{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase , ScopedTypeVariables , OverloadedStrings , RecordWildCards #-} module Main (main) where import System.Exit import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.Process import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Console.ANSI import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.State import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent.Async import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Either import Data.Char import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (try) import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (lookAhead) import Text.Printf import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse import Distribution.Verbosity (normal) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (findPackageDesc) import Distribution.ModuleName (toFilePath, components) import Language.Haskell.Exts as E import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs import Network.HTTP main :: IO () main = do -- Process command line arguments (pkgName, argVerA, argVerB, flags) <- runExcept <$> (getCmdOpt <$> getProgName <*> getArgs) >>= either die return when (argVerA == argVerB) $ die "Need to specify different versions / packages for comparison" mode <- case foldr (\f r -> case f of FlagMode m -> m; _ -> r) "downloaddb" flags of "downloaddb" -> return ModeDownloadDB "builddb" -> return ModeBuildDB "parsehs" -> return ModeParseHS m -> die $ printf "'%s' is not a valid mode" m let disableColor = FlagDisableColor `elem` flags silentFlag = FlagSilent `elem` flags -- Did we get a package version, DB path or package path? ([verA, verB] :: [EitherVerPath]) <- forM [argVerA, argVerB] $ \ver -> case parseOnly pkgVerParser (T.pack ver) of -- Not a version, check if we got a valid DB file or package path Left _ | mode == ModeParseHS -> do flip unless (die $ errHdr ++ " or package path" ) =<< doesDirectoryExist ver return $ Right ver | otherwise -> do flip unless (die $ errHdr ++ " or database path") =<< doesFileExist ver return $ Right ver where errHdr = "'" ++ ver ++ "' is not a valid version string (1.0[.0[.0]])" -- Looks like a valid version string Right _ -> return $ Left ver diff <- withTmpDirectory $ \tmpDir -> do -- Need to download packages? when (mode `elem` [ModeBuildDB, ModeParseHS]) $ forM_ (lefts [verA, verB]) $ \verString -> do let pkg = pkgName ++ "-" ++ verString unless silentFlag . putStrLn $ "Downloading " ++ pkg ++ "..." runExceptT (downloadPackage pkg tmpDir) >>= either die return -- Parse, compute difference either die return =<< ( runExceptT $ let cp = ComputeParams tmpDir pkgName verA verB silentFlag in case mode of ModeDownloadDB -> computeDiffDownloadHoogleDB cp ModeBuildDB -> computeDiffBuildHoogleDB cp ModeParseHS -> computeDiffParseHaskell cp ) -- Output results unless silentFlag $ printf "\n--- Diff for | %s → %s | ---\n\n" (either id id verA) (either id id verB) outputDiff diff disableColor silentFlag data FlagMode = ModeDownloadDB | ModeBuildDB | ModeParseHS deriving (Eq) data CmdFlag = FlagDisableColor | FlagSilent | FlagMode String deriving (Eq) getCmdOpt :: String -> [String] -> Except String (String, String, String, [CmdFlag]) getCmdOpt prgName args = case getOpt RequireOrder opt args of (flags, (pkgName:verA:verB:[]), []) -> return (pkgName, verA, verB, flags) (_, _, []) -> throwError usage (_, _, err) -> throwError (concat err ++ "\n" ++ usage) where header = "hackage-diff | Compare the public API of different versions of a Hackage library\n" ++ "github.com/blitzcode/hackage-diff | www.blitzcode.net | (C) 2016 Tim C. Schroeder\n\n" ++ "Usage: " ++ prgName ++ " [options] " footer = "\nExamples:\n" ++ " " ++ prgName ++ " mtl 2.1 2.2.1\n" ++ " " ++ prgName ++ " --mode=builddb