-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} -- | Types used for the high-level interface. module Crypto.BLST.Internal.Types ( module Crypto.BLST.Internal.Types ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, Nat, natVal) import Crypto.BLST.Internal.Bindings.Types import Crypto.BLST.Internal.Classy (CompressedSize, Curve, CurveToMsgPoint, CurveToPkPoint, SerializedSize) -- | Data kind flag for 'ByteSize'. data SerializeOrCompress = Serialize | Compress type ByteSize :: SerializeOrCompress -> Type -> Nat -- | Size in bytes of serialized/compressed representations of basic types. type family ByteSize soc a -- | Convenience function to get byte size as an 'Int' value. byteSize :: forall soc a. KnownNat (ByteSize soc a) => Int byteSize = fromIntegral $ natVal @(ByteSize soc a) Proxy -- | Representation for the secret key. newtype SecretKey = SecretKey Scalar deriving stock (Eq, Show) deriving newtype NFData type instance ByteSize 'Serialize SecretKey = SkSerializeSize type role PublicKey nominal -- | Public key representation. type PublicKey :: Curve -> Type newtype PublicKey c = PublicKey (Affine (CurveToPkPoint c)) deriving stock (Eq, Show) deriving newtype NFData type instance ByteSize 'Serialize (PublicKey c) = SerializedSize (CurveToPkPoint c) type instance ByteSize 'Compress (PublicKey c) = CompressedSize (CurveToPkPoint c) type role Signature nominal phantom -- | Signature representation. type Signature :: Curve -> EncodeMethod -> Type newtype Signature c m = Signature (Affine (CurveToMsgPoint c)) deriving stock (Eq, Show) deriving newtype NFData type instance ByteSize 'Serialize (Signature c _) = SerializedSize (CurveToMsgPoint c) type instance ByteSize 'Compress (Signature c _) = CompressedSize (CurveToMsgPoint c)