-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.16.5 Crystal Seed, 24 Jan 2009 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LINE 1 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}module Network.GnuTLS.Internals where

{-# LINE 5 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}

import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import System.Time(ClockTime(TOD))
import Network.GnuTLS.RefCount
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe

data Session a = Session (ForeignPtr ())! RefCount

------------------------------   Enums   ---------------------------------------

data CipherAlgorithm = CipherUnknown
                     | CipherNull
                     | CipherArcfour128
                     | Cipher3desCbc
                     | CipherAes128Cbc
                     | CipherAes256Cbc
                     | CipherArcfour40
                     | CipherCamellia128Cbc
                     | CipherCamellia256Cbc
                     | CipherRc240Cbc
                     | CipherDesCbc
                     | CipherAes192Cbc
                     | CipherIdeaPgpCfb
                     | Cipher3desPgpCfb
                     | CipherCast5PgpCfb
                     | CipherBlowfishPgpCfb
                     | CipherSaferSk128PgpCfb
                     | CipherAes128PgpCfb
                     | CipherAes192PgpCfb
                     | CipherAes256PgpCfb
                     | CipherTwofishPgpCfb
instance Enum CipherAlgorithm where
  fromEnum CipherUnknown = 0
  fromEnum CipherNull = 1
  fromEnum CipherArcfour128 = 2
  fromEnum Cipher3desCbc = 3
  fromEnum CipherAes128Cbc = 4
  fromEnum CipherAes256Cbc = 5
  fromEnum CipherArcfour40 = 6
  fromEnum CipherCamellia128Cbc = 7
  fromEnum CipherCamellia256Cbc = 8
  fromEnum CipherRc240Cbc = 90
  fromEnum CipherDesCbc = 91
  fromEnum CipherAes192Cbc = 92
  fromEnum CipherIdeaPgpCfb = 200
  fromEnum Cipher3desPgpCfb = 201
  fromEnum CipherCast5PgpCfb = 202
  fromEnum CipherBlowfishPgpCfb = 203
  fromEnum CipherSaferSk128PgpCfb = 204
  fromEnum CipherAes128PgpCfb = 205
  fromEnum CipherAes192PgpCfb = 206
  fromEnum CipherAes256PgpCfb = 207
  fromEnum CipherTwofishPgpCfb = 208

  toEnum 0 = CipherUnknown
  toEnum 1 = CipherNull
  toEnum 2 = CipherArcfour128
  toEnum 3 = Cipher3desCbc
  toEnum 4 = CipherAes128Cbc
  toEnum 5 = CipherAes256Cbc
  toEnum 6 = CipherArcfour40
  toEnum 7 = CipherCamellia128Cbc
  toEnum 8 = CipherCamellia256Cbc
  toEnum 90 = CipherRc240Cbc
  toEnum 91 = CipherDesCbc
  toEnum 92 = CipherAes192Cbc
  toEnum 200 = CipherIdeaPgpCfb
  toEnum 201 = Cipher3desPgpCfb
  toEnum 202 = CipherCast5PgpCfb
  toEnum 203 = CipherBlowfishPgpCfb
  toEnum 204 = CipherSaferSk128PgpCfb
  toEnum 205 = CipherAes128PgpCfb
  toEnum 206 = CipherAes192PgpCfb
  toEnum 207 = CipherAes256PgpCfb
  toEnum 208 = CipherTwofishPgpCfb
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CipherAlgorithm.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 20 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data KxAlgorithm = KxUnknown
                 | KxRsa
                 | KxDheDss
                 | KxDheRsa
                 | KxAnonDh
                 | KxSrp
                 | KxRsaExport
                 | KxSrpRsa
                 | KxSrpDss
                 | KxPsk
                 | KxDhePsk
                 deriving (Eq)
instance Enum KxAlgorithm where
  fromEnum KxUnknown = 0
  fromEnum KxRsa = 1
  fromEnum KxDheDss = 2
  fromEnum KxDheRsa = 3
  fromEnum KxAnonDh = 4
  fromEnum KxSrp = 5
  fromEnum KxRsaExport = 6
  fromEnum KxSrpRsa = 7
  fromEnum KxSrpDss = 8
  fromEnum KxPsk = 9
  fromEnum KxDhePsk = 10

