{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Data.Geolocation.GeoIP ( -- * Types GeoDB , GeoIPOption , combineOptions , standard , memory_cache , check_cache , index_cache , mmap_cache -- * Geolocation Result Type , GeoIPRecord(..) -- * Data Operations , openGeoDB , geoLocateByIPAddress , geoLocateByIPNum , geoStringByIPAddress , geoStringByIPNum , mkIpNum ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, packCString, split, unpack) import Foreign import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "GeoIP.h" #include "GeoIPCity.h" data GeoIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Type representing an established connection to a GeoIPCity database newtype GeoDB = GeoDB { unGeoDB :: ForeignPtr GeoIP } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Return data for a geolocation lookup data GeoIPRecord = GeoIPRecord { geoCountryCode :: !ByteString , geoCountryCode3 :: !ByteString , geoCountryName :: !ByteString , geoRegion :: !ByteString , geoCity :: !ByteString , geoPostalCode :: !ByteString , geoLatitude :: !Double , geoLongitude :: !Double , geoAreaCode :: !Int , geoContinentCode :: !ByteString , geoAccuracyRadius :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) instance NFData GeoIPRecord where rnf a = a `seq` () peekGeoIPRecord :: Ptr GeoIPRecord -> IO (Maybe GeoIPRecord) peekGeoIPRecord p = case nullPtr == p of True -> return Nothing False -> fmap Just r where !r = GeoIPRecord <$> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, country_code}) <*> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, country_code3}) <*> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, country_name}) <*> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, region}) <*> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, city}) <*> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, postal_code}) <*> fmap tofloat (#{peek GeoIPRecord, latitude} p) <*> fmap tofloat (#{peek GeoIPRecord, longitude} p) <*> fmap toInt (#{peek GeoIPRecord, area_code} p) <*> peekBS (#{peek GeoIPRecord, continent_code}) <*> pure 0 peekBS f = do !sptr <- f p case nullPtr == sptr of True -> return "" False -> let x = packCString sptr in x `seq` x tofloat :: CFloat -> Double tofloat = realToFrac toInt :: CInt -> Int toInt = fromIntegral newtype GeoIPOption = GeoIPOption { unGeoIPOpt :: CInt } #{enum GeoIPOption, GeoIPOption , standard = GEOIP_STANDARD , memory_cache = GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE , check_cache = GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE , index_cache = GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE , mmap_cache = GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Collapse & combine multiple 'GeoIPOption's into one combineOptions :: [GeoIPOption] -> GeoIPOption combineOptions = GeoIPOption . foldr ((.|.) . unGeoIPOpt) 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert a string IP adress to IPNum mkIpNum :: ByteString -> Maybe Integer mkIpNum x = case valid of False -> Nothing True -> Just $ a * 16777216 + b * 65536 + 256 * c + d where valid = length parts == 4 && foldr (\x acc -> acc && x <= 255) True [a,b,c,d] a : b : c : d : _ = map (read . unpack) parts parts = split '.' x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Higher level GeoIP ops -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Open the binary GeoIP data file with the given options. -- -- This would open a file and cache in memory: -- -- > openGeoDB "GeoCity.dat" memory_cache -- -- The memory on the C side is automatically freed by the Haskell GC when -- appropriate. openGeoDB :: GeoIPOption -> String -> IO GeoDB openGeoDB ops dbname = withCString dbname $ \dbname' -> do ptr <- c_GeoIP_open dbname' ops GeoDB <$> newForeignPtr c_GeoIP_delete ptr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Geo-locate by given IP Adress -- -- > geoLocateByIPAddress db "" geoLocateByIPAddress :: GeoDB -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe GeoIPRecord) geoLocateByIPAddress db ip = case mkIpNum ip of Nothing -> return Nothing Just inum -> geoLocateByIPNum db inum geoStringByIPAddress :: GeoDB -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) geoStringByIPAddress db ip = case mkIpNum ip of Nothing -> return Nothing Just inum -> geoStringByIPNum db inum geoStringByIPNum :: GeoDB -> Integer -> IO (Maybe ByteString) geoStringByIPNum (GeoDB db) ip = withForeignPtr db $ \db' -> do ptr <- c_GeoIP_name_by_ipnum db' (fromIntegral ip) str <- if nullPtr == ptr then return Nothing else let x = packCString ptr in x `seq` fmap Just x free ptr return str ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Geo-locate by given IP number. Call 'mkIpNum' on a 'String' ip address to -- convert to IP number. -- -- > geoLocateByIPNum db 12336939327338 geoLocateByIPNum :: GeoDB -> Integer -> IO (Maybe GeoIPRecord) geoLocateByIPNum (GeoDB db) ip = withForeignPtr db $ \db' -> do ptr <- c_GeoIP_record_by_ipnum db' (fromIntegral ip) rec <- peekGeoIPRecord ptr return $ rec `deepseq` () case ptr == nullPtr of True -> return () False -> c_GeoIPRecord_delete ptr return rec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Low level calls into the C library foreign import ccall safe "GeoIP.h GeoIP_new" c_GeoIP_new :: GeoIPOption -> IO (Ptr GeoIP) foreign import ccall safe "GeoIP.h &GeoIP_delete" c_GeoIP_delete :: FunPtr (Ptr GeoIP -> IO ()) foreign import ccall safe "GeoIP.h GeoIP_open" c_GeoIP_open :: CString -> GeoIPOption -> IO (Ptr GeoIP) foreign import ccall safe "GeoIPCity.h GeoIP_record_by_ipnum" c_GeoIP_record_by_ipnum :: Ptr GeoIP -> CULong -> IO (Ptr GeoIPRecord) foreign import ccall safe "GeoIP.h GeoIP_name_by_ipnum" c_GeoIP_name_by_ipnum :: Ptr GeoIP -> CULong -> IO CString foreign import ccall safe "GeoIPCity.h &GeoIPRecord_delete" c_GeoIPRecord_delete_funPtr :: FunPtr (Ptr GeoIPRecord -> IO ()) foreign import ccall safe "GeoIPCity.h GeoIPRecord_delete" c_GeoIPRecord_delete :: Ptr GeoIPRecord -> IO ()