## 1.0.9 / To be released * Do not warn when git is set to use `zdiff3` conflict style * Resolve line ending conventions changes (i.e changes from Unix/Windows line endings) * Preserve file modes when resolving conflicts (i.e executable scripts remain executable) * Handle changes in `git status` formatting for files in spaces in their names * `--context` option for `-d` mode to control size of context shown around diff * Fixed parsing of conflicts with nested recursive conflicts * `--editor` goes to the location of the first conflict in the file ## / 2020.10.13 * First release on Debian (entered Debian unstable at 2023.07.20) * Build maintenance (anti-bitrot) ## 1.0.6 / 2020.01.07 * `--merge-file` option to merge specific file, even if file is not marked as conflicted * Reduce add/add conflicts with matching prefix/suffix lines * Add support for `--untabify` ## 1.0.5 / 2018.07.24 * Windows compatibility fixes ## 1.0.1 / 2018.07.24 * Conflict headers for `-d` option (i.e "### Conflict 3 of 7") * Improved error message when not running inside a git repository ## 1.0 / 2016.12.20 * Renamed to `git-mediate` * First release on Hackage * Add `--version` flag ## / 2016.12.20 * Reduce conflicts when first or last lines match in all parts ## / 2015.12.25 * `--diff2` option to dump diffs in `diff2` format * Fix bug in modify/delete conflicts when not running from the repo's root ## / 2015.09.20 * Better error reporting for conflict parsing errors ## / 2015.09.01 * Support modify/delete conflicts ## / 2015.08.16 * `-d` option also prints the diffs markers * Support add/add conflicts * Fixed bug with submodule conflicts ## / 2015.06.06 * Detect git using `diff2` conflict style and add `-s` option to switch to `diff3` style * Fixed bug with filenames containing spaces ## / 2015.02.03 * Support for terminals without color ## / 2015.01.12 * Don't keep `.bk` backups files for content before resolution ## 0.2 / 2014.12.18 * `-d` option for displaying the remaining conflicts ## / 2014.12.10 * Conflict also resolves if both sides match (regardless of base also matching) ## Development started / 2014.12.1 * Tool developed started originally as "resolve-trivial-conflicts"