module Hadolint.Rule.DL3030Spec (spec) where import Data.Default import Helpers import Test.Hspec spec :: SpecWith () spec = do let ?config = def describe "DL3030 - Use the `-y` switch to avoid manual input `yum install -y `" $ do it "not ok when not using `-y` switch" $ do ruleCatches "DL3030" "RUN yum install httpd-2.4.24 && yum clean all" onBuildRuleCatches "DL3030" "RUN yum install httpd-2.4.24 && yum clean all" it "ok when using `-y` switch" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3030" "RUN yum install -y httpd-2.4.24 && yum clean all" ruleCatchesNot "DL3030" "RUN bash -c `# not even a yum command`" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3030" "RUN yum install -y httpd-2.4.24 && yum clean all" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3030" "RUN bash -c `# not even a yum command`"