h-raylib- Raylib bindings for Haskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Each Types module has up to 4 sections: one for enumerations, one for structures, one for pointer utilities, and one for callbacks. Any one of these may be omitted if not needed (for example, most of the Types modules do not have a callback section). Most of these types are instances of Storable so they can be converted to raw bytes and passed to a C function.

The enumerations section contains Haskell sum types that are instances of Enum. Each of these types corresponds to a raylib (C) enum or a set of define directives. The fromEnum and toEnum functions for these types use the numbers associated with these values in C. NOTE: Some of these types correspond to C enums that are defined in C source files, rather than header files.

The structures section contains Haskell types that each correspond to a raylib struct. Each field in these types is named typeName'fieldName (e.g. Vector2.x in C is vector2'x in Haskell). These structs also all derive the typeclass Freeable. This typeclass allows types to describe how to properly free all the data associated with a pointer to that type. For example, Image's implementation of Freeable also frees the pointer stored in the Image.data field in C.

The pointer utilities section contains functions starting with p'. These functions advance a pointer by some amount to allow for efficient memory access. These are only necessary when writing high-performance applications where memory access has to be fast.

The callbacks section contains FunPtr types, along with higher-level Haskell wrappers. When you pass one of these wrappers (e.g. LoadFileDataCallback) to a function that takes one as an argument (e.g. setLoadFileDataCallback), the function will return a FunPtr type (e.g. C'LoadFileDataCallback). It will be automatically freed when closeWindow is called, you should not manually free it. In most cases, you can ignore this value.
