{- | New common report types, used by the BudgetReport for now, perhaps all reports later. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes ( PeriodicReport(..) , PeriodicReportRow(..) , Percentage , Change , Balance , Total , Average , periodicReportSpan , prMapName , prMapMaybeName , CompoundPeriodicReport(..) , CBCSubreportSpec(..) , DisplayName(..) , flatDisplayName , treeDisplayName , prrShowDebug , prrFullName , prrDisplayName , prrDepth , prrAdd ) where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..)) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..)) import Data.Decimal (Decimal) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Hledger.Data import Hledger.Query (Query) import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions (ReportOpts) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.List (intercalate) type Percentage = Decimal type Change = MixedAmount -- ^ A change in balance during a certain period. type Balance = MixedAmount -- ^ An ending balance as of some date. type Total = MixedAmount -- ^ The sum of 'Change's in a report or a report row. Does not make sense for 'Balance's. type Average = MixedAmount -- ^ The average of 'Change's or 'Balance's in a report or report row. -- | A periodic report is a generic tabular report, where each row corresponds -- to some label (usually an account name) and each column to a date period. -- The column periods are usually consecutive subperiods formed by splitting -- the overall report period by some report interval (daily, weekly, etc.). -- It has: -- -- 1. a list of each column's period (date span) -- -- 2. a list of rows, each containing: -- -- * an account label -- -- * the account's depth -- -- * A list of amounts, one for each column. Depending on the value type, -- these can represent balance changes, ending balances, budget -- performance, etc. (for example, see 'BalanceAccumulation' and -- "Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance"). -- -- * the total of the row's amounts for a periodic report, -- or zero for cumulative/historical reports (since summing -- end balances generally doesn't make sense). -- -- * the average of the row's amounts -- -- 3. the column totals, and the overall grand total (or zero for -- cumulative/historical reports) and grand average. data PeriodicReport a b = PeriodicReport { prDates :: [DateSpan] -- The subperiods formed by splitting the overall -- report period by the report interval. For -- ending-balance reports, only the end date is -- significant. Usually displayed as report columns. , prRows :: [PeriodicReportRow a b] -- One row per account in the report. , prTotals :: PeriodicReportRow () b -- The grand totals row. } deriving (Show, Functor, Generic, ToJSON) instance Bifunctor PeriodicReport where bimap f g pr = pr{prRows = map (bimap f g) $ prRows pr, prTotals = g <$> prTotals pr} instance HasAmounts b => HasAmounts (PeriodicReport a b) where styleAmounts styles r@PeriodicReport{prRows,prTotals} = r{prRows=styleAmounts styles prRows, prTotals=styleAmounts styles prTotals} data PeriodicReportRow a b = PeriodicReportRow { prrName :: a -- An account name. , prrAmounts :: [b] -- The data value for each subperiod. , prrTotal :: b -- The total of this row's values. , prrAverage :: b -- The average of this row's values. } deriving (Show, Functor, Generic, ToJSON) instance Bifunctor PeriodicReportRow where first f prr = prr{prrName = f $ prrName prr} second = fmap instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (PeriodicReportRow a b) where (<>) = prrAdd instance HasAmounts b => HasAmounts (PeriodicReportRow a b) where styleAmounts styles r = r{prrAmounts=styleAmounts styles $ prrAmounts r ,prrTotal =styleAmounts styles $ prrTotal r ,prrAverage=styleAmounts styles $ prrAverage r } prrShowDebug :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName MixedAmount -> String prrShowDebug (PeriodicReportRow dname amts _tot _avg) = unwords [ T.unpack $ displayFull dname, "", intercalate " | " $ map showMixedAmount amts ] -- | Add two 'PeriodicReportRows', preserving the name of the first. prrAdd :: Semigroup b => PeriodicReportRow a b -> PeriodicReportRow a b -> PeriodicReportRow a b prrAdd (PeriodicReportRow n1 amts1 t1 a1) (PeriodicReportRow _ amts2 t2 a2) = PeriodicReportRow n1 (zipWithPadded (<>) amts1 amts2) (t1 <> t2) (a1 <> a2) -- | Version of 'zipWith' which will not end on the shortest list, but will copy the rest of the longer list. zipWithPadded :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] zipWithPadded