module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Rdf.Syntax where import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All import Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.Dsl.Annotations import Hydra.Dsl.Bootstrap rdfSyntaxModule :: Module Kv rdfSyntaxModule = Module ns elements [] [] $ Just "An RDF 1.1 syntax model" where ns = Namespace "hydra/langs/rdf/syntax" def = datatype ns rdf = typeref ns elements = [ def "BlankNode" string, def "RdfsClass" $ doc "Stand-in for rdfs:Class" unit, def "Dataset" $ set $ rdf "Quad", def "Description" $ doc "A graph of RDF statements together with a distinguished subject and/or object node" $ record [ "subject">: rdf "Node", "graph">: rdf "Graph"], def "Graph" $ set $ rdf "Triple", def "Iri" $ doc "An Internationalized Resource Identifier" string, def "IriOrLiteral" $ doc ("An IRI or a literal; " ++ "this type is a convenience for downstream models like SHACL which may exclude blank nodes") $ union [ "iri">: rdf "Iri", "literal">: rdf "Literal"], def "LangStrings" $ doc "A convenience type which provides at most one string value per language, and optionally a value without a language" $ (optional $ rdf "LanguageTag") string, def "LanguageTag" $ doc "A BCP47 language tag" string, def "Literal" $ doc "A value such as a string, number, or date" $ record [ "lexicalForm">: doc "a Unicode string, which should be in Normal Form C" string, "datatypeIri">: doc "an IRI identifying a datatype that determines how the lexical form maps to a literal value" $ rdf "Iri", "languageTag">: doc "An optional language tag, present if and only if the datatype IRI is" $ optional $ rdf "LanguageTag"], def "Node" $ union [ "iri">: rdf "Iri", "bnode">: rdf "BlankNode", "literal">: rdf "Literal"], def "Property" $ doc "A type representing an RDF property, and encapsulating its domain, range, and subclass relationships" $ record [ "domain">: doc "State that any resource that has a given property is an instance of one or more classes" $ set $ rdf "RdfsClass", "range">: doc "States that the values of a property are instances of one or more classes" $ set $ rdf "RdfsClass", "subPropertyOf">: set $ rdf "Property"], def "Quad" $ doc "An RDF triple with an optional named graph component" $ record [ "subject">: rdf "Resource", "predicate">: rdf "Iri", "object">: rdf "Node", "graph">: optional $ rdf "Iri"], def "Resource" $ union [ "iri">: rdf "Iri", "bnode">: rdf "BlankNode"], def "Triple" $ doc "An RDF triple defined by a subject, predicate, and object" $ record [ "subject">: rdf "Resource", "predicate">: rdf "Iri", "object">: rdf "Node"]]