{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

module Graphics.UI.FLTK.Browser (Browser, Browser_C(..), add, insert, clear,
                bottomline, middleline, topline,
                columnChar, formatChar, columnWidths,
                move, remove, size, newBrowser
                ) where

import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Widget
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign

-- | The type for Browsers, which is a subtype of Widget.
newtype Browser = Browser (Ptr Browser)
instance Widget_C Browser where _widget (Browser p) = castPtr p

-- | Class for Browsers.
class Browser_C a where _browser :: a -> Ptr Browser
instance Browser_C Browser where _browser (Browser b) = b

foreign import ccall "Fl_Browser_new" _newBrowser :: Int->Int->Int->Int->IO Browser
-- | Create a new browser.
newBrowser :: Int->Int->Int->Int->[Prop Browser]->IO Browser
newBrowser x y w h l = do b <- _newBrowser x y w h
                          set b l
                          return b

foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_add" _add :: Ptr Browser -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_insert" _insert :: Ptr Browser->Int->CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_clear" _clear :: Ptr Browser -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_bottomline" _bottomline :: Ptr Browser-> Int -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_middleline" _middleline :: Ptr Browser-> Int -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_topline" _topline :: Ptr Browser -> Int -> IO ()

-- | Add a new row to the browser.
add :: Browser_C c => c -> String -> IO ()
add b s = withCString s (\cs -> _add (_browser b) cs)

-- | Insert a new row at the specified position. Indeces start at 1.
insert :: Browser_C c => c -> Int -> String -> IO ()
insert b i s = withCString s (\cs -> _insert (_browser b) i cs)

-- | Delete all rows from the browser.
clear :: Browser_C c => c -> IO ()
clear = _clear . _browser

bottomline, middleline, topline :: Browser_C c => c -> Int -> IO ()
-- | Set the bottomline of the browser to the specified row index.
bottomline = _bottomline . _browser
-- | Set the middleline of the browser to the specified row index.
middleline = _middleline . _browser
-- | Set the topline of the browser to the specified row index.
topline    = _topline . _browser

foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_column_char_AS" _colC_AS :: Ptr Browser->Char-> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_column_char_AG" _colC_AG :: Ptr Browser->IO Char
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_format_char_AS" _forC_AS :: Ptr Browser->Char->IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_format_char_AG" _forC_AG :: Ptr Browser->IO Char
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_column_widths_AS" _colW_AS
    :: Ptr Browser -> Ptr Int -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_column_widths_AG" _colW_AG
    :: Ptr Browser -> IO (Ptr Int)

columnChar, formatChar :: Browser_C b => Attr b Char
-- | Column-separator character. The default is \'\\t\'.
columnChar = Attr (_colC_AG . _browser) (\b v -> _colC_AS (_browser b) v)
-- | Format character. The default is \'\@\'.
formatChar = Attr (_forC_AG . _browser) (\b v -> _forC_AS (_browser b) v)
-- | Column widths as pixels.
columnWidths :: Browser_C b => Attr b [Int]
columnWidths = Attr (\c -> _colW_AG (_browser c) >>= peekArray0 0)
                    (\b v -> withArray0 0 v (\ia -> _colW_AS (_browser b) ia))

foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_move" _move :: Ptr Browser -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_remove" _remove :: Ptr Browser -> Int -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "fl_Browser_size" _size :: Ptr Browser -> IO Int

-- | Move a row in the browser.
move :: Browser_C c => c -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
move   = _move   . _browser
-- | Remove a row in the browser.
remove :: Browser_C c => c -> Int -> IO ()
remove = _remove . _browser
-- | Return the number of rows in the browser.
size   :: Browser_C c => c -> IO Int
size   = _size   . _browser