-- This file is part of htalkat -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module CursesClient (cursesClient) where import Prelude hiding (lines) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception (bracket, bracket_) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.List (uncons, (\\)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Safe (headMay) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO (Handle, hFlush) import UI.HSCurses.Curses hiding (ls) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T import qualified Network.Socket as S import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy as SL import UI.HSCurses.CursesHelper as CH import Mundanities import Util import WCWidth #ifndef WINDOWS import System.Posix.Signals #endif #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)) import Data.Semigroup #endif newtype Reversed = Reversed {getReversed :: T.Text} data StreamState = StreamState { streamWin :: Window , streamLines :: [T.Text] , streamHeights :: [Int] , streamCurLine :: Reversed , streamView :: Int } resetSS :: Int -> Window -> StreamState -> StreamState resetSS w win ss = ss { streamWin = win , streamHeights = lineHeight w <$> streamLines ss , streamView = 0 } curLineHeight :: Int -> StreamState -> Int curLineHeight w = lineHeight w . T.reverse . getReversed . streamCurLine mapCurLine :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> StreamState -> StreamState mapCurLine f s = s { streamCurLine = Reversed . f . getReversed $ streamCurLine s } allHeights :: Int -> StreamState -> [Int] allHeights w ss = curLineHeight w ss : streamHeights ss allLines :: StreamState -> [T.Text] allLines ss = (T.reverse . getReversed $ streamCurLine ss) : streamLines ss data TalkStream = OutStream | InStream deriving Eq data CState = CState { otherName :: String , connectionClosed :: Bool , monitor :: Bool , logHandle :: Maybe Handle , lastMoved :: TalkStream , onTop :: TalkStream , outStream :: StreamState , inStream :: StreamState } initCState :: String -> TalkStream -> Maybe Handle -> (Window,Window) -> CState initCState name top mLog (w,w') = CState { otherName = name , connectionClosed = False , monitor = False , lastMoved = OutStream , onTop = top , logHandle = mLog , outStream = emptySS $ if top == OutStream then w else w' , inStream = emptySS $ if top == InStream then w else w' } where emptySS x = StreamState x [] [] (Reversed "") 0 resetWindows :: Int -> TalkStream -> (Window,Window) -> CState -> CState resetWindows ww top (w,w') = mapSS OutStream (resetSS ww $ winOf OutStream) . mapSS InStream (resetSS ww $ winOf InStream) where winOf str = if str == top then w else w' getSS :: TalkStream -> CState -> StreamState getSS OutStream = outStream getSS InStream = inStream mapSS :: TalkStream -> (StreamState -> StreamState) -> CState -> CState mapSS OutStream f ss = ss { outStream = f $ outStream ss } mapSS InStream f ss = ss { inStream = f $ inStream ss } wcwidthNonNeg :: Char -> Int wcwidthNonNeg = max 0 . wcwidth wcLength :: T.Text -> Int wcLength = sum . (wcwidthNonNeg <$>) . T.unpack resetTerm :: IO () resetTerm = nl True >> raw False >> cBreak True getGeom :: IO ((Int,Int),Int) getGeom = do (lines,cols) <- scrSize let (d,m) = divMod lines 2 pure ((d + m - 1, d), cols) getWidth :: IO Int getWidth = snd <$> getGeom getDividerY :: IO Int getDividerY = fst . fst <$> getGeom checkSize :: IO () checkSize = do dy <- getDividerY ww <- getWidth when (dy == 0 || ww <= maxWCWidth) $ CH.end >> putStrLn "Terminal too small." >> exitFailure where maxWCWidth = 2 