balance (bal) Show accounts and their balances. _FLAGS balance is one of hledger's oldest and most versatile commands, for listing account balances, balance changes, values, value changes and more, during one time period or many. Generally it shows a table, with rows representing accounts, and columns representing periods. Note there are some higher-level variants of the balance command with convenient defaults, which can be simpler to use: balancesheet, balancesheetequity, cashflow and incomestatement. When you need more control, then use balance. balance features Here's a quick overview of the balance command's features, followed by more detailed descriptions and examples. Many of these work with the higher-level commands as well. balance can show.. - accounts as a list (-l) or a tree (-t) - optionally depth-limited (-[1-9]) - sorted by declaration order and name, or by amount ..and their.. - balance changes (the default) - or actual and planned balance changes (--budget) - or value of balance changes (-V) - or change of balance values (--valuechange) - or unrealised capital gain/loss (--gain) - or balance changes from sibling postings (--related/-r) - or postings count (--count) - one time period (the whole journal period by default) - or multiple periods (-D, -W, -M, -Q, -Y, -p INTERVAL) ..either.. - per period (the default) - or accumulated since report start date (--cumulative) - or accumulated since account creation (--historical/-H) ..possibly converted to.. - cost (--value=cost[,COMM]/--cost/-B) - or market value, as of transaction dates (--value=then[,COMM]) - or at period ends (--value=end[,COMM]) - or now (--value=now) - or at some other date (--value=YYYY-MM-DD) ..with.. - totals (-T), averages (-A), percentages (-%), inverted sign (--invert) - rows and columns swapped (--transpose) - another field used as account name (--pivot) - custom-formatted line items (single-period reports only) (--format) - commodities displayed on the same line or multiple lines (--layout) This command supports the output destination and output format options, with output formats txt, csv, tsv (Added in 1.32), json, and (multi-period reports only:) html. In txt output in a colour-supporting terminal, negative amounts are shown in red. Simple balance report With no arguments, balance shows a list of all accounts and their change of balance - ie, the sum of posting amounts, both inflows and outflows - during the entire period of the journal. ("Simple" here means just one column of numbers, covering a single period. You can also have multi-period reports, described later.) For real-world accounts, these numbers will normally be their end balance at the end of the journal period; more on this below. Accounts are sorted by declaration order if any, and then alphabetically by account name. For instance (using examples/sample.journal): $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal bal $1 assets:bank:saving $-2 assets:cash $1 expenses:food $1 expenses:supplies $-1 income:gifts $-1 income:salary $1 liabilities:debts -------------------- 0 Accounts with a zero balance (and no non-zero subaccounts, in tree mode - see below) are hidden by default. Use -E/--empty to show them (revealing assets:bank:checking here): $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal bal -E 0 assets:bank:checking $1 assets:bank:saving $-2 assets:cash $1 expenses:food $1 expenses:supplies $-1 income:gifts $-1 income:salary $1 liabilities:debts -------------------- 0 The total of the amounts displayed is shown as the last line, unless -N/--no-total is used. Balance report line format For single-period balance reports displayed in the terminal (only), you can use --format FMT to customise the format and content of each line. Eg: $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal balance --format "%20(account) %12(total)" assets $-1 bank:saving $1 cash $-2 expenses $2 food $1 supplies $1 income $-2 gifts $-1 salary $-1 liabilities:debts $1 --------------------------------- 0 The FMT format string specifies the formatting applied to each account/balance pair. It may contain any suitable text, with data fields interpolated like so: %[MIN][.MAX](FIELDNAME) - MIN pads with spaces to at least this width (optional) - MAX truncates at this width (optional) - FIELDNAME must be enclosed in parentheses, and can be one of: - depth_spacer - a number of spaces equal to the account's depth, or if MIN is specified, MIN * depth spaces. - account - the account's name - total - the account's balance/posted total, right justified Also, FMT can begin with an optional prefix to control how multi-commodity amounts are rendered: - %_ - render on multiple lines, bottom-aligned (the default) - %^ - render on multiple lines, top-aligned - %, - render on one line, comma-separated There are some quirks. Eg in one-line mode, %(depth_spacer) has no effect, instead %(account) has indentation built in. Experimentation may be needed to get pleasing results. Some example formats: - %(total) - the account's total - %-20.20(account) - the account's name, left justified, padded to 20 characters and clipped at 20 characters - %,%-50(account) %25(total) - account