module Hadolint.Rule.DL3006Spec (spec) where import Data.Default import Data.Text as Text import Helpers import Test.Hspec spec :: SpecWith () spec = do let ?config = def describe "DL3006 - Always tag the version of an image explicitly." $ do it "no untagged" $ ruleCatches "DL3006" "FROM debian" it "no untagged with name" $ ruleCatches "DL3006" "FROM debian AS builder" it "untagged digest is not an error" $ ruleCatchesNot "DL3006" "FROM ruby@sha256:f1dbca0f5dbc9" it "untagged digest is not an error" $ ruleCatchesNot "DL3006" "FROM ruby:2" it "local aliases are OK to be untagged" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM golang:1.9.3-alpine3.7 AS build", "RUN foo", "FROM build as unit-test", "RUN bar", "FROM alpine:3.7", "RUN baz" ] in do ruleCatchesNot "DL3006" $ Text.unlines dockerFile onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3006" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "other untagged cases are not ok" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM golang:1.9.3-alpine3.7 AS build", "RUN foo", "FROM node as unit-test", "RUN bar", "FROM alpine:3.7", "RUN baz" ] in do ruleCatches "DL3006" $ Text.unlines dockerFile onBuildRuleCatches "DL3006" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "scratch" $ ruleCatchesNot "DL3006" "FROM scratch"