{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, PatternGuards #-} module Idris.AbsSyntaxTree where import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Core.Evaluate import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..)) import Idris.Core.Typecheck import Idris.Docstrings import IRTS.Lang import IRTS.CodegenCommon import Util.Pretty import Util.DynamicLinker import Idris.Colours import System.Console.Haskeline import System.IO import Prelude hiding ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as Trans (lift) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (universe, children) import Data.List hiding (group) import Data.Char import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Either import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Word (Word) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList) import Data.Traversable (Traversable) import Data.Typeable import Data.Foldable (Foldable) import Debug.Trace import Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.Leijen data ElabWhat = ETypes | EDefns | EAll deriving (Show, Eq) -- Data to pass to recursively called elaborators; e.g. for where blocks, -- paramaterised declarations, etc. -- rec_elabDecl is used to pass the top level elaborator into other elaborators, -- so that we can have mutually recursive elaborators in separate modules without -- having to muck about with cyclic modules. data ElabInfo = EInfo { params :: [(Name, PTerm)], inblock :: Ctxt [Name], -- names in the block, and their params liftname :: Name -> Name, namespace :: Maybe [String], elabFC :: Maybe FC, rec_elabDecl :: ElabWhat -> ElabInfo -> PDecl -> Idris () } toplevel :: ElabInfo toplevel = EInfo [] emptyContext id Nothing Nothing (\_ _ _ -> fail "Not implemented") eInfoNames :: ElabInfo -> [Name] eInfoNames info = map fst (params info) ++ M.keys (inblock info) data IOption = IOption { opt_logLevel :: Int , opt_logcats :: [LogCat] -- ^ List of logging categories. , opt_typecase :: Bool , opt_typeintype :: Bool , opt_coverage :: Bool , opt_showimp :: Bool -- ^ show implicits , opt_errContext :: Bool , opt_repl :: Bool , opt_verbose :: Bool , opt_nobanner :: Bool , opt_quiet :: Bool , opt_codegen :: Codegen , opt_outputTy :: OutputType , opt_ibcsubdir :: FilePath , opt_importdirs :: [FilePath] , opt_triple :: String , opt_cpu :: String , opt_cmdline :: [Opt] -- remember whole command line , opt_origerr :: Bool , opt_autoSolve :: Bool -- ^ automatically apply "solve" tactic in prover , opt_autoImport :: [FilePath] -- ^ e.g. Builtins+Prelude , opt_optimise :: [Optimisation] , opt_printdepth :: Maybe Int , opt_evaltypes :: Bool -- ^ normalise types in :t , opt_desugarnats :: Bool , opt_autoimpls :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultOpts = IOption { opt_logLevel = 0 , opt_logcats = [] , opt_typecase = False , opt_typeintype = False , opt_coverage = True , opt_showimp = False , opt_errContext = False , opt_repl = True , opt_verbose = True , opt_nobanner = False , opt_quiet = False , opt_codegen = Via "c" , opt_outputTy = Executable , opt_ibcsubdir = "" , opt_importdirs = [] , opt_triple = "" , opt_cpu = "" , opt_cmdline = [] , opt_origerr = False , opt_autoSolve = True , opt_autoImport = [] , opt_optimise = defaultOptimise , opt_printdepth = Just 5000 , opt_evaltypes = True , opt_desugarnats = False , opt_autoimpls = True } data PPOption = PPOption { ppopt_impl :: Bool -- ^^ whether to show implicits , ppopt_desugarnats :: Bool , ppopt_pinames :: Bool -- ^^ whether to show names in pi bindings , ppopt_depth :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show) data Optimisation = PETransform -- partial eval and associated transforms deriving (Show, Eq) defaultOptimise = [PETransform] -- | Pretty printing options with default verbosity. defaultPPOption :: PPOption defaultPPOption = PPOption { ppopt_impl = False, ppopt_desugarnats = False, ppopt_pinames = False, ppopt_depth = Just 200 } -- | Pretty printing options with the most verbosity. verbosePPOption :: PPOption verbosePPOption = PPOption { ppopt_impl = True, ppopt_desugarnats = True, ppopt_pinames = True, ppopt_depth = Just 200 } -- | Get pretty printing options from the big options record. ppOption :: IOption -> PPOption ppOption opt = PPOption { ppopt_impl = opt_showimp opt, ppopt_pinames = False, ppopt_depth = opt_printdepth opt, ppopt_desugarnats = opt_desugarnats opt } -- | Get pretty printing options from an idris state record. ppOptionIst :: IState -> PPOption ppOptionIst = ppOption . idris_options data LanguageExt = TypeProviders | ErrorReflection deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord) -- | The output mode in use data OutputMode = RawOutput Handle -- ^ Print user output directly to the handle | IdeMode Integer Handle -- ^ Send IDE output for some request ID to the handle deriving Show -- | How wide is the console? data ConsoleWidth = InfinitelyWide -- ^ Have pretty-printer assume that lines should not be broken | ColsWide Int -- ^ Manually specified - must be positive | AutomaticWidth -- ^ Attempt to determine width, or 80 otherwise deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The global state used in the Idris monad data IState = IState { tt_ctxt :: Context, -- ^ All the currently defined names and their terms idris_constraints :: S.Set ConstraintFC, -- ^ A list of universe constraints and their corresponding source locations idris_infixes :: [FixDecl], -- ^ Currently defined infix operators idris_implicits :: Ctxt [PArg], idris_statics :: Ctxt [Bool], idris_classes :: Ctxt ClassInfo, idris_records :: Ctxt RecordInfo, idris_dsls :: Ctxt DSL, idris_optimisation :: Ctxt OptInfo, idris_datatypes :: Ctxt TypeInfo, idris_namehints :: Ctxt [Name], idris_patdefs :: Ctxt ([([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)], [PTerm]), -- not exported -- ^ list of lhs/rhs, and a list of missing clauses idris_flags :: Ctxt [FnOpt], idris_callgraph :: Ctxt CGInfo, -- name, args used in each pos idris_docstrings :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm, [(Name, Docstring DocTerm)]), idris_moduledocs :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm), -- ^ module documentation is saved in a special MN so the context -- mechanism can be used for disambiguation idris_tyinfodata :: Ctxt TIData, idris_fninfo :: Ctxt FnInfo, idris_transforms :: Ctxt [(Term, Term)], idris_autohints :: Ctxt [Name], idris_totcheck :: [(FC, Name)], -- names to check totality on idris_defertotcheck :: [(FC, Name)], -- names to check at the end idris_totcheckfail :: [(FC, String)], idris_options :: IOption, idris_name :: Int, idris_lineapps :: [((FilePath, Int), PTerm)], -- ^ Full application LHS on source line idris_metavars :: [(Name, (Maybe Name, Int, [Name], Bool, Bool))], -- ^ The currently defined but not proven metavariables. The Int -- is the number of vars to display as a context, the Maybe Name -- is its top-level function, the [Name] is the list of local variables -- available for proof search and the Bools are whether :p is -- allowed, and whether the variable is definable at all -- (Metavariables are not definable if they are applied in a term which -- still has hole bindings) idris_coercions :: [Name], idris_errRev :: [(Term, Term)], syntax_rules :: SyntaxRules, syntax_keywords :: [String], imported :: [FilePath], -- ^ The imported modules idris_scprims :: [(Name, (Int, PrimFn))], idris_objs :: [(Codegen, FilePath)], idris_libs :: [(Codegen, String)], idris_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)], idris_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)], idris_imported :: [(FilePath, Bool)], -- ^ Imported ibc file names, whether public proof_list :: [(Name, (Bool, [String]))], errSpan :: Maybe FC, parserWarnings :: [(FC, Err)], lastParse :: Maybe Name, indent_stack :: [Int], brace_stack :: [Maybe Int], lastTokenSpan :: Maybe FC, -- ^ What was the span of the latest token parsed? idris_parsedSpan :: Maybe FC, hide_list :: Ctxt Accessibility, default_access :: Accessibility, default_total :: Bool, ibc_write :: [IBCWrite], compiled_so :: Maybe String, idris_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib], idris_language_extensions :: [LanguageExt], idris_outputmode :: OutputMode, idris_colourRepl :: Bool, idris_colourTheme :: ColourTheme, idris_errorhandlers :: [Name], -- ^ Global error handlers idris_nameIdx :: (Int, Ctxt (Int, Name)), idris_function_errorhandlers :: Ctxt (M.Map Name (S.Set Name)), -- ^ Specific error handlers module_aliases :: M.Map [T.Text] [T.Text], idris_consolewidth :: ConsoleWidth, -- ^ How many chars wide is the console? idris_postulates :: S.Set Name, idris_externs :: S.Set (Name, Int), idris_erasureUsed :: [(Name, Int)], -- ^ Function/constructor name, argument position is used idris_whocalls :: Maybe (M.Map Name [Name]), idris_callswho :: Maybe (M.Map Name [Name]), idris_repl_defs :: [Name], -- ^ List of names that were defined in the repl, and can be re-/un-defined elab_stack :: [(Name, Bool)], -- ^ Stack of names currently being elaborated, Bool set if it's an instance -- (instances appear twice; also as a funtion name) idris_symbols :: M.Map Name Name, -- ^ Symbol table (preserves sharing of names) idris_exports :: [Name], -- ^ Functions with ExportList idris_highlightedRegions :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)], -- ^ Highlighting information to output idris_parserHighlights :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)], -- ^ Highlighting information from the parser idris_deprecated :: Ctxt String, -- ^ Deprecated names and explanation idris_inmodule :: S.Set Name, -- ^ Names defined in current module idris_ttstats :: M.Map Term (Int, Term) } -- Required for parsers library, and therefore trifecta instance Show IState where show = const "{internal state}" data SizeChange = Smaller | Same | Bigger | Unknown deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance Binary SizeChange deriving instance NFData SizeChange !-} type SCGEntry = (Name, [Maybe (Int, SizeChange)]) type UsageReason = (Name, Int) -- fn_name, its_arg_number data CGInfo = CGInfo { calls :: [Name], scg :: [SCGEntry], usedpos :: [(Int, [UsageReason])] } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary CGInfo deriving instance NFData CGInfo !-} primDefs = [sUN "unsafePerformPrimIO", sUN "mkLazyForeignPrim", sUN "mkForeignPrim", sUN "void"] -- information that needs writing for the current module's .ibc file data IBCWrite = IBCFix FixDecl | IBCImp Name | IBCStatic Name | IBCClass Name | IBCRecord Name | IBCInstance Bool Bool Name Name | IBCDSL Name | IBCData Name | IBCOpt Name | IBCMetavar Name | IBCSyntax Syntax | IBCKeyword String | IBCImport (Bool, FilePath) -- True = import public | IBCImportDir FilePath | IBCObj Codegen FilePath | IBCLib Codegen String | IBCCGFlag Codegen String | IBCDyLib String | IBCHeader Codegen String | IBCAccess Name Accessibility | IBCMetaInformation Name MetaInformation | IBCTotal Name Totality | IBCFlags Name [FnOpt] | IBCFnInfo Name FnInfo | IBCTrans Name (Term, Term) | IBCErrRev (Term, Term) | IBCCG Name | IBCDoc Name | IBCCoercion Name | IBCDef Name -- i.e. main context | IBCNameHint (Name, Name) | IBCLineApp FilePath Int PTerm | IBCErrorHandler Name | IBCFunctionErrorHandler Name Name Name | IBCPostulate Name | IBCExtern (Name, Int) | IBCTotCheckErr FC String | IBCParsedRegion FC | IBCModDocs Name -- ^ The name is the special name used to track module docs | IBCUsage (Name, Int) | IBCExport Name | IBCAutoHint Name Name | IBCDeprecate Name String deriving Show -- | The initial state for the compiler idrisInit :: IState idrisInit = IState initContext S.empty [] emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext [] [] [] defaultOpts 6 [] [] [] [] emptySyntaxRules [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Nothing [] Nothing [] [] Nothing Nothing emptyContext Private False [] Nothing [] [] (RawOutput stdout) True defaultTheme [] (0, emptyContext) emptyContext M.empty AutomaticWidth S.empty S.empty [] Nothing Nothing [] [] M.empty [] [] [] emptyContext S.empty M.empty -- | The monad for the main REPL - reading and processing files and updating -- global state (hence the IO inner monad). --type Idris = WriterT [Either String (IO ())] (State IState a)) type Idris = StateT IState (ExceptT Err IO) catchError :: Idris a -> (Err -> Idris a) -> Idris a catchError = liftCatch catchE throwError :: Err -> Idris a throwError = Trans.lift . throwE -- Commands in the REPL data Codegen = Via String -- | ViaC -- | ViaJava -- | ViaNode -- | ViaJavaScript -- | ViaLLVM | Bytecode deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance NFData Codegen !