module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Owl.Syntax where import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All import Hydra.Dsl.Annotations import Hydra.Dsl.Bootstrap import Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Rdf.Syntax import Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Xml.Schema import Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Terms as Terms key_iri :: String key_iri = "iri" withIri :: String -> Type Kv -> Type Kv withIri iriStr = annotateType key_iri (Just $ Terms.string iriStr) nonNegativeInteger :: Type a nonNegativeInteger = Types.bigint owlIri :: [Char] -> Type Kv -> Type Kv owlIri local = withIri $ "" ++ local owlSyntaxModule :: Module Kv owlSyntaxModule = Module ns elements [rdfSyntaxModule, xmlSchemaModule] [] $ Just "An OWL 2 syntax model. See" where ns = Namespace "hydra/langs/owl/syntax" def = datatype ns owl = typeref ns rdf = typeref $ moduleNamespace rdfSyntaxModule xsd = typeref $ moduleNamespace xmlSchemaModule objectPropertyConstraint lname = def lname $ record [ "annotations">: list $ owl "Annotation", "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression"] simpleUnion names = union $ (\n -> FieldType (FieldName $ decapitalize n) $ owl n) <$> names withAnns fields = record $ ("annotations">: list (owl "Annotation")):fields elements = generalDefinitions ++ owl2Definitions -- ++ instances -- instances = [ -- inst "Nothing" (owl "Class") Terms.unit, -- inst "Thing" (owl "Class") Terms.unit] generalDefinitions = [ -- nonNegativeInteger := a nonempty finite sequence of digits between 0 and 9 -- quotedString := a finite sequence of characters in which " (U+22) and \ (U+5C) occur only in pairs of the form \" (U+5C, U+22) and \\ (U+5C, U+5C), enclosed in a pair of " (U+22) characters -- languageTag := @ (U+40) followed a nonempty sequence of characters matching the langtag production from [BCP 47] -- nodeID := a finite sequence of characters matching the BLANK_NODE_LABEL production of [SPARQL] -- fullIRI := an IRI as defined in [RFC3987], enclosed in a pair of < (U+3C) and > (U+3E) characters -- prefixName := a finite sequence of characters matching the as PNAME_NS production of [SPARQL] -- abbreviatedIRI := a finite sequence of characters matching the PNAME_LN production of [SPARQL] -- IRI := fullIRI | abbreviatedIRI -- ontologyDocument := { prefixDeclaration } Ontology -- prefixDeclaration := 'Prefix' '(' prefixName '=' fullIRI ')' -- Ontology := -- 'Ontology' '(' [ ontologyIRI [ versionIRI ] ] -- directlyImportsDocuments -- ontologyAnnotations -- axioms -- ')' def "Ontology" $ record [ -- note: omitting IRI and version "directImports">: list $ owl "Ontology", "annotations">: list $ owl "Annotation", "axioms">: list $ owl "Axiom"], -- ontologyIRI := IRI -- versionIRI := IRI -- directlyImportsDocuments := { 'Import' '(' IRI ')' } -- ontologyAnnotations := { Annotation } -- axioms := { Axiom } -- Declaration := 'Declaration' '(' axiomAnnotations Entity ')' def "Declaration" $ withAnns [ "entity">: owl "Entity"], -- Entity := -- 'Class' '(' Class ')' | -- 'Datatype' '(' Datatype ')' | -- 'ObjectProperty' '(' ObjectProperty ')' | -- 'DataProperty' '(' DataProperty ')' | -- 'AnnotationProperty' '(' AnnotationProperty ')' | -- 'NamedIndividual' '(' NamedIndividual ')' def "Entity" $ simpleUnion [ "AnnotationProperty", "Class", "DataProperty", "Datatype", "NamedIndividual", "ObjectProperty"], -- AnnotationSubject := IRI | AnonymousIndividual def "AnnotationSubject" $ union [ "iri">: rdf "Iri", "anonymousIndividual">: owl "AnonymousIndividual"], -- AnnotationValue := AnonymousIndividual | IRI | Literal def "AnnotationValue" $ union [ "anonymousIndividual">: owl "AnonymousIndividual", "iri">: rdf "Iri", "literal">: rdf "Literal"], -- axiomAnnotations := { Annotation } -- Annotation := 'Annotation' '(' annotationAnnotations AnnotationProperty AnnotationValue ')' def "Annotation" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "AnnotationProperty", "value">: owl "AnnotationValue"], -- annotationAnnotations := { Annotation } -- AnnotationAxiom := AnnotationAssertion | SubAnnotationPropertyOf | AnnotationPropertyDomain | AnnotationPropertyRange def "AnnotationAxiom" $ simpleUnion [ "AnnotationAssertion", "AnnotationPropertyDomain", "AnnotationPropertyRange", "SubAnnotationPropertyOf"], -- AnnotationAssertion := 'AnnotationAssertion' '(' axiomAnnotations AnnotationProperty AnnotationSubject AnnotationValue ')' def "AnnotationAssertion" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "AnnotationProperty", "subject">: owl "AnnotationSubject", "value">: owl "AnnotationValue"], -- SubAnnotationPropertyOf := 'SubAnnotationPropertyOf' '(' axiomAnnotations subAnnotationProperty superAnnotationProperty ')' def "SubAnnotationPropertyOf" $ withAnns [ "subProperty">: owl "AnnotationProperty", "superProperty">: owl "AnnotationProperty"], -- subAnnotationProperty := AnnotationProperty -- superAnnotationProperty := AnnotationProperty -- AnnotationPropertyDomain := 'AnnotationPropertyDomain' '(' axiomAnnotations AnnotationProperty IRI ')' def "AnnotationPropertyDomain" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "AnnotationProperty", "iri">: rdf "Iri"], -- AnnotationPropertyRange := 'AnnotationPropertyRange' '(' axiomAnnotations AnnotationProperty IRI ')' def "AnnotationPropertyRange" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "AnnotationProperty", "iri">: rdf "Iri"]] owl2Definitions = [ -- Class := IRI def "Class" $ see "" unit, -- Datatype := IRI def "Datatype" $ see "" $ union [ "xmlSchema">: note ("XML Schema datatypes are treated as a special case in this model " ++ "(not in the OWL 2 specification itself) because they are particularly common") $ xsd "Datatype", "other">: rdf "Iri"], -- ObjectProperty := IRI def "ObjectProperty" $ see "" unit, -- DataProperty := IRI def "DataProperty" unit, -- AnnotationProperty := IRI def "AnnotationProperty" unit, -- Individual := NamedIndividual | AnonymousIndividual def "Individual" $ union [ "named">: owl "NamedIndividual", "anonymous">: owl "AnonymousIndividual"], -- NamedIndividual := IRI def "NamedIndividual" unit, -- AnonymousIndividual := nodeID def "AnonymousIndividual" unit, -- Literal := typedLiteral | stringLiteralNoLanguage | stringLiteralWithLanguage -- typedLiteral := lexicalForm '^^' Datatype -- lexicalForm := quotedString -- stringLiteralNoLanguage := quotedString -- stringLiteralWithLanguage := quotedString languageTag -- ObjectPropertyExpression := ObjectProperty | InverseObjectProperty def "ObjectPropertyExpression" $ union [ "object">: owl "ObjectProperty", "inverseObject">: owl "InverseObjectProperty"], -- InverseObjectProperty := 'ObjectInverseOf' '(' ObjectProperty ')' def "InverseObjectProperty" $ owl "ObjectProperty", -- DataPropertyExpression := DataProperty def "DataPropertyExpression" $ owl "DataProperty", -- DataRange := -- Datatype | -- DataIntersectionOf | -- DataUnionOf | -- DataComplementOf | -- DataOneOf | -- DatatypeRestriction def "DataRange" $ see "" $ simpleUnion [ "DataComplementOf", "DataIntersectionOf", "DataOneOf", "DataUnionOf", "Datatype", "DatatypeRestriction"], -- DataIntersectionOf := 'DataIntersectionOf' '(' DataRange DataRange { DataRange } ')' def "DataIntersectionOf" $ see "" $ twoOrMoreList $ owl "DataRange", -- DataUnionOf := 'DataUnionOf' '(' DataRange DataRange { DataRange } ')' def "DataUnionOf" $ see "" $ twoOrMoreList $ owl "DataRange", -- DataComplementOf := 'DataComplementOf' '(' DataRange ')' def "DataComplementOf" $ see "" $ owl "DataRange", -- DataOneOf := 'DataOneOf' '(' Literal { Literal } ')' def "DataOneOf" $ see "" $ nonemptyList $ rdf "Literal", -- DatatypeRestriction := 'DatatypeRestriction' '(' Datatype constrainingFacet restrictionValue { constrainingFacet