-- | A model for Hydra labeled-BNF grammars module Hydra.Sources.Tier0.Grammar where -- Standard Tier-0 imports import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Maybe as Y import Hydra.Dsl.Annotations import Hydra.Dsl.Bootstrap import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Terms as Terms import Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.Sources.Core hydraGrammarModule :: Module Kv hydraGrammarModule = Module ns elements [hydraCoreModule] [hydraCoreModule] $ Just "A common API for BNF-based grammars, specifying context-free languages" where ns = Namespace "hydra/grammar" grammar = typeref ns def = datatype ns elements = [ def "Constant" $ doc "A constant pattern" string, def "Grammar" $ doc "An enhanced Backus-Naur form (BNF) grammar" $ list $ grammar "Production", def "Label" $ doc "A name for a pattern" string, def "LabeledPattern" $ doc "A pattern together with a name (label)" $ record [ "label">: grammar "Label", "pattern">: grammar "Pattern"], def "Pattern" $ doc "A pattern which matches valid expressions in the language" $ union [ "nil">: unit, "ignored">: grammar "Pattern", "labeled">: grammar "LabeledPattern", "constant">: grammar "Constant", "regex">: grammar "Regex", "nonterminal">: grammar "Symbol", "sequence">: list $ grammar "Pattern", "alternatives">: list $ grammar "Pattern", "option">: grammar "Pattern", "star">: grammar "Pattern", "plus">: grammar "Pattern"], def "Production" $ doc "A BNF production" $ record [ "symbol">: grammar "Symbol", "pattern">: grammar "Pattern"], def "Regex" $ doc "A regular expression" string, def "Symbol" $ doc "A nonterminal symbol" string]