-} data HowMuchDocs = FullDocs | OverviewDocs -- | REPL commands data Command = Quit | Help | Eval PTerm | NewDefn [PDecl] -- ^ Each 'PDecl' should be either a type declaration (at most one) or a clause defining the same name. | Undefine [Name] | Check PTerm | Core PTerm | DocStr (Either Name Const) HowMuchDocs | TotCheck Name | Reload | Watch | Load FilePath (Maybe Int) -- up to maximum line number | ChangeDirectory FilePath | ModImport String | Edit | Compile Codegen String | Execute PTerm | ExecVal PTerm | Metavars | Prove Bool Name -- ^ If false, use prover, if true, use elab shell | AddProof (Maybe Name) | RmProof Name | ShowProof Name | Proofs | Universes | LogLvl Int | LogCategory [LogCat] | Spec PTerm | WHNF PTerm | TestInline PTerm | Defn Name | Missing Name | DynamicLink FilePath | ListDynamic | Pattelab PTerm | Search [String] PTerm | CaseSplitAt Bool Int Name | AddClauseFrom Bool Int Name | AddProofClauseFrom Bool Int Name | AddMissing Bool Int Name | MakeWith Bool Int Name | MakeCase Bool Int Name | MakeLemma Bool Int Name | DoProofSearch Bool -- update file Bool -- recursive search Int -- depth Name -- top level name [Name] -- hints | SetOpt Opt | UnsetOpt Opt | NOP | SetColour ColourType IdrisColour | ColourOn | ColourOff | ListErrorHandlers | SetConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth | SetPrinterDepth (Maybe Int) | Apropos [String] String | WhoCalls Name | CallsWho Name | Browse [String] | MakeDoc String -- IdrisDoc | Warranty | PrintDef Name | PPrint OutputFmt Int PTerm | TransformInfo Name -- Debugging commands | DebugInfo Name | DebugUnify PTerm PTerm data OutputFmt = HTMLOutput | LaTeXOutput -- | Recognised logging categories for the Idris compiler. -- -- @TODO add in sub categories. data LogCat = IParse | IElab | ICodeGen | IErasure | ICoverage | IIBC deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) strLogCat :: LogCat -> String strLogCat IParse = "parser" strLogCat IElab = "elab" strLogCat ICodeGen = "codegen" strLogCat IErasure = "erasure" strLogCat ICoverage = "coverage" strLogCat IIBC = "ibc" codegenCats :: [LogCat] codegenCats = [ICodeGen] parserCats :: [LogCat] parserCats = [IParse] elabCats :: [LogCat] elabCats = [IElab] loggingCatsStr :: String loggingCatsStr = unlines [ (strLogCat IParse) , (strLogCat IElab) , (strLogCat ICodeGen) , (strLogCat IErasure) , (strLogCat ICoverage) , (strLogCat IIBC) ] data Opt = Filename String | Quiet | NoBanner | ColourREPL Bool | Idemode | IdemodeSocket | ShowLibs | ShowLibdir | ShowIncs | ShowPkgs | ShowLoggingCats | NoBasePkgs | NoPrelude | NoBuiltins -- only for the really primitive stuff! | NoREPL | OLogging Int | OLogCats [LogCat] | Output String | Interface | TypeCase | TypeInType | DefaultTotal | DefaultPartial | WarnPartial | WarnReach | EvalTypes | NoCoverage | ErrContext | ShowImpl | Verbose | Port String -- REPL TCP port | IBCSubDir String | ImportDir String | PkgBuild String | PkgInstall String | PkgClean String | PkgCheck String | PkgREPL String | PkgMkDoc String -- IdrisDoc | PkgTest String | PkgIndex FilePath | WarnOnly | Pkg String | BCAsm String | DumpDefun String | DumpCases String | UseCodegen Codegen | CodegenArgs String | OutputTy OutputType | Extension LanguageExt | InterpretScript String | EvalExpr String | TargetTriple String | TargetCPU String | OptLevel Int | AddOpt Optimisation | RemoveOpt Optimisation | Client String | ShowOrigErr | AutoWidth -- ^ Automatically adjust terminal width | AutoSolve -- ^ Automatically issue "solve" tactic in old-style interactive prover | UseConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth | DumpHighlights | DesugarNats | NoElimDeprecationWarnings -- ^ Don't show deprecation warnings for %elim | NoOldTacticDeprecationWarnings -- ^ Don't show deprecation warnings for old-style tactics deriving (Show, Eq) data ElabShellCmd = EQED | EAbandon | EUndo | EProofState | EProofTerm | EEval PTerm | ECheck PTerm | ESearch PTerm | EDocStr (Either Name Const) deriving (Show, Eq) -- Parsed declarations data Fixity = Infixl { prec :: Int } | Infixr { prec :: Int } | InfixN { prec :: Int } | PrefixN { prec :: Int } deriving Eq {-! deriving instance Binary Fixity deriving instance NFData Fixity !