format (toArrayBufferView data')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) => { return $1[\"copyTexImage2D\"]($2, $3, $4,\n$5, $6, $7, $8, $9); })" js_copyTexImage2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> IO () -- | copyTexImage2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> m () copyTexImage2D self target level internalformat x y width height border = liftIO (js_copyTexImage2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level internalformat x y width height border) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) => { return $1[\"copyTexSubImage2D\"]($2, $3,\n$4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9); })" js_copyTexSubImage2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> IO () -- | copyTexSubImage2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> m () copyTexSubImage2D self target level xoffset yoffset x y width height = liftIO (js_copyTexSubImage2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level xoffset yoffset x y width height) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"createBuffer\"](); })" js_createBuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO WebGLBuffer -- | createBuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m WebGLBuffer createBuffer self = liftIO (js_createBuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | createBuffer_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () createBuffer_ self = liftIO (void (js_createBuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"createFramebuffer\"](); })" js_createFramebuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO WebGLFramebuffer -- | createFramebuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m WebGLFramebuffer createFramebuffer self = liftIO (js_createFramebuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | createFramebuffer_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () createFramebuffer_ self = liftIO (void (js_createFramebuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"createProgram\"](); })" js_createProgram :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO WebGLProgram -- | createProgram :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m WebGLProgram createProgram self = liftIO (js_createProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | createProgram_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () createProgram_ self = liftIO (void (js_createProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"createRenderbuffer\"](); })" js_createRenderbuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO WebGLRenderbuffer -- | createRenderbuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m WebGLRenderbuffer createRenderbuffer self = liftIO (js_createRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | createRenderbuffer_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () createRenderbuffer_ self = liftIO (void (js_createRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"createShader\"]($2); })" js_createShader :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO WebGLShader -- | createShader :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m WebGLShader createShader self type' = liftIO (js_createShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) type') -- | createShader_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () createShader_ self type' = liftIO (void (js_createShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) type')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"createTexture\"](); })" js_createTexture :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO WebGLTexture -- | createTexture :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m WebGLTexture createTexture self = liftIO (js_createTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | createTexture_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () createTexture_ self = liftIO (void (js_createTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"cullFace\"]($2); })" js_cullFace :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | cullFace :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () cullFace self mode = liftIO (js_cullFace (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mode) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"deleteBuffer\"]($2); })" js_deleteBuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLBuffer -> IO () -- | deleteBuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLBuffer -> m () deleteBuffer self buffer = liftIO (js_deleteBuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional buffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"deleteFramebuffer\"]($2); })" js_deleteFramebuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLFramebuffer -> IO () -- | deleteFramebuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLFramebuffer -> m () deleteFramebuffer self framebuffer = liftIO (js_deleteFramebuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional framebuffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"deleteProgram\"]($2); })" js_deleteProgram :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO () -- | deleteProgram :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () deleteProgram self program = liftIO (js_deleteProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"deleteRenderbuffer\"]($2); })" js_deleteRenderbuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLRenderbuffer -> IO () -- | deleteRenderbuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLRenderbuffer -> m () deleteRenderbuffer self renderbuffer = liftIO (js_deleteRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional renderbuffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"deleteShader\"]($2); })" js_deleteShader :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO () -- | deleteShader :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () deleteShader self shader = liftIO (js_deleteShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"deleteTexture\"]($2); })" js_deleteTexture :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLTexture -> IO () -- | deleteTexture :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> m () deleteTexture self texture = liftIO (js_deleteTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional texture)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"depthFunc\"]($2); })" js_depthFunc :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | depthFunc :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () depthFunc self func = liftIO (js_depthFunc (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) func) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"depthMask\"]($2); })" js_depthMask :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLboolean -> IO () -- | depthMask :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLboolean -> m () depthMask self flag = liftIO (js_depthMask (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) flag) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"depthRange\"]($2, $3); })" js_depthRange :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> IO () -- | depthRange :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> m () depthRange self zNear zFar = liftIO (js_depthRange (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) zNear zFar) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"detachShader\"]($2, $3); })" js_detachShader :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO () -- | detachShader :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () detachShader self program shader = liftIO (js_detachShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (maybeToOptional shader)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"disable\"]($2); })" js_disable :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | disable :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () disable self cap = liftIO (js_disable (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) cap) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"disableVertexAttribArray\"]($2); })" js_disableVertexAttribArray :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> IO () -- | disableVertexAttribArray :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> m () disableVertexAttribArray self index = liftIO (js_disableVertexAttribArray (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"drawArrays\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_drawArrays :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLsizei -> IO () -- | drawArrays :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLsizei -> m () drawArrays self mode first count = liftIO (js_drawArrays (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mode