{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Static checking of the input file.
module TypeCheck.StaticCheck (staticCheck) where

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.State as CMS
import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.DiGraph        as DG
import qualified Data.Foldable       as F
import qualified Data.Map            as M
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set            as S
import           Language.Abs
import           Language.ErrM
import           LangUtils
import qualified TypeCheck.ApiSpec   as AS

type Env = ( S.Set String
           , AS.ApiSpec

type StaticCheck a = StateT Env Err a

-- | List of reserved words.
reservedWords :: [String]
-- TODO(18): complete list
reservedWords = ["Long", "Int", "String", "Resource", "Enum", "Struct"]

-- | Initial environment (all empty).
initialEnv :: Env
initialEnv = (S.empty,
              AS.AS { AS.name = ""
                    , AS.version = ""
                    , AS.requiresAuth = False
                    , AS.enums = M.empty
                    , AS.structs = []
                    , AS.resources = M.empty

-- | Checks the definition for:
--   * Name clashes
--   * Undefined types
-- and returns a better representation of the api spec.
staticCheck :: Specification -> Err AS.ApiSpec
staticCheck spec@(Spec _ _ modules enums structs resources) = do
  (_, (_, apiSpec)) <- runStateT checkSeq initialEnv
  return apiSpec
    checkSeq = do
      CMS.modify (\(strs, s) -> (strs, s { AS.name = specName spec, AS.version = specVersion spec }))
      let enumNames = getEnumNames enums
          structNames = getStructNames structs
          customTypeNames = enumNames ++ structNames
      checkClashes $ customTypeNames ++ reservedWords

      CMS.modify (\(_, as) -> (S.fromList structNames, as))
      readAndCheckEnums enums
      addStructNames structs
      processModules modules
      readAndCheckStructs structs
      checkResources resources

-- | Looks for name clashes in the definitions.
-- Note that it skips resources as those need to have the same name as some struct.
checkClashes :: [String] -> StaticCheck ()
checkClashes names =
  case findDuplicates names of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just name ->
      fail $ "Name clash in declaration: "
          ++ name
          ++ " is declared more than once (or it is a reserved word)."

-- | Reads all enums, making sure there are not repeated values.
readAndCheckEnums :: [EnumType] -> StaticCheck ()
readAndCheckEnums es = F.forM_ es checkEnumValues >> F.forM_ es readEnum
    checkEnumValues :: EnumType -> StaticCheck ()
    checkEnumValues (DefEnum _ vals) =
      let duplicates = findDuplicates (map enumValName vals) in
        unless (isNothing duplicates) (fail $ "Enum value defined more than once " ++ fromJust duplicates)
    readEnum :: EnumType -> StaticCheck ()
    readEnum (DefEnum (Ident name) vals) =
      CMS.modify (\(structNames, as) ->
                     (structNames, as { AS.enums = M.insert name (map enumValName vals) (AS.enums as)}))

-- | Adds struct names (without information). Useful to check if a field is valid even if the type is a struct defined afterwards.
addStructNames :: [StructType] -> StaticCheck ()
addStructNames strs = F.forM_ strs addStr
    addStr (DefStr (Ident strName) _) = CMS.modify $ Control.Arrow.first (S.insert strName)

-- | Modifies the environment with the given modules
processModules :: Modules -> StaticCheck ()
processModules EmptyMods = return ()
processModules (Mods moduleDefs) = void (F.forM_ moduleDefs processModule)
    processModule :: Ident -> StaticCheck ()
    processModule (Ident m) | map toLower m == "authentication"  = CMS.modify (\(structNames, as) -> (structNames, as { AS.requiresAuth = True }))
                            | otherwise = fail $ "Error processing module: " ++ show m ++ " is not supported."

-- | Makes sure all the types used in the struct definitions are valid.
readAndCheckStructs :: [StructType] -> StaticCheck ()
readAndCheckStructs strs = do
  F.forM_ strs structOk
  F.forM_ strs readStruct
      structOk :: StructType -> StaticCheck ()
      structOk (DefStr (Ident strName) fields) = do
        names <- getAllNamesFromEnv
        checkAttributeClashes fields (names `S.union` S.fromList reservedWords)
        F.forM_ fields fieldOk
        checkHasPk strName fields

      checkAttributeClashes :: [Field] -> S.Set String -> StaticCheck (S.Set String)
      checkAttributeClashes fields alreadySeen =
        F.foldlM (\names name ->
          if name `S.member` names
          then fail $ "Field " ++ name
                   ++ " is defined twice (or it is a reserved word/custom type name)"
          else return $ name `S.insert` names) alreadySeen (map fieldName fields)

      fieldOk :: Field -> StaticCheck ()
      fieldOk (FDef _ _ (FDefined (Ident name))) = do
        knownTypes <- getAllNamesFromEnv
        unless (name `S.member` knownTypes)
               (fail $ "The type (" ++ name ++ ") was not defined.")
      fieldOk _ = return ()