  toEnum 0 = KxUnknown
  toEnum 1 = KxRsa
  toEnum 2 = KxDheDss
  toEnum 3 = KxDheRsa
  toEnum 4 = KxAnonDh
  toEnum 5 = KxSrp
  toEnum 6 = KxRsaExport
  toEnum 7 = KxSrpRsa
  toEnum 8 = KxSrpDss
  toEnum 9 = KxPsk
  toEnum 10 = KxDhePsk
  toEnum unmatched = error ("KxAlgorithm.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 21 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data ParamsType = ParamsRsaExport
                | ParamsDh
instance Enum ParamsType where
  fromEnum ParamsRsaExport = 1
  fromEnum ParamsDh = 2

  toEnum 1 = ParamsRsaExport
  toEnum 2 = ParamsDh
  toEnum unmatched = error ("ParamsType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 22 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data CredentialsType = CrdCertificate
                     | CrdAnon
                     | CrdSrp
                     | CrdPsk
                     | CrdIa
                     deriving (Eq)
instance Enum CredentialsType where
  fromEnum CrdCertificate = 1
  fromEnum CrdAnon = 2
  fromEnum CrdSrp = 3
  fromEnum CrdPsk = 4
  fromEnum CrdIa = 5

  toEnum 1 = CrdCertificate
  toEnum 2 = CrdAnon
  toEnum 3 = CrdSrp
  toEnum 4 = CrdPsk
  toEnum 5 = CrdIa
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CredentialsType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 23 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data MacAlgorithm = MacUnknown
                  | MacNull
                  | MacMd5
                  | MacSha1
                  | MacRmd160
                  | MacMd2
                  | MacSha256
                  | MacSha384
                  | MacSha512
                  | MacSha224
instance Enum MacAlgorithm where
  fromEnum MacUnknown = 0
  fromEnum MacNull = 1
  fromEnum MacMd5 = 2
  fromEnum MacSha1 = 3
  fromEnum MacRmd160 = 4
  fromEnum MacMd2 = 5
  fromEnum MacSha256 = 6
  fromEnum MacSha384 = 7
  fromEnum MacSha512 = 8
  fromEnum MacSha224 = 9

  toEnum 0 = MacUnknown
  toEnum 1 = MacNull
  toEnum 2 = MacMd5
  toEnum 3 = MacSha1
  toEnum 4 = MacRmd160
  toEnum 5 = MacMd2
  toEnum 6 = MacSha256
  toEnum 7 = MacSha384
  toEnum 8 = MacSha512
  toEnum 9 = MacSha224
  toEnum unmatched = error ("MacAlgorithm.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 24 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data DigestAlgorithm = DigUnknown
                     | DigNull
                     | DigMd5
                     | DigSha1
                     | DigRmd160
                     | DigMd2
                     | DigSha256
                     | DigSha384
                     | DigSha512
                     | DigSha224
                     deriving (Show)
instance Enum DigestAlgorithm where
  fromEnum DigUnknown = 0
  fromEnum DigNull = 1
  fromEnum DigMd5 = 2
  fromEnum DigSha1 = 3
  fromEnum DigRmd160 = 4
  fromEnum DigMd2 = 5
  fromEnum DigSha256 = 6
  fromEnum DigSha384 = 7
  fromEnum DigSha512 = 8
  fromEnum DigSha224 = 9

  toEnum 0 = DigUnknown
  toEnum 1 = DigNull
  toEnum 2 = DigMd5
  toEnum 3 = DigSha1
  toEnum 4 = DigRmd160
  toEnum 5 = DigMd2
  toEnum 6 = DigSha256
  toEnum 7 = DigSha384
  toEnum 8 = DigSha512
  toEnum 9 = DigSha224
  toEnum unmatched = error ("DigestAlgorithm.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 25 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data CompressionMethod = CompUnknown
                       | CompNull
                       | CompDeflate
                       | CompZlib
                       | CompLzo
instance Enum CompressionMethod where
  fromEnum CompUnknown = 0
  fromEnum CompNull = 1
  fromEnum CompDeflate = 2
  fromEnum CompZlib = 2
  fromEnum CompLzo = 3