name padded to 50 characters, total padded to 20 characters, with multiple commodities rendered on one line - %20(total) %2(depth_spacer)%-(account) - the default format for the single-column balance report Filtered balance report You can show fewer accounts, a different time period, totals from cleared transactions only, etc. by using query arguments or options to limit the postings being matched. Eg: $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal bal --cleared assets date:200806 $-2 assets:cash -------------------- $-2 List or tree mode By default, or with -l/--flat, accounts are shown as a flat list with their full names visible, as in the examples above. With -t/--tree, the account hierarchy is shown, with subaccounts' "leaf" names indented below their parent: $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal balance $-1 assets $1 bank:saving $-2 cash $2 expenses $1 food $1 supplies $-2 income $-1 gifts $-1 salary $1 liabilities:debts -------------------- 0 Notes: - "Boring" accounts are combined with their subaccount for more compact output, unless --no-elide is used. Boring accounts have no balance of their own and just one subaccount (eg assets:bank and liabilities above). - All balances shown are "inclusive", ie including the balances from all subaccounts. Note this means some repetition in the output, which requires explanation when sharing reports with non-plaintextaccounting-users. A tree mode report's final total is the sum of the top-level balances shown, not of all the balances shown. - Each group of sibling accounts (ie, under a common parent) is sorted separately. Depth limiting With a depth:NUM query, or --depth NUM option, or just -NUM (eg: -3) balance reports will show accounts only to the specified depth, hiding the deeper subaccounts. This can be useful for getting an overview without too much detail. Account balances at the depth limit always include the balances from any deeper subaccounts (even in list mode). Eg, limiting to depth 1: $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal balance -1 $-1 assets $2 expenses $-2 income $1 liabilities -------------------- 0 Dropping top-level accounts You can also hide one or more top-level account name parts, using --drop NUM. This can be useful for hiding repetitive top-level account names: $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal bal expenses --drop 1 $1 food $1 supplies -------------------- $2 Showing declared accounts With --declared, accounts which have been declared with an account directive will be included in the balance report, even if they have no transactions. (Since they will have a zero balance, you will also need -E/--empty to see them.) More precisely, leaf declared accounts (with no subaccounts) will be included, since those are usually the more useful in reports. The idea of this is to be able to see a useful "complete" balance report, even when you don't have transactions in all of your declared accounts yet. Sorting by amount With -S/--sort-amount, accounts with the largest (most positive) balances are shown first. Eg: hledger bal expenses -MAS shows your biggest averaged monthly expenses first. When more than one commodity is present, they will be sorted by the alphabetically earliest commodity first, and then by subsequent commodities (if an amount is missing a commodity, it is treated as 0). Revenues and liability balances are typically negative, however, so -S shows these in reverse order. To work around this, you can add --invert to flip the signs. (Or, use one of the higher-level reports, which flip the sign automatically. Eg: hledger incomestatement -MAS). Percentages With -%/--percent, balance reports show each account's value expressed as a percentage of the (column) total. Note it is not useful to calculate percentages if the amounts in a column have mixed signs. In this case, make a separate report for each sign, eg: $ hledger bal -% amt:`>0` $ hledger bal -% amt:`<0` Similarly, if the amounts in a column have mixed commodities, convert them to one commodity with -B, -V, -X or --value, or make a separate report for each commodity: $ hledger bal -% cur:\\$ $ hledger bal -% cur:€ Multi-period balance report With a report interval (set by the -D/--daily, -W/--weekly, -M/--monthly, -Q/--quarterly, -Y/--yearly, or -p/--period flag), balance shows a tabular report, with columns representing successive time periods (and a title): $ hledger -f examples/sample.journal bal --quarterly income expenses -E Balance changes in 2008: || 2008q1 2008q2 2008q3 2008q4 ===================++================================= expenses:food || 0 $1 0 0 expenses:supplies || 0 $1 0 0 income:gifts || 0 $-1 0 0 income:salary || $-1 0 0 0 -------------------++--------------------------------- || $-1 $1 0 0 Notes: - The report's start/end dates will be expanded, if necessary, to fully encompass the displayed subperiods (so that the first and last subperiods have the same duration as the others). - Leading and trailing periods (columns) containing all zeroes are not shown, unless -E/--empty is used. - Accounts (rows) containing all zeroes are not shown, unless -E/--empty is used. - Amounts with many