{-| Module: HaskHOL.Core.Ext.QQ Copyright: (c) The University of Kansas 2013 LICENSE: BSD3 Maintainer: ecaustin@ittc.ku.edu Stability: unstable Portability: unknown This module defines a mechanism for compile time quasi-quoting of 'HOLTerm's. The 'baseQuoter' method constructs a theory specific quasi-quoter that parses 'HOLTerm's at the expression level using 'toHTm'. An example, 'base' is provided to demonstrate how this process works. Additionally, a specialized quasi-quoter for 'String's is provided that escapes special characters and trims white-space. This can be helpful when expressing 'HOLTerm's as 'String's, i.e. @\"\\ x . x\"@. -} module HaskHOL.Core.Ext.QQ ( baseQuoter , baseQQ , str ) where import HaskHOL.Core.Lib import HaskHOL.Core.State import HaskHOL.Core.Parser import HaskHOL.Core.Ext.Protected {- We require some Template Haskell primitives that shouldn't be exposed outside of this module, i.e. runIO -} import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote {-| This is the base quasi-quoter for the HaskHOL system. When provided with a theory context value, it constucts a theory specific quasi-quoter that parses a 'String' as a term, protecting and lifting the result. Note that, at this point in time, we only allowing quoting at the expression level. -} baseQuoter :: CtxtName thry => TheoryPath thry -> QuasiQuoter baseQuoter thry = QuasiQuoter quoteBaseExps nothing nothing nothing where quoteBaseExps :: String -> Q Exp quoteBaseExps (':':x) = liftProtectedExp =<< runIO (runHOLProof (liftM (protect thry) . toHTy $ pack x) thry) quoteBaseExps x = liftProtectedExp =<< runIO (runHOLProof (liftM (protect thry) . toHTm $ pack x) thry) nothing _ = fail "quoting here not supported" {-| An instance of 'baseQuoter' for the core theory context, 'ctxtBase'. Example: > [baseQQ| x = y |] will parse the provided string and construct the 'HOLTerm' @x = y@ at compile time. Note that this term is protected, such that it has to be accessed via 'serve'. This is advantageous in computations that may be run many times, for example: > do tm <- serve [baseQQ| x = y |] > ... will parse the term exactly once, only checking the @thry@ tag of the computation for each evaluation. Conversely, > do tm <- toHTm "x = y" > ... will parse the term for every evaluation of that computation. Generally, the use of 'toHTm' is reserved for run time parsing and in larger computations that themselves are evaluated at copmile time to minimize the amount of work Template Haskell has to do. -} baseQQ :: QuasiQuoter baseQQ = baseQuoter ctxtBase {-| This is a specialized quasi-quoter for 'Text's. It can be used to strip white space and automatically escape special characters. It is typically used in conjunction with 'toHTm' directly or indirectly. -} str :: QuasiQuoter str = QuasiQuoter quoteStrExp nothing nothing nothing where quoteStrExp x = [| textStrip $ pack $(litE $ StringL x) |] nothing _ = fail "quoting here not supported"