  toEnum 0 = CompUnknown
  toEnum 1 = CompNull
  toEnum 2 = CompDeflate
  toEnum 2 = CompZlib
  toEnum 3 = CompLzo
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CompressionMethod.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 26 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data ConnectionEnd = Server
                   | Client
instance Enum ConnectionEnd where
  fromEnum Server = 1
  fromEnum Client = 2

  toEnum 1 = Server
  toEnum 2 = Client
  toEnum unmatched = error ("ConnectionEnd.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 27 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data AlertLevel = AlWarning
                | AlFatal
instance Enum AlertLevel where
  fromEnum AlWarning = 1
  fromEnum AlFatal = 2

  toEnum 1 = AlWarning
  toEnum 2 = AlFatal
  toEnum unmatched = error ("AlertLevel.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 28 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data AlertDescription = ACloseNotify
                      | AUnexpectedMessage
                      | ABadRecordMac
                      | ADecryptionFailed
                      | ARecordOverflow
                      | ADecompressionFailure
                      | AHandshakeFailure
                      | ASsl3NoCertificate
                      | ABadCertificate
                      | AUnsupportedCertificate
                      | ACertificateRevoked
                      | ACertificateExpired
                      | ACertificateUnknown
                      | AIllegalParameter
                      | AUnknownCa
                      | AAccessDenied
                      | ADecodeError
                      | ADecryptError
                      | AExportRestriction
                      | AProtocolVersion
                      | AInsufficientSecurity
                      | AInternalError
                      | AUserCanceled
                      | ANoRenegotiation
                      | AUnsupportedExtension
                      | ACertificateUnobtainable
                      | AUnrecognizedName
                      | AUnknownPskIdentity
                      | AInnerApplicationFailure
                      | AInnerApplicationVerification
instance Enum AlertDescription where
  fromEnum ACloseNotify = 0
  fromEnum AUnexpectedMessage = 10
  fromEnum ABadRecordMac = 20
  fromEnum ADecryptionFailed = 21
  fromEnum ARecordOverflow = 22
  fromEnum ADecompressionFailure = 30
  fromEnum AHandshakeFailure = 40
  fromEnum ASsl3NoCertificate = 41
  fromEnum ABadCertificate = 42
  fromEnum AUnsupportedCertificate = 43
  fromEnum ACertificateRevoked = 44
  fromEnum ACertificateExpired = 45
  fromEnum ACertificateUnknown = 46
  fromEnum AIllegalParameter = 47
  fromEnum AUnknownCa = 48
  fromEnum AAccessDenied = 49
  fromEnum ADecodeError = 50
  fromEnum ADecryptError = 51
  fromEnum AExportRestriction = 60
  fromEnum AProtocolVersion = 70
  fromEnum AInsufficientSecurity = 71
  fromEnum AInternalError = 80
  fromEnum AUserCanceled = 90
  fromEnum ANoRenegotiation = 100
  fromEnum AUnsupportedExtension = 110
  fromEnum ACertificateUnobtainable = 111
  fromEnum AUnrecognizedName = 112
  fromEnum AUnknownPskIdentity = 115
  fromEnum AInnerApplicationFailure = 208
  fromEnum AInnerApplicationVerification = 209