-} instance Show Fixity where show (Infixl i) = "infixl " ++ show i show (Infixr i) = "infixr " ++ show i show (InfixN i) = "infix " ++ show i show (PrefixN i) = "prefix " ++ show i data FixDecl = Fix Fixity String deriving Eq instance Show FixDecl where show (Fix f s) = show f ++ " " ++ s {-! deriving instance Binary FixDecl deriving instance NFData FixDecl !-} instance Ord FixDecl where compare (Fix x _) (Fix y _) = compare (prec x) (prec y) data Static = Static | Dynamic deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary Static deriving instance NFData Static !-} -- Mark bindings with their explicitness, and laziness data Plicity = Imp { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static, pparam :: Bool, pscoped :: Maybe ImplicitInfo, -- Nothing, if top level pinsource :: Bool -- Explicitly written in source } | Exp { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static, pparam :: Bool } -- this is a param (rather than index) | Constraint { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static } | TacImp { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static, pscript :: PTerm } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary Plicity deriving instance NFData Plicity !-} is_scoped :: Plicity -> Maybe ImplicitInfo is_scoped (Imp _ _ _ s _) = s is_scoped _ = Nothing impl = Imp [] Dynamic False (Just (Impl False True)) False forall_imp = Imp [] Dynamic False (Just (Impl False False)) False forall_constraint = Imp [] Dynamic False (Just (Impl True False)) False expl = Exp [] Dynamic False expl_param = Exp [] Dynamic True constraint = Constraint [] Static tacimpl t = TacImp [] Dynamic t data FnOpt = Inlinable -- always evaluate when simplifying | TotalFn | PartialFn | CoveringFn | Coinductive | AssertTotal | Dictionary -- type class dictionary, eval only when -- a function argument, and further evaluation resutls | Implicit -- implicit coercion | NoImplicit -- do not apply implicit coercions | CExport String -- export, with a C name | ErrorHandler -- ^^ an error handler for use with the ErrorReflection extension | ErrorReverse -- ^^ attempt to reverse normalise before showing in error | Reflection -- a reflecting function, compile-time only | Specialise [(Name, Maybe Int)] -- specialise it, freeze these names | Constructor -- Data constructor type | AutoHint -- use in auto implicit search | PEGenerated -- generated by partial evaluator deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance Binary FnOpt deriving instance NFData FnOpt !-} type FnOpts = [FnOpt] inlinable :: FnOpts -> Bool inlinable = elem Inlinable dictionary :: FnOpts -> Bool dictionary = elem Dictionary -- | Type provider - what to provide data ProvideWhat' t = ProvTerm t t -- ^ the first is the goal type, the second is the term | ProvPostulate t -- ^ goal type must be Type, so only term deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) type ProvideWhat = ProvideWhat' PTerm -- | Top-level declarations such as compiler directives, definitions, -- datatypes and typeclasses. data PDecl' t = PFix FC Fixity [String] -- ^ Fixity declaration | PTy (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC FnOpts Name FC t -- ^ Type declaration (last FC is precise name location) | PPostulate Bool -- external def if true (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC FnOpts Name t -- ^ Postulate, second FC is precise name location | PClauses FC FnOpts Name [PClause' t] -- ^ Pattern clause | PCAF FC Name t -- ^ Top level constant | PData (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts (PData' t) -- ^ Data declaration. | PParams FC [(Name, t)] [PDecl' t] -- ^ Params block | PNamespace String FC [PDecl' t] -- ^ New namespace, where FC is accurate location of the -- namespace in the file | PRecord (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts Name -- Record name FC -- Record name precise location [(Name, FC, Plicity, t)] -- Parameters, where FC is precise name span [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] -- Param Docs [(Maybe (Name, FC), Plicity, t, Maybe (Docstring (Either Err t)))] -- Fields (Maybe (Name, FC)) -- Optional constructor name and location (Docstring (Either Err t)) -- Constructor doc SyntaxInfo -- Constructor SyntaxInfo -- ^ Record declaration | PClass (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] -- constraints Name -- class name FC -- accurate location of class name [(Name, FC, t)] -- parameters and precise locations [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] -- parameter docstrings [(Name, FC)] -- determining parameters and precise locations [PDecl' t] -- declarations (Maybe (Name, FC)) -- instance constructor name and location (Docstring (Either Err t)) -- instance constructor docs -- ^ Type class: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source location, constraints, -- class name, class name location, parameters, method declarations, optional constructor name | PInstance (Docstring (Either Err t)) -- Instance docs [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] -- Parameter docs SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] -- constraints Accessibility FnOpts Name -- class FC -- precise location of class [t] -- parameters t -- full instance type (Maybe Name) -- explicit name [PDecl' t] -- ^ Instance declaration: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source -- location, constraints, class name, parameters, full instance -- type, optional explicit name, and definitions | PDSL Name (DSL' t) -- ^ DSL declaration | PSyntax FC Syntax -- ^ Syntax definition | PMutual FC [PDecl' t] -- ^ Mutual block | PDirective Directive -- ^ Compiler directive. | PProvider (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC (ProvideWhat' t) Name -- ^ Type provider. The first t is the type, the second is the term. The second FC is precise highlighting location. | PTransform FC Bool t t -- ^ Source-to-source transformation rule. If -- bool is True, lhs and rhs must be convertible | PRunElabDecl FC t [String] -- ^ FC is decl-level, for errors, and -- Strings represent the namespace deriving Functor {-! deriving instance Binary PDecl' deriving instance NFData PDecl' !-} -- | The set of source directives data Directive = DLib Codegen String | DLink Codegen String | DFlag Codegen String | DInclude Codegen String | DHide Name | DFreeze Name | DAccess Accessibility | DDefault Bool | DLogging Integer | DDynamicLibs [String] | DNameHint Name FC [(Name, FC)] | DErrorHandlers Name FC Name FC [(Name, FC)] | DLanguage LanguageExt | DDeprecate Name String | DAutoImplicits Bool | DUsed FC Name Name -- | A set of instructions for things that need to happen in IState -- after a term elaboration when there's been reflected elaboration. data RDeclInstructions = RTyDeclInstrs Name FC [PArg] Type | RClausesInstrs Name [([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)] | RAddInstance Name Name | RDatatypeDeclInstrs Name [PArg] | RDatatypeDefnInstrs Name Type [(Name, [PArg], Type)] -- ^ Datatype, constructors -- | For elaborator state data EState = EState { case_decls :: [(Name, PDecl)], delayed_elab :: [(Int, Elab' EState ())], new_tyDecls :: [RDeclInstructions], highlighting :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)], auto_binds :: [Name], -- names bound as auto implicits implicit_warnings :: [(FC, Name)] -- Implicit warnings to report (location and global name) } initEState :: EState initEState = EState [] [] [] [] [] [] type ElabD a = Elab' EState a highlightSource :: FC -> OutputAnnotation -> ElabD () highlightSource fc annot = updateAux (\aux -> aux { highlighting = (fc, annot) : highlighting aux }) -- | One clause of a top-level definition. Term arguments to constructors are: -- -- 1. The whole application (missing for PClauseR and PWithR because they're within a "with" clause) -- -- 2. The list of extra 'with' patterns -- -- 3. The right-hand side -- -- 4. The where block (PDecl' t) data PClause' t = PClause FC Name t [t] t [PDecl' t] -- ^ A normal top-level definition. | PWith FC Name t [t] t (Maybe (Name, FC)) [PDecl' t] | PClauseR FC [t] t [PDecl' t] | PWithR FC [t] t (Maybe (Name, FC)) [PDecl' t] deriving Functor {-! deriving instance Binary PClause' deriving instance NFData PClause' !-} -- | Data declaration data PData' t = PDatadecl { d_name :: Name, -- ^ The name of the datatype d_name_fc :: FC, -- ^ The precise location of the type constructor name d_tcon :: t, -- ^ Type constructor d_cons :: [(Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [(Name, Docstring (Either Err PTerm))], Name, FC, t, FC, [Name])] -- ^ Constructors } -- ^ Data declaration | PLaterdecl { d_name :: Name, d_name_fc :: FC, d_tcon :: t } -- ^ "Placeholder" for data whose constructors are defined later deriving Functor -- | Transform the FCs in a PData and its associated terms. The first -- function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms -- those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be -- treated specially. mapPDataFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PData -> PData mapPDataFC f g (PDatadecl n nfc tycon ctors) = PDatadecl n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g tycon) (map ctorFC ctors) where ctorFC (doc, argDocs, n, nfc, ty, fc, ns) = (doc, argDocs, n, g nfc, mapPTermFC f g ty, f fc, ns) mapPDataFC f g (PLaterdecl n nfc tycon) = PLaterdecl n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g tycon) {-! deriving instance Binary PData' deriving instance NFData PData' !-} -- Handy to get a free function for applying PTerm -> PTerm functions -- across a program, by deriving Functor type PDecl = PDecl' PTerm type PData = PData' PTerm type PClause = PClause' PTerm -- | Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the -- general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used -- for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially. mapPDeclFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PDecl -> PDecl mapPDeclFC f g (PFix fc fixity ops) = PFix (f fc) fixity ops mapPDeclFC f g (PTy doc argdocs syn fc opts n nfc ty) = PTy doc argdocs syn (f fc) opts n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g ty) mapPDeclFC f g (PPostulate ext doc syn fc nfc opts n ty) = PPostulate ext doc syn (f fc) (g nfc) opts n (mapPTermFC f g ty) mapPDeclFC f g (PClauses fc opts n clauses) = PClauses (f fc) opts n (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) clauses) mapPDeclFC f g (PCAF fc n tm) = PCAF (f fc) n (mapPTermFC f g tm) mapPDeclFC f g (PData doc argdocs syn fc opts dat) = PData doc argdocs syn (f fc) opts (mapPDataFC f g dat) mapPDeclFC f g (PParams fc params decls) = PParams (f fc) (map (\(n, ty) -> (n, mapPTermFC f g ty)) params) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PNamespace ns fc decls) = PNamespace ns (f fc) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PRecord doc syn fc opts n nfc params paramdocs fields ctor ctorDoc syn') = PRecord doc syn (f fc) opts n (g nfc) (map (\(pn, pnfc, plic, ty) -> (pn, g pnfc, plic, mapPTermFC f g ty)) params) paramdocs (map (\(fn, plic, ty, fdoc) -> (fmap (\(fn', fnfc) -> (fn', g fnfc)) fn, plic, mapPTermFC f g ty, fdoc)) fields) (fmap (\(ctorN, ctorNFC) -> (ctorN, g ctorNFC)) ctor) ctorDoc syn' mapPDeclFC f g (PClass doc syn fc constrs n nfc params paramDocs det body ctor ctorDoc) = PClass doc syn (f fc) (map (\(constrn, constr) -> (constrn, mapPTermFC f g constr)) constrs) n (g nfc) (map (\(n, nfc, pty) -> (n, g nfc, mapPTermFC f g pty)) params) paramDocs (map (\(dn, dnfc) -> (dn, g dnfc)) det) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) body) (fmap (\(n, nfc) -> (n, g nfc)) ctor) ctorDoc