first count) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"drawElements\"]($2, $3, $4,\n$5); })" js_drawElements :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> Double -> IO () -- | drawElements :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> m () drawElements self mode count type' offset = liftIO (js_drawElements (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mode count type' (fromIntegral offset)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"enable\"]($2); })" js_enable :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | enable :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () enable self cap = liftIO (js_enable (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) cap) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"enableVertexAttribArray\"]($2); })" js_enableVertexAttribArray :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> IO () -- | enableVertexAttribArray :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> m () enableVertexAttribArray self index = liftIO (js_enableVertexAttribArray (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"finish\"](); })" js_finish :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO () -- | finish :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () finish self = liftIO (js_finish (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"flush\"](); })" js_flush :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO () -- | flush :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () flush self = liftIO (js_flush (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"framebufferRenderbuffer\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5); })" js_framebufferRenderbuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Optional WebGLRenderbuffer -> IO () -- | framebufferRenderbuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLRenderbuffer -> m () framebufferRenderbuffer self target attachment renderbuffertarget renderbuffer = liftIO (js_framebufferRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target attachment renderbuffertarget (maybeToOptional renderbuffer)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) => { return $1[\"framebufferTexture2D\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5, $6); })" js_framebufferTexture2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Optional WebGLTexture -> GLint -> IO () -- | framebufferTexture2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> GLint -> m () framebufferTexture2D self target attachment textarget texture level = liftIO (js_framebufferTexture2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target attachment textarget (maybeToOptional texture) level) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"frontFace\"]($2); })" js_frontFace :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | frontFace :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () frontFace self mode = liftIO (js_frontFace (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mode) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"generateMipmap\"]($2); })" js_generateMipmap :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO () -- | generateMipmap :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () generateMipmap self target = liftIO (js_generateMipmap (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getActiveAttrib\"]($2, $3); })" js_getActiveAttrib :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> IO WebGLActiveInfo -- | getActiveAttrib :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> m WebGLActiveInfo getActiveAttrib self program index = liftIO (js_getActiveAttrib (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) index) -- | getActiveAttrib_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> m () getActiveAttrib_ self program index = liftIO (void (js_getActiveAttrib (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) index)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getActiveUniform\"]($2, $3); })" js_getActiveUniform :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> IO WebGLActiveInfo -- | getActiveUniform :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> m WebGLActiveInfo getActiveUniform self program index = liftIO (js_getActiveUniform (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) index) -- | getActiveUniform_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLuint -> m () getActiveUniform_ self program index = liftIO (void (js_getActiveUniform (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) index)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"getAttachedShaders\"]($2); })" js_getAttachedShaders :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO JSVal -- | getAttachedShaders :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m (Maybe [WebGLShader]) getAttachedShaders self program = liftIO ((js_getAttachedShaders (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program)) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) -- | getAttachedShaders_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () getAttachedShaders_ self program = liftIO (void (js_getAttachedShaders (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getAttribLocation\"]($2, $3); })" js_getAttribLocation :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> JSString -> IO GLint -- | getAttribLocation :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> name -> m GLint getAttribLocation self program name = liftIO (js_getAttribLocation (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (toJSString name)) -- | getAttribLocation_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> name -> m () getAttribLocation_ self program name = liftIO (void (js_getAttribLocation (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (toJSString name))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getBufferParameter\"]($2, $3); })" js_getBufferParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getBufferParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m JSVal getBufferParameter self target pname = liftIO (js_getBufferParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname) -- | getBufferParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () getBufferParameter_ self target pname = liftIO (void (js_getBufferParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"getContextAttributes\"](); })" js_getContextAttributes :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO (Nullable WebGLContextAttributes) -- | getContextAttributes :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m (Maybe WebGLContextAttributes) getContextAttributes self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getContextAttributes (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) -- | getContextAttributes_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () getContextAttributes_ self = liftIO (void (js_getContextAttributes (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) -- | getContextAttributesUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, HasCallStack) => self -> m WebGLContextAttributes getContextAttributesUnsafe self = liftIO ((nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getContextAttributes (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getContextAttributesUnchecked :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m WebGLContextAttributes getContextAttributesUnchecked self = liftIO (fromJust . nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getContextAttributes (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"getError\"](); })" js_getError :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO GLenum -- | getError :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m GLenum getError self = liftIO (js_getError (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | getError_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () getError_ self = liftIO (void (js_getError (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"getSupportedExtensions\"](); })" js_getSupportedExtensions :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO JSVal -- | getSupportedExtensions :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> m (Maybe [result]) getSupportedExtensions self = liftIO ((js_getSupportedExtensions (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) -- | getSupportedExtensions_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () getSupportedExtensions_ self = liftIO (void (js_getSupportedExtensions (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"getExtension\"]($2); })" js_getExtension :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> JSString -> IO (Nullable