  toEnum 0 = ACloseNotify
  toEnum 10 = AUnexpectedMessage
  toEnum 20 = ABadRecordMac
  toEnum 21 = ADecryptionFailed
  toEnum 22 = ARecordOverflow
  toEnum 30 = ADecompressionFailure
  toEnum 40 = AHandshakeFailure
  toEnum 41 = ASsl3NoCertificate
  toEnum 42 = ABadCertificate
  toEnum 43 = AUnsupportedCertificate
  toEnum 44 = ACertificateRevoked
  toEnum 45 = ACertificateExpired
  toEnum 46 = ACertificateUnknown
  toEnum 47 = AIllegalParameter
  toEnum 48 = AUnknownCa
  toEnum 49 = AAccessDenied
  toEnum 50 = ADecodeError
  toEnum 51 = ADecryptError
  toEnum 60 = AExportRestriction
  toEnum 70 = AProtocolVersion
  toEnum 71 = AInsufficientSecurity
  toEnum 80 = AInternalError
  toEnum 90 = AUserCanceled
  toEnum 100 = ANoRenegotiation
  toEnum 110 = AUnsupportedExtension
  toEnum 111 = ACertificateUnobtainable
  toEnum 112 = AUnrecognizedName
  toEnum 115 = AUnknownPskIdentity
  toEnum 208 = AInnerApplicationFailure
  toEnum 209 = AInnerApplicationVerification
  toEnum unmatched = error ("AlertDescription.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 29 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data HandshakeDescription = HandshakeHelloRequest
                          | HandshakeClientHello
                          | HandshakeServerHello
                          | HandshakeNewSessionTicket
                          | HandshakeCertificatePkt
                          | HandshakeServerKeyExchange
                          | HandshakeCertificateRequest
                          | HandshakeServerHelloDone
                          | HandshakeCertificateVerify
                          | HandshakeClientKeyExchange
                          | HandshakeFinished
                          | HandshakeSupplemental
instance Enum HandshakeDescription where
  fromEnum HandshakeHelloRequest = 0
  fromEnum HandshakeClientHello = 1
  fromEnum HandshakeServerHello = 2
  fromEnum HandshakeNewSessionTicket = 4
  fromEnum HandshakeCertificatePkt = 11
  fromEnum HandshakeServerKeyExchange = 12
  fromEnum HandshakeCertificateRequest = 13
  fromEnum HandshakeServerHelloDone = 14
  fromEnum HandshakeCertificateVerify = 15
  fromEnum HandshakeClientKeyExchange = 16
  fromEnum HandshakeFinished = 20
  fromEnum HandshakeSupplemental = 23

  toEnum 0 = HandshakeHelloRequest
  toEnum 1 = HandshakeClientHello
  toEnum 2 = HandshakeServerHello
  toEnum 4 = HandshakeNewSessionTicket
  toEnum 11 = HandshakeCertificatePkt
  toEnum 12 = HandshakeServerKeyExchange
  toEnum 13 = HandshakeCertificateRequest
  toEnum 14 = HandshakeServerHelloDone
  toEnum 15 = HandshakeCertificateVerify
  toEnum 16 = HandshakeClientKeyExchange
  toEnum 20 = HandshakeFinished
  toEnum 23 = HandshakeSupplemental
  toEnum unmatched = error ("HandshakeDescription.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 30 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data CertificateStatus = CertInvalid
                       | CertRevoked
                       | CertSignerNotFound
                       | CertSignerNotCa
                       | CertInsecureAlgorithm
                       | CertNotActivated
                       | CertExpired
                       deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Enum CertificateStatus where
  fromEnum CertInvalid = 2
  fromEnum CertRevoked = 32
  fromEnum CertSignerNotFound = 64
  fromEnum CertSignerNotCa = 128
  fromEnum CertInsecureAlgorithm = 256
  fromEnum CertNotActivated = 512
  fromEnum CertExpired = 1024

  toEnum 2 = CertInvalid
  toEnum 32 = CertRevoked
  toEnum 64 = CertSignerNotFound
  toEnum 128 = CertSignerNotCa
  toEnum 256 = CertInsecureAlgorithm
  toEnum 512 = CertNotActivated
  toEnum 1024 = CertExpired
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CertificateStatus.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 31 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data CertificateRequest = CertIgnore
                        | CertRequest
                        | CertRequire
instance Enum CertificateRequest where
  fromEnum CertIgnore = 0
  fromEnum CertRequest = 1
  fromEnum CertRequire = 2

  toEnum 0 = CertIgnore
  toEnum 1 = CertRequest
  toEnum 2 = CertRequire
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CertificateRequest.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 32 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
--{#enum gnutls_openpgp_key_status_t as KeyStatus {underscoreToCase} #}
data CloseRequest = ShutRdwr
                  | ShutWr
instance Enum CloseRequest where
  fromEnum ShutRdwr = 0
  fromEnum ShutWr = 1

