-- | This is the Main module for the command line program 'hprotoc' module Main where import Control.Monad(unless,forM_) import Control.Monad.State(State, execState, modify) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC (hGetContents, hPut, pack, unpack) import Data.Foldable (toList) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq (fromList,singleton) import Data.Sequence ((|>)) import Data.Version(showVersion) import Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty(prettyPrintStyleMode,Style(..),Mode(..),PPHsMode(..),PPLayout(..)) import System.Console.GetOpt(OptDescr(Option),ArgDescr(NoArg,ReqArg) ,usageInfo,getOpt,ArgOrder(ReturnInOrder)) import System.Directory(getCurrentDirectory,createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.Environment(getProgName, getArgs) import System.FilePath(takeDirectory,combine,joinPath) import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Canon(takeBaseName) import System.IO (stdin, stdout) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Basic(defaultValue, Utf8(..), utf8) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Identifiers(MName,checkDIString,mangle) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Reflections(ProtoInfo(..),EnumInfo(..)) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage (messagePut, messageGet) import qualified Text.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto as D(FileDescriptorProto) import qualified Text.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto as D.FileDescriptorProto(FileDescriptorProto(..)) -- import qualified Text.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet as D(FileDescriptorSet) import qualified Text.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet as D.FileDescriptorSet(FileDescriptorSet(..)) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.ProtoCompile.BreakRecursion(makeResult) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.ProtoCompile.Gen(protoModule,descriptorModules,enumModule) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.ProtoCompile.MakeReflections(makeProtoInfo,serializeFDP) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.ProtoCompile.Resolve(loadProto,loadCodeGenRequest,makeNameMaps,getTLS ,Env,LocalFP(..),CanonFP(..),TopLevel(..)) import Text.Google.Protobuf.Compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest import Text.Google.Protobuf.Compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse hiding (error, file) import qualified Text.Google.Protobuf.Compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse as CGR(file) import qualified Text.Google.Protobuf.Compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File as CGR.File -- The Paths_hprotoc_fork module is produced by cabal import Paths_hprotoc_fork(version) data Options = Options { optPrefix :: [MName String] , optAs :: [(CanonFP,[MName String])] , optTarget :: LocalFP , optInclude :: [LocalFP] , optProto :: LocalFP , optDesc :: Maybe (LocalFP) , optImports,optVerbose,optUnknownFields,optLazy,optDryRun :: Bool } deriving Show setPrefix,setTarget,setInclude,setProto,setDesc :: String -> Options -> Options setImports,setVerbose,setUnknown,setLazy,setDryRun :: Options -> Options setPrefix s o = o { optPrefix = toPrefix s } setTarget s o = o { optTarget = (LocalFP s) } setInclude s o = o { optInclude = LocalFP s : optInclude o } setProto s o = o { optProto = LocalFP s } setDesc s o = o { optDesc = Just (LocalFP s) } setImports o = o { optImports = True } setVerbose o = o { optVerbose = True } setUnknown o = o { optUnknownFields = True } setLazy o = o { optLazy = True } setDryRun o = o { optDryRun = True } toPrefix :: String -> [MName String] toPrefix s = case checkDIString s of Left msg -> error $ "Bad module name in options:"++show s++"\n"++msg Right (True,_) -> error $ "Bad module name in options (cannot start with '.'): "++show s Right (False,ms) -> map mangle ms -- | 'setAs' puts both the full path and the basename as keys into