hls-tactics-plugin- Wingman plugin for Haskell Language Server
Safe HaskellNone




emptyCaseLensCommandId :: CommandId Source #

The CommandId for the empty case completion.

codeLensProvider :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState TextDocumentCodeLens Source #

Provide the "empty case completion" code lens

mkEmptyCaseLensDesc :: Type -> Text Source #

The description for the empty case lens.

hush :: Either e a -> Maybe a Source #

Silence an error.

graftMatchGroup :: SrcSpan -> Located [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> Graft (Either String) ParsedSource Source #

Graft a RunTacticResults into the correct place in an AST. Correctly deals with top-level holes, in which we might need to fiddle with the Matchs that bind variables.

fromMaybeT :: Functor m => a -> MaybeT m a -> m a Source #

emptyCaseScrutinees :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> MaybeT IO [(Tracked 'Current RealSrcSpan, Type)] Source #

Find the last typechecked module, and find the most specific span, as well as the judgement at the given range.

emptyCaseQ :: GenericQ [(SrcSpan, HsExpr GhcTc)] Source #

Get the SrcSpan and scrutinee of every empty case.