{-# language CPP #-} {-# language DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# options_ghc -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} -- | Main module for parsing Nix expressions. module Nix.Parser ( parseNixFile , parseNixFileLoc , parseNixText , parseNixTextLoc , parseExpr , parseFromFileEx , Parser , parseFromText , Result , reservedNames , NAssoc(..) , NOpPrecedence(..) , NOpName(..) , NSpecialOp(..) , NOperatorDef(..) , nixExpr , nixExprAlgebra , nixSet , nixBinders , nixSelector , nixSym , nixPath , nixString , nixUri , nixSearchPath , nixFloat , nixInt , nixBool , nixNull , whiteSpace -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: Try to hide it after OperatorInfo is removed , NOp(..) , appOpDef ) where import Nix.Prelude hiding ( (<|>) , some , many ) import Data.Foldable ( foldr1 ) import Control.Monad ( msum ) import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr ( makeExprParser , Operator( Postfix , InfixN , InfixR , Prefix , InfixL ) ) import Data.Char ( isAlpha , isDigit , isSpace ) import Data.Data ( Data(..) ) import Data.List.Extra ( groupSort ) import Data.Fix ( Fix(..) ) import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.Text as Text import Nix.Expr.Types import Nix.Expr.Shorthands hiding ( ($>) ) import Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated import Nix.Expr.Strings ( escapeCodes , stripIndent , mergePlain , removeEmptyPlains ) import Nix.Render ( MonadFile() ) import Prettyprinter ( Doc , pretty ) -- `parser-combinators` ships performance enhanced & MonadPlus-aware combinators. -- For example `some` and `many` impoted here. import Text.Megaparsec hiding ( (<|>) , State ) import Text.Megaparsec.Char ( space1 , letterChar , char ) import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as Lexer type Parser = ParsecT Void Text (State SourcePos) -- * Utils -- | Different to @isAlphaNum@ isAlphanumeric :: Char -> Bool isAlphanumeric x = isAlpha x || isDigit x {-# inline isAlphanumeric #-} -- | Alternative "<|>" with additional preservation of 'MonadPlus' constraint. infixl 3 <|> (<|>) :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m a -> m a (<|>) = mplus -- ** Annotated annotateLocation1 :: Parser a -> Parser (AnnUnit SrcSpan a) annotateLocation1 p = do begin <- getSourcePos res <- p end <- get -- The state set before the last whitespace pure $ AnnUnit (SrcSpan (toNSourcePos begin) (toNSourcePos end)) res annotateLocation :: Parser (NExprF NExprLoc) -> Parser NExprLoc annotateLocation = (annUnitToAnn <$>) . annotateLocation1 annotateNamedLocation :: String -> Parser (NExprF NExprLoc) -> Parser NExprLoc annotateNamedLocation name = annotateLocation . label name -- ** Grammar reservedNames :: HashSet VarName reservedNames = HashSet.fromList ["let", "in", "if", "then", "else", "assert", "with", "rec", "inherit"] reservedEnd :: Char -> Bool reservedEnd x = isSpace x || (`elem` ("{([})];:.\"'," :: String)) x {-# inline reservedEnd #-} reserved :: Text -> Parser () reserved n = lexeme $ try $ chunk n *> lookAhead (void (satisfy reservedEnd) <|> eof) exprAfterSymbol :: Char -> Parser NExprLoc exprAfterSymbol p = symbol p *> nixExpr exprAfterReservedWord :: Text -> Parser NExprLoc exprAfterReservedWord word = reserved word *> nixExpr -- | A literal copy of @megaparsec@ one but with addition of the @\r@ for Windows EOL case (@\r\n@). -- Overall, parser should simply @\r\n -> \n@. skipLineComment' :: Tokens Text -> Parser () skipLineComment' prefix = chunk prefix *> void (takeWhileP (pure "character") $ \x -> x /= '\n' && x /= '\r') whiteSpace :: Parser () whiteSpace = do put =<< getSourcePos Lexer.space space1 lineCmnt blockCmnt where lineCmnt = skipLineComment' "#" blockCmnt = Lexer.