the association list setAs :: String -> Options -> Options setAs s o = case break ('='==) s of (filepath,'=':rawPrefix) -> let value = toPrefix rawPrefix in o { optAs = (CanonFP filepath,value): (CanonFP (Canon.takeBaseName filepath),value): optAs o} _ -> error . unlines $ [ "Malformed -a or --as option "++show s , " Expected \"FILEPATH=MODULE\"" , " where FILEPATH is the basename or relative path (using '/') of an imported file" , " where MODULE is a dotted Haskell name to use as a prefix" , " also MODULE can be empty to have no prefix" ] data OptionAction = Mutate (Options->Options) | Run (Options->Options) | Switch Flag data Flag = VersionInfo optionList :: [OptDescr OptionAction] optionList = [ Option ['a'] ["as"] (ReqArg (Mutate . setAs) "FILEPATH=MODULE") "assign prefix module to imported proto file: --as descriptor.proto=Text" , Option ['I'] ["proto_path"] (ReqArg (Mutate . setInclude) "DIR") "directory from which to search for imported proto files (default is pwd); all DIR searched" , Option ['d'] ["haskell_out"] (ReqArg (Mutate . setTarget) "DIR") "directory to use are root of generated files (default is pwd); last flag" , Option ['n'] ["dry_run"] (NoArg (Mutate setDryRun)) "produce no output but still parse and check the proto file(s)" , Option ['o'] ["descriptor_set_out"] (ReqArg (Mutate . setDesc) "FILE") "filename to write binary FileDescriptorSet to" , Option [] ["include_imports"] (NoArg (Mutate setImports)) "when writing descriptor_set_out include all imported files to be self-contained" , Option ['p'] ["prefix"] (ReqArg (Mutate . setPrefix) "MODULE") "dotted Haskell MODULE name to use as a prefix (default is none); last flag used" , Option ['u'] ["unknown_fields"] (NoArg (Mutate setUnknown)) "generated messages and groups all support unknown fields" , Option ['l'] ["lazy_fields"] (NoArg (Mutate setLazy)) "new default is now messages with strict fields, this reverts to generating lazy fields" , Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (Mutate setVerbose)) "increase amount of printed information" , Option [] ["version"] (NoArg (Switch VersionInfo)) "print out version information" ] usageMsg,versionInfo :: String usageMsg = usageInfo "Usage: protoCompile [OPTION..] path-to-file.proto ..." optionList versionInfo = unlines $ [ "Welcome to protocol-buffers version "++showVersion version , "Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Christopher Kuklewicz." , "Released under BSD3 style license, see LICENSE file for details." , "Some proto files, such as descriptor.proto and unittest*.proto" , "are from google's code and are under an Apache 2.0 license." , "" , "Most command line arguments are similar to those of 'protoc'." , "" , "This program reads a .proto file and generates haskell code files." , "See http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/overview.html for more." ] processOptions :: [String] -> Either String [OptionAction] processOptions argv = case getOpt (ReturnInOrder (Run . setProto)) optionList argv of (opts,_,[]) -> Right opts (_,_,errs) -> Left (unlines errs ++ usageMsg) defaultOptions :: IO Options defaultOptions = do pwd <- fmap LocalFP getCurrentDirectory return $ Options { optPrefix = [] , optAs = [] , optTarget = pwd , optInclude = [pwd] , optProto = LocalFP "" , optDesc = Nothing , optImports = False , optVerbose = False , optUnknownFields = False , optLazy = False , optDryRun = False } main :: IO () main = do progName <- getProgName case progName of "protoc-gen-haskell" -> pluginMain _ -> standaloneMain pluginMain :: IO () pluginMain = do defs <- defaultOptions inputBytes <- LC.hGetContents stdin let req = either error fst $ messageGet inputBytes let prefix = fmap (LC.unpack . utf8) $ parameter req let opts = maybe defs (flip setPrefix $ defs) prefix let resp = runPlugin opts req LC.hPut stdout $ messagePut resp standaloneMain :: IO () standaloneMain = do defs <- defaultOptions args <- getArgs case processOptions args of Left msg -> putStrLn