initWindows :: IO (Window,Window) initWindows = do ((wh,wh'),ww) <- getGeom liftM2 (,) (newWin wh (ww + 1) 0 0) (newWin wh' (ww + 1) (wh+1) 0) data Event = InCharEv Char | KeyEv Key | ConnectionClosed | NeedReset | Quit deriving (Eq) isQuit :: Event -> Bool isQuit = -- Handle ^C, in case it doesn't generate a signal (as on windows?) (`elem` [Quit, KeyEv (KeyChar '\ETX')]) connectingNamedSocket :: FilePath -> (S.Socket -> IO a) -> IO a connectingNamedSocket path = (`bracket` (`S.gracefulClose` 1000)) $ do sock <- S.socket S.AF_UNIX S.Stream 0 S.connect sock $ S.SockAddrUnix path pure sock cursesClient :: Bool -> Maybe Handle -> String -> FilePath -> IO () cursesClient localTop mLog name path = connectingNamedSocket path $ \sock -> do charStream <- T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode <$> SL.getContents sock putStrLn "Waiting for answer..." case uncons charStream of Nothing -> putStrLn "Connection closed." Just ('T', charStream') -> bracket_ CH.start CH.end $ do checkSize resetTerm eventChan <- newChan #ifndef WINDOWS let suspHandler = CatchOnce $ do raiseSignal sigTSTP void installTSTP writeChan eventChan NeedReset installTSTP = installHandler sigTSTP suspHandler Nothing _ <- installTSTP _ <- installHandler sigINT (Catch $ writeChan eventChan Quit) Nothing #endif let top = if localTop then OutStream else InStream st <- initCState name top mLog <$> initWindows _ <- forkIO $ do mapM_ (writeChan eventChan . InCharEv) charStream' writeChan eventChan ConnectionClosed _ <- forkIO $ writeList2Chan eventChan . (KeyEv <$>) =<< getContentsCurses void . (`runStateT` st) $ do redrawAll mapM_ (handleEvent sock) . takeWhile (not . isQuit) =<< liftIO (getChanContents eventChan) _ -> error "Impossible handshake char!" -- hscurses doesn't bind get_wch, so we do utf8 decoding by hand. getContentsCurses :: IO [Key] getContentsCurses = do cChan <- newChan kChan <- newChan _ <- forkIO . forever $ getCh >>= \case (KeyChar c) -> writeChan cChan c k -> writeChan kChan k _ <- forkIO . writeList2Chan kChan . (KeyChar <$>) . T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode . BLC.concat . (BLC.singleton <$>) =<< getChanContents cChan getChanContents kChan handleEvent :: S.Socket -> Event -> StateT CState IO () handleEvent _ (InCharEv c) = do gets monitor >>? do liftIO beep modify $ \cs -> cs { monitor = False } redrawIndicators addCharToStream InStream $ if allowedTalkatChar c then c else '?' handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\DLE')) = -- ^P viewAddPg InStream 1 handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\SO')) = -- ^N viewAddPg InStream $ -1 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyPPage) = viewAddPg OutStream 1 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyNPage) = viewAddPg OutStream $ -1 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyUp) = modView InStream (+1) handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyDown) = modView InStream (+ (-1)) handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyLeft) = modView OutStream (+1) handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyRight) = modView OutStream (+ (-1)) handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\ETB')) = do -- ^W l <- gets $ getReversed . streamCurLine . getSS OutStream let (spaces, rest) = break (> 0) . (fromIntegral . T.length <$>) $ T.split isSpace l n = length spaces + fromMaybe 0 (headMay rest) replicateM_ n $ handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\b')) handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\a')) = do