# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [] - 2023-09-28 ### Changed - `FromValue` now can unpack DB `Int` as Haskell `Double`. - Verbose error in TemplateHaskell converter when property of a node or a relationship can't be unpacked. ## [] - 2023-08-17 ### Added - `IsString` instance for `Cond` and `Conds`. ### Fixed - `:&&:` and `:||:` render to Cypher with correct operator precedence. ## [] - 2023-05-05 ### Changed - Add `HasCallStack` to a lot of unpacking functions. ## [] - 2023-01-24 ### Added - Add newline for Cypher queries. ## [] - 2023-01-24 ### Added - `BoltGeneric` wrapper for `DerivingVia` to derive `IsValue` and `RecordValue` for Haskell types. ### Changed - `NodeLike` and `RelationLike` classes now use `IsValue` / `RecordValue` instead of `ToValue` / `FromValue`. ### Removed - `BoltEnum` newtype, superseded by `BoltGeneric`. ## [] - 2022-03-14 ### Added - `IsValue` instances for `ToValue` & `NodeLike` via newtypes; - Add even more `HasCallStack`. ## [] - 2021-09-07 ### Added - `FromValue` / `ToValue` instances for `NonEmpty`; - `BoltEnum` wrapper to provide `FromValue` / `ToValue` for enum-like types. ## [] - 2021-04-28 ### Changed - Add more `HasCallStack`. ## [] - 2020-12-26 ### Fixed - Fix `makeNodeLike` for `Maybe` fields, bug introduced in previous version. ## [] - 2020-12-22 ### Fixed - Compatibility of `makeNodeLike` / `makeURelationLike` with `DuplicateRecordFields`, thanks to [@oddsome](https://github.com/oddsome), [PR #40](https://github.com/biocad/hasbolt-extras/pull/40). ## [] - 2020-05-27 ### Fixed - Compatibility with GHC-8.10. ## [] - 2020-03-04 ### Fixed - https://www.wrike.com/open.htm?id=472936296: fix recursion in `GetTypeFromRecord` type family. ### Added - Export of `LabelConstraint` to allow users to define wrappers around `lbl`. ## [] - 2020-01-17 ### Added - `=:` type synonym to avoid ticks in type-level tuples. ## [] - 2019-12-31 ### Added - `param` combinator to add named parameters to selectors; - `CypherDSLParams` to control parameters that queries accept. ## [] - 2019-12-17 ### Changed - Use `hasbolt` ### Added - Compatibility function `exact` from older `hasbolt`. ## [] - 2019-12-07 ### Added - `makeNodeLikeWith` and `makeURelationLikeWith` functions. ## [] - 2019-11-08 ### Added - Support for `Maybe` fields in typed selectors; - Integration of typed selectors and Graph API. ## [] - 2019-11-07 ### Added - Type-safe selectors for nodes and relationships. ## [] - 2019-09-19 ### Changed - Exported `(#)` operator. ## [] - 2019-09-09 ### Added - `OverloadedLabels` instances and operators for easy selector writing. ## [] - 2019-09-06 ### Added - `WITH` statement in DSL. ## [] - 2019-07-09 ### Changed - Directed relationship in graph get dsl instead of undirected. ## [] - 2019-05-27 ### Changed - Updated dependencies. ## [] - 2019-05-09 ### Changed - Expanded documentation for `Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph`. ## [] - 2019-02-01 ### Changed - Optimized query, easy way to extract entities from result graph. ## [] - 2019-01-22 ### Changed - Ability to choose whether to return entity or not in graphs. ## [] - 2018-12-25 ### Added - `mergeGraphs`, ability to take not all node properties from DB. ### Changed - Refactoring. ## [] - 2018-12-05 ### Added - `ToJSON` and `FromJSON` instances for `Persisted a`. ## [] - 2018-10-15 ### Added - `REMOVE` query. ### Fixed - Escaping special characters in text fields. ## [] - 2018-06-19 ### Changed - Cabal fix. ## [] - 2018-05-24 ### Changed - Fixed conditions. ## [] - 2018-05-18 ### Added - New types for conditions in `DSL`. ## [] - 2018-05-14 ### Added - Added `DSL` for `Cypher`. ## [] - 2018-04-23 ### Added - Added ability to delete nodes by their `BoltId`s. ## [] - 2018-04-20 ### Added - Added ability to update properties of the existing node; added ability to choose if you want to `CREATE` or `MERGE` the relationship. ## [] - 2018-04-05 ### Changed - More accurate `toNode` on data fields with `Maybe a` type. If the corresponding field in the type is Nothing, this field won't be included to `Node`. ## [] - 2018-04-05 ### Changed - More accurate `fromNode` on data fields with `Maybe a` type. If there is no such field in Node, data field will be set to Nothing. ## [] - 2018-02-22 ### Added - Template Haskell code to generate `Node`s and `URelationship`s. - Simple queries to upload `Node` and `URelationship`. - Simple query to download `Node`s.