restrictionValue } ')' -- constrainingFacet := IRI -- restrictionValue := Literal def "DatatypeRestriction" $ see "" $ record [ "datatype">: owl "Datatype", "constraints">: nonemptyList $ owl "DatatypeRestriction.Constraint"], def "DatatypeRestriction.Constraint" $ record [ "constrainingFacet">: owl "DatatypeRestriction.ConstrainingFacet", "restrictionValue">: rdf "Literal"], def "DatatypeRestriction.ConstrainingFacet" $ union [ "xmlSchema">: note ("XML Schema constraining facets are treated as a special case in this model " ++ "(not in the OWL 2 specification itself) because they are particularly common") $ xsd "ConstrainingFacet", "other">: rdf "Iri"], -- ClassExpression := -- Class | -- ObjectIntersectionOf | ObjectUnionOf | ObjectComplementOf | ObjectOneOf | -- ObjectSomeValuesFrom | ObjectAllValuesFrom | ObjectHasValue | ObjectHasSelf | -- ObjectMinCardinality | ObjectMaxCardinality | ObjectExactCardinality | -- DataSomeValuesFrom | DataAllValuesFrom | DataHasValue | -- DataMinCardinality | DataMaxCardinality | DataExactCardinality def "ClassExpression" $ simpleUnion [ "Class", "DataSomeValuesFrom", "DataAllValuesFrom", "DataHasValue", "DataMinCardinality", "DataMaxCardinality", "DataExactCardinality", "ObjectAllValuesFrom", "ObjectExactCardinality", "ObjectHasSelf", "ObjectHasValue", "ObjectIntersectionOf", "ObjectMaxCardinality", "ObjectMinCardinality", "ObjectOneOf", "ObjectSomeValuesFrom", "ObjectUnionOf"], -- ObjectIntersectionOf := 'ObjectIntersectionOf' '(' ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } ')' def "ObjectIntersectionOf" $ twoOrMoreList $ owl "ClassExpression", -- ObjectUnionOf := 'ObjectUnionOf' '(' ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } ')' def "ObjectUnionOf" $ twoOrMoreList $ owl "ClassExpression", -- ObjectComplementOf := 'ObjectComplementOf' '(' ClassExpression ')' def "ObjectComplementOf" $ owl "ClassExpression", -- ObjectOneOf := 'ObjectOneOf' '(' Individual { Individual }')' def "ObjectOneOf" $ nonemptyList $ owl "Individual", -- ObjectSomeValuesFrom := 'ObjectSomeValuesFrom' '(' ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression ')' def "ObjectSomeValuesFrom" $ record [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "class">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- ObjectAllValuesFrom := 'ObjectAllValuesFrom' '(' ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression ')' def "ObjectAllValuesFrom" $ record [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "class">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- ObjectHasValue := 'ObjectHasValue' '(' ObjectPropertyExpression Individual ')' def "ObjectHasValue" $ record [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "individual">: owl "Individual"], -- ObjectHasSelf := 'ObjectHasSelf' '(' ObjectPropertyExpression ')' def "ObjectHasSelf" $ owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", -- ObjectMinCardinality := 'ObjectMinCardinality' '(' nonNegativeInteger ObjectPropertyExpression [ ClassExpression ] ')' def "ObjectMinCardinality" $ see "" $ record [ "bound">: nonNegativeInteger, "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "class">: list $ owl "ClassExpression"], -- ObjectMaxCardinality := 'ObjectMaxCardinality' '(' nonNegativeInteger ObjectPropertyExpression [ ClassExpression ] ')' def "ObjectMaxCardinality" $ see "" $ record [ "bound">: nonNegativeInteger, "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "class">: list $ owl "ClassExpression"], -- ObjectExactCardinality := 'ObjectExactCardinality' '(' nonNegativeInteger ObjectPropertyExpression [ ClassExpression ] ')' def "ObjectExactCardinality" $ see "" $ record [ "bound">: nonNegativeInteger, "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "class">: list $ owl "ClassExpression"], -- DataSomeValuesFrom := 'DataSomeValuesFrom' '(' DataPropertyExpression { DataPropertyExpression } DataRange ')' def "DataSomeValuesFrom" $ record [ "property">: nonemptyList $ owl "DataPropertyExpression", "range">: owl "DataRange"], -- DataAllValuesFrom := 'DataAllValuesFrom' '(' DataPropertyExpression { DataPropertyExpression } DataRange ')' def "DataAllValuesFrom" $ record [ "property">: nonemptyList $ owl "DataPropertyExpression", "range">: owl "DataRange"], -- DataHasValue := 'DataHasValue' '(' DataPropertyExpression Literal ')' def "DataHasValue" $ record [ "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "value">: rdf "Literal"], -- DataMinCardinality := 'DataMinCardinality' '(' nonNegativeInteger DataPropertyExpression [ DataRange ] ')' def "DataMinCardinality" $ record [ "bound">: nonNegativeInteger, "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "range">: list $ owl "DataRange"], -- DataMaxCardinality := 'DataMaxCardinality' '(' nonNegativeInteger DataPropertyExpression [ DataRange ] ')' def "DataMaxCardinality" $ record [ "bound">: nonNegativeInteger, "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "range">: list $ owl "DataRange"], -- DataExactCardinality := 'DataExactCardinality' '(' nonNegativeInteger DataPropertyExpression [ DataRange ] ')' def "DataExactCardinality" $ record [ "bound">: nonNegativeInteger, "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "range">: list $ owl "DataRange"], -- Axiom := Declaration | ClassAxiom | ObjectPropertyAxiom | DataPropertyAxiom | DatatypeDefinition | HasKey | Assertion | AnnotationAxiom def "Axiom" $ see "" $ simpleUnion [ "AnnotationAxiom", "Assertion", "ClassAxiom", "DataPropertyAxiom", "DatatypeDefinition", "Declaration", "HasKey", "ObjectPropertyAxiom"], -- ClassAxiom := SubClassOf | EquivalentClasses | DisjointClasses | DisjointUnion def "ClassAxiom" $ simpleUnion [ "DisjointClasses", "DisjointUnion", "EquivalentClasses", "SubClassOf"], -- SubClassOf := 'SubClassOf' '(' axiomAnnotations subClassExpression superClassExpression ')' -- subClassExpression := ClassExpression -- superClassExpression := ClassExpression def "SubClassOf" $ withAnns [ "subClass">: owl "ClassExpression", "superClass">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- EquivalentClasses := 'EquivalentClasses' '(' axiomAnnotations ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } ')' def "EquivalentClasses" $ withAnns [ "classes">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "ClassExpression"], -- DisjointClasses := 'DisjointClasses' '(' axiomAnnotations ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } ')' def "DisjointClasses" $ withAnns [ "classes">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "ClassExpression"], -- DisjointUnion := 'DisjointUnion' '(' axiomAnnotations Class disjointClassExpressions ')' -- disjointClassExpressions := ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } def "DisjointUnion" $ see "" $ withAnns [ "class">: owl "Class", "classes">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "ClassExpression"], -- ObjectPropertyAxiom := -- SubObjectPropertyOf | EquivalentObjectProperties | -- DisjointObjectProperties | InverseObjectProperties | -- ObjectPropertyDomain | ObjectPropertyRange | -- FunctionalObjectProperty | InverseFunctionalObjectProperty | -- ReflexiveObjectProperty | IrreflexiveObjectProperty | -- SymmetricObjectProperty | AsymmetricObjectProperty | -- TransitiveObjectProperty def "ObjectPropertyAxiom" $ simpleUnion [ "AsymmetricObjectProperty", "DisjointObjectProperties", "EquivalentObjectProperties", "FunctionalObjectProperty", "InverseFunctionalObjectProperty", "InverseObjectProperties", "IrreflexiveObjectProperty", "ObjectPropertyDomain", "ObjectPropertyRange", "ReflexiveObjectProperty", "SubObjectPropertyOf", "SymmetricObjectProperty", "TransitiveObjectProperty"], -- SubObjectPropertyOf := 'SubObjectPropertyOf' '(' axiomAnnotations subObjectPropertyExpression superObjectPropertyExpression ')' def "SubObjectPropertyOf" $ withAnns [ "subProperty">: nonemptyList $ owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "superProperty">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression"], -- subObjectPropertyExpression := ObjectPropertyExpression | propertyExpressionChain -- propertyExpressionChain := 'ObjectPropertyChain' '(' ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression { ObjectPropertyExpression } ')' -- superObjectPropertyExpression := ObjectPropertyExpression -- EquivalentObjectProperties := 'EquivalentObjectProperties' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression { ObjectPropertyExpression } ')' def "EquivalentObjectProperties" $ withAnns [ "properties">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "ObjectPropertyExpression"], -- DisjointObjectProperties := 'DisjointObjectProperties' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression { ObjectPropertyExpression } ')' def "DisjointObjectProperties" $ withAnns [ "properties">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "ObjectPropertyExpression"], -- ObjectPropertyDomain := 'ObjectPropertyDomain' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression ')' def "ObjectPropertyDomain" $ see "" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "domain">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- ObjectPropertyRange := 'ObjectPropertyRange' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression ')' def "ObjectPropertyRange" $ see "" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "range">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- InverseObjectProperties := 'InverseObjectProperties' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression ')' def "InverseObjectProperties" $ withAnns [ "property1">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "property2">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression"], -- FunctionalObjectProperty := 'FunctionalObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "FunctionalObjectProperty", -- InverseFunctionalObjectProperty := 'InverseFunctionalObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "InverseFunctionalObjectProperty", -- ReflexiveObjectProperty := 'ReflexiveObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "ReflexiveObjectProperty", -- IrreflexiveObjectProperty := 'IrreflexiveObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "IrreflexiveObjectProperty", -- SymmetricObjectProperty := 'SymmetricObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "SymmetricObjectProperty", -- AsymmetricObjectProperty := 'AsymmetricObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "AsymmetricObjectProperty", -- TransitiveObjectProperty := 'TransitiveObjectProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression ')' objectPropertyConstraint "TransitiveObjectProperty", -- DataPropertyAxiom := -- SubDataPropertyOf | EquivalentDataProperties | DisjointDataProperties | -- DataPropertyDomain | DataPropertyRange | FunctionalDataProperty def "DataPropertyAxiom" $ simpleUnion [ "DataPropertyAxiom", "DataPropertyRange", "DisjointDataProperties", "EquivalentDataProperties", "FunctionalDataProperty", "SubDataPropertyOf"], -- SubDataPropertyOf := 'SubDataPropertyOf' '(' axiomAnnotations subDataPropertyExpression superDataPropertyExpression ')' def "SubDataPropertyOf" $ withAnns [ "subProperty">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "superProperty">: owl "DataPropertyExpression"], -- subDataPropertyExpression := DataPropertyExpression -- superDataPropertyExpression := DataPropertyExpression -- EquivalentDataProperties := 'EquivalentDataProperties' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression DataPropertyExpression { DataPropertyExpression } ')' def "EquivalentDataProperties" $ withAnns [ "properties">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "DataPropertyExpression"], -- DisjointDataProperties := 'DisjointDataProperties' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression DataPropertyExpression { DataPropertyExpression } ')' def "DisjointDataProperties" $ withAnns [ "properties">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "DataPropertyExpression"], -- DataPropertyDomain := 'DataPropertyDomain' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression ClassExpression ')' def "DataPropertyDomain" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "domain">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- DataPropertyRange := 'DataPropertyRange' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression DataRange ')' def "DataPropertyRange" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "range">: owl "ClassExpression"], -- FunctionalDataProperty := 'FunctionalDataProperty' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression ')' def "FunctionalDataProperty" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression"], -- DatatypeDefinition := 'DatatypeDefinition' '(' axiomAnnotations Datatype DataRange ')' def "DatatypeDefinition" $ withAnns [ "datatype">: owl "Datatype", "range">: owl "DataRange"], -- HasKey := 'HasKey' '(' axiomAnnotations ClassExpression '(' { ObjectPropertyExpression } ')' '(' { DataPropertyExpression } ')' ')' def "HasKey" $ see "" $ withAnns [ "class">: owl "ClassExpression", "objectProperties">: list $ owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "dataProperties">: list $ owl "DataPropertyExpression"], -- Assertion := -- SameIndividual | DifferentIndividuals | ClassAssertion | -- ObjectPropertyAssertion | NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion | -- DataPropertyAssertion | NegativeDataPropertyAssertion def "Assertion" $ simpleUnion [ "ClassAssertion", "DataPropertyAssertion", "DifferentIndividuals", "ObjectPropertyAssertion", "NegativeDataPropertyAssertion", "NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion", "SameIndividual"], -- sourceIndividual := Individual -- targetIndividual := Individual -- targetValue := Literal -- SameIndividual := 'SameIndividual' '(' axiomAnnotations Individual Individual { Individual } ')' def "SameIndividual" $ withAnns [ "individuals">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "Individual"], -- DifferentIndividuals := 'DifferentIndividuals' '(' axiomAnnotations Individual Individual { Individual } ')' def "DifferentIndividuals" $ withAnns [ "individuals">: twoOrMoreList $ owl "Individual"], -- ClassAssertion := 'ClassAssertion' '(' axiomAnnotations ClassExpression Individual ')' def "ClassAssertion"$ withAnns [ "class">: owl "ClassExpression", "individual">: owl "Individual"], -- ObjectPropertyAssertion := 'ObjectPropertyAssertion' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression sourceIndividual targetIndividual ')' def "ObjectPropertyAssertion" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "source">: owl "Individual", "target">: owl "Individual"], -- NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion := 'NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion' '(' axiomAnnotations ObjectPropertyExpression sourceIndividual targetIndividual ')' def "NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "ObjectPropertyExpression", "source">: owl "Individual", "target">: owl "Individual"], -- DataPropertyAssertion := 'DataPropertyAssertion' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression sourceIndividual targetValue ')' def "DataPropertyAssertion" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "source">: owl "Individual", "target">: owl "Individual"], -- NegativeDataPropertyAssertion := 'NegativeDataPropertyAssertion' '(' axiomAnnotations DataPropertyExpression sourceIndividual targetValue ')' def "NegativeDataPropertyAssertion" $ withAnns [ "property">: owl "DataPropertyExpression", "source">: owl "Individual", "target">: owl "Individual"]]