commodities are shown in abbreviated form, unless --no-elide is used. - Average and/or total columns can be added with the -A/--average and -T/--row-total flags. - The --transpose flag can be used to exchange rows and columns. - The --pivot FIELD option causes a different transaction field to be used as "account name". See PIVOTING. Multi-period reports with many periods can be too wide for easy viewing in the terminal. Here are some ways to handle that: - Hide the totals row with -N/--no-total - Filter to a single currency with cur: - Convert to a single currency with -V [--infer-market-price] - Use a more compact layout like --layout=bare - Maximize the terminal window - Reduce the terminal's font size - View with a pager like less, eg: hledger bal -D --color=yes | less -RS - Output as CSV and use a CSV viewer like visidata (hledger bal -D -O csv | vd -f csv), Emacs' csv-mode (M-x csv-mode, C-c C-a), or a spreadsheet (hledger bal -D -o a.csv && open a.csv) - Output as HTML and view with a browser: hledger bal -D -o a.html && open a.html Balance change, end balance It's important to be clear on the meaning of the numbers shown in balance reports. Here is some terminology we use: A balance change is the net amount added to, or removed from, an account during some period. An end balance is the amount accumulated in an account as of some date (and some time, but hledger doesn't store that; assume end of day in your timezone). It is the sum of previous balance changes. We call it a historical end balance if it includes all balance changes since the account was created. For a real world account, this means it will match the "historical record", eg the balances reported in your bank statements or bank web UI. (If they are correct!) In general, balance changes are what you want to see when reviewing revenues and expenses, and historical end balances are what you want to see when reviewing or reconciling asset, liability and equity accounts. balance shows balance changes by default. To see accurate historical end balances: 1. Initialise account starting balances with an "opening balances" transaction (a transfer from equity to the account), unless the journal covers the account's full lifetime. 2. Include all of of the account's prior postings in the report, by not specifying a report start date, or by using the -H/--historical flag. (-H causes report start date to be ignored when summing postings.) Balance report types The balance command is quite flexible; here is the full detail on how to control what it reports. If the following seems complicated, don't worry - this is for advanced reporting, and it does take time and experimentation to get familiar with all the report modes. There are three important option groups: hledger balance [CALCULATIONTYPE] [ACCUMULATIONTYPE] [VALUATIONTYPE] ... Calculation type The basic calculation to perform for each table cell. It is one of: - --sum : sum the posting amounts (default) - --budget : sum the amounts, but also show the budget goal amount (for each account/period) - --valuechange : show the change in period-end historical balance values (caused by deposits, withdrawals, and/or market price fluctuations) - --gain : show the unrealised capital gain/loss, (the current valued balance minus each amount's original cost) - --count : show the count of postings Accumulation type How amounts should accumulate across a report's subperiods/columns. Another way to say it: which time period's postings should contribute to each cell's calculation. It is one of: - --change : calculate with postings from column start to column end, ie "just this column". Typically used to see revenues/expenses. (default for balance, cashflow, incomestatement) - --cumulative : calculate with postings from report start to column end, ie "previous columns plus this column". Typically used to show changes accumulated since the report's start date. Not often used. - --historical/-H : calculate with postings from journal start to column end, ie "all postings from before report start date until this column's end". Typically used to see historical end balances of assets/liabilities/equity. (default for balancesheet, balancesheetequity) Valuation type Which kind of value or cost conversion should be applied, if any, before displaying the report. It is one of: - no valuation type : don't convert to cost or value (default) - --value=cost[,COMM] : convert amounts to cost (then optionally to some other commodity) - --value=then[,COMM] : convert amounts to market value on transaction dates - --value=end[,COMM] : convert amounts to market value on period end date(s) (default with --valuechange, --gain) - --value=now[,COMM] : convert amounts to market value on today's date - --value=YYYY-MM-DD[,COMM] : convert amounts to market value on another date or one of the equivalent simpler flags: - -B/--cost : like --value=cost (though, note --cost and --value are independent options which can both be used at once) - -V/--market : like --value=end - -X COMM/--exchange COMM : like --value=end,COMM See Cost reporting and Value reporting for more about these. Combining balance report types Most combinations of these options