-- Note: these tests are dependent on HsYaml, both because the Serde depends on HsYaml -- and because of the particular serialization style. module Hydra.Langs.Yaml.SerdeSpec where import Hydra.Kernel import Hydra.Dsl.Terms import Hydra.Langs.Yaml.Serde import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.TestData import Hydra.TestUtils import qualified Test.Hspec as H import qualified Test.HUnit.Lang as HL import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import qualified Data.Maybe as Y checkLiterals :: H.SpecWith () checkLiterals = H.describe "Test literal values" $ do H.it "Booleans become 'true' and 'false' (not 'y' and 'n')" $ do QC.property $ \b -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm Types.boolean $ boolean b) (if b then "true" else "false") H.it "int32's become ints, and are serialized in the obvious way" $ do QC.property $ \i -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm Types.int32 $ int32 i) (show i) H.it "uint8's and other finite integer types become ints, and are serialized in the obvious way" $ do QC.property $ \i -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm Types.uint8 $ uint8 i) (show i) H.it "bigints become ints" $ do QC.property $ \i -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm Types.bigint $ bigint i) (show i) -- TODO: examine quirks around floating-point serialization more closely. These could affect portability of the serialized YAML. -- TODO: binary string and character string serialization checkOptionals :: H.SpecWith () checkOptionals = H.describe "Test and document serialization of optionals" $ do H.it "A 'nothing' becomes 'null' (except when it appears as a field)" $ QC.property $ \mi -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm (Types.optional Types.int32) (optional $ (Just . int32) =<< mi)) (Y.maybe "null" show mi) H.it "Nested optionals case #1: just x? :: optional>" $ QC.property $ \mi -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm (Types.optional $ Types.optional Types.int32) (optional $ Just $ optional $ (Just . int32) =<< mi)) ("- " ++ Y.maybe "null" show mi) H.it "Nested optionals case #2: nothing :: optional>" $ QC.property $ \() -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm (Types.optional $ Types.optional Types.int32) (optional Nothing)) "[]" checkRecordsAndUnions :: H.SpecWith () checkRecordsAndUnions = H.describe "Test and document handling of optionals vs. nulls for record and union types" $ do H.it "Empty records become empty objects" $ QC.property $ \() -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm Types.unit unit) "{}" H.it "Simple records become simple objects" $ QC.property $ \() -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm latLonType (latlonRecord 37.0 (negate 122.0))) "lat: 37.0\nlon: -122.0" H.it "Optionals are omitted from record objects if 'nothing'" $ QC.property $ \() -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm (TypeRecord $ RowType testTypeName Nothing [Types.field "one" $ Types.optional Types.string, Types.field "two" $ Types.optional Types.int32]) (record testTypeName [Field (FieldName "one") $ optional $ Just $ string "test", Field (FieldName "two") $ optional Nothing])) "one: test" H.it "Simple unions become simple objects, via records" $ QC.property $ \() -> checkSerialization yamlStringCoder (TypedTerm (TypeUnion $ RowType testTypeName Nothing [Types.field "left" Types.string, Types.field "right" Types.int32]) (inject testTypeName $ Field (FieldName "left") $ string "test")) "left: test\n" yamlByteStringCoderIsInformationPreserving :: H.SpecWith () yamlByteStringCoderIsInformationPreserving = H.describe "Verify that a round trip from a type+term, to serialized YAML, and back again is a no-op" $ do H.it "Generate arbitrary type/term pairs, serialize the terms to YAML, deserialize them, and compare" $ QC.property (checkSerdeRoundTrip yamlByteStringCoder) spec :: H.Spec spec = do checkLiterals checkOptionals checkRecordsAndUnions -- yamlByteStringCoderIsInformationPreserving -- TODO: restore me