{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Graphql.Syntax where import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All import Hydra.Dsl.Grammars import Hydra.Tools.GrammarToModule import qualified Hydra.Grammar as G and_ = terminal "&" at_ = terminal "@" bang_ = terminal "!" colon_ = terminal ":" directive_ = terminal "directive" dollar_ = terminal "$" ellipsis_ = terminal "..." enum_ = terminal "enum" equal_ = terminal "=" extend_ = terminal "extend" false_ = terminal "false" implements_ = terminal "implements" input_ = terminal "input" interface_ = terminal "interface" lbracket_ = terminal "[" lcurly_ = terminal "{" lparen_ = terminal "(" null_ = terminal "null" on_ = terminal "on" or_ = terminal "or" rbracket_ = terminal "]" rcurly_ = terminal "}" repeatable_ = terminal "repeatable" rparen_ = terminal ")" scalar_ = terminal "scalar" schema_ = terminal "schema" true_ = terminal "true" type_ = terminal "type" union_ = terminal "union" descriptionOpt = opt"Description" directivesConst = "Directives" -- Directives_[Const] directivesConstOpt = opt"Directives" -- Directives_[Const]opt graphqlSyntaxModule :: Module Kv graphqlSyntaxModule = grammarToModule ns graphqlGrammar $ Just ("A GraphQL model. Based on the (extended) BNF at:\n" ++ " https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Appendix-Grammar-Summary") where ns = Namespace "hydra/langs/graphql/syntax" graphqlGrammar :: G.Grammar graphqlGrammar = G.Grammar $ tokenDefinitions ++ documentDefinitions tokenDefinitions :: [G.Production] tokenDefinitions = [ define "Name" [regex "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*"], define "IntValue" [regex "-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)"], define "FloatValue" [regex "-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)([.][0-9]+|[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)"], define "StringValue" [regex "[\"].*[\"]"]] -- TODO: the actual expression includes Unicode escape sequences documentDefinitions :: [G.Production] documentDefinitions = [ define "Document" [ star"Definition"], define "Definition" [ "executable">: "ExecutableDefinition", "typeSystem">: "TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension"], define "ExecutableDocument" [ star"ExecutableDefinition"], define "ExecutableDefinition" [ "operation">: "OperationDefinition", "fragment">: "FragmentDefinition"], define "OperationDefinition" [ list["OperationType", opt"Name", opt"VariablesDefinition", opt"Directives", "SelectionSet"], "SelectionSet"], define "OperationType" [ terminal "query", terminal "mutation", terminal "subscription"], define "SelectionSet" [ list[lcurly_, star"Selection", rcurly_]], define "Selection" [ "Field", "FragmentSpread", "InlineFragment"], define "Field" [ list[opt"Alias", "Name", opt"Arguments", opt"Directives", opt"SelectionSet"]], define "Alias" [ "Name", colon_], define "Arguments"{- [Const] -} [ list[lparen_, star"Argument"{- [?Const] -}, rparen_]], define "Argument"{- [Const] -} [ list["Name", colon_, "Value"{- [?Const] -}]], define "FragmentSpread" [ list[ellipsis_, "FragmentName", opt"Directives"]], define "InlineFragment" [ list[ellipsis_, opt"TypeCondition", opt"Directives", "SelectionSet"]], define "FragmentDefinition" [ list[terminal "fragment", "FragmentName", "TypeCondition", opt"Directives", "SelectionSet"]], define "FragmentName" [ "Name" {- but not on_ -}], define "TypeCondition" [ on_, "NamedType"], define "Value"{- [Const] -} [ {- [if not Const] -} "Variable", "int">: "IntValue", "float">: "FloatValue", "string">: "StringValue", "boolean">: "BooleanValue", "null">: "NullValue", "enum">: "EnumValue", "list">: "ListValue"{- [?Const] -}, "object">: "ObjectValue"{- [?Const] -}], define "BooleanValue" [ true_, false_], define "NullValue" [ null_], define "EnumValue" [ list["Name" {- but not true_ or false_ or null_ -}]], define "ListValue"{- [Const] -} [ list[lbracket_, rbracket_], list[lbracket_, star"Value"{- [?Const] -}]], define "ObjectValue"{- [Const] -} [ list[lcurly_, rcurly_], list[star"ObjectField"{- [?Const] -}]], define "ObjectField"{- [Const] -} [ list["Name", colon_, "Value"{- [?Const] -}]], define "VariablesDefinition" [ list["Variable", colon_, "Type", opt"DefaultValue", directivesConstOpt]], define "Variable" [ "Name"], define "DefaultValue" [ list[equal_, "Value"{- [Const] -}]], define "Type" [ "named">: "NamedType", "list">: "ListType", "nonNull">: "NonNullType"], define "NamedType" [ "Name"], define "ListType" [ list[lbracket_, "Type", rbracket_]], define "NonNullType" [ "named">: list["NamedType", bang_], "list">: list["ListType", bang_]], define "Directives"{- [Const] -} [ star("Directive"{- [?Const] -})], define "Directive"{- [Const] -} [ list[at_, "Name", opt("Arguments"{- [?Const] -})]], define "TypeSystemDocment" [ star"TypeSystemDefinition"], define "TypeSystemDefinition" [ "schema">: "SchemaDefinition", "type">: "TypeDefinition", "directive">: "DirectiveDefinition"], define "TypeSystemExtensionDocument" [ star"TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension"], define "TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension" [ "definition">: "TypeSystemDefinition", "extension">: "TypeSystemExtension"], define "TypeSystemExtension" [ "schema">: "SchemaExtension", "type">: "TypeExtension"], define "SchemaDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, schema_, directivesConstOpt, lcurly_, "RootOperationTypeDefinition", rcurly_]], define "SchemaExtension" [ list[extend_, schema_, directivesConstOpt, lcurly_, "RootOperationTypeDefinition", rcurly_], list[extend_, schema_, directivesConst {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "RootOperationTypeDefinition" [ list["OperationType", colon_, "NamedType"]], define "Description" [ "StringValue"], define "TypeDefinition" [ "scalar">: "ScalarTypeDefinition", "object">: "ObjectTypeDefinition", "interface">: "InterfaceTypeDefinition", "union">: "UnionTypeDefinition", "enum">: "EnumTypeDefinition", "inputObject">: "InputObjectTypeDefinition"], define "TypeExtension" [ "scalar">: "ScalarTypeExtension", "object">: "ObjectTypeExtension", "interface">: "InterfaceTypeExtension", "union">: "UnionTypeExtension", "enum">: "EnumTypeExtension", "inputObject">: "InputObjectTypeExtension"], define "ScalarTypeDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, scalar_, "Name", directivesConstOpt ]], define "ScalarTypeExtension" [ list[extend_, scalar_, "Name", directivesConst]], define "ObjectTypeDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, type_, "Name", opt"ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConstOpt, opt("FieldsDefinition") {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "ObjectTypeExtension" [ list[extend_, type_, "Name", opt"ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConstOpt, "FieldsDefinition"], list[extend_, type_, "Name", opt"ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConstOpt {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}], list[extend_, type_, "Name", "ImplementsInterfaces" {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "ImplementsInterfaces" [ list["ImplementsInterfaces", and_, "NamedType"], list[implements_, opt(and_), "NamedType"]], define "FieldsDefinition" [ list[lcurly_, star"FieldDefinition", rcurly_]], define "FieldDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, "Name", opt"ArgumentsDefinition", colon_, "Type", directivesConstOpt]], define "ArgumentsDefinition" [ list[lparen_, star"InputValueDefinition", rparen_]], define "InputValueDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, "Name", colon_, "Type", opt"DefaultValue", directivesConstOpt]], define "InterfaceTypeDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, interface_, "Name", opt"ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConstOpt, "FieldsDefinition"], list[descriptionOpt, interface_, "Name", "ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConstOpt {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "InterfaceTypeExtension" [ list[extend_, interface_, "Name", opt"ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConstOpt, "FieldsDefinition"], list[extend_, interface_, "Name", opt"ImplementsInterfaces", directivesConst {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}], list[extend_, interface_, "Name", "ImplementsInterfaces" {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "UnionTypeDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, union_, "Name", directivesConstOpt, opt"UnionMemberTypes"]], define "UnionMemberTypes" [ list["UnionMemberTypes", or_, "NamedType"], list[opt(or_), "NamedType"]], define "UnionTypeExtension" [ list[extend_, union_, "Name", directivesConstOpt, "UnionMemberTypes"], list[extend_, union_, "Name", directivesConst]], define "EnumTypeDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, enum_, "Name", directivesConstOpt, opt("EnumValuesDefinition") {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "EnumValuesDefinition" [ list[lcurly_, star"EnumValueDefinition", rcurly_]], define "EnumValueDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, "EnumValue", directivesConstOpt]], define "EnumTypeExtension" [ list[extend_, enum_, "Name", directivesConstOpt, "EnumValuesDefinition"], list[extend_, enum_, "Name", directivesConst {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "InputObjectTypeDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, input_, "Name", directivesConstOpt, "InputFieldsDefinition"], list[descriptionOpt, input_, "Name", directivesConstOpt {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "InputFieldsDefinition" [ list[lcurly_, star"InputValueDefinition", rcurly_]], define "InputObjectTypeExtension" [ list[extend_, input_, "Name", directivesConstOpt, "InputFieldsDefinition"], list[extend_, input_, "Name", directivesConst {- [lookahead != lcurly_] -}]], define "DirectiveDefinition" [ list[descriptionOpt, directive_, at_, "Name", opt"ArgumentsDefinition", opt(repeatable_), on_, "DirectiveLocations"]], define "DirectiveLocations" [ list["DirectiveLocations", or_, "DirectiveLocation"], list[opt(or_), "DirectiveLocation"]], define "DirectiveLocation" [ "executable">: "ExecutableDirectiveLocation", "typeSystem">: "TypeSystemDirectiveLocation"], define "ExecutableDirectiveLocation" $ terminal <$> [ "QUERY", "MUTATION", "SUBSCRIPTION", "FIELD", "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION", "FRAGMENT_SPREAD", "INLINE_FRAGMENT", "VARIABLE_DEFINITION"], define "TypeSystemDirectiveLocation" $ terminal <$> [ "SCHEMA", "SCALAR", "OBJECT", "FIELD_DEFINITION", "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION", "INTERFACE", "UNION", "ENUM", "ENUM_VALUE", "INPUT_OBJECT", "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION"]]