{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-| Module : HsLua.Module.Zip Copyright : © 2022-2024 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Lua module to work with file zips. -} module HsLua.Module.Zip ( -- * Module documentedModule -- * Zip archives , typeArchive , mkArchive , read_entry , zip -- ** archive methods , extract , bytestring -- * Zip entry , typeEntry , peekEntryFuzzy -- ** entry methods , contents -- * Zip Options , peekZipOptions ) where import Prelude hiding (zip) import Control.Applicative (optional) import Control.Monad ((<$!>)) import Codec.Archive.Zip (Archive, Entry, ZipOption (..), emptyArchive) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Data.Version (Version, makeVersion) import HsLua.Core ( LuaError, NumArgs (..), NumResults (..), Type(..), call, failLua , fromStackIndex, getfield, gettop, replace, liftIO, ltype , nth, nthBottom, setmetatable ) import HsLua.List (newListMetatable) import HsLua.Marshalling ( Peeker, Pusher, choice, failPeek, liftLua, peekBool , peekFieldRaw, peekIntegral, peekLazyByteString, peekList, peekString , pushLazyByteString, pushList, pushIntegral, pushString , retrieving, typeMismatchMessage ) import HsLua.Packaging import HsLua.Typing import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip import qualified Data.Text as T -- | The @zip@ module specification. documentedModule :: forall e. LuaError e => Module e documentedModule = Module { moduleName = "zip" , moduleDescription = T.unlines [ "Functions to create, modify, and extract files from zip archives." , "" , "The module can be called as a function, in which case it behaves" , "like the `zip` function described below." , "" , "Zip options are optional; when defined, they must be a table with" , "any of the following keys:" , "" , " - `recursive`: recurse directories when set to `true`;" , " - `verbose`: print info messages to stdout;" , " - `destination`: the value specifies the directory in which to" , " extract;" , " - `location`: value is used as path name, defining where files" , " are placed." , " - `preserve_symlinks`: Boolean value, controlling whether" , " symbolic links are preserved as such. This option is ignored" , " on Windows." ] , moduleFields = fields , moduleFunctions = functions , moduleOperations = [ operation Call $ lambda ### (do -- call function `zip` _ <- getfield (nthBottom 1) (functionName @e zip) replace (nthBottom 1) nargs <- NumArgs . subtract 1 . fromStackIndex <$> gettop call nargs 1 pure (NumResults 1)) =?> "new Archive" ] , moduleTypeInitializers = [ initType typeArchive , initType typeEntry ] } -- | First published version of this library. initialVersion :: Version initialVersion = makeVersion [1,0,0] -- -- Fields -- -- | Exported fields. fields :: [Field e] fields = [] -- -- Functions -- -- | Exported functions functions :: LuaError e => [DocumentedFunction e] functions = [ mkArchive , mkEntry , read_entry , zip ] -- | Creates a new 'Archive' from a list of files. zip :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e zip = defun "zip" ### (\filepaths mopts -> let opts = fromMaybe [] mopts in liftIO $! Zip.addFilesToArchive opts emptyArchive filepaths) <#> parameter (peekList peekString) "{string,...}" "filepaths" "list of files from which the archive is created." <#> opt (parameter peekZipOptions "table" "opts" "zip options") =#> udresult typeArchive "a new archive" #? T.unlines [ "Package and compress the given files into a new Archive." ] `since` initialVersion -- | Creates a new 'ZipEntry' from a file; wraps 'Zip.readEntry'. read_entry :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e read_entry = defun "read_entry" ### (\filepath mopts -> liftIO $! Zip.readEntry (fromMaybe [] mopts) filepath) <#> parameter peekString "string" "filepath" "" <#> opt (parameter peekZipOptions "table" "opts" "zip options") =#> udresult typeEntry "a new zip archive entry" #? T.unlines [ "Generates a ZipEntry from a file or directory." ] `since` initialVersion -- -- * Options -- peekZipOptions :: LuaError e => Peeker e [ZipOption] peekZipOptions = retrieving "Zip options" . \idx -> catMaybes <$> sequence [ optional (peekFieldRaw peekBool "recursive" idx) <&> \case Just True -> Just OptRecursive _ -> Nothing , optional (peekFieldRaw peekBool "verbose" idx) <&> \case Just True -> Just OptVerbose _ -> Nothing , optional (peekFieldRaw peekString "destination" idx) <&> \case Just fp -> Just (OptDestination fp) _ -> Nothing , optional (peekFieldRaw peekString "location" idx) <&> \case Just fp -> Just (OptLocation fp True) _ -> Nothing , optional (peekFieldRaw peekBool "preserve_symlinks" idx) <&> \case Just True -> (Just OptPreserveSymbolicLinks) _ -> Nothing ] -- -- * Archive -- -- | The Lua 'Archive' type typeArchive :: forall e. LuaError e => DocumentedType e Archive typeArchive = deftype "zip.Archive" [] [ property' "entries" (seqType (udTypeSpec @e typeEntry)) "Files in this zip archive" (pushEntries, Zip.zEntries) (peekList peekEntryFuzzy, \ar entries -> ar { Zip.zEntries = entries }) , method extract , method bytestring ] -- | Wrapper for 'Zip.toArchive'; converts a string into an Archive. mkArchive :: forall e. LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e mkArchive = defun "Archive" ### (\case Nothing -> pure Zip.emptyArchive Just (Left bytestring') -> either failLua pure $ Zip.toArchiveOrFail bytestring' Just (Right entries) -> pure $ foldr Zip.addEntryToArchive emptyArchive entries) <#> opt (parameter (choice [ fmap Left . peekLazyByteString , fmap Right . peekList peekEntryFuzzy ]) (stringType #|# seqType (udTypeSpec @e typeEntry)) "bytestring_or_entries" "binary archive data or list of entries; defaults to an empty list") =#> udresult typeArchive "new Archive" #? T.unlines [ "Reads an *Archive* structure from a raw zip archive or a list of" , "Entry items; throws an error if the given string cannot be decoded" , "into an archive." ] `since` initialVersion -- | Returns the raw binary string representation of the archive; -- wraps 'Zip.extractFilesFromArchive' extract :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e extract = defun "extract" ### (\archive mopts -> liftIO $! Zip.extractFilesFromArchive (fromMaybe [] mopts) archive) <#> udparam typeArchive "self" "" <#> opt (parameter peekZipOptions "table" "opts" "zip options") =#> [] #? T.unlines [ "Extract all files from this archive, creating directories as needed." , "Note that the last-modified time is set correctly only in POSIX, not" , "in Windows. This function fails if encrypted entries are present." ] -- | Returns the raw binary string representation of the archive. bytestring :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e bytestring = defun "bytestring" ### liftPure Zip.fromArchive <#> udparam typeArchive "self" "" =#> functionResult pushLazyByteString "string" "bytes of the archive" #? "Returns the raw binary string representation of the archive." -- -- * Entry -- -- | The Lua type for 'Entry' objects. typeEntry :: forall e. LuaError e => DocumentedType e Entry typeEntry = deftype "zip.Entry" [] [ property' "path" (udTypeSpec @e typeEntry) "Relative path, using `/` as separator" (pushString, Zip.eRelativePath) (peekString, \entry path -> entry { Zip.eRelativePath = path }) , property' "modtime" integerType "Modification time (seconds since unix epoch)" (pushIntegral, Zip.eLastModified) (peekIntegral, \entry modtime -> entry { Zip.eLastModified = modtime}) , method contents ] -- | Creates a new 'ZipEntry' from a file; wraps 'Zip.readEntry'. mkEntry :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e mkEntry = defun "Entry" ### (\filepath contents' mmodtime -> do modtime <- maybe (floor <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime) pure mmodtime pure $ Zip.toEntry filepath modtime contents') <#> parameter peekString "string" "path" "file path in archive" <#> parameter peekLazyByteString "string" "contents" "uncompressed contents" <#> opt (parameter peekIntegral "integer" "modtime" "modification time") =#> udresult typeEntry "a new zip archive entry" #? T.unlines [ "Generates a ZipEntry from a filepath, uncompressed content, and" , "the file's modification time." ] `since` initialVersion -- | Returns the uncompressed contents of a zip entry. contents :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e contents = defun "contents" ### (\entry mpasswd -> case mpasswd of Nothing -> return $! Zip.fromEntry entry Just passwd -> case Zip.fromEncryptedEntry passwd entry of Just contents' -> return $! contents' Nothing -> failLua "Could not decrypt entry.") <#> udparam typeEntry "self" "" <#> opt (parameter peekString "string" "password" "password for entry") =#> functionResult pushLazyByteString "string" "binary contents" #? T.unlines [ "Get the uncompressed contents of a zip entry. If `password` is given," , "then that password is used to decrypt the contents. An error is throws" , "if decrypting fails." ] peekEntryFuzzy :: LuaError e => Peeker e Entry peekEntryFuzzy = retrieving "ZipEntry" . \idx -> liftLua (ltype idx) >>= \case TypeUserdata -> peekUD typeEntry idx TypeTable -> peekEntryFromTable idx _ -> failPeek =<< typeMismatchMessage "ZipEntry userdata or table" idx peekEntryFromTable :: LuaError e => Peeker e Entry peekEntryFromTable idx = Zip.toEntry <$!> peekFieldRaw peekString "path" idx <*> (peekFieldRaw (optional . peekIntegral) "modtime" idx >>= \case Nothing -> pure 0 Just t -> pure t) <*> peekFieldRaw peekLazyByteString "contents" idx -- | Pushes a list of entries as an Entries object, i.e., a list with -- additional methods. pushEntries :: LuaError e => Pusher e [Entry] pushEntries es = do pushList (pushUD typeEntry) es newListMetatable "ZipEntry list" (pure ()) setmetatable (nth 2)