GObject) -- | getExtension :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> name -> m (Maybe GObject) getExtension self name = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getExtension (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (toJSString name))) -- | getExtension_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> name -> m () getExtension_ self name = liftIO (void (js_getExtension (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (toJSString name))) -- | getExtensionUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name, HasCallStack) => self -> name -> m GObject getExtensionUnsafe self name = liftIO ((nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getExtension (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (toJSString name))) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getExtensionUnchecked :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> name -> m GObject getExtensionUnchecked self name = liftIO (fromJust . nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getExtension (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (toJSString name))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"getFramebufferAttachmentParameter\"]($2,\n$3, $4); })" js_getFramebufferAttachmentParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getFramebufferAttachmentParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m JSVal getFramebufferAttachmentParameter self target attachment pname = liftIO (js_getFramebufferAttachmentParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target attachment pname) -- | getFramebufferAttachmentParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () getFramebufferAttachmentParameter_ self target attachment pname = liftIO (void (js_getFramebufferAttachmentParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target attachment pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"getParameter\"]($2); })" js_getParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m JSVal getParameter self pname = liftIO (js_getParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) pname) -- | getParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () getParameter_ self pname = liftIO (void (js_getParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getProgramParameter\"]($2,\n$3); })" js_getProgramParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getProgramParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLenum -> m JSVal getProgramParameter self program pname = liftIO (js_getProgramParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) pname) -- | getProgramParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> GLenum -> m () getProgramParameter_ self program pname = liftIO (void (js_getProgramParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"getProgramInfoLog\"]($2); })" js_getProgramInfoLog :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO (Nullable JSString) -- | getProgramInfoLog :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m (Maybe result) getProgramInfoLog self program = liftIO (fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getProgramInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program))) -- | getProgramInfoLog_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () getProgramInfoLog_ self program = liftIO (void (js_getProgramInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program))) -- | getProgramInfoLogUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, HasCallStack, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m result getProgramInfoLogUnsafe self program = liftIO ((fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getProgramInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program))) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getProgramInfoLogUnchecked :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m result getProgramInfoLogUnchecked self program = liftIO (fromJust . fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getProgramInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getRenderbufferParameter\"]($2,\n$3); })" js_getRenderbufferParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getRenderbufferParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m JSVal getRenderbufferParameter self target pname = liftIO (js_getRenderbufferParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname) -- | getRenderbufferParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () getRenderbufferParameter_ self target pname = liftIO (void (js_getRenderbufferParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getShaderParameter\"]($2, $3); })" js_getShaderParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getShaderParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> GLenum -> m JSVal getShaderParameter self shader pname = liftIO (js_getShaderParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader) pname) -- | getShaderParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> GLenum -> m () getShaderParameter_ self shader pname = liftIO (void (js_getShaderParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader) pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"getShaderInfoLog\"]($2); })" js_getShaderInfoLog :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO (Nullable JSString) -- | getShaderInfoLog :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m (Maybe result) getShaderInfoLog self shader = liftIO (fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getShaderInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) -- | getShaderInfoLog_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () getShaderInfoLog_ self shader = liftIO (void (js_getShaderInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) -- | getShaderInfoLogUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, HasCallStack, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m result getShaderInfoLogUnsafe self shader = liftIO ((fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getShaderInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getShaderInfoLogUnchecked :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m result getShaderInfoLogUnchecked self shader = liftIO (fromJust . fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getShaderInfoLog (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getShaderPrecisionFormat\"]($2,\n$3); })" js_getShaderPrecisionFormat :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat -- | getShaderPrecisionFormat :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat getShaderPrecisionFormat self shadertype precisiontype = liftIO (js_getShaderPrecisionFormat (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) shadertype precisiontype) -- | getShaderPrecisionFormat_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () getShaderPrecisionFormat_ self shadertype precisiontype = liftIO (void (js_getShaderPrecisionFormat (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) shadertype precisiontype)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"getShaderSource\"]($2); })" js_getShaderSource :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO (Nullable JSString) -- | getShaderSource :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m (Maybe result) getShaderSource self shader = liftIO (fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getShaderSource (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) -- | getShaderSource_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () getShaderSource_ self shader = liftIO (void (js_getShaderSource (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) -- | getShaderSourceUnsafe :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, HasCallStack, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m result getShaderSourceUnsafe self shader = liftIO ((fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getShaderSource (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) >>= maybe (Prelude.error "Nothing to return") return) -- | getShaderSourceUnchecked :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, FromJSString result) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m result getShaderSourceUnchecked self shader = liftIO (fromJust . fromMaybeJSString <$> (js_getShaderSource (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getTexParameter\"]($2, $3); })" js_getTexParameter :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getTexParameter :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m JSVal getTexParameter self target pname = liftIO (js_getTexParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname) -- | getTexParameter_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () getTexParameter_ self target pname = liftIO (void (js_getTexParameter (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getUniform\"]($2, $3); })" js_getUniform :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> IO JSVal -- | getUniform :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> m JSVal getUniform self program location = liftIO (js_getUniform (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (maybeToOptional location)) -- | getUniform_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> m () getUniform_ self program location = liftIO (void (js_getUniform (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (maybeToOptional location))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getUniformLocation\"]($2, $3); })" js_getUniformLocation :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> JSString -> IO WebGLUniformLocation -- | getUniformLocation :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> name -> m WebGLUniformLocation getUniformLocation self program name = liftIO (js_getUniformLocation (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (toJSString name)) -- | getUniformLocation_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString name) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> name -> m () getUniformLocation_ self program name = liftIO (void (js_getUniformLocation (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program) (toJSString name))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getVertexAttrib\"]($2, $3); })" js_getVertexAttrib :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLenum -> IO JSVal -- | getVertexAttrib :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLenum -> m JSVal getVertexAttrib self index pname = liftIO (js_getVertexAttrib (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index pname) -- | getVertexAttrib_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLenum -> m () getVertexAttrib_ self index pname = liftIO (void (js_getVertexAttrib (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"getVertexAttribOffset\"]($2,\n$3); })" js_getVertexAttribOffset :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLenum -> IO Double -- | getVertexAttribOffset :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLenum -> m GLsizeiptr getVertexAttribOffset self index pname = liftIO (round <$> (js_getVertexAttribOffset (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index pname)) -- | getVertexAttribOffset_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLenum -> m () getVertexAttribOffset_ self index pname = liftIO (void (js_getVertexAttribOffset (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index pname)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"hint\"]($2, $3); })" js_hint :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO () -- | hint :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () hint self target mode = liftIO (js_hint (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target mode) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isBuffer\"]($2); })" js_isBuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLBuffer -> IO GLboolean -- | isBuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLBuffer -> m GLboolean isBuffer self buffer = liftIO (js_isBuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional buffer)) -- | isBuffer_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLBuffer -> m () isBuffer_ self buffer = liftIO (void (js_isBuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional buffer))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"isContextLost\"](); })" js_isContextLost :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO GLboolean -- | isContextLost :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m GLboolean isContextLost self = liftIO (js_isContextLost (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) -- | isContextLost_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () isContextLost_ self = liftIO (void (js_isContextLost (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isEnabled\"]($2); })" js_isEnabled :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> IO GLboolean -- | isEnabled :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m GLboolean isEnabled self cap = liftIO (js_isEnabled (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) cap) -- | isEnabled_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> m () isEnabled_ self cap = liftIO (void (js_isEnabled (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) cap)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isFramebuffer\"]($2); })" js_isFramebuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLFramebuffer -> IO GLboolean -- | isFramebuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLFramebuffer -> m GLboolean isFramebuffer self framebuffer = liftIO (js_isFramebuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional framebuffer)) -- | isFramebuffer_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLFramebuffer -> m () isFramebuffer_ self framebuffer = liftIO (void (js_isFramebuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional framebuffer))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isProgram\"]($2); })" js_isProgram :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO GLboolean -- | isProgram :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m GLboolean isProgram self program = liftIO (js_isProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program)) -- | isProgram_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () isProgram_ self program = liftIO (void (js_isProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isRenderbuffer\"]($2); })" js_isRenderbuffer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLRenderbuffer -> IO GLboolean -- | isRenderbuffer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLRenderbuffer -> m GLboolean isRenderbuffer self renderbuffer = liftIO (js_isRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional renderbuffer)) -- | isRenderbuffer_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLRenderbuffer -> m () isRenderbuffer_ self renderbuffer = liftIO (void (js_isRenderbuffer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional renderbuffer))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isShader\"]($2); })" js_isShader :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> IO GLboolean -- | isShader :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m GLboolean isShader self shader = liftIO (js_isShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader)) -- | isShader_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> m () isShader_ self shader = liftIO (void (js_isShader (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"isTexture\"]($2); })" js_isTexture :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLTexture -> IO GLboolean -- | isTexture :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> m GLboolean isTexture self texture = liftIO (js_isTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional texture)) -- | isTexture_ :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> m () isTexture_ self texture = liftIO (void (js_isTexture (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional texture))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"lineWidth\"]($2); })" js_lineWidth :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | lineWidth :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLfloat -> m () lineWidth self width = liftIO (js_lineWidth (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) width) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"linkProgram\"]($2); })" js_linkProgram :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO () -- | linkProgram :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () linkProgram self program = liftIO (js_linkProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"pixelStorei\"]($2, $3); })" js_pixelStorei :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> IO () -- | pixelStorei :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> m () pixelStorei self pname param = liftIO (js_pixelStorei (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) pname param) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"polygonOffset\"]($2, $3); })" js_polygonOffset :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | polygonOffset :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () polygonOffset self factor units = liftIO (js_polygonOffset (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) factor units) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) => { return $1[\"readPixels\"]($2, $3, $4, $5,\n$6, $7, $8); })" js_readPixels :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> ArrayBufferView -> IO () -- | readPixels :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsArrayBufferView pixels) => self -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> pixels -> m () readPixels self x y width height format type' pixels = liftIO (js_readPixels (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) x y width height format type' (toArrayBufferView pixels)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"releaseShaderCompiler\"](); })" js_releaseShaderCompiler :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO () -- | releaseShaderCompiler :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m () releaseShaderCompiler self = liftIO (js_releaseShaderCompiler (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"renderbufferStorage\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5); })" js_renderbufferStorage :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> IO () -- | renderbufferStorage :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> m () renderbufferStorage self target internalformat width height = liftIO (js_renderbufferStorage (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target internalformat width height) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"sampleCoverage\"]($2, $3); })" js_sampleCoverage :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLclampf -> GLboolean -> IO () -- | sampleCoverage :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLclampf -> GLboolean -> m () sampleCoverage self value invert = liftIO (js_sampleCoverage (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) value invert) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"scissor\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_scissor :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> IO () -- | scissor :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> m () scissor self x y width height = liftIO (js_scissor (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) x y width height) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"shaderSource\"]($2, $3); })" js_shaderSource :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLShader -> JSString -> IO () -- | shaderSource :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, ToJSString string) => self -> Maybe WebGLShader -> string -> m () shaderSource self shader string = liftIO (js_shaderSource (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional shader) (toJSString string)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"stencilFunc\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_stencilFunc :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> IO () -- | stencilFunc :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> m () stencilFunc self func ref mask = liftIO (js_stencilFunc (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) func ref mask) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"stencilFuncSeparate\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5); })" js_stencilFuncSeparate :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> IO () -- | stencilFuncSeparate :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> m () stencilFuncSeparate self face func ref mask = liftIO (js_stencilFuncSeparate (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) face func ref mask) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"stencilMask\"]($2); })" js_stencilMask :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> IO () -- | stencilMask :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> m () stencilMask self mask = liftIO (js_stencilMask (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) mask) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"stencilMaskSeparate\"]($2,\n$3); })" js_stencilMaskSeparate :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLuint -> IO () -- | stencilMaskSeparate :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLuint -> m () stencilMaskSeparate self face mask = liftIO (js_stencilMaskSeparate (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) face mask) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"stencilOp\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_stencilOp :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO () -- | stencilOp :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () stencilOp self fail zfail zpass = liftIO (js_stencilOp (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) fail zfail zpass) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"stencilOpSeparate\"]($2, $3,\n$4, $5); })" js_stencilOpSeparate :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO () -- | stencilOpSeparate :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> m () stencilOpSeparate self face fail zfail zpass = liftIO (js_stencilOpSeparate (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) face fail zfail zpass) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"texParameterf\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_texParameterf :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | texParameterf :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLfloat -> m () texParameterf self target pname param = liftIO (js_texParameterf (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname param) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"texParameteri\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_texParameteri :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> IO () -- | texParameteri :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> m () texParameteri self target pname param = liftIO (js_texParameteri (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target pname param) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) => { return $1[\"texImage2D\"]($2, $3, $4, $5,\n$6, $7, $8, $9, $10); })" js_texImage2DView :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Optional ArrayBufferView -> IO () -- | texImage2DView :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsArrayBufferView pixels) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe pixels -> m () texImage2DView self target level internalformat width height border format type' pixels = liftIO (js_texImage2DView (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level internalformat width height border format type' (maybeToOptional (fmap toArrayBufferView pixels))) foreign import javascript safe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) => { return $1[\"texImage2D\"]($2, $3, $4, $5,\n$6, $7); })" js_texImage2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Optional TexImageSource -> IO () -- | texImage2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsTexImageSource source) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe source -> m () texImage2D self target level internalformat format type' source = liftIO (js_texImage2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level internalformat format type' (maybeToOptional (fmap toTexImageSource source))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) => { return $1[\"texSubImage2D\"]($2, $3, $4,\n$5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10); })" js_texSubImage2DView :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Optional ArrayBufferView -> IO () -- | texSubImage2DView :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsArrayBufferView pixels) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe pixels -> m () texSubImage2DView self target level xoffset yoffset width height format type' pixels = liftIO (js_texSubImage2DView (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level xoffset yoffset width height format type' (maybeToOptional (fmap toArrayBufferView pixels))) foreign import javascript safe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) => { return $1[\"texSubImage2D\"]($2, $3, $4,\n$5, $6, $7, $8); })" js_texSubImage2D :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Optional TexImageSource -> IO () -- | texSubImage2D :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsTexImageSource source) => self -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe source -> m () texSubImage2D self target level xoffset yoffset format type' source = liftIO (js_texSubImage2D (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) target level xoffset yoffset format type' (maybeToOptional (fmap toTexImageSource source))) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform1f\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform1f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | uniform1f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> m () uniform1f self location x = liftIO (js_uniform1f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"uniform2f\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_uniform2f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | uniform2f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () uniform2f self location x y = liftIO (js_uniform2f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x y) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"uniform3f\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_uniform3f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | uniform3f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () uniform3f self location x y z = liftIO (js_uniform3f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x y z) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) => { return $1[\"uniform4f\"]($2, $3, $4, $5,\n$6); })" js_uniform4f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | uniform4f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () uniform4f self location x y z w = liftIO (js_uniform4f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x y z w) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform1i\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform1i :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> IO () -- | uniform1i :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> m () uniform1i self location x = liftIO (js_uniform1i (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"uniform2i\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_uniform2i :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> GLint -> IO () -- | uniform2i :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> GLint -> m () uniform2i self location x y = liftIO (js_uniform2i (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x y) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"uniform3i\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_uniform3i :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> IO () -- | uniform3i :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> m () uniform3i self location x y z = liftIO (js_uniform3i (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x y z) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) => { return $1[\"uniform4i\"]($2, $3, $4, $5,\n$6); })" js_uniform4i :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> IO () -- | uniform4i :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> m () uniform4i self location x y z w = liftIO (js_uniform4i (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) x y z w) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform1fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform1fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniform1fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform1fv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform1fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Float32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform2fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform2fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniform2fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform2fv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform2fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Float32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform3fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform3fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniform3fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform3fv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform3fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Float32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform4fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform4fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniform4fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform4fv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform4fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Float32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform1iv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform1iv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Int32List -> IO () -- | uniform1iv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsInt32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform1iv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform1iv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Int32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform2iv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform2iv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Int32List -> IO () -- | uniform2iv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsInt32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform2iv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform2iv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Int32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform3iv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform3iv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Int32List -> IO () -- | uniform3iv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsInt32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform3iv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform3iv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Int32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"uniform4iv\"]($2, $3); })" js_uniform4iv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> Int32List -> IO () -- | uniform4iv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsInt32List v) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> v -> m () uniform4iv self location v = liftIO (toJSVal v >>= \ v' -> js_uniform4iv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) (Int32List v')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"uniformMatrix2fv\"]($2, $3,\n$4); })" js_uniformMatrix2fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLboolean -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniformMatrix2fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List array) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLboolean -> array -> m () uniformMatrix2fv self location transpose array = liftIO (toJSVal array >>= \ array' -> js_uniformMatrix2fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) transpose (Float32List array')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"uniformMatrix3fv\"]($2, $3,\n$4); })" js_uniformMatrix3fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLboolean -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniformMatrix3fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List array) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLboolean -> array -> m () uniformMatrix3fv self location transpose array = liftIO (toJSVal array >>= \ array' -> js_uniformMatrix3fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) transpose (Float32List array')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"uniformMatrix4fv\"]($2, $3,\n$4); })" js_uniformMatrix4fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLUniformLocation -> GLboolean -> Float32List -> IO () -- | uniformMatrix4fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List array) => self -> Maybe WebGLUniformLocation -> GLboolean -> array -> m () uniformMatrix4fv self location transpose array = liftIO (toJSVal array >>= \ array' -> js_uniformMatrix4fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional location) transpose (Float32List array')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"useProgram\"]($2); })" js_useProgram :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO () -- | useProgram :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () useProgram self program = liftIO (js_useProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2) => { return $1[\"validateProgram\"]($2); })" js_validateProgram :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> Optional WebGLProgram -> IO () -- | validateProgram :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> Maybe WebGLProgram -> m () validateProgram self program = liftIO (js_validateProgram (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) (maybeToOptional program)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib1f\"]($2, $3); })" js_vertexAttrib1f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib1f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> m () vertexAttrib1f self index x = liftIO (js_vertexAttrib1f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index x) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib2f\"]($2, $3, $4); })" js_vertexAttrib2f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib2f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () vertexAttrib2f