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/" -- | Lexeme is a unit of the language. -- Convention is that after lexeme an arbitrary amount of empty entities (space, comments, line breaks) are allowed. -- This lexeme definition just skips over superflous @megaparsec: lexeme@ abstraction. lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a lexeme p = p <* whiteSpace symbol :: Char -> Parser Char symbol = lexeme . char symbols :: Text -> Parser Text symbols = lexeme . chunk -- We restrict the type of 'parens' and 'brackets' here because if they were to -- take a 'Parser NExprLoc' argument they would parse additional text which -- wouldn't be captured in the source location annotation. -- -- Braces and angles in hnix don't enclose a single expression so this type -- restriction would not be useful. parens :: Parser (NExprF f) -> Parser (NExprF f) parens = on between symbol '(' ')' braces :: Parser a -> Parser a braces = on between symbol '{' '}' brackets :: Parser (NExprF f) -> Parser (NExprF f) brackets = on between symbol '[' ']' antiquotedIsHungryForTrailingSpaces :: Bool -> Parser (Antiquoted v NExprLoc) antiquotedIsHungryForTrailingSpaces hungry = Antiquoted <$> (antiStart *> nixExpr <* antiEnd) where antiStart :: Parser Text antiStart = label "${" $ symbols "${" antiEnd :: Parser Char antiEnd = label "}" $ bool id lexeme hungry (char '}') antiquotedLexeme :: Parser (Antiquoted v NExprLoc) antiquotedLexeme = antiquotedIsHungryForTrailingSpaces True antiquoted :: Parser (Antiquoted v NExprLoc) antiquoted = antiquotedIsHungryForTrailingSpaces False --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Parser parts -- ** Constrants nixNull :: Parser NExprLoc nixNull = annotateNamedLocation "null" $ mkNullF <$ reserved "null" nixBool :: Parser NExprLoc nixBool = annotateNamedLocation "bool" $ on (<|>) lmkBool (True, "true") (False, "false") where lmkBool (b, txt) = mkBoolF b <$ reserved txt integer :: Parser Integer integer = lexeme Lexer.decimal nixInt :: Parser NExprLoc nixInt = annotateNamedLocation "integer" $ mkIntF <$> integer float :: Parser Double float = lexeme Lexer.float nixFloat :: Parser NExprLoc nixFloat = annotateNamedLocation "float" $ try $ mkFloatF . realToFrac <$> float nixUri :: Parser NExprLoc nixUri = lexeme $ annotateLocation $ try $ do start <- letterChar protocol <- takeWhileP mempty $ \ x -> isAlphanumeric x || (`elem` ("+-." :: String)) x _ <- single ':' address <- takeWhile1P mempty $ \ x -> isAlphanumeric x || (`elem` ("%/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'" :: String)) x pure . NStr . DoubleQuoted . one . Plain $ start `Text.cons` protocol <> ":" <> address -- ** Strings nixAntiquoted :: Parser a -> Parser (Antiquoted a NExprLoc) nixAntiquoted p = label "anti-quotation" $ antiquotedLexeme <|> Plain <$> p escapeCode :: Parser Char escapeCode = msum [ c <$ char e | (c, e) <- escapeCodes ] <|> anySingle stringChar :: Parser () -> Parser () -> Parser (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc) -> Parser (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc) stringChar end escStart esc = antiquoted <|> Plain . one <$> char '$' <|> esc <|> Plain . fromString <$> some plainChar where plainChar :: Parser Char plainChar = notFollowedBy (end <|> void (char '$') <|> escStart) *> anySingle doubleQuoted :: Parser (NString NExprLoc) doubleQuoted = label "double quoted string" $ DoubleQuoted . removeEmptyPlains . mergePlain <$> inQuotationMarks (many $ stringChar quotationMark (void $ char '\\') doubleEscape) where inQuotationMarks :: Parser a -> Parser a inQuotationMarks expr = quotationMark *> expr <* quotationMark quotationMark :: Parser () quotationMark = void $ char '"' doubleEscape :: Parser (Antiquoted Text r) doubleEscape = Plain . one <$> (char '\\' *> escapeCode) indented :: Parser (NString NExprLoc) indented = label "indented string" $ stripIndent <$> inIndentedQuotation (many $ join stringChar indentedQuotationMark indentedEscape) where -- | Read escaping inside of the "'' ''" indentedEscape :: Parser (Antiquoted Text r) indentedEscape = try $ do indentedQuotationMark Plain <$> ("''" <$ char '\'' <|> "$" <$ char '$') <|> do c <- char '\\' *> escapeCode pure $ bool EscapedNewline (Plain $ one c) ('\n' /= c) -- | Enclosed into indented quatation "'' ''" inIndentedQuotation :: Parser a -> Parser a inIndentedQuotation expr = indentedQuotationMark *> expr <* indentedQuotationMark -- | Symbol "''" indentedQuotationMark :: Parser () indentedQuotationMark = label "\"''\"" . void $ chunk "''" nixString' :: Parser (NString NExprLoc) nixString' = label "string" $ lexeme $ doubleQuoted <|> indented nixString :: Parser NExprLoc nixString = annNStr <$> annotateLocation1 nixString' -- ** Names (variables aka symbols) identifier :: Parser VarName identifier = lexeme $ try $ do (coerce -> iD) <- liftA2 Text.cons (satisfy (\x -> isAlpha x || x == '_')) (takeWhileP mempty identLetter) guard $ not $ iD `HashSet.member` reservedNames pure iD where identLetter x = isAlphanumeric x || x == '_' || x == '\'' || x == '-' nixSym :: Parser NExprLoc nixSym = annotateLocation $ mkSymF <$> coerce identifier -- ** ( ) parens -- | 'nixExpr' returns an expression annotated with a source position, -- however this position doesn't include the parsed parentheses, so remove the -- "inner" location annotateion and annotate again, including the parentheses. nixParens :: Parser NExprLoc nixParens = annotateNamedLocation "parens" $ parens $ stripAnnF . unFix <$> nixExpr -- ** [ ] list nixList :: Parser NExprLoc nixList = annotateNamedLocation "list" $ brackets $ NList <$> many nixTerm -- ** { } set nixBinders :: Parser [Binding NExprLoc] nixBinders = (inherit <|> namedVar) `endBy` symbol ';' where inherit = do -- We can't use 'reserved' here because it would consume the whitespace -- after the keyword, which is not exactly the semantics of C++ Nix. try $ chunk "inherit" *> lookAhead (void $ satisfy reservedEnd) p <- getSourcePos x <- whiteSpace *> optional scope label "inherited binding" $ liftA2 (Inherit x) (many identifier) (pure (toNSourcePos p)) namedVar = do p <- getSourcePos label "variable binding" $ liftA3 NamedVar (annotated <$> nixSelector) (exprAfterSymbol '=') (pure (toNSourcePos p)) scope = label "inherit scope" nixParens nixSet :: Parser NExprLoc nixSet = annotateNamedLocation "set" $ isRec <*> braces nixBinders where isRec = label "recursive set" (reserved "rec" $> NSet Recursive) <|> pure (NSet mempty) -- ** /x/y/z literal Path pathChar :: Char -> Bool pathChar x = isAlphanumeric x || (`elem` ("._-+~" :: String)) x slash :: Parser Char slash = label "slash " $ try $ char '/' <* notFollowedBy (satisfy $ \x -> x == '/' || x == '*' || isSpace x) pathStr :: Parser Path pathStr = lexeme $ coerce . toString <$> liftA2 (<>) (takeWhileP mempty pathChar) (Text.concat <$> some (liftA2 Text.cons slash (takeWhile1P mempty pathChar) ) ) nixPath :: Parser NExprLoc nixPath = annotateNamedLocation "path" $ try $ mkPathF False <$> coerce pathStr -- ** <> environment path -- | A path surrounded by angle brackets, indicating that it should be -- looked up in the NIX_PATH environment variable at evaluation. nixSearchPath :: Parser NExprLoc nixSearchPath = annotateNamedLocation "spath" $ mkPathF True <$> try (lexeme $ char '<' *> many (satisfy pathChar <|> slash) <* char '>') -- ** Operators -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: Rename to 'literal' newtype NOpName = NOpName Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData) instance IsString NOpName where fromString = coerce . fromString @Text instance ToString NOpName where toString = toString @Text . coerce operator :: NOpName -> Parser Text operator (coerce -> op) = case op of c@"-" -> c `without` '>' c@"/" -> c `without` '/' c@"<" -> c `without` '=' c@">" -> c `without` '=' n -> symbols n where without :: Text -> Char -> Parser Text without opChar noNextChar = lexeme . try $ chunk opChar <* notFollowedBy (char noNextChar) opWithLoc :: (AnnUnit SrcSpan o -> a) -> o -> NOpName -> Parser a opWithLoc f op name = f . (op <$) <$> annotateLocation1 (operator name) -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: Make presedence free and type safe by moving it into type level: -- https://youtu.be/qaPdg0mZavM?t=1757 -- https://wiki.haskell.org/The_Monad.Reader/Issue5/Number_Param_Types newtype NOpPrecedence = NOpPrecedence Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Bounded, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData) instance Enum NOpPrecedence where toEnum = coerce fromEnum = coerce instance Num NOpPrecedence where (+) = coerce ((+) @Int) (*) = coerce ((*) @Int) abs = coerce (abs @Int) signum = coerce (signum @Int) fromInteger = coerce (fromInteger @Int) negate = coerce (negate @Int) -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: This type belongs into 'Type.Expr' & be used in NExprF. data NAppOp = NAppOp deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData) -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: This type belongs into 'Type.Expr' & be used in NExprF. data NSpecialOp = NHasAttrOp | NSelectOp | NTerm -- ^ For special handling of internal special cases. deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData) data NAssoc = NAssocLeft -- Nota bene: @parser-combinators@ named "associative property" as 'InfixN' stating it as "non-associative property". -- Binary operators having some associativity is a basis property in mathematical algebras in use (for example, in Category theory). Having no associativity in operators makes theory mostly impossible in use and so non-associativity is not encountered in notations, therefore under 'InfixN' @parser-combinators@ meant "associative". -- | Bidirectional associativity, or simply: associative property. | NAssoc | NAssocRight deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData) -- 2022-01-31: NOTE: This type and related typeclasses & their design, probably need a refinement. -- -- In the "Nix.Pretty", the code probably should be well-typed to the type of operations its processes. -- Therefor splitting operation types into separate types there is probably needed. -- -- After that: -- -- > { NAssoc, NOpPrecedence, NOpName } -- -- Can be formed into a type. -- -- Also 'NAppDef' really has only 1 implementation, @{ NAssoc, NOpPrecedence, NOpName }@ -- were added there only to make type uniformal. -- All impossible cases ideally should be unrepresentable. -- | Single operator grammar entries. data NOperatorDef = NAppDef NAppOp NAssoc NOpPrecedence NOpName | NUnaryDef NUnaryOp NAssoc NOpPrecedence NOpName | NBinaryDef NBinaryOp NAssoc NOpPrecedence NOpName | NSpecialDef NSpecialOp NAssoc NOpPrecedence NOpName -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: Ord can be the order of evaluation of precedence (which 'Pretty' printing also accounts for). deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData) -- Supplied since its definition gets called/used frequently. -- | Functional application operator definition, left associative, high precedence. appOpDef :: NOperatorDef appOpDef = NAppDef NAppOp NAssocLeft 1 " " -- This defined as "2" in Nix lang spec. -- 2022-01-26: NOTE: When total - make sure to hide & inline all these instances to get free solution. -- | Class to get a private free construction to abstract away the gap between the Nix operation types -- 'NUnaryOp', 'NBinaryOp', 'NSpecialOp'. -- And in doing remove 'OperatorInfo' from existance. class NOp a where {-# minimal getOpDef, getOpAssoc, getOpPrecedence, getOpName #-} getOpDef :: a -> NOperatorDef getOpAssoc :: a -> NAssoc getOpPrecedence :: a -> NOpPrecedence getOpName :: a -> NOpName instance NOp NAppOp where getOpDef NAppOp = appOpDef getOpAssoc _op = fun appOpDef where fun (NAppDef _op assoc _prec _name) = assoc fun _ = error "Impossible happened, funapp operation should been matched." getOpPrecedence _op = fun appOpDef where fun (NAppDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun _ = error "Impossible happened, funapp operation should been matched." getOpName _ = fun appOpDef where fun (NAppDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun _ = error "Impossible happened, funapp operation should been matched." instance NOp NUnaryOp where getOpDef = \case NNeg -> NUnaryDef NNeg NAssocRight 3 "-" NNot -> NUnaryDef NNot NAssocRight 8 "!" getOpAssoc = fun . getOpDef where fun (NUnaryDef _op assoc _prec _name) = assoc fun _ = error "Impossible happened, unary operation should been matched." getOpPrecedence = fun . getOpDef where fun (NUnaryDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun _ = error "Impossible happened, unary operation should been matched." getOpName = fun . getOpDef where fun (NUnaryDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun _ = error "Impossible happened, unary operation should been matched." instance NOp NBinaryOp where getOpDef = \case NConcat -> NBinaryDef NConcat NAssocRight 5 "++" NMult -> NBinaryDef NMult NAssocLeft 6 "*" NDiv -> NBinaryDef NDiv NAssocLeft 6 "/" NPlus -> NBinaryDef NPlus NAssocLeft 7 "+" NMinus -> NBinaryDef NMinus NAssocLeft 7 "-" NUpdate -> NBinaryDef NUpdate NAssocRight 9 "//" NLt -> NBinaryDef NLt NAssocLeft 10 "<" NLte -> NBinaryDef NLte NAssocLeft 10 "<=" NGt -> NBinaryDef NGt NAssocLeft 10 ">" NGte -> NBinaryDef NGte NAssocLeft 10 ">=" NEq -> NBinaryDef NEq NAssoc 11 "==" NNEq -> NBinaryDef NNEq NAssoc 11 "!=" NAnd -> NBinaryDef NAnd NAssocLeft 12 "&&" NOr -> NBinaryDef NOr NAssocLeft 13 "||" NImpl -> NBinaryDef NImpl NAssocRight 14 "->" getOpAssoc = fun . getOpDef where fun (NBinaryDef _op assoc _prec _name) = assoc fun _ = error "Impossible happened, binary operation should been matched." getOpPrecedence = fun . getOpDef where fun (NBinaryDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun _ = error "Impossible happened, binary operation should been matched." getOpName = fun . getOpDef where fun (NBinaryDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun _ = error "Impossible happened, binary operation should been matched." instance NOp NSpecialOp where getOpDef = \case NSelectOp -> NSpecialDef NSelectOp NAssocLeft 1 "." NHasAttrOp -> NSpecialDef NHasAttrOp NAssocLeft 4 "?" NTerm -> NSpecialDef NTerm NAssocLeft 1 "???" getOpAssoc = fun . getOpDef where fun (NSpecialDef _op assoc _prec _name) = assoc fun _ = error "Impossible happened, special operation should been matched." getOpPrecedence = fun . getOpDef where fun (NSpecialDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun _ = error "Impossible happened, special operation should been matched." getOpName = fun . getOpDef where fun (NSpecialDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun _ = error "Impossible happened, special operation should been matched." instance NOp NOperatorDef where getOpDef op = op getOpAssoc = \case (NAppDef _op assoc _prec _name) -> assoc (NUnaryDef _op assoc _prec _name) -> assoc (NBinaryDef _op assoc _prec _name) -> assoc (NSpecialDef _op assoc _prec _name) -> assoc getOpPrecedence = fun . getOpDef where fun (NAppDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun (NUnaryDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun (NBinaryDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec fun (NSpecialDef _op _assoc prec _name) = prec getOpName = fun . getOpDef where fun (NAppDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun (NUnaryDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun (NBinaryDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name fun (NSpecialDef _op _assoc _prec name) = name prefix :: NUnaryOp -> Operator Parser NExprLoc prefix op = Prefix $ manyUnaryOp $ opWithLoc annNUnary op $ getOpName op -- postfix name op = (NUnaryDef name op, -- Postfix (opWithLoc annNUnary op name)) manyUnaryOp :: MonadPlus f => f (a -> a) -> f (a -> a) manyUnaryOp f = foldr1 (.) <$> some f binary :: NBinaryOp -> Operator Parser NExprLoc binary op = mapAssocToInfix (getOpAssoc op) $ opWithLoc annNBinary op (getOpName op) mapAssocToInfix :: NAssoc -> m (a -> a -> a) -> Operator m a