hxt-8.5.1: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell.

MaintainerUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)



This module provides functions for validating attributes.

The main functions are:

  • Check if the attribute value meets the lexical constraints of its type
  • Normalization of an attribute value



checkAttributeValue :: XmlTrees -> XmlTree -> XmlArrowSource

Checks if the attribute value meets the lexical constraints of its type.

  • 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node
  • 2.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD
  • returns : a function which takes an element (XTag or XDTD ATTLIST), checks if the attribute value meets the lexical constraints of its type and returns a list of errors

normalizeAttributeValue :: Maybe XmlTree -> String -> StringSource

Normalizes an attribute value with respect to its type. (3.3.3 / p.29 in Spec)

  • 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD. Expected is a list. If the list is empty, no declaration exists.
  • 2.parameter value : the attribute value to be normalized
  • returns : the normalized value