modify $ \cs -> cs { monitor = not $ monitor cs } redrawIndicators handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\f')) = redrawAll handleEvent sock (KeyEv k) | k `elem` [KeyBackspace, KeyDC, KeyChar '\DEL'] = handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\b')) handleEvent sock (KeyEv KeyEnter) = handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\n')) handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyResize) = do liftIO checkSize forM_ [InStream,OutStream] $ \strm -> liftIO . delWin =<< gets (streamWin . getSS strm) ww <- liftIO $ CH.resizeui >> getWidth top <- gets onTop modify . resetWindows ww top =<< liftIO initWindows redrawAll handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar c)) | allowedTalkatChar c = gets connectionClosed >>! do addCharToStream OutStream c liftIO . ignoreIOErr . SL.sendAll sock . T.encodeUtf8 $ T.singleton c handleEvent _ (KeyEv _) = liftIO showHelp handleEvent _ ConnectionClosed = do modify $ \cs -> cs { connectionClosed = True } redrawIndicators handleEvent _ NeedReset = do liftIO resetTerm redrawAll handleEvent _ _ = pure () allowedTalkatChar :: Char -> Bool allowedTalkatChar c = -- disallow C0 control chars without special meaning -- (curses displays them with the wrong width) c `notElem` (['\0'..'\31'] \\ "\b\NAK\n") addCharToStream :: TalkStream -> Char -> StateT CState IO () addCharToStream strm c = do modify (\cs -> cs { lastMoved = strm }) case c of '\b' -> eraseLast strm 1 '\NAK' -> do n <- gets $ T.length . getReversed . streamCurLine . getSS strm eraseLast strm n '\n' -> do ww <- liftIO getWidth curLine <- gets $ T.reverse . getReversed . streamCurLine . getSS strm modify . mapSS strm $ \ss -> ss { streamLines = curLine : streamLines ss , streamHeights = curLineHeight ww ss : streamHeights ss , streamCurLine = Reversed "" } maybe (pure ()) (liftIO . logLine strm curLine) =<< gets logHandle redrawStream strm _ -> do modify . mapSS strm $ mapCurLine (T.cons c) p <- gets (streamView . getSS strm) win <- gets $ streamWin . getSS strm (_,x) <- liftIO $ getYX win ww <- liftIO getWidth if x + wcwidthNonNeg c <= ww then when (p == 0) . liftIO $ wAddStr win [c] >> wRefresh win else redrawStream strm placeCursor logLine :: TalkStream -> T.Text -> Handle -> IO () logLine strm s h = (>> hFlush h) . T.hPutStrLn h . (<> s) $ case strm of InStream -> "<< " OutStream -> ">> " redrawAll :: StateT CState IO () redrawAll = do liftIO $ wclear stdScr >> refresh forM_ [InStream,OutStream] redrawStream redrawIndicators placeCursor placeCursor :: StateT CState IO () placeCursor = do lst <- gets lastMoved scrolled <- gets $ (>0) . streamView . getSS lst closed <- gets connectionClosed if scrolled || closed then liftIO $ do dy <- getDividerY wMove stdScr dy 0 else liftIO . wRefresh =<< gets (streamWin . getSS lst) redrawIndicators :: StateT CState IO () redrawIndicators = do ov <- gets $ streamView . getSS OutStream iv <- gets $ streamView . getSS InStream name <- gets otherName closed <- gets connectionClosed mtr <- gets monitor let os = if ov > 0 then "[you ^ " <> show ov <> "]" else "" is = "[" <> name <> (if iv > 0 then " ^ " <> show iv else "") <> (if mtr then "*" else "") <> "]" cs = "[Connection lost; ^C to quit]" csShort = "[Closed]" liftIO $ do ww <- getWidth dy <- getDividerY mvWAddStr stdScr dy 0 $ replicate ww '─' when closed $ do let drawCentred s = mvWAddStr stdScr dy ((ww - length s) `div` 2) s if ww > length cs + 4 then drawCentred cs else when (ww > length csShort + 4) $ drawCentred csShort when (ww > 12 + length