should produce reasonable reports, but if you find any that seem wrong or misleading, let us know. The following restrictions are applied: - --valuechange implies --value=end - --valuechange makes --change the default when used with the balancesheet/balancesheetequity commands - --cumulative or --historical disables --row-total/-T For reference, here is what the combinations of accumulation and valuation show: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Valuation:> no valuation --value= then --value= end --value= YYYY-MM-DD /now Accumulation:v ------------------ ---------------- ----------------- --------------- -------------------------- --change change in period sum of period-end DATE-value of change in posting-date value of change period market values in in period period --cumulative change from sum of period-end DATE-value of change from report start to posting-date value of change report start to period end period end market values from report from report start start to period to period end end --historical /-H change from sum of period-end DATE-value of change from journal start to posting-date value of change journal start to period period end market values from journal end (historical end from journal start to period balance) start to period end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Budget report The --budget report type is like a regular balance report, but with two main differences: - Budget goals and performance percentages are also shown, in brackets - Accounts which don't have budget goals are hidden by default. This is useful for comparing planned and actual income, expenses, time usage, etc. Periodic transaction rules are used to define budget goals. For example, here's a periodic rule defining monthly goals for bus travel and food expenses: ;; Budget ~ monthly (expenses:bus) $30 (expenses:food) $400 After recording some actual expenses, ;; Two months worth of expenses 2017-11-01 income $-1950 expenses:bus $35 expenses:food:groceries $310 expenses:food:dining $42 expenses:movies $38 assets:bank:checking 2017-12-01 income $-2100 expenses:bus $53 expenses:food:groceries $380 expenses:food:dining $32 expenses:gifts $100 assets:bank:checking we can see a budget report like this: $ hledger bal -M --budget Budget performance in 2017-11-01..2017-12-31: || Nov Dec ===============++============================================ || $-425 $-565 expenses || $425 [ 99% of $430] $565 [131% of $430] expenses:bus || $35 [117% of $30] $53 [177% of $30] expenses:food || $352 [ 88% of $400] $412 [103% of $400] ---------------++-------------------------------------------- || 0 [ 0% of $430] 0 [ 0% of $430] This is "goal-based budgeting"; you define goals for accounts and periods, often recurring, and hledger shows performance relative to the goals. This contrasts with "envelope budgeting", which is more detailed and strict - useful when cash is tight, but also quite a bit more work. has more on this topic. Using the budget report Historically this report has been confusing and fragile. hledger's version should be relatively robust and intuitive, but you may still find surprises. Here are more notes to help with learning and troubleshooting. - In the above example, expenses:bus and expenses:food are shown because they have budget goals during the report period. - Their parent expenses is also shown, with budget goals aggregated from the children. - The subaccounts expenses:food:groceries and expenses:food:dining are not shown since they have no budget goal of their own, but they contribute to expenses:food's actual amount. - Unbudgeted accounts expenses:movies and expenses:gifts are also not shown, but they contribute to expenses's actual amount. - The other unbudgeted accounts income and assets:bank:checking are grouped as . - --depth or depth: can be used to limit report depth in the usual way (but will not reveal unbudgeted subaccounts). - Amounts are always inclusive of subaccounts (even in -l/--list mode). - Numbers displayed in a --budget report will not always agree with the totals, because of hidden unbudgeted accounts; this is normal. -E/--empty can be used to reveal the hidden accounts. - In the periodic rules used for setting budget goals, unbalanced postings are convenient. - You can filter budget reports with the usual queries, eg to focus on particular accounts. It's common to restrict them to just expenses. (The account is occasionally hard to exclude; this is because of date surprises, discussed below.) - When you have multiple currencies, you may want to convert them to one (-X COMM --infer-market-prices) and/or show just one at a time (cur:COMM). If you do need to show multiple currencies at once, --layout bare can be helpful. - You can "roll over" amounts (actual and budgeted) to the next period with --cumulative. See also: Budget date surprises With small data, or when starting out, some of the generated budget goal transaction dates might fall outside the report periods. Eg with the following journal and report, the first period appears to have no expenses:food budget. (Also the account should be excluded by the expenses query, but isn't.): ~ monthly in 2020 (expenses:food) $500 2020-01-15 expenses:food $400 assets:checking $ hledger bal --budget expenses Budget performance in 2020-01-15: || 2020-01-15 ===============++==================== || $400 expenses:food || 0 [ 0% of $500] ---------------++-------------------- || $400 [80% of $500] In this case, the budget goal transactions are generated on first days of of month (this can be seen with hledger print --forecast tag:generated expenses). Whereas the report period defaults to just the 15th day of january (this can be seen from the report table's column headings). To fix this kind of thing, be more explicit about the report period (and/or the periodic rules' dates). In this case, adding -b 2020 does the trick. Selecting budget goals By default, the budget report uses all available periodic transaction rules to generate goals. This includes rules with a different report interval from your report. Eg if you have daily, weekly and monthly periodic rules, all of these will contribute to the goals in a monthly budget report. You can select a subset of periodic rules by providing an argument to the --budget flag. --budget=DESCPAT will match all periodic rules whose description contains DESCPAT, a case-insensitive substring (not a regular expression or query). This means you can give your periodic rules descriptions (remember that two spaces are needed between period expression and description), and then select from multiple budgets defined in your journal. Budgeting vs forecasting --forecast and --budget both use the periodic transaction rules in the journal to generate temporary transactions for reporting purposes. However they are separate features - though you can use both at the same time if you want. Here are some differences between them: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --forecast --budget -------------------------------------- -------------------------------- is a general option; it enables is a balance command option; it forecasting with all reports selects the balance report's budget mode generates visible transactions which generates invisible transactions appear in reports which produce goal amounts generates forecast transactions from generates budget goal after the last regular transaction, to transactions throughout the the end of the report period; or with report period, optionally an argument --forecast=PERIODEXPR restricted by periods specified generates them throughout the in the periodic transaction specified period, both optionally rules restricted by periods specified in the periodic transaction rules uses all periodic rules uses all periodic rules; or with an argument --budget=DESCPAT uses just the rules matched by DESCPAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance report layout The --layout option affects how balance reports show multi-commodity amounts and commodity symbols, which can improve readability. It can also normalise the data for easy consumption by other programs. It has four possible values: - --layout=wide[,WIDTH]: commodities are shown on a single line, optionally elided to WIDTH - --layout=tall: each commodity is shown on a separate line - --layout=bare: commodity symbols are in their own column, amounts are bare numbers - --layout=tidy: data is normalised to easily-consumed "tidy" form, with one row per data value Here are the --layout modes supported by each output format Only CSV output supports all of them: - txt csv html json sql ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- wide Y Y Y tall Y Y Y bare Y Y Y tidy Y Examples: Wide layout With many commodities, reports can be very wide: $ hledger -f examples/bcexample.hledger bal assets:us:etrade -3 -T -Y --layout=wide Balance changes in 2012-01-01..2014-12-31: || 2012 2013 2014 Total ==================++==================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Assets:US:ETrade || 10.00 ITOT, 337.18 USD, 12.00 VEA, 106.00 VHT 70.00 GLD, 18.00 ITOT, -98.12 USD, 10.00 VEA, 18.00 VHT -11.00 ITOT, 4881.44 USD, 14.00 VEA, 170.00 VHT 70.00 GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 5120.50 USD, 36.00 VEA, 294.00 VHT ------------------++-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- || 10.00 ITOT, 337.18 USD, 12.00 VEA, 106.00 VHT 70.00 GLD, 18.00 ITOT, -98.12 USD, 10.00 VEA, 18.00 VHT -11.00 ITOT, 4881.44 USD, 14.00 VEA, 170.00 VHT 70.00 GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 5120.50 USD, 36.00 VEA, 294.00 VHT A width limit reduces the width, but some commodities will be hidden: $ hledger -f examples/bcexample.hledger bal assets:us:etrade -3 -T -Y --layout=wide,32 Balance changes in 2012-01-01..2014-12-31: || 2012 2013 2014 Total ==================++=========================================================================================================================== Assets:US:ETrade || 10.00 ITOT, 337.18 USD, 2 more.. 70.00 GLD, 18.00 ITOT, 3 more.. -11.00 ITOT, 3 more.. 70.00 GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 3 more.. ------------------++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- || 10.00 ITOT, 337.18 USD, 2 more.. 70.00 GLD, 18.00 ITOT, 3 more.. -11.00 ITOT, 3 more.. 70.00 GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 