self index x y = liftIO (js_vertexAttrib2f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index x y) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib3f\"]($2, $3, $4,\n$5); })" js_vertexAttrib3f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib3f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () vertexAttrib3f self index x y z = liftIO (js_vertexAttrib3f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index x y z) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib4f\"]($2, $3, $4,\n$5, $6); })" js_vertexAttrib4f :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib4f :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () vertexAttrib4f self index x y z w = liftIO (js_vertexAttrib4f (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index x y z w) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib1fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_vertexAttrib1fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> Float32List -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib1fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List values) => self -> GLuint -> values -> m () vertexAttrib1fv self index values = liftIO (toJSVal values >>= \ values' -> js_vertexAttrib1fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index (Float32List values')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib2fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_vertexAttrib2fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> Float32List -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib2fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List values) => self -> GLuint -> values -> m () vertexAttrib2fv self index values = liftIO (toJSVal values >>= \ values' -> js_vertexAttrib2fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index (Float32List values')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib3fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_vertexAttrib3fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> Float32List -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib3fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List values) => self -> GLuint -> values -> m () vertexAttrib3fv self index values = liftIO (toJSVal values >>= \ values' -> js_vertexAttrib3fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index (Float32List values')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3) => { return $1[\"vertexAttrib4fv\"]($2, $3); })" js_vertexAttrib4fv :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> Float32List -> IO () -- | vertexAttrib4fv :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self, IsFloat32List values) => self -> GLuint -> values -> m () vertexAttrib4fv self index values = liftIO (toJSVal values >>= \ values' -> js_vertexAttrib4fv (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) index (Float32List values')) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) => { return $1[\"vertexAttribPointer\"]($2,\n$3, $4, $5, $6, $7); })" js_vertexAttribPointer :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLuint -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLboolean -> GLsizei -> Double -> IO () -- | vertexAttribPointer :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLuint -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLboolean -> GLsizei -> GLintptr -> m () vertexAttribPointer self indx size type' normalized stride offset = liftIO (js_vertexAttribPointer (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) indx size type' normalized stride (fromIntegral offset)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) => { return $1[\"viewport\"]($2, $3, $4, $5); })" js_viewport :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> IO () -- | viewport :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> m () viewport self x y width height = liftIO (js_viewport (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self) x y width height) pattern DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 256 pattern STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT = 1024 pattern COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 16384 pattern POINTS = 0 pattern LINES = 1 pattern LINE_LOOP = 2 pattern LINE_STRIP = 3 pattern TRIANGLES = 4 pattern TRIANGLE_STRIP = 5 pattern TRIANGLE_FAN = 6 pattern ZERO = 0 pattern ONE = 1 pattern SRC_COLOR = 768 pattern ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 769 pattern SRC_ALPHA = 770 pattern ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 771 pattern DST_ALPHA = 772 pattern ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 773 pattern DST_COLOR = 774 pattern ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 775 pattern SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = 776 pattern FUNC_ADD = 32774 pattern BLEND_EQUATION = 32777 pattern BLEND_EQUATION_RGB = 32777 pattern BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA = 34877 pattern FUNC_SUBTRACT = 32778 pattern FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT = 32779 pattern BLEND_DST_RGB = 32968 pattern BLEND_SRC_RGB = 32969 pattern BLEND_DST_ALPHA = 32970 pattern BLEND_SRC_ALPHA = 32971 pattern CONSTANT_COLOR = 32769 pattern ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR = 32770 pattern CONSTANT_ALPHA = 32771 pattern ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA = 32772 pattern BLEND_COLOR = 32773 pattern ARRAY_BUFFER = 34962 pattern ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 34963 pattern ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 34964 pattern ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 34965 pattern STREAM_DRAW = 35040 pattern STATIC_DRAW = 35044 pattern DYNAMIC_DRAW = 35048 pattern BUFFER_SIZE = 34660 pattern BUFFER_USAGE = 34661 pattern CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB = 34342 pattern FRONT = 1028 pattern BACK = 1029 pattern FRONT_AND_BACK = 1032 pattern TEXTURE_2D = 3553 pattern CULL_FACE = 2884 pattern BLEND = 3042 pattern DITHER = 3024 pattern STENCIL_TEST = 2960 pattern DEPTH_TEST = 2929 pattern SCISSOR_TEST = 3089 pattern POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL = 32823 pattern SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE = 32926 pattern SAMPLE_COVERAGE = 32928 pattern NO_ERROR = 0 pattern INVALID_ENUM = 1280 pattern INVALID_VALUE = 1281 pattern INVALID_OPERATION = 1282 pattern OUT_OF_MEMORY = 1285 pattern CW = 2304 pattern CCW = 2305 pattern LINE_WIDTH = 2849 pattern ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = 33901 pattern ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = 33902 pattern CULL_FACE_MODE = 2885 pattern FRONT_FACE = 2886 pattern DEPTH_RANGE = 2928 pattern DEPTH_WRITEMASK = 2930 pattern DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE = 2931 pattern DEPTH_FUNC = 2932 pattern STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE = 2961 pattern STENCIL_FUNC = 2962 pattern STENCIL_FAIL = 2964 pattern STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL = 2965 pattern STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS = 2966 pattern STENCIL_REF = 2967 pattern STENCIL_VALUE_MASK = 2963 pattern STENCIL_WRITEMASK = 2968 pattern STENCIL_BACK_FUNC = 34816 pattern STENCIL_BACK_FAIL = 34817 pattern STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL = 34818 pattern STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS = 34819 pattern STENCIL_BACK_REF = 36003 pattern STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK = 36004 pattern STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK = 36005 pattern VIEWPORT = 2978 pattern SCISSOR_BOX = 3088 pattern COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE = 3106 pattern COLOR_WRITEMASK = 3107 pattern UNPACK_ALIGNMENT = 3317 pattern PACK_ALIGNMENT = 3333 pattern MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 3379 pattern MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 3386 pattern SUBPIXEL_BITS = 3408 pattern RED_BITS = 3410 pattern GREEN_BITS = 3411 pattern BLUE_BITS = 3412 pattern ALPHA_BITS = 3413 pattern DEPTH_BITS = 3414 pattern STENCIL_BITS = 3415 pattern POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS = 10752 pattern POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR = 32824 pattern TEXTURE_BINDING_2D = 32873 pattern SAMPLE_BUFFERS = 32936 pattern SAMPLES = 32937 pattern SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE = 32938 pattern SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT = 32939 pattern COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS = 34467 pattern DONT_CARE = 4352 pattern FASTEST = 