mapAssocToInfix NAssocLeft = InfixL mapAssocToInfix NAssoc = InfixN mapAssocToInfix NAssocRight = InfixR -- ** x: y lambda function -- | Gets all of the arguments for a function. argExpr :: Parser (Params NExprLoc) argExpr = msum [ atLeft , onlyname , atRight ] <* symbol ':' where -- An argument not in curly braces. There's some potential ambiguity -- in the case of, for example `x:y`. Is it a lambda function `x: y`, or -- a URI `x:y`? Nix syntax says it's the latter. So we need to fail if -- there's a valid URI parse here. onlyname = msum [ nixUri *> unexpected (Label $ fromList "valid uri" ) , Param <$> identifier ] -- Parameters named by an identifier on the left (`args @ {x, y}`) atLeft = try $ do name <- identifier <* symbol '@' (variadic, pset) <- params pure $ ParamSet (pure name) variadic pset -- Parameters named by an identifier on the right, or none (`{x, y} @ args`) atRight = do (variadic, pset) <- params name <- optional $ symbol '@' *> identifier pure $ ParamSet name variadic pset -- Return the parameters set. params = braces getParams -- Collects the parameters within curly braces. Returns the parameters and -- an flag indication if the parameters are variadic. getParams :: Parser (Variadic, [(VarName, Maybe NExprLoc)]) getParams = go mempty where -- Attempt to parse `...`. If this succeeds, stop and return True. -- Otherwise, attempt to parse an argument, optionally with a -- default. If this fails, then return what has been accumulated -- so far. go :: [(VarName, Maybe NExprLoc)] -> Parser (Variadic, [(VarName, Maybe NExprLoc)]) go acc = ((Variadic, acc) <$ symbols "...") <|> getMore where getMore :: Parser (Variadic, [(VarName, Maybe NExprLoc)]) getMore = -- Could be nothing, in which just return what we have so far. option (mempty, acc) $ do -- Get an argument name and an optional default. pair <- liftA2 (,) identifier (optional $ exprAfterSymbol '?') let args = acc <> one pair -- Either return this, or attempt to get a comma and restart. option (mempty, args) $ symbol ',' *> go args nixLambda :: Parser NExprLoc nixLambda = liftA2 annNAbs (annotateLocation1 $ try argExpr) nixExpr -- ** let expression nixLet :: Parser NExprLoc nixLet = annotateNamedLocation "let block" $ reserved "let" *> (letBody <|> letBinders) where -- | Expressions `let {..., body = ...}' are just desugared -- into `(rec {..., body = ...}).body'. letBody = (\ expr -> NSelect Nothing expr (one $ StaticKey "body")) <$> attrset where attrset = annotateLocation $ NSet Recursive <$> braces nixBinders -- | Regular `let` letBinders = liftA2 NLet nixBinders (exprAfterReservedWord "in") -- ** if then else nixIf :: Parser NExprLoc nixIf = annotateNamedLocation "if" $ liftA3 NIf (reserved "if" *> nixExpr) (exprAfterReservedWord "then") (exprAfterReservedWord "else") -- ** with nixWith :: Parser NExprLoc nixWith = annotateNamedLocation "with" $ liftA2 NWith (exprAfterReservedWord "with") (exprAfterSymbol ';' ) -- ** assert nixAssert :: Parser NExprLoc nixAssert = annotateNamedLocation "assert" $ liftA2 NAssert (exprAfterReservedWord "assert") (exprAfterSymbol ';' ) -- ** . - reference (selector) into attr selectorDot :: Parser () selectorDot = label "." $ try (symbol '.' *> notFollowedBy nixPath) keyName :: Parser (NKeyName NExprLoc) keyName = dynamicKey <|> staticKey where staticKey = StaticKey <$> identifier dynamicKey = DynamicKey <$> nixAntiquoted nixString' nixSelector :: Parser (AnnUnit SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc)) nixSelector = annotateLocation1 $ fromList <$> keyName `sepBy1` selectorDot nixSelect :: Parser NExprLoc -> Parser NExprLoc nixSelect term = do res <- liftA2 builder term (optional $ liftA2 (flip (,)) (selectorDot *> nixSelector) (optional $ reserved "or" *> nixTerm) ) continues <- optional $ lookAhead selectorDot maybe id (const nixSelect) continues (pure res) where builder :: NExprLoc -> Maybe ( Maybe NExprLoc , AnnUnit SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc) ) -> NExprLoc