module AutoGUI.Keys ( mkKey , keyToText , key , isValidKey , keys , Key ) where import CPython.Simple.Instances import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax newtype Key = Key String deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Lift) -- TODO make the string overlapping instance nicer instance ToPy Key where toPy (Key str) = toPy $ T.pack str mkKey :: Text -> Maybe Key mkKey key = if isValidKey key then Just (Key (T.unpack key)) else Nothing keyToText :: Key -> Text keyToText (Key text) = T.pack text -- | This quasiquoter lets you use [key|enter|] at compile time, -- so you don't get a Maybe as you would from mkKey key :: QuasiQuoter key = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = compileKeyExp , quotePat = compileKeyPat , quoteDec = error "Key is not a declaration" , quoteType = error "Key is not a type" } where compileKeyExp :: String -> Q Exp compileKeyExp s = case mkKey (T.pack s) of Nothing -> fail $ "`" <> show s <> "` is not a valid key" Just key -> [|key|] compileKeyPat :: String -> Q Pat compileKeyPat s = case mkKey (T.pack s) of Nothing -> fail $ "`" <> show s <> "` is not a valid key" Just (Key str) -> pure $ ConP 'Key [LitP $ StringL str] isValidKey :: Text -> Bool isValidKey key = key `Set.member` keysText keys :: Set Key keys = (Key . T.unpack) keysText keysText :: Set Text keysText = Set.fromList [ "\t" , "\n" , "\r" , " " , "!" , "'" , "#" , "$" , "%" , "&" , "\"" , "(" , ")" , "*" , "+" , "," , "-" , "." , "/" , "0" , "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , ":" , ";" , "<" , "=" , ">" , "?" , "@" , "[" , "\\" , "]" , "^" , "_" , "`" , "a" , "b" , "c" , "d" , "e" , "f" , "g" , "h" , "i" , "j" , "k" , "l" , "m" , "n" , "o" , "p" , "q" , "r" , "s" , "t" , "u" , "v" , "w" , "x" , "y" , "z" , "{" , "|" , "}" , "~" , "accept" , "add" , "alt" , "altleft" , "altright" , "apps" , "backspace" , "browserback" , "browserfavorites" , "browserforward" , "browserhome" , "browserrefresh" , "browsersearch" , "browserstop" , "capslock" , "clear" , "convert" , "ctrl" , "ctrlleft" , "ctrlright" , "decimal" , "del" , "delete" , "divide" , "down" , "end" , "enter" , "esc" , "escape" , "execute" , "f1" , "f10" , "f11" , "f12" , "f13" , "f14" , "f15" , "f16" , "f17" , "f18" , "f19" , "f2" , "f20" , "f21" , "f22" , "f23" , "f24" , "f3" , "f4" , "f5" , "f6" , "f7" , "f8" , "f9" , "final" , "fn" , "hanguel" , "hangul" , "hanja" , "help" , "home" , "insert" , "junja" , "kana" , "kanji" , "launchapp1" , "launchapp2" , "launchmail" , "launchmediaselect" , "left" , "modechange" , "multiply" , "nexttrack" , "nonconvert" , "num0" , "num1" , "num2" , "num3" , "num4" , "num5" , "num6" , "num7" , "num8" , "num9" , "numlock" , "pagedown" , "pageup" , "pause" , "pgdn" , "pgup" , "playpause" , "prevtrack" , "print" , "printscreen" , "prntscrn" , "prtsc" , "prtscr" , "return" , "right" , "scrolllock" , "select" , "separator" , "shift" , "shiftleft" , "shiftright" , "sleep" , "space" , "stop" , "subtract" , "tab" , "up" , "volumedown" , "volumemute" , "volumeup" , "win" , "winleft" , "winright" , "yen" , "command" , "option" , "optionleft" , "optionright" ]