4353 pattern NICEST = 4354 pattern GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT = 33170 pattern BYTE = 5120 pattern UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121 pattern SHORT = 5122 pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123 pattern INT = 5124 pattern UNSIGNED_INT = 5125 pattern FLOAT = 5126 pattern DEPTH_COMPONENT = 6402 pattern ALPHA = 6406 pattern RGB = 6407 pattern RGBA = 6408 pattern LUMINANCE = 6409 pattern LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 6410 pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = 32819 pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 = 32820 pattern UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 = 33635 pattern FRAGMENT_SHADER = 35632 pattern VERTEX_SHADER = 35633 pattern MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 34921 pattern MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 36347 pattern MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 36348 pattern MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 35661 pattern MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 35660 pattern MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 34930 pattern MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 36349 pattern SHADER_TYPE = 35663 pattern DELETE_STATUS = 35712 pattern LINK_STATUS = 35714 pattern VALIDATE_STATUS = 35715 pattern ATTACHED_SHADERS = 35717 pattern ACTIVE_UNIFORMS = 35718 pattern ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES = 35721 pattern SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 35724 pattern CURRENT_PROGRAM = 35725 pattern NEVER = 512 pattern LESS = 513 pattern EQUAL = 514 pattern LEQUAL = 515 pattern GREATER = 516 pattern NOTEQUAL = 517 pattern GEQUAL = 518 pattern ALWAYS = 519 pattern KEEP = 7680 pattern REPLACE = 7681 pattern INCR = 7682 pattern DECR = 7683 pattern INVERT = 5386 pattern INCR_WRAP = 34055 pattern DECR_WRAP = 34056 pattern VENDOR = 7936 pattern RENDERER = 7937 pattern VERSION = 7938 pattern NEAREST = 9728 pattern LINEAR = 9729 pattern NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 9984 pattern LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 9985 pattern NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 9986 pattern LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 9987 pattern TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER = 10240 pattern TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = 10241 pattern TEXTURE_WRAP_S = 10242 pattern TEXTURE_WRAP_T = 10243 pattern TEXTURE = 5890 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP = 34067 pattern TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP = 34068 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X = 34069 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X = 34070 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y = 34071 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y = 34072 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z = 34073 pattern TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z = 34074 pattern MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE = 34076 pattern TEXTURE0 = 33984 pattern TEXTURE1 = 33985 pattern TEXTURE2 = 33986 pattern TEXTURE3 = 33987 pattern TEXTURE4 = 33988 pattern TEXTURE5 = 33989 pattern TEXTURE6 = 33990 pattern TEXTURE7 = 33991 pattern TEXTURE8 = 33992 pattern TEXTURE9 = 33993 pattern TEXTURE10 = 33994 pattern TEXTURE11 = 33995 pattern TEXTURE12 = 33996 pattern TEXTURE13 = 33997 pattern TEXTURE14 = 33998 pattern TEXTURE15 = 33999 pattern TEXTURE16 = 34000 pattern TEXTURE17 = 34001 pattern TEXTURE18 = 34002 pattern TEXTURE19 = 34003 pattern TEXTURE20 = 34004 pattern TEXTURE21 = 34005 pattern TEXTURE22 = 34006 pattern TEXTURE23 = 34007 pattern TEXTURE24 = 34008 pattern TEXTURE25 = 34009 pattern TEXTURE26 = 34010 pattern TEXTURE27 = 34011 pattern TEXTURE28 = 34012 pattern TEXTURE29 = 34013 pattern TEXTURE30 = 34014 pattern TEXTURE31 = 34015 pattern ACTIVE_TEXTURE = 34016 pattern REPEAT = 10497 pattern CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071 pattern MIRRORED_REPEAT = 33648 pattern FLOAT_VEC2 = 35664 pattern FLOAT_VEC3 = 35665 pattern FLOAT_VEC4 = 35666 pattern INT_VEC2 = 35667 pattern INT_VEC3 = 35668 pattern INT_VEC4 = 35669 pattern BOOL = 35670 pattern BOOL_VEC2 = 35671 pattern BOOL_VEC3 = 35672 pattern BOOL_VEC4 = 35673 pattern FLOAT_MAT2 = 35674 pattern FLOAT_MAT3 = 35675 pattern FLOAT_MAT4 = 35676 pattern SAMPLER_2D = 35678 pattern SAMPLER_CUBE = 35680 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED = 34338 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE = 34339 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE = 34340 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE = 34341 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED = 34922 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER = 34373 pattern VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 34975 pattern IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE = 35738 pattern IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT = 35739 pattern COMPILE_STATUS = 35713 pattern LOW_FLOAT = 36336 pattern MEDIUM_FLOAT = 36337 pattern HIGH_FLOAT = 36338 pattern LOW_INT = 36339 pattern MEDIUM_INT = 36340 pattern HIGH_INT = 36341 pattern FRAMEBUFFER = 36160 pattern RENDERBUFFER = 36161 pattern RGBA4 = 32854 pattern RGB5_A1 = 32855 pattern RGB565 = 36194 pattern DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 33189 pattern STENCIL_INDEX = 6401 pattern STENCIL_INDEX8 = 36168 pattern DEPTH_STENCIL = 34041 pattern RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH = 36162 pattern RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT = 36163 pattern RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT = 36164 pattern RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE = 36176 pattern RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE = 36177 pattern RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE = 36178 pattern RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE = 36179 pattern RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE = 36180 pattern RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE = 36181 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE = 36048 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME = 36049 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL = 36050 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE = 36051 pattern COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 = 36064 pattern DEPTH_ATTACHMENT = 36096 pattern STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 36128 pattern DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 33306 pattern NONE = 0 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE = 36053 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT = 36054 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT = 36055 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS = 36057 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED = 36061 pattern FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING = 36006 pattern RENDERBUFFER_BINDING = 36007 pattern MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 34024 pattern INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION = 1286 pattern UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL = 37440 pattern UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL = 37441 pattern CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL = 37442 pattern UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL = 37443 pattern BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL = 37444 foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"canvas\"]; })" js_getCanvas :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO HTMLCanvasElement -- | getCanvas :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m HTMLCanvasElement getCanvas self = liftIO (js_getCanvas (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"drawingBufferWidth\"]; })" js_getDrawingBufferWidth :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO GLsizei -- | getDrawingBufferWidth :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m GLsizei getDrawingBufferWidth self = liftIO (js_getDrawingBufferWidth (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self)) foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1) => { return $1[\"drawingBufferHeight\"]; })" js_getDrawingBufferHeight :: WebGLRenderingContextBase -> IO GLsizei -- | getDrawingBufferHeight :: (MonadIO m, IsWebGLRenderingContextBase self) => self -> m GLsizei getDrawingBufferHeight self = liftIO (js_getDrawingBufferHeight (toWebGLRenderingContextBase self))