builder t = maybe t (uncurry (`annNSelect` t)) -- ** _ - syntax hole nixSynHole :: Parser NExprLoc nixSynHole = annotateLocation $ mkSynHoleF <$> coerce (char '^' *> identifier) -- List of Nix operation parsers with their precedence. opParsers :: [(NOpPrecedence, Operator Parser NExprLoc)] opParsers = -- This is not parsed here, even though technically it's part of the -- expression table. The problem is that in some cases, such as list -- membership, it's also a term. And since terms are effectively the -- highest precedence entities parsed by the expression parser, it ends up -- working out that we parse them as a kind of "meta-term". -- {- 1 -} -- [ ( NSpecialDef "." NSelectOp NAssocLeft -- , Postfix $ -- do -- sel <- seldot *> selector -- mor <- optional (reserved "or" *> term) -- pure $ \x -> annNSelect x sel mor) -- ] -- NApp is left associative -- 2018-05-07: jwiegley: Thanks to Brent Yorgey for showing me this trick! specialBuilder NAppOp (InfixL $ annNApp <$ symbols mempty) <> specialBuilder NHasAttrOp (Postfix $ symbol '?' *> (flip annNHasAttr <$> nixSelector)) <> builder prefix <> builder binary where specialBuilder :: NOp t => t -> b -> [(NOpPrecedence, b)] specialBuilder op parser = one (entry op (const parser)) builder :: (Enum t, Bounded t, NOp t) => (t -> b) -> [(NOpPrecedence, b)] builder tp = fmap (`entry` tp) universe entry :: NOp t => t -> (t -> b) -> (NOpPrecedence, b) entry op parser = (getOpPrecedence op, parser op) -- ** Expr & its constituents (Language term, expr algebra) nixTerm :: Parser NExprLoc nixTerm = do c <- try . lookAhead . satisfy $ \x -> (`elem` ("({[ nixSelect nixParens '{' -> nixSelect nixSet '[' -> nixList '<' -> nixSearchPath '/' -> nixPath '"' -> nixString '\'' -> nixString '^' -> nixSynHole _ -> msum $ [ nixSelect nixSet | c == 'r' ] <> [ nixPath | pathChar c ] <> if isDigit c then [ nixFloat, nixInt ] else [ nixUri | isAlpha c ] <> [ nixBool | c == 't' || c == 'f' ] <> [ nixNull | c == 'n' ] <> one (nixSelect nixSym) -- | Bundles parsers into @[[]]@ based on precedence (form is required for `megaparsec`). nixOperators :: [[ Operator Parser NExprLoc ]] nixOperators = snd <$> groupSort opParsers -- | Nix expression algebra parser. -- "Expression algebra" is to explain @megaparsec@ use of the term "Expression" (parser for language algebraic coperators without any statements (without @let@ etc.)), which is essentially an algebra inside the language. nixExprAlgebra :: Parser NExprLoc nixExprAlgebra = makeExprParser nixTerm nixOperators nixExpr :: Parser NExprLoc nixExpr = keywords <|> nixLambda <|> nixExprAlgebra where keywords = nixLet <|> nixIf <|> nixAssert <|> nixWith -- * Parse type Result a = Either (Doc Void) a parseWith :: Parser a -> Path -> Text -> Either (Doc Void) a parseWith parser file input = either (Left . pretty . errorBundlePretty) pure $ (`evalState` initialPos (coerce file)) $ (`runParserT` coerce file) parser input parseFromFileEx :: MonadFile m => Parser a -> Path -> m (Result a) parseFromFileEx parser file = parseWith parser file <$> readFile file parseFromText :: Parser a -> Text -> Result a parseFromText = (`parseWith` "") fullContent :: Parser NExprLoc fullContent = whiteSpace *> nixExpr <* eof parseNixFile' :: MonadFile m => (Parser NExprLoc -> Parser a) -> Path -> m (Result a) parseNixFile' f = parseFromFileEx $ f fullContent parseNixFile :: MonadFile m => Path -> m (Result NExpr) parseNixFile = parseNixFile' (stripAnnotation <$>) parseNixFileLoc :: MonadFile m => Path -> m (Result NExprLoc) parseNixFileLoc = parseNixFile' id parseNixText' :: (Parser NExprLoc -> Parser a) -> Text -> Result a parseNixText' f = parseFromText $ f fullContent parseNixText :: Text -> Result NExpr parseNixText = parseNixText' (stripAnnotation <$>) parseNixTextLoc :: Text -> Result NExprLoc parseNixTextLoc = parseNixText' id parseExpr :: MonadFail m => Text -> m NExpr parseExpr = either (fail . show) pure . parseNixText