JuicyPixels\n" ++ " " ++ prgName ++ " conduit 1.1.5 ~/tmp/conduit-1.1.6/dist/doc/html/conduit/conduit.txt\n" ++ " " ++ prgName ++ " --mode=parsehs QuickCheck 2.6 2.7.6\n" ++ " " ++ prgName ++ " --mode=parsehs -s Cabal ~/tmp/Cabal-1.18.0/\n" usage = usageInfo header opt ++ footer opt = [ Option [] ["mode"] (ReqArg FlagMode "[downloaddb|builddb|parsehs]") ( "what to download / read, how to compare\n" ++ " downloaddb - download Hoogle DBs and diff (Default)\n" ++ " builddb - download packages, build Hoogle DBs and diff\n" ++ " parsehs - download packages, directly diff .hs exports" ) , Option ['c'] ["disable-color"] (NoArg FlagDisableColor) "disable color output" , Option ['s'] ["silent"] (NoArg FlagSilent) "disable progress output" ] -- Check a package version string (1.0[.0[.0]]) pkgVerParser :: Parser () pkgVerParser = (nDigits 4 <|> nDigits 3 <|> nDigits 2) *> endOfInput where digitInt = void (decimal :: Parser Int) nDigits n = count (n - 1) (digitInt *> char '.') *> digitInt -- Create and clean up temporary working directory withTmpDirectory :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a withTmpDirectory = bracket ( do sysTmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory let tmpDir = addTrailingPathSeparator $ sysTmpDir "hackage-diff" createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDir return tmpDir ) ( removeDirectoryRecursive ) cabalInstall :: [String] -> ExceptT String IO () cabalInstall args = do (cabalExit, _, cabalStdErr) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "cabal" args [] unless (cabalExit == ExitSuccess) . throwError $ cabalStdErr -- Use cabal-install to download a package from hackage downloadPackage :: String -> FilePath -> ExceptT String IO () downloadPackage pkg destination = cabalInstall [ "get", pkg, "--destdir=" ++ destination ] data ExportCmp = EAdded | ERemoved | EModified String {- Old signature -} | EUnmodified deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data ModuleCmp = MAdded [String] -- Module was added | MAddedParseError -- Like above, but we couldn't parse the new one | MRemoved [String] -- Module was removed | MRemovedParseError -- Like above, but we couldn't parse the old one | MNotSureIfModifiedParseError -- New and/or old didn't parse, can't tell | MModified [(ExportCmp, String)] -- Modified | MUnmodifed -- Changed deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) type Diff = [(ModuleCmp, String)] -- Print out the computed difference, optionally with ANSI colors outputDiff :: Diff -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () outputDiff diff disableColor disableLengend = do let putStrCol color str | disableColor = liftIO $ putStr str | otherwise = liftIO . putStr $ setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid color] ++ str ++ setSGRCode [Reset] putStrLnCol color str = liftIO $ putStrCol color str >> putStrLn "" breakingChanges <- flip execStateT (0 :: Int) . forM_ diff $ \case (MAdded exps , mname) -> do putStrLnCol Green $ "+ " ++ mname mapM_ (putStrLnCol Green . printf " + %s") exps (MAddedParseError , mname) -> putStrLnCol Green $ printf " + %s (ERROR: failed to parse new version, exports not available)" mname (MRemoved exps , mname) -> do putStrLnCol Red $ "- " ++ mname mapM_ (\e -> modify' (+ 1) >> putStrLnCol Red (printf " - %s" e)) exps (MRemovedParseError , mname) -> do modify' (+ 1) putStrLnCol Red $ " - " ++ mname ++ " (ERROR: failed to parse old version, exports not available)" (MNotSureIfModifiedParseError, mname) -> do putStrLnCol Yellow $ "× " ++ mname ++ " (Potentially modified, ERROR: failed to parse new and/or old version)" (MModified exps , mname) -> do putStrLnCol Yellow $ "× " ++ mname forM_ exps $ \(cmp, expname) -> case cmp of EAdded -> putStrLnCol Green $ " + " ++ expname ERemoved -> do