module HashAddressed.App.Command.Examples.Write ( writeCommand, ) where import Essentials import HashAddressed.App.Command.Type import HashAddressed.App.HashFunction.Naming import HashAddressed.App.HashFunction.Options import HashAddressed.App.Meta.Initialization import HashAddressed.App.Meta.Paths import HashAddressed.App.Meta.Reading import HashAddressed.App.Verbosity.Options import HashAddressed.App.Verbosity.Printing import HashAddressed.App.Verbosity.Type import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import HashAddressed.Directory (WriteResult (..), WriteType (..)) import Prelude (FilePath, IO) import Data.Foldable (fold) import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Except as Except import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as Resource import qualified Data.ByteString as Strict.ByteString import qualified HashAddressed.Directory import qualified Options.Applicative as Options import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Data.Either as Either import qualified System.Directory as Directory import qualified Pipes writeCommand :: Command writeCommand = (parser <**> Options.helper) $ Options.progDesc "Copy from the standard input stream (or a file, see --source-file) \ \to a hash-addressed store (see --target-directory)" where parser :: Options.Parser (CommandAction ()) parser = do optStoreDirectory :: FilePath <- Options.strOption $ Options.long "target-directory" <> "Where the hash-addressed files are located" optSourceFile :: Maybe FilePath <- Options.optional $ Options.strOption $ Options.long "source-file" <> "Path of file to copy to the store; if this option is \ \not given, will read from standard input stream instead" optLinks :: [FilePath] <- Options.many $ Options.strOption $ Options.long "link" <> "After writing, create a symbolic link at this path \ \that points to the hash-addressed file. \ \This option may be given more than once to create multiple links. \ \The destination path path must be empty and its parent directory \ \must already exist. The process returns a non-zero exit code if \ \any of the links cannot be created." optInitializeStore :: Bool <- Options.switch $ Options.long "initialize" <> "Set up a hash-addressed store if one does not already exist. \ \If this option is given, --hash-function is required." optHashFunction :: Maybe HashFunctionName <- Options.optional $ Options.option hashFunctionRead $ Options.long "hash-function" <> ("If --initialize is given, use this flag to specify the hash \ \function. If a store exists, fail unless it used this hash function. " <> hashFunctionInstructions) optVerbosity :: Verbosity <- verbosityOption pure do hashFunction <- case optInitializeStore of True -> case optHashFunction of Nothing -> Except.throwE $ Seq.singleton $ "--initialize requires --hash-function" Just hf -> do Monad.when optInitializeStore $ tryInitializeStore CreateIfNotPresent optVerbosity hf optStoreDirectory pure hf False -> do configHashFunction <- readHashFunctionFromConfig optStoreDirectory case optHashFunction of Just hf | hf /= configHashFunction -> Except.throwE $ Seq.singleton $ "--hash-function " <> showHashFunction hf <> " does not match hash function " <> showHashFunction configHashFunction <> " in " <> configFile optStoreDirectory _ -> pure () pure configHashFunction putVerboseLn optVerbosity $ "The hash function is " <> showHashFunction hashFunction let store = HashAddressed.Directory.Directory optStoreDirectory (resolveHashFunction hashFunction) ((), WriteResult{ hashAddressedFile, writeType }) <- liftIO $ Resource.runResourceT @IO do input <- case optSourceFile of Nothing -> pure IO.stdin Just inputFile -> do (_, h) <- Resource.allocate (IO.openBinaryFile inputFile IO.ReadMode) IO.hClose pure h liftIO $ HashAddressed.Directory.writeStream store $ let loop = do x <- liftIO $ Strict.ByteString.hGetSome input 4096 Monad.unless (Strict.ByteString.null x) (Pipes.yield x *> loop) in loop putNormalLn optVerbosity hashAddressedFile putVerboseLn optVerbosity case writeType of AlreadyPresent -> "The file was already present in the store; no change was made." NewContent -> "One new file was added to the store." linkFailures <- fmap fold $ liftIO $ optLinks & traverse \linkToBeCreated -> Exception.tryIO (Directory.createFileLink hashAddressedFile linkToBeCreated) <&> \case Either.Left _ -> Seq.singleton $ "Failed to create link " <> linkToBeCreated Either.Right () -> Seq.empty Monad.unless (Seq.null linkFailures) $ Except.throwE linkFailures