is + length os + (if closed then length cs + 2 else 0)) $ sequence_ [ unless (null s) $ mvWAddStr stdScr dy p s | (s,p) <- [(is,5), (os, ww - 5 - length os)] ] wMove stdScr dy 0 refresh showHelp :: IO () showHelp = do ww <- liftIO getWidth dy <- liftIO getDividerY mvWAddStr stdScr dy 0 $ replicate ww '─' mvWAddStr stdScr dy (max 1 ((ww - length helpStr) `div` 2)) $ take (ww - 2) helpStr wMove stdScr dy 0 refresh where helpStr = "^P/^N,PgUp/PgDn,arrows scroll; ^W/^U erase; ^C quit; ^G monitor; ^L redraw" getStreamHeight :: TalkStream -> StateT CState IO Int getStreamHeight strm = do top <- gets onTop ((wh,wh'),_) <- liftIO getGeom pure $ if top == strm then wh else wh' redrawStream :: TalkStream -> StateT CState IO () redrawStream strm = do ww <- liftIO getWidth wh <- getStreamHeight strm ss <- gets $ getSS strm let v = streamView ss (len,n) = lenToSum (wh + v) $ allHeights ww ss ls = reverse . take len $ allLines ss pls = take wh . drop (n - (wh + v)) $ concatMap (reverse . zip (False:repeat True) . reverse . wrap ww) ls win = streamWin ss liftIO $ do werase win sequence_ [ do mvWAddStr win y 0 $ T.unpack s when isWrap $ do CH.wSetStyle win $ CH.mkCursesStyle [CH.Reverse] mvWAddStr win y (ww-1) " " CH.wResetStyle win | ((isWrap,s),y) <- zip pls [(wh - length pls) ..] ] wRefresh win where lenToSum :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> [n] -> (Int,n) lenToSum m = go 0 0 where go l n (a:as) | n < m = go (l + 1) (n + a) as go l n _ = (l,n) wrap :: Int -> T.Text -> [T.Text] wrap wrapWidth _ | wrapWidth < 2 = error "Tried to wrap with too small width!" wrap wrapWidth line = wrap' "" 0 . mergeSpaces $ T.groupBy ((==) `on` isSpace) line where mergeSpaces (s:ws) | isSpace (T.head s) = s : mergeSpaces ws mergeSpaces (w:s:ws) = (w <> s) : mergeSpaces ws mergeSpaces ws = ws wrap' l n ws | n > wrapWidth = let (a,b) = splitAtWC (wrapWidth - 1) l in a : wrap' b (n - wcLength a) ws wrap' l _ [] = [l] wrap' l n (w:ws) = let l' = l <> w nw = wcLength w n' = n + nw in if n' > wrapWidth then (if T.null l then id else (l:)) $ wrap' w nw ws else wrap' l' n' ws splitAtWC :: Int -> T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text) splitAtWC m = go m T.empty where go !n !acc t | Just (c,r) <- T.uncons t = let w = max 0 $ wcwidth c in if w > max 0 n then (T.reverse acc,t) else go (n - w) (T.cons c acc) r | otherwise = (T.reverse acc, T.empty) lineHeight :: Int -> T.Text -> Int lineHeight w = length . wrap w eraseLast :: TalkStream -> Int64 -> StateT CState IO () eraseLast strm n = do ss <- gets $ getSS strm ww <- liftIO getWidth p <- gets (streamView . getSS strm) let cur = getReversed $ streamCurLine ss mightDecreaseHeight = -- +1 to handle case of wrapping at double-width char wcLength cur + 1 > ww wErase = wcLength $ T.take n cur modify . mapSS strm . mapCurLine $ T.drop n if mightDecreaseHeight then redrawStream strm else when (p == 0) . liftIO $ do let win = streamWin ss (y,x) <- getYX win mvWAddStr win y (x - wErase) (replicate wErase ' ') wMove win y $ x - wErase wRefresh win viewAddPg :: TalkStream -> Int -> StateT CState IO () viewAddPg strm n = do wh <- getStreamHeight strm modView strm (+ (n * wh)) modView :: TalkStream -> (Int -> Int) -> StateT CState IO () modView strm f = do ww <- liftIO getWidth wh <- getStreamHeight strm ss <- gets $ getSS strm let h = (+ (-wh)) . sum . allHeights ww $ ss oldView = streamView ss newView = max 0 . min h $ f oldView when (newView /= oldView) $ do modify . mapSS strm $ \s -> s { streamView = newView } redrawStream strm redrawIndicators placeCursor