modify' (+ 1) putStrLnCol Red $ " - " ++ expname EModified old -> do modify' (+ 1) putStrLnCol Yellow $ " × New: " ++ expname ++ "\n" ++ " Old: " ++ old EUnmodified -> return () (MUnmodifed , mname) -> putStrLnCol White $ "· " ++ mname unless disableLengend $ do putStrLn "" putStrCol Green "[+ Added] " putStrCol Red "[- Removed] " putStrCol Yellow "[× Modified] " putStrCol White "[· Unmodified]\n" unless (breakingChanges == 0) $ putStrLnCol Red $ printf "\n%i potential breaking changes found" breakingChanges -- All the parameters required by the various compute* functions that actually prepare the -- data and compute the difference data ComputeParams = ComputeParams { cpTmpDir :: FilePath , cpPackage :: String , cpVerA :: EitherVerPath , cpVerB :: EitherVerPath , cpSilentFlag :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- A package can be specified by a version string, a Hoogle DB file path or a package path type VersionString = String type EitherVerPath = Either VersionString FilePath -- Compute a Diff by comparing the package's Hoogle DB read from disk or downloaded from Hackage computeDiffDownloadHoogleDB :: ComputeParams -> ExceptT String IO Diff computeDiffDownloadHoogleDB ComputeParams { .. } = do -- Get Hoogle databases putS "Downloading / Reading Hoogle DBs..." (dbA, dbB) <- either (\(e :: IOException) -> throwError $ "DB Error: " ++ show e ++ tip) return =<< (liftIO . try $ concurrently (downloadOrRead cpVerA) (downloadOrRead cpVerB)) -- Parse putS "Parsing Hoogle DBs..." [parsedDBA, parsedDBB] <- forM [dbA, dbB] $ \db -> either throwError return $ parseOnly (hoogleDBParser <* endOfInput) db -- Debug parser in GHCi: parseOnly hoogleDBParser <$> TI.readFile "base.txt" >>= -- \(Right db) -> mapM_ (putStrLn . show) db -- Compare putS "Comparing Hoogle DBs..." return $ diffHoogleDB parsedDBA parsedDBB where getHoogleDBURL ver = "http://hackage.haskell.org/package" cpPackage ++ "-" ++ ver "docs" cpPackage <.> "txt" -- Network.HTTP is kinda crummy, but pulling in http-client/conduit -- just for downloading two small text files is probably not worth it downloadURL url = T.pack <$> do req <- simpleHTTP (getRequest url) -- HTTP will throw an IOException for any connection error, -- also examine the response code and throw one for every -- non-200 one we get code <- getResponseCode req unless (code == (2, 0, 0)) . throwIO . userError $ "Status code " ++ show code ++ " for request " ++ url getResponseBody req tip = "\nYou can try building missing Hoogle DBs yourself by running with --mode=builddb" putS = unless cpSilentFlag . liftIO . putStrLn downloadOrRead = either (downloadURL . getHoogleDBURL) (TI.readFile) -- Compute a Diff by comparing the package's Hoogle DB build through Haddock. Unfortunately, -- running Haddock requires to have the package configured with all dependencies -- installed. This can often be very slow and frequently fails for older packages, on top -- of any Haddock failures that might happen computeDiffBuildHoogleDB :: ComputeParams -> ExceptT String IO Diff computeDiffBuildHoogleDB ComputeParams { .. } = flip catchError (\e -> throwError $ e ++ tip) $ do forM_ (lefts [cpVerA, cpVerB]) $ \ver -> do -- Only build if we don't have a DB file path let pkg = cpPackage ++ "-" ++ ver putS $ "Processing " ++ pkg ++ "..." -- TODO: This is rather ugly. Cabal does not allow us to specify the target -- directory, and the current directory is not a per-thread property. -- While createProcess allows the specification of a working directory, our -- preferred wrapper readProcessWithExitCode does not expose that. -- Duplicating that function and its web of private helpers here would be -- quite some overhead. For now we simply change the working directory of -- the process -- -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9322#ticket -- liftIO . setCurrentDirectory $ cpTmpDir pkg -- All the steps required to get the Hoogle DB putS " Creating Sandbox" >> cabalInstall [ "sandbox", "init" ] putS " Installing Dependencies" >> cabalInstall [ "install" , "--dependencies-only" -- Try building as fast as -- possible , "-j" , "--disable-optimization" , "--ghc-option=-O0" , "--disable-library-for-ghci" ] putS " Configuring" >> cabalInstall [ "configure" ] putS " Building Haddock" >> cabalInstall [ "haddock", "--hoogle" ] -- Read DBs from disk [dbA, dbB] <- forM [cpVerA, cpVerB] $ \ver -> (liftIO . try . TI.readFile $ either getHoogleDBPath id ver) >>= either (\(e :: IOException) -> throwError $ show e) return -- Parse [parsedDBA, parsedDBB] <- forM [dbA, dbB] $ \db -> either throwError return $ parseOnly hoogleDBParser db -- Compare return $ diffHoogleDB parsedDBA parsedDBB where putS = unless cpSilentFlag . liftIO . putStrLn getHoogleDBPath ver = cpTmpDir cpPackage ++ "-" ++ ver "dist/doc/html" cpPackage cpPackage <.> "txt" tip = "\nIf downloading / building Hoogle DBs fails, you can try directly parsing " ++ "the source files by running with --mode=parsehs" -- Compare two packages made up of readily parsed Hoogle DBs diffHoogleDB :: [DBEntry] -> [DBEntry] -> Diff diffHoogleDB dbA dbB = do let [verA, verB] = flip map [dbA, dbB] ( -- Sort exports by name map (\(nm, exps) -> (nm, sortBy (compare `on` dbeName) exps)) -- Sort modules by name . sortBy (compare `on` fst) -- Extract module name, put into (name, exports) pair . map (\case ((DBModule nm):exps) -> (nm , exps) exps -> ("(Unknown)", exps) ) -- Group by module . groupBy (\a b -> or $ (\case DBModule _ -> False _ -> True ) <$> [a, b] ) -- Filter out comments and package information . filter (\case (DBPkgInfo _ _) -> False (DBComment _ ) -> False _ -> True ) ) modulesAdded = allANotInBBy ((==) `on` fst) verB verA modulesRemoved = allANotInBBy ((==) `on` fst) verA verB modulesKept = intersectBy ((==) `on` fst) verA verB resAdded = flip map modulesAdded $ \(nm, exps) -> (MAdded . map (show) $ exps, T.unpack nm) resRemoved = flip map modulesRemoved $ \(nm, exps) -> (MRemoved . map (show) $ exps, T.unpack nm) resKept = sortBy compareKept . flip map modulesKept $ \(mname, modA') -> -- Did the exports change? case (modA', snd <$> find ((== mname) . fst) verB) of (_ , Nothing ) -> -- This really should not ever happen here (MNotSureIfModifiedParseError, T.unpack mname) (modA, Just modB) | didExpChange -> (MModified expCmp , T.unpack mname) | otherwise -> (MUnmodifed , T.unpack mname) where -- Which exports were added / removed / modified? didExpChange = or $ map (\case (EUnmodified, _) -> False; _ -> True) expCmp expCmp = expAdded ++ expRemoved ++ expKept expAdded = [(EAdded , show x) | x <- allANotInBBy compareDBEName modB modA] expRemoved = [(ERemoved, show x) | x <- allANotInBBy compareDBEName modA modB] expKept = -- We don't sort by modified / unmodified here as we currently -- don't list the unmodified ones flip map (intersectBy compareDBEName modA modB) $ \eOld -> case find (compareDBEName eOld) modB of Nothing -> error "intersectBy / find is broken..." Just eNew | compareDBEType eOld eNew -> (EUnmodified, show eOld) | otherwise -> (EModified $ show eOld, show eNew) -- Sort everything by modification type, but make sure we sort -- modified modules by their name, not their export list compareKept a b = case (a, b) of ((MModified _, nameA), (MModified _, nameB)) -> compare nameA nameB _ -> compare a b in resAdded ++ resRemoved ++ resKept -- Stupid helper to build module / export lists. Should probably switch to using -- Data.Set for all of these operations to stop having O(n*m) everywhere allANotInBBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] allANotInBBy f a b = filter (\m -> not $ any (f m) b) a data DBEntry = DBModule !T.Text | DBPkgInfo !T.Text !T.Text | DBComment !T.Text | DBType !T.Text !T.Text | DBNewtype !T.Text !T.Text | DBData !T.Text !T.Text | DBCtor !T.Text !T.Text | DBClass !T.Text !T.Text | DBInstance !T.Text !T.Text | DBFunction !T.Text !T.Text deriving (Eq) -- When comparing names we have to take the kind of the export into account, i.e. -- type and value constructors may have the same name without being identical compareDBEName :: DBEntry -> DBEntry -> Bool compareDBEName a b = case (a, b) of (DBModule _ , DBModule _ ) -> cmp; (DBPkgInfo _ _ , DBPkgInfo _ _ ) -> cmp; (DBComment _ , DBComment _ ) -> cmp; (DBType _ _ , DBType _ _ ) -> cmp; (DBNewtype _ _ , DBNewtype _ _ ) -> cmp; (DBData _ _ , DBData _ _ ) -> cmp; (DBCtor _ _ , DBCtor _ _ ) -> cmp; (DBClass _ _ , DBClass _ _ ) -> cmp; (DBInstance _ _, DBInstance _ _) -> cmp; (DBFunction _ _, DBFunction _ _) -> cmp; _ -> False where cmp = ((==) `on` dbeName) a b -- Compare the type of two entries. If we simply compare the type string, we will -- have mistakes like classifying those two functions as having a change in type: -- -- func :: Num a => a -> a -- func :: (Num a) => a -> a -- -- So we try to parse the type with haskell-src-exts and then fall back on a string -- compare if that fails. Parsing again every time the comparison function is called is -- obviously rather slow, but it hasn't been an issue so far -- -- TODO: We should do a name normalization pass on the parsed type, otherwise -- 'id :: a -> a' and 'id :: b -> b' will be reported as different -- compareDBEType :: DBEntry -> DBEntry -> Bool compareDBEType a b = -- We assume that a and b are the same kind of export (i.e. they have already been -- matched with dbeName, which only compares exports of the same kind), and now we -- want to know if the type differs between them case a of -- The syntax we use to list exported Ctors and their types can't be parsed as a -- declaration, just compare the type part DBCtor _ _ -> case ( parseTypeWithMode mode . T.unpack $ dbeType a , parseTypeWithMode mode . T.unpack $ dbeType b ) of (E.ParseOk resA, E.ParseOk resB) -> resA == resB _ -> stringTypeCmp -- Also can't parse our type / newtype syntax, fall back to string compare DBType _ _ -> stringTypeCmp DBNewtype _ _ -> stringTypeCmp -- Parse everything else in its entirety as a top-level declaration _ -> case ( parseDeclWithMode mode $ show a , parseDeclWithMode mode $ show b ) of (E.ParseOk resA, E.ParseOk resB) -> resA == resB _ -> stringTypeCmp where mode = -- Enable some common extension to make parsing more likely to succeed defaultParseMode { extensions = [ EnableExtension FunctionalDependencies , EnableExtension MultiParamTypeClasses , EnableExtension TypeOperators , EnableExtension KindSignatures , EnableExtension MagicHash , EnableExtension FlexibleContexts ] } stringTypeCmp = ((==) `on` dbeType) a b -- Extract a database entry's "name" (i.e. a function name vs its type) dbeName :: DBEntry -> T.Text dbeName = \case DBModule nm -> nm; DBPkgInfo k _ -> k ; DBComment _ -> ""; DBType nm _ -> nm; DBNewtype nm _ -> nm; DBData nm _ -> nm; DBCtor nm _ -> nm; DBClass nm _ -> nm; DBInstance nm _ -> nm; DBFunction nm _ -> nm -- Extract a database entry's "type" (i.e. a function type vs its name) dbeType :: DBEntry -> T.Text dbeType = \case DBModule _ -> ""; DBPkgInfo _ v -> v ; DBComment _ -> ""; DBType _ ty -> ty; DBNewtype _ ty -> ty; DBData _ ty -> ty; DBCtor _ ty -> ty; DBClass _ ty -> ty; DBInstance _ ty -> ty; DBFunction _ ty -> ty instance Show DBEntry where show = \case DBModule nm -> "module " ++ T.unpack nm DBPkgInfo k v -> "@" ++ T.unpack k ++ T.unpack v DBComment txt -> "-- " ++ T.unpack txt DBType nm ty -> "type " ++ T.unpack nm ++ " " ++ T.unpack ty DBNewtype nm ty -> "newtype " ++ T.unpack nm ++ " " ++ T.unpack ty DBData nm ty -> "data " ++ T.unpack nm ++ (if T.null ty then "" else " " ++ T.unpack ty) DBCtor nm ty -> T.unpack nm ++ " :: " ++ T.unpack ty DBClass _ ty -> "class " ++ T.unpack ty DBInstance _ ty -> "instance " ++ T.unpack ty DBFunction nm ty -> T.unpack nm ++ " :: " ++ T.unpack ty -- Parse a Hoogle text database hoogleDBParser :: Parser [DBEntry] hoogleDBParser = many parseLine where parseLine = (*>) skipEmpty $ parseComment <|> parseData <|> parsePkgInfo <|> parseDBModule <|> parseCtor <|> parseNewtype <|> parseDBType <|> parseClass <|> parseInstance <|> parseFunction parseComment = string "-- " *> (DBComment <$> tillEoL) parsePkgInfo = char '@' *> (DBPkgInfo <$> takeTill (== ' ') <*> tillEoL) parseData = string "data " *> ( (DBData <$> takeTill (`elem` [ ' ', '\n' ]) <* endOfLine <*> "") <|> (DBData <$> takeTill (== ' ') <* skipSpace <*> tillEoL) ) parseNewtype = string "newtype " *> ( (DBNewtype <$> takeTill (`elem` [ ' ', '\n' ]) <* endOfLine <*> "") <|> (DBNewtype <$> takeTill (== ' ') <* skipSpace <*> tillEoL) ) -- TODO: At some point Hoogle DBs started to have Ctors and functions -- names wrapped in brackets. Not sure what's up with that, just -- parse them as part of the name so the parser doesn't stop parseCtor = do void . lookAhead $ satisfy isAsciiUpper <|> (char '[' *> satisfy isAsciiUpper) DBCtor <$> takeTill (== ' ') <* string " :: " <*> tillEoL -- TODO: This doesn't parse function lists correctly parseFunction = do void . lookAhead $ satisfy isAsciiLower <|> char '[' <|> char '(' DBFunction <$> takeTill (== ' ') <* string " :: " <*> tillEoL parseInstance = do void $ string "instance " line <- T.words <$> tillEoL -- The name of an instance is basically everything -- after the typeclass requirements let nm = case break (== "=>") line of (xs, []) -> T.unwords xs (_, (_:xs)) -> T.unwords xs return . DBInstance nm $ T.unwords line parseClass = do void $ string "class " line <- T.words <$> tillEoL let nm = case break (== "=>") line of ((n:_), []) -> n (_, (_:n:_)) -> n _ -> "" -- TODO: Sometimes typeclasses have all their default method -- implementations listed right after the 'where' part, -- just cut all of this off for now trunc = fst . break (== "where") $ line in return . DBClass nm $ T.unwords trunc parseDBType = string "type " *> (DBType <$> takeTill (== ' ') <* skipSpace <*> tillEoL) parseDBModule = string "module " *> (DBModule <$> takeTill (== '\n')) <* endOfLine skipEmpty = many endOfLine tillEoL = takeTill (== '\n') <* endOfLine -- Compute a Diff by processing Haskell files directly. We use the Cabal API to locate and -- parse the package .cabal file, extract a list of modules from it, and then pre-process -- each module with cpphs and finally parse it with haskell-src-exts. The principal issue -- with this approach is the often complex use of the CPP inside Haskell packages, making -- this fail fairly often. This method also currently does not look at type signatures and -- has various other limitations, like not working with modules that do not have an -- export list computeDiffParseHaskell :: ComputeParams -> ExceptT String IO Diff computeDiffParseHaskell ComputeParams { .. } = do [mListA, mListB] <- forM [cpVerA, cpVerB] $ \ver -> do let pkgPath = either (\v -> cpTmpDir cpPackage ++ "-" ++ v) id ver unless cpSilentFlag . liftIO . putStrLn $ "Processing " ++ pkgPath ++ "..." -- Find .cabal file dotCabal <- (liftIO . findPackageDesc $ pkgPath) >>= either throwError return -- Parse .cabal file, extract exported modules exports <- condLibrary <$> (liftIO $ readPackageDescription normal dotCabal) >>= \case Nothing -> throwError $ pkgPath ++ " is not a library" Just node -> return $ exposedModules . condTreeData $ node -- Build module name / module source file list -- -- TODO: Some packages have a more complex source structure, need to look at the -- cabal file some more to locate the files let modules = flip map exports $ \m -> ( concat . intersperse "." . components $ m , pkgPath toFilePath m <.