{-| The @demo@ command lists and plays small hledger demos in the terminal, using asciinema. -} {- PROJECTS improve cast output install command line editing glitches shrink / compress ? help screen corrupted by pager demo update (or drop till stable) add print balance document cast production tips always clear screen after running pager/curses apps ? record with tall window to avoid showing pager in playback ? improve functionality show "done" in final red line ? mirror common asciinema flags like -s, -i and/or set speed/max idle with optional arguments support other asciinema operations (cat) show hledger.org player urls windows/PowerSession support attract/continuous play mode more casts clarify goals/target user(s)/scenarios identify and prioritise some casts needed -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Demo ( demomode ,demo ) where import Hledger import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions import System.Exit (exitFailure) import Text.Printf import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import System.Process (callProcess) import System.IO.Error (catchIOError) import Safe (readMay, atMay, headMay) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find, findIndex, isInfixOf, dropWhileEnd) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.ByteString as B (ByteString) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Safe (tailMay) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile) import System.IO (hClose) import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagReq) demos :: [Demo] demos = map readDemo [ -- XXX these are confusing, redo -- (embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/help.cast"), -- https://asciinema.org/a/568112 Getting help -- (embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/demo.cast"), -- https://asciinema.org/a/567944 Watching the built-in demos $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/add.cast"), -- https://asciinema.org/a/567935 The easiest way to start a journal (add) $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/print.cast"), -- https://asciinema.org/a/567936 Show full transactions (print) $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/balance.cast"), -- https://asciinema.org/a/567937 Show account balances and changes (balance) $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/install.cast") -- https://asciinema.org/a/567934 Installing hledger from source with hledger-install ] -- | An embedded asciinema cast, with some of the metadata separated out. -- The original file name is not preserved. data Demo = Demo { dtitle :: String, -- asciinema title field _dcontent :: ByteString -- asciinema v2 content } -- | Command line options for this command. demomode = hledgerCommandMode $(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Demo.txt") [ flagReq ["speed","s"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "speed" s opts) "SPEED" ("playback speed (1 is original speed, .5 is half, 2 is double, etc (default: 2))") ] [generalflagsgroup3] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag optsstr) optsstr = "[NUM|PREFIX|SUBSTR] [-- ASCIINEMAOPTS]" usagestr = "Usage: hledger demo " <> optsstr -- | The demo command. demo :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO () demo CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=ReportSpec{_rsQuery=_query}} _j = do -- demos <- getCurrentDirectory >>= readDemos case listofstringopt "args" rawopts of [] -> putStrLn usagestr >> printDemos (a:as) -> case findDemo demos a of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "No demo \"" <> a <> "\" was found." putStrLn usagestr printDemos exitFailure Just (Demo t c) -> do let -- try to preserve the original pauses a bit while also moving things along defidlelimit = 10 defspeed = 2 speed = case maybestringopt "speed" rawopts of Nothing -> defspeed Just s -> fromMaybe err $ readMay s where err = error' $ "could not parse --speed " <> s <> ", numeric argument expected" idx = maybe 0 (1+) $ findIndex (\(Demo t2 _) -> t2 == t) demos -- should succeed mw <- getTerminalWidth let line = red' $ replicate w '.' where w = fromMaybe (length t) mw printf "playing: %d) %s\nspace to pause, . to step, ctrl-c to quit\n" idx (bold' t) putStrLn line putStrLn "" threadDelay 1000000 runAsciinemaPlay speed defidlelimit c as putStrLn "" putStrLn line readDemo :: ByteString -> Demo readDemo content = Demo title content where title = maybe "" (readTitle . B.unpack) $ headMay $ B.lines content where readTitle s | "\"title\":" `isPrefixOf` s = takeWhile (/='"') $ drop 1 $ lstrip $ drop 8 s | otherwise = maybe "" readTitle $ tailMay s findDemo :: [Demo] -> String -> Maybe Demo findDemo ds s = (readMay s >>= atMay ds . subtract 1) -- try to find by number <|> find ((sl `isPrefixOf`).lowercase.dtitle) ds -- or by title prefix (ignoring case) <|> find ((sl `isInfixOf`) .lowercase.dtitle) ds -- or by title substring (ignoring case) where sl = lowercase s printDemos :: IO () printDemos = putStrLn $ unlines $ "Demos:" : -- "" : [show i <> ") " <> bold' t | (i, Demo t _) <- zip [(1::Int)..] demos] -- | Run asciinema play with the given speed and idle limit, passing the given content to its stdin. runAsciinemaPlay :: Float -> Float -> ByteString -> [String] -> IO () runAsciinemaPlay speed idlelimit content args = -- XXX try piping to stdin also withSystemTempFile "hledger-cast" $ \f h -> do -- don't add an extra newline here, it breaks asciinema 2.3.0 (#2094). -- XXX we could try harder and strip excess newlines/carriage returns+linefeeds here B.hPutStr h content >> hClose h callProcess "asciinema" (dbg8With (("asciinema: "++).unwords) $ concat [ ["play"] ,["-s"<> showwithouttrailingzero speed] ,if idlelimit == 0 then [] else ["-i"<>showwithouttrailingzero idlelimit] ,[f] ,args ]) `catchIOError` \err -> do putStrLn $ "\n" <> show err putStrLn "Error: running asciinema failed. Trying 'asciinema --version':" callProcess "asciinema" ["--version"] `catchIOError` \_ -> putStrLn "This also failed. Check that asciinema is installed in your PATH." exitFailure where showwithouttrailingzero = dropWhileEnd (=='.') . dropWhileEnd (=='0') . show