hledger- The main command-line interface for the hledger accounting tool.

Safe HaskellNone



A simple test runner for hledger's built-in unit tests.



test' :: CliOpts -> IO ()Source

Run HUnit unit tests and exit with success or failure.

runTests :: CliOpts -> IO CountsSource

Run all or just the matched unit tests and return their HUnit result counts.

runTestsTillFailure :: CliOpts -> IO (Maybe String)Source

Run all or just the matched unit tests until the first failure or error, returning the name of the problem test if any.

flatTests :: CliOpts -> TestSource

All or pattern-matched tests, as a flat list to show simple names.

hierarchicalTests :: CliOpts -> TestSource

All or pattern-matched tests, in the original suites to show hierarchical names.