> "hs" -- TODO: Also .lhs? ) -- Parse modules liftIO . forM modules $ \(modName, modPath) -> do unless cpSilentFlag . putStrLn $ " Parsing " ++ modName Main.parseModule modPath >>= either -- Errors only affecting single modules are recoverable, just -- print them instead of throwing (\e -> putStrLn (" " ++ e) >> return (modName, Nothing)) (\r -> return (modName, Just r )) -- Compute difference return $ comparePackageModules mListA mListB -- Parse a Haskell module interface using haskell-src-exts and cpphs parseModule :: FilePath -> IO (Either String Module) parseModule modPath = runExceptT $ do (liftIO $ doesFileExist modPath) >>= flip unless (throwError $ "Can't open source file '" ++ modPath ++ "'") -- Run cpphs as pre-processor over our module -- -- TODO: This obviously doesn't have the same defines and include paths set like -- when compiling with GHC, major source of failures right now modSrcCPP <- liftIO $ readFile modPath >>= runCpphs defaultCpphsOptions modPath -- Parse pre-processed Haskell source. This pure parsing function unfortunately throws -- exceptions for things like encountering an '#error' directive in the code, so we -- also have to handle those as well (liftIO . try . evaluate $ parseFileContentsWithMode defaultParseMode { parseFilename = modPath } modSrcCPP) >>= \case Left (e :: ErrorCall) -> throwError $ "Haskell Parse Exception - " ++ show e Right (E.ParseFailed (SrcLoc fn ln cl) err) -> throwError $ printf "Haskell Parse Error - %s:%i:%i: %s" fn ln cl err Right (E.ParseOk parsedModule) -> return parsedModule type PackageModuleList = [(String, Maybe Module)] -- Compare two packages made up of readily parsed Haskell modules comparePackageModules :: PackageModuleList -> PackageModuleList -> Diff comparePackageModules verA verB = do let -- Compare lists of modules modulesAdded = allANotInBBy ((==) `on` fst) verB verA modulesRemoved = allANotInBBy ((==) `on` fst) verA verB modulesKept = intersectBy ((==) `on` fst) verA verB -- Build result Diff of modules resAdded = flip map modulesAdded $ \case (mname, Just m ) -> (MAdded . map (prettyPrint) $ moduleExports m, mname) (mname, Nothing) -> (MAddedParseError, mname) resRemoved = flip map modulesRemoved $ \case (mname, Just m ) -> (MRemoved . map (prettyPrint) $ moduleExports m, mname) (mname, Nothing) -> (MRemovedParseError, mname) -- TODO: This doesn't sort correctly by type of change + name resKept = sortBy (compare `on` fst) . flip map modulesKept $ \(mname, modA') -> -- Did the exports change? case (modA', findModule verB mname) of (_, Nothing) -> (MNotSureIfModifiedParseError, mname) (Nothing, _) -> (MNotSureIfModifiedParseError, mname) (Just modA, Just modB) | moduleExports modA == moduleExports modB -> (MUnmodifed , mname) | otherwise -> (MModified expCmp, mname) where -- Which exports were added / removed? expCmp = [(EAdded , prettyPrint x) | x <- expAdded ] ++ [(ERemoved , prettyPrint x) | x <- expRemoved ] ++ [(EUnmodified, prettyPrint x) | x <- expUnmodified] -- TODO: We do not look for type changes, no EModified expAdded = allANotInBBy (==) (moduleExports modB) (moduleExports modA) expRemoved = allANotInBBy (==) (moduleExports modA) (moduleExports modB) expUnmodified = intersectBy (==) (moduleExports modA) (moduleExports modB) -- TODO: If the module does not have an export spec, we assume it exports nothing moduleExports (Module _ _ _ _ (Just exportSpec) _ _) = exportSpec moduleExports _ = [] findModule mlist mname = maybe Nothing snd $ find ((== mname) . fst) mlist in resAdded ++ resRemoved ++ resKept