  toEnum 0 = ShutRdwr
  toEnum 1 = ShutWr
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CloseRequest.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 34 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data Protocol = Ssl3
              | Tls10
              | Tls1
              | Tls11
              | Tls12
              | VersionMax
              | VersionUnknown
instance Enum Protocol where
  fromEnum Ssl3 = 1
  fromEnum Tls10 = 2
  fromEnum Tls1 = 2
  fromEnum Tls11 = 3
  fromEnum Tls12 = 4
  fromEnum VersionMax = 4
  fromEnum VersionUnknown = 255

  toEnum 1 = Ssl3
  toEnum 2 = Tls10
  toEnum 2 = Tls1
  toEnum 3 = Tls11
  toEnum 4 = Tls12
  toEnum 4 = VersionMax
  toEnum 255 = VersionUnknown
  toEnum unmatched = error ("Protocol.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 35 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data CertificateType = CrtUnknown
                     | CrtX509
                     | CrtOpenpgp
instance Enum CertificateType where
  fromEnum CrtUnknown = 0
  fromEnum CrtX509 = 1
  fromEnum CrtOpenpgp = 2

  toEnum 0 = CrtUnknown
  toEnum 1 = CrtX509
  toEnum 2 = CrtOpenpgp
  toEnum unmatched = error ("CertificateType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 36 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data X509CertificateFormat = X509FmtDer
                           | X509FmtPem
instance Enum X509CertificateFormat where
  fromEnum X509FmtDer = 0
  fromEnum X509FmtPem = 1

  toEnum 0 = X509FmtDer
  toEnum 1 = X509FmtPem
  toEnum unmatched = error ("X509CertificateFormat.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 37 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data PkAlgorithm = PkUnknown
                 | PkRsa
                 | PkDsa
                 | PkDh
instance Enum PkAlgorithm where
  fromEnum PkUnknown = 0
  fromEnum PkRsa = 1
  fromEnum PkDsa = 2
  fromEnum PkDh = 3

  toEnum 0 = PkUnknown
  toEnum 1 = PkRsa
  toEnum 2 = PkDsa
  toEnum 3 = PkDh
  toEnum unmatched = error ("PkAlgorithm.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 38 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}
data SignAlgorithm = SignUnknown
                   | SignRsaSha1
                   | SignRsaSha
                   | SignDsaSha1
                   | SignDsaSha
                   | SignRsaMd5
                   | SignRsaMd2
                   | SignRsaRmd160
                   | SignRsaSha256
                   | SignRsaSha384
                   | SignRsaSha512
                   | SignRsaSha224
                   | SignDsaSha224
                   | SignDsaSha256
instance Enum SignAlgorithm where
  fromEnum SignUnknown = 0
  fromEnum SignRsaSha1 = 1
  fromEnum SignRsaSha = 1
  fromEnum SignDsaSha1 = 2
  fromEnum SignDsaSha = 2
  fromEnum SignRsaMd5 = 3
  fromEnum SignRsaMd2 = 4
  fromEnum SignRsaRmd160 = 5
  fromEnum SignRsaSha256 = 6
  fromEnum SignRsaSha384 = 7
  fromEnum SignRsaSha512 = 8
  fromEnum SignRsaSha224 = 9
  fromEnum SignDsaSha224 = 10
  fromEnum SignDsaSha256 = 11

  toEnum 0 = SignUnknown
  toEnum 1 = SignRsaSha1
  toEnum 1 = SignRsaSha
  toEnum 2 = SignDsaSha1
  toEnum 2 = SignDsaSha
  toEnum 3 = SignRsaMd5
  toEnum 4 = SignRsaMd2
  toEnum 5 = SignRsaRmd160
  toEnum 6 = SignRsaSha256
  toEnum 7 = SignRsaSha384
  toEnum 8 = SignRsaSha512
  toEnum 9 = SignRsaSha224
  toEnum 10 = SignDsaSha224
  toEnum 11 = SignDsaSha256
  toEnum unmatched = error ("SignAlgorithm.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 39 "./Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs" #-}

----------------------------   Time Management   -------------------------------

integralToClockTime :: (Integral n, Show n) => n -> ClockTime
integralToClockTime ct = TOD (fromIntegral ct) 0