msg Right todo -> process defs todo process :: Options -> [OptionAction] -> IO () process options [] = if null (unLocalFP (optProto options)) then do putStrLn "No proto file specified (or empty proto file)" putStrLn "" putStrLn usageMsg else putStrLn "Processing complete, have a nice day." process options (Mutate f:rest) = process (f options) rest process options (Run f:rest) = let options' = f options in runStandalone options' >> process options' rest process _options (Switch VersionInfo:_) = putStrLn versionInfo mkdirFor :: FilePath -> IO () mkdirFor p = createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory p) style :: Style style = Style PageMode 132 0.6 myMode :: PPHsMode myMode = PPHsMode 2 2 2 2 4 1 True PPOffsideRule False -- True dump :: (Monad m) => Output m -> Bool -> Maybe LocalFP -> D.FileDescriptorProto -> [D.FileDescriptorProto] -> m () dump _ _ Nothing _ _ = return () dump o imports (Just (LocalFP dumpFile)) fdp fdps = do outputReport o $ "dumping to filename: "++show dumpFile let s = if imports then Seq.fromList fdps else Seq.singleton fdp outputWriteFile o dumpFile $ LC.unpack (messagePut $ defaultValue { D.FileDescriptorSet.file = s }) outputReport o $ "finished dumping FileDescriptorSet binary of: "++show (D.FileDescriptorProto.name fdp) data (Monad m) => Output m = Output { outputReport :: String -> m (), outputWriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> m () } runStandalone :: Options -> IO () runStandalone options = do (env,fdps) <- loadProto (optInclude options) (optProto options) putStrLn "All proto files loaded" run' standaloneMode options env fdps where standaloneMode :: Output IO standaloneMode = Output putStrLn emitFile emitFile file contents = do let fullPath = combine (unLocalFP . optTarget $ options) file putStrLn fullPath mkdirFor fullPath unless (optDryRun options) $ writeFile fullPath contents runPlugin :: Options -> CodeGeneratorRequest -> CodeGeneratorResponse runPlugin options req = execState (run' pluginOutput options env fdps) defaultValue where (env,fdps) = loadCodeGenRequest req (head requestedFiles) pluginOutput :: Output (State CodeGeneratorResponse) pluginOutput = Output { outputReport = const $ return (), outputWriteFile = appendFileRecord } appendFileRecord :: FilePath -> String -> State CodeGeneratorResponse () appendFileRecord f c = modify $ \resp -> resp { CGR.file = (CGR.file resp) |> newFile } where newFile = defaultValue { CGR.File.name = Just $ Utf8 $ LC.pack f, CGR.File.content = Just $ Utf8 $ LC.pack c } requestedFiles = map (LocalFP . LC.unpack . utf8) . toList . file_to_generate $ req -- This run' operates for both runStandalone and runPlugin run' :: (Monad m) => Output m -> Options -> Env -> [D.FileDescriptorProto] -> m () run' o@(Output print' writeFile') options env fdps = do let fdp = either error id . top'FDP . fst . getTLS $ env unless (optDryRun options) $ dump o (optImports options) (optDesc options) fdp fdps -- Compute the nameMap that determine how to translate from proto names to haskell names -- This is the part that uses the (optional) package name nameMap <- either error return $ makeNameMaps (optPrefix options) (optAs options) env print' "Haskell name mangling done" let protoInfo = makeProtoInfo (optUnknownFields options,optLazy options) nameMap fdp result = makeResult protoInfo seq result (print' "Recursive modules resolved") let produceMSG di = do unless (optDryRun options) $ do -- There might be several modules let fileModules = descriptorModules result di forM_ fileModules $ \ (relPath,modSyn) -> do writeFile' relPath (prettyPrintStyleMode style myMode modSyn) produceENM ei = do let file = joinPath . enumFilePath $ ei writeFile' file (prettyPrintStyleMode style myMode (enumModule ei)) mapM_ produceMSG (messages protoInfo) mapM_ produceENM (enums protoInfo) let file = joinPath . protoFilePath $ protoInfo writeFile' file (prettyPrintStyleMode style myMode (protoModule result protoInfo (serializeFDP fdp)))