module Hasql.Decoders.Row where import Hasql.Decoders.Value qualified as Value import Hasql.Errors import Hasql.LibPq14 qualified as LibPQ import Hasql.Prelude hiding (error) import PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoding qualified as A newtype Row a = Row (ReaderT Env (ExceptT RowError IO) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) instance MonadFail Row where fail = error . ValueError . fromString data Env = Env !LibPQ.Result !LibPQ.Row !LibPQ.Column !Bool !(IORef LibPQ.Column) -- * Functions {-# INLINE run #-} run :: Row a -> (LibPQ.Result, LibPQ.Row, LibPQ.Column, Bool) -> IO (Either (Int, RowError) a) run (Row impl) (result, row, columnsAmount, integerDatetimes) = do columnRef <- newIORef 0 runExceptT (runReaderT impl (Env result row columnsAmount integerDatetimes columnRef)) >>= \case Left e -> do LibPQ.Col col <- readIORef columnRef -- -1 because succ is applied before the error is returned pure $ Left (fromIntegral col - 1, e) Right x -> pure $ Right x {-# INLINE error #-} error :: RowError -> Row a error x = Row (ReaderT (const (ExceptT (pure (Left x))))) -- | -- Next value, decoded using the provided value decoder. {-# INLINE value #-} value :: Value.Value a -> Row (Maybe a) value valueDec = {-# SCC "value" #-} Row $ ReaderT $ \(Env result row columnsAmount integerDatetimes columnRef) -> ExceptT $ do col <- readIORef columnRef writeIORef columnRef (succ col) if col < columnsAmount then do valueMaybe <- {-# SCC "getvalue'" #-} LibPQ.getvalue' result row col pure $ case valueMaybe of Nothing -> Right Nothing Just value -> fmap Just $ first ValueError $ {-# SCC "decode" #-} A.valueParser ( valueDec integerDatetimes) value else pure (Left EndOfInput) -- | -- Next value, decoded using the provided value decoder. {-# INLINE nonNullValue #-} nonNullValue :: Value.Value a -> Row a nonNullValue valueDec = {-# SCC "nonNullValue" #-} value valueDec >>= maybe (error UnexpectedNull) pure