-----------------------------   Helpers   --------------------------------------

enumCInt :: Enum e => e -> CInt
enumCInt x = fromIntegral $ fromEnum x
cintEnum :: Enum e => CInt -> e
cintEnum x = toEnum $ fromIntegral x

safePeekCString :: CString -> IO String
safePeekCString pointer = if pointer == nullPtr then return "" else peekCString pointer

withEnumList0 :: Enum e => [e] -> (Ptr CInt -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withEnumList0 es f = withArray0 0 is f
    where is = map enumCInt es

withSession :: Session t -> (Ptr () -> IO a) -> IO a
withSession (Session s _) = withForeignPtr s

{-# SPECIALIZE throwGnutlsIf :: CInt  -> IO () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE throwGnutlsIf :: CLong -> IO () #-}

throwGnutlsIf :: (Integral n, Show n) => n -> IO ()
throwGnutlsIf 0     = return ()
throwGnutlsIf v     = gnutls_strerror (fromIntegral v) >>= safePeekCString >>= (\str -> fail (str++" ("++show v++")"))

{-# SPECIALIZE throwGnutlsIfNeg :: CInt  -> IO Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE throwGnutlsIfNeg :: CLong -> IO Int #-}
throwGnutlsIfNeg :: (Num b, Integral a, Show a) => a -> IO b
throwGnutlsIfNeg v = if v < 0 then throwGnutlsIf v >> return 0 else return (fromIntegral v)

{-# INLINE peekEnum #-}
peekEnum :: (Storable s, Integral s, Num e, Enum e) => Ptr s -> IO e
peekEnum pointer = peek pointer >>= return . fromIntegral

isZero, isNonZero :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
isZero x = x == 0
isNonZero x = x /= 0

ptrDeS :: Ptr (Ptr ()) -> IO a
ptrDeS p = deRefStablePtr $ castPtrToStablePtr $ castPtr p

------------------------------   Datums   --------------------------------------

peekDatum :: Ptr a -> IO (Ptr CChar,Int)
peekDatum pntr = do pv <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 0 ::IO (Ptr CUChar)}) (castPtr pntr)
                    iv <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 8 ::IO CUInt}) (castPtr pntr)
                    return (castPtr pv, fromIntegral iv)

peekDatumArray :: Int -> Ptr a -> IO [(Ptr CChar,Int)]
peekDatumArray i pntr = loop i (plusPtr pntr (i*16)) []
    where loop 0 pointer acc = do d <- peekDatum pointer
                                  return (d:acc)
          loop k pointer acc = do d <- peekDatum pointer
                                  loop (k-1) (plusPtr pointer (0-16)) (d:acc)

class Datum a where
  withDatum :: a -> (Ptr () -> IO b) -> IO b

instance Datum String where
  withDatum s p = withCStringLen s (\v -> withDatum v p)

instance Datum (Ptr CChar,Int) where
  withDatum (p,l) c = allocaBytes 16 $ \dptr -> do
                      (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 0 (val::(Ptr CUChar))}) dptr (castPtr p)
                      (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 8 (val::CUInt)}) dptr (fromIntegral l)
                      c dptr

instance Datum ByteString where
  withDatum bs f = unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs (\v -> withDatum v f)

--{#fun gnutls_pem_base64_decode_alloc as datumBase64Decode
--  {with
datumBase64Decode :: (Datum d) => Int -> d -> IO ByteString
datumBase64Decode sz dat = withDatum dat $
        \p1 -> createAndTrim sz $
        \pointer -> with (fromIntegral sz::CSize) $
        \sptr -> do
                gnutls_pem_base64_decode nullPtr p1 (castPtr pointer) (castPtr sptr) >>= throwGnutlsIf
                peek sptr >>= return . fromIntegral

foreign import ccall safe "Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs.h gnutls_strerror"
  gnutls_strerror :: (CInt -> (IO (Ptr CChar)))

foreign import ccall safe "Network/GnuTLS/Internals.chs.h gnutls_pem_base64_decode"
  gnutls_pem_base64_decode :: ((Ptr CChar) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr CUChar) -> ((Ptr CULong) -> (IO CInt)))))