3 more.. Tall layout Each commodity gets a new line (may be different in each column), and account names are repeated: $ hledger -f examples/bcexample.hledger bal assets:us:etrade -3 -T -Y --layout=tall Balance changes in 2012-01-01..2014-12-31: || 2012 2013 2014 Total ==================++================================================== Assets:US:ETrade || 10.00 ITOT 70.00 GLD -11.00 ITOT 70.00 GLD Assets:US:ETrade || 337.18 USD 18.00 ITOT 4881.44 USD 17.00 ITOT Assets:US:ETrade || 12.00 VEA -98.12 USD 14.00 VEA 5120.50 USD Assets:US:ETrade || 106.00 VHT 10.00 VEA 170.00 VHT 36.00 VEA Assets:US:ETrade || 18.00 VHT 294.00 VHT ------------------++-------------------------------------------------- || 10.00 ITOT 70.00 GLD -11.00 ITOT 70.00 GLD || 337.18 USD 18.00 ITOT 4881.44 USD 17.00 ITOT || 12.00 VEA -98.12 USD 14.00 VEA 5120.50 USD || 106.00 VHT 10.00 VEA 170.00 VHT 36.00 VEA || 18.00 VHT 294.00 VHT Bare layout Commodity symbols are kept in one column, each commodity has its own row, amounts are bare numbers, account names are repeated: $ hledger -f examples/bcexample.hledger bal assets:us:etrade -3 -T -Y --layout=bare Balance changes in 2012-01-01..2014-12-31: || Commodity 2012 2013 2014 Total ==================++============================================= Assets:US:ETrade || GLD 0 70.00 0 70.00 Assets:US:ETrade || ITOT 10.00 18.00 -11.00 17.00 Assets:US:ETrade || USD 337.18 -98.12 4881.44 5120.50 Assets:US:ETrade || VEA 12.00 10.00 14.00 36.00 Assets:US:ETrade || VHT 106.00 18.00 170.00 294.00 ------------------++--------------------------------------------- || GLD 0 70.00 0 70.00 || ITOT 10.00 18.00 -11.00 17.00 || USD 337.18 -98.12 4881.44 5120.50 || VEA 12.00 10.00 14.00 36.00 || VHT 106.00 18.00 170.00 294.00 Bare layout also affects CSV output, which is useful for producing data that is easier to consume, eg for making charts: $ hledger -f examples/bcexample.hledger bal assets:us:etrade -3 -O csv --layout=bare "account","commodity","balance" "Assets:US:ETrade","GLD","70.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","ITOT","17.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","USD","5120.50" "Assets:US:ETrade","VEA","36.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","VHT","294.00" "total","GLD","70.00" "total","ITOT","17.00" "total","USD","5120.50" "total","VEA","36.00" "total","VHT","294.00" Bare layout will sometimes display an extra row for the no-symbol commodity, because of zero amounts (hledger treats zeroes as commodity-less, usually). This can break hledger-bar confusingly (workaround: add a cur: query to exclude the no-symbol row). Tidy layout This produces normalised "tidy data" (see where every variable has its own column and each row represents a single data point. This is the easiest kind of data for other software to consume: $ hledger -f examples/bcexample.hledger bal assets:us:etrade -3 -Y -O csv --layout=tidy "account","period","start_date","end_date","commodity","value" "Assets:US:ETrade","2012","2012-01-01","2012-12-31","GLD","0" "Assets:US:ETrade","2012","2012-01-01","2012-12-31","ITOT","10.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2012","2012-01-01","2012-12-31","USD","337.18" "Assets:US:ETrade","2012","2012-01-01","2012-12-31","VEA","12.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2012","2012-01-01","2012-12-31","VHT","106.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2013","2013-01-01","2013-12-31","GLD","70.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2013","2013-01-01","2013-12-31","ITOT","18.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2013","2013-01-01","2013-12-31","USD","-98.12" "Assets:US:ETrade","2013","2013-01-01","2013-12-31","VEA","10.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2013","2013-01-01","2013-12-31","VHT","18.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2014","2014-01-01","2014-12-31","GLD","0" "Assets:US:ETrade","2014","2014-01-01","2014-12-31","ITOT","-11.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2014","2014-01-01","2014-12-31","USD","4881.44" "Assets:US:ETrade","2014","2014-01-01","2014-12-31","VEA","14.00" "Assets:US:ETrade","2014","2014-01-01","2014-12-31","VHT","170.00" Some useful balance reports Some frequently used balance options/reports are: - bal -M revenues expenses Show revenues/expenses in each month. Also available as the incomestatement command. - bal -M -H assets liabilities Show historical asset/liability balances at each month end. Also available as the balancesheet command. - bal -M -H assets liabilities equity Show historical asset/liability/equity balances at each month end. Also available as the balancesheetequity command. - bal -M assets not:receivable Show changes to liquid assets in each month. Also available as the cashflow command. Also: - bal -M expenses -2 -SA Show monthly expenses summarised to depth 2 and sorted by average amount. - bal -M --budget expenses Show monthly expenses and budget goals. - bal -M --valuechange investments Show monthly change in market value of investment assets. - bal investments --valuechange -D date:lastweek amt:'>1000' -STA [--invert] Show top gainers [or losers] last week