{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, UnicodeSyntax #-}

module Graphics.Rendering.HPlot.Plot (
    , plot
    , plot'
    ) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Gtk
import Graphics.Rendering.HPlot.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.HPlot.Utils
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default
import Data.Either

plot_  PlotOption  [EitherPlot]  EitherLayout
{-# INLINE plot_ #-}
plot_ opt ps | null ls   = Right $ toLayout rs xAxisFnR
             | otherwise = Left $ toLayout ls xAxisFnL
        toLayout x xAxisFn = layout_title .~ opt^.title
            $ layout_plots .~ x
            $ layout_x_axis .~ (
                  laxis_title .~ opt^.xlab
                $ laxis_generate .~ xAxisFn
                $ laxis_style .~ xAxisStyle
                $ def
            $ layout_y_axis .~ (
                  laxis_title .~ opt^.ylab
                $ laxis_generate .~ yAxisFn
                $ laxis_style .~ yAxisStyle
                $ def
            $ def

        (ls, rs) = partitionEithers ps
        xAxisFnL = autoIndexAxis (opt^.labels)
        xAxisFnR = if uncurry (>=) (opt^.xlim)
                      then autoAxis
                      else scaledAxis def (opt^.xlim)
        yAxisFn = if uncurry (>=) (opt^.ylim)
                     then autoAxis
                     else scaledAxis def (opt^.ylim)
        xAxisStyle = axis_grid_style .~ xGridStyle
            $ def
        yAxisStyle = axis_grid_style .~ yGridStyle
            $ def
        xGridStyle = case opt^.grid of
            'b'  defaultGridLineStyle
            'x'  defaultGridLineStyle
            _  line_color .~ mkColor "black" 0 $ def

        yGridStyle = case opt^.grid of
            'b'  defaultGridLineStyle
            'y'  defaultGridLineStyle
            _  line_color .~ mkColor "black" 0 $ def

plot  PlotOption  [EitherPlot]  IO ()
plot opt ps = either f f (plot_ opt ps)
    where f x = renderableToWindow (toRenderable x) (opt^.width) (opt^.height)

plot'  PlotOption  [EitherPlot]  String  IO ()
plot' opt ps flname = either f f (plot_ opt ps) flname >> return ()
    where f x = renderableToFile (fo_size .~ (opt^.width, opt^.height) $ def) (toRenderable x)