f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b : zipWithPadded f as bs zipWithPadded _ as [] = as zipWithPadded _ [] bs = bs -- | Figure out the overall date span of a PeriodicReport periodicReportSpan :: PeriodicReport a b -> DateSpan periodicReportSpan (PeriodicReport colspans _ _) = case colspans of [] -> DateSpan Nothing Nothing s:_ -> DateSpan (Exact <$> spanStart s) (Exact <$> spanEnd (last colspans)) -- | Map a function over the row names. prMapName :: (a -> b) -> PeriodicReport a c -> PeriodicReport b c prMapName f report = report{prRows = map (prrMapName f) $ prRows report} -- | Map a function over the row names, possibly discarding some. prMapMaybeName :: (a -> Maybe b) -> PeriodicReport a c -> PeriodicReport b c prMapMaybeName f report = report{prRows = mapMaybe (prrMapMaybeName f) $ prRows report} -- | Map a function over the row names of the PeriodicReportRow. prrMapName :: (a -> b) -> PeriodicReportRow a c -> PeriodicReportRow b c prrMapName f row = row{prrName = f $ prrName row} -- | Map maybe a function over the row names of the PeriodicReportRow. prrMapMaybeName :: (a -> Maybe b) -> PeriodicReportRow a c -> Maybe (PeriodicReportRow b c) prrMapMaybeName f row = case f $ prrName row of Nothing -> Nothing Just a -> Just row{prrName = a} -- | A compound balance report has: -- -- * an overall title -- -- * the period (date span) of each column -- -- * one or more named, normal-positive multi balance reports, -- with columns corresponding to the above, and a flag indicating -- whether they increased or decreased the overall totals -- -- * a list of overall totals for each column, and their grand total and average -- -- It is used in compound balance report commands like balancesheet, -- cashflow and incomestatement. data CompoundPeriodicReport a b = CompoundPeriodicReport { cbrTitle :: Text , cbrDates :: [DateSpan] , cbrSubreports :: [(Text, PeriodicReport a b, Bool)] , cbrTotals :: PeriodicReportRow () b } deriving (Show, Functor, Generic, ToJSON) instance HasAmounts b => HasAmounts (CompoundPeriodicReport a b) where styleAmounts styles cpr@CompoundPeriodicReport{cbrSubreports, cbrTotals} = cpr{ cbrSubreports = styleAmounts styles cbrSubreports , cbrTotals = styleAmounts styles cbrTotals } instance HasAmounts b => HasAmounts (Text, PeriodicReport a b, Bool) where styleAmounts styles (a,b,c) = (a,styleAmounts styles b,c) -- | Description of one subreport within a compound balance report. -- Part of a "CompoundBalanceCommandSpec", but also used in hledger-lib. data CBCSubreportSpec a = CBCSubreportSpec { cbcsubreporttitle :: Text -- ^ The title to use for the subreport , cbcsubreportquery :: Query -- ^ The Query to use for the subreport , cbcsubreportoptions :: ReportOpts -> ReportOpts -- ^ A function to transform the ReportOpts used to produce the subreport , cbcsubreporttransform :: PeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> PeriodicReport a MixedAmount -- ^ A function to transform the result of the subreport , cbcsubreportincreasestotal :: Bool -- ^ Whether the subreport and overall report total are of the same sign (e.g. Assets are normally -- positive in a balance sheet report, as is the overall total. Liabilities are normally of the -- opposite sign.) } -- | A full name, display name, and depth for an account. data DisplayName = DisplayName { displayFull :: AccountName , displayName :: AccountName , displayDepth :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance ToJSON DisplayName where toJSON = toJSON . displayFull toEncoding = toEncoding . displayFull -- | Construct a flat display name, where the full name is also displayed at -- depth 1 flatDisplayName :: AccountName -> DisplayName flatDisplayName a = DisplayName a a 1 -- | Construct a tree display name, where only the leaf is displayed at its -- given depth treeDisplayName :: AccountName -> DisplayName treeDisplayName a = DisplayName a (accountLeafName a) (accountNameLevel a) -- | Get the full, canonical, name of a PeriodicReportRow tagged by a -- DisplayName. prrFullName :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName a -> AccountName prrFullName = displayFull . prrName -- | Get the display name of a PeriodicReportRow tagged by a DisplayName. prrDisplayName :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName a -> AccountName prrDisplayName = displayName . prrName -- | Get the display depth of a PeriodicReportRow tagged by a DisplayName. prrDepth :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName a -> Int prrDepth = displayDepth . prrName