      checkHasPk :: String -> [Field] -> StaticCheck ()
      checkHasPk strName fields = do
        fieldsWithPk <- filterM (\f -> do
          m <- readAnnotation f
          return (m==AS.PrimaryKey)) $ concatMap fieldAnnotations fields
        --unless (length (filter ((==AS.PrimaryKey) . readAnnotation) $ concatMap fieldAnnotations fields) <= 1)
        unless (length fieldsWithPk <= 1)
               (fail $ strName ++ " Primary Key annotation (@PK) is used more than once")

      readStruct :: StructType -> StaticCheck ()
      readStruct (DefStr (Ident name) fields) = do
        enums <- getEnumNamesFromEnv
        (strs, as) <- CMS.get
        allFields <- mapM (readField (strs, enums)) fields
        CMS.put (strs, as { AS.structs = (name, allFields):AS.structs as})
      readAnnotation :: Annotation -> StaticCheck AS.Modifier
      readAnnotation (Ann (Ident name)) | map toLower name == "hidden" = return AS.Hidden
                                        | map toLower name == "pk" = return AS.PrimaryKey
                                        | map toLower name == "unique" = return AS.Unique
                                        | map toLower name == "immutable" = return AS.Immutable
                                        | map toLower name == "required" = return AS.Required
                                        | map toLower name == "userlogin" = do
                                          as <- CMS.gets snd
                                          if AS.requiresAuth as
                                          then return AS.UserLogin
                                          else fail "The UserLogin annotation requires the module \"Authentication\""
                                        | otherwise = fail $ "Annotation " ++ name ++ " not recognized."
      readField envInfo (FDef anns (Ident n) ft) = do
        allAnnotations <- mapM readAnnotation anns
        return $ AS.FI (n, fieldSpecType envInfo ft, S.fromList allAnnotations)

-- | Gets enum names from the environment.
getEnumNamesFromEnv :: StaticCheck (S.Set String)
getEnumNamesFromEnv = do
  as <- CMS.gets snd
  return $ S.fromList (map fst $ M.toList $ AS.enums as)

-- | Gets the names (identifiers) of all structs and enums (form the environment).
getAllNamesFromEnv :: StaticCheck (S.Set String)
getAllNamesFromEnv = do
  (strNames, as) <- CMS.get
  return $ strNames `S.union` S.fromList (map fst $ M.toList $ AS.enums as)

checkResources :: [Resource] -> StaticCheck ()
checkResources ress = do
  checkDifferentRoutes ress
  F.forM_ ress resourceOk
  F.forM_ ress addResource
    checkDifferentRoutes ress =
      case findDuplicates (map resRoute ress) of
           Nothing -> case findDuplicates (map resName ress) of
                        Nothing -> return ()
                        (Just repeated') -> fail $ "Struct " ++ repeated' ++ " is referred more than once by a resource."
           (Just repeated) -> fail $ "Route " ++ repeated ++ " is defined more than once"
    resourceOk res = do
      definedStructs <- CMS.gets (\(_, as) -> AS.structs as)
      unless (isJust $ lookup (resName res) definedStructs)
             (fail $ "Resource " ++ resName res ++ " does not refer to a defined struct.")
    addResource res = CMS.modify (\(names, as) -> (names, as { AS.resources = M.insert (resName res) (resRoute res, resIsWritable res) (AS.resources as)}))

getEnumNames :: [EnumType] -> [String]
getEnumNames = map enumName

getStructNames :: [StructType] -> [String]
getStructNames = map strName

findDuplicates :: [String] -> Maybe String
findDuplicates list = go list S.empty S.empty
    go [] _ _ = Nothing
    go (x:_) seen _ | lowerCaseStr x `S.member` seen = return x
    go (x:xs) seen repeatedSet = go xs (lowerCaseStr x `S.insert` seen) repeatedSet
    lowerCaseStr :: String -> String
    lowerCaseStr = map toLower

-- | Builds a dependency graph to sort the structs so forall a,b -> if "a" depends on "b", "b" is
-- first in the list. It fails if there is a cycle in the graph.
sortStructsByDependencyOrder :: StaticCheck ()
sortStructsByDependencyOrder = do
  apiSpec <- CMS.gets snd
  let g = createGraph apiSpec
  unless (not $ DG.hasCycle g) (fail "There is a cycle in the struct definitions")
  let priorityList = DG.generateInverseDependencyList g
  let sortedStructs = matchOrder priorityList (AS.structs apiSpec)
  CMS.modify (\(ns, as) -> (ns, as { AS.structs = sortedStructs }))
      createGraph :: AS.ApiSpec -> DG.Graph AS.Id
      createGraph apiSpec = foldl (\g str -> DG.addNeighbors (fst str) (getDeps str) g) DG.empty (AS.structs apiSpec)
          getDeps (_, fields) = map (\(AS.FI (_, t, _)) -> AS.strName t) $ filter AS.isStructField fields
      matchOrder :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a,b)]
      matchOrder pList list = go pList list []
          go :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
          go [] _ acc = reverse acc
          go (x:xs) list acc = go xs list ((x, fromJust (lookup x list)):acc)