mapPDeclFC f g (PInstance doc paramDocs syn fc constrs cn acc opts cnfc params instTy instN body) = PInstance doc paramDocs syn (f fc) (map (\(constrN, constrT) -> (constrN, mapPTermFC f g constrT)) constrs) cn acc opts (g cnfc) (map (mapPTermFC f g) params) (mapPTermFC f g instTy) instN (map (mapPDeclFC f g) body) mapPDeclFC f g (PDSL n dsl) = PDSL n (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) dsl) mapPDeclFC f g (PSyntax fc syn) = PSyntax (f fc) $ case syn of Rule syms tm ctxt -> Rule syms (mapPTermFC f g tm) ctxt DeclRule syms decls -> DeclRule syms (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PMutual fc decls) = PMutual (f fc) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PDirective d) = PDirective $ case d of DNameHint n nfc ns -> DNameHint n (g nfc) (map (\(hn, hnfc) -> (hn, g hnfc)) ns) DErrorHandlers n nfc n' nfc' ns -> DErrorHandlers n (g nfc) n' (g nfc') $ map (\(an, anfc) -> (an, g anfc)) ns mapPDeclFC f g (PProvider doc syn fc nfc what n) = PProvider doc syn (f fc) (g nfc) (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) what) n mapPDeclFC f g (PTransform fc safe l r) = PTransform (f fc) safe (mapPTermFC f g l) (mapPTermFC f g r) mapPDeclFC f g (PRunElabDecl fc script ns) = PRunElabDecl (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g script) ns -- | Get all the names declared in a declaration declared :: PDecl -> [Name] declared (PFix _ _ _) = [] declared (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n fc t) = [n] declared (PPostulate _ _ _ _ _ _ n t) = [n] declared (PClauses _ _ n _) = [] -- not a declaration declared (PCAF _ n _) = [n] declared (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ ts)) = n : map fstt ts where fstt (_, _, a, _, _, _, _) = a declared (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PLaterdecl n _ _)) = [n] declared (PParams _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds declared (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds declared (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn) declared (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn cd) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap declared ms) declared (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = [] declared (PDSL n _) = [n] declared (PSyntax _ _) = [] declared (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap declared ds declared (PDirective _) = [] declared _ = [] -- get the names declared, not counting nested parameter blocks tldeclared :: PDecl -> [Name] tldeclared (PFix _ _ _) = [] tldeclared (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ t) = [n] tldeclared (PPostulate _ _ _ _ _ _ n t) = [n] tldeclared (PClauses _ _ n _) = [] -- not a declaration tldeclared (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn) tldeclared (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ ts)) = n : map fstt ts where fstt (_, _, a, _, _, _, _) = a tldeclared (PParams _ _ ds) = [] tldeclared (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds tldeclared (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds tldeclared (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap tldeclared ms) tldeclared (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = [] tldeclared _ = [] defined :: PDecl -> [Name] defined (PFix _ _ _) = [] defined (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ t) = [] defined (PPostulate _ _ _ _ _ _ n t) = [] defined (PClauses _ _ n _) = [n] -- not a declaration defined (PCAF _ n _) = [n] defined (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ ts)) = n : map fstt ts where fstt (_, _, a, _, _, _, _) = a defined (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PLaterdecl n _ _)) = [] defined (PParams _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds defined (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds defined (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn) defined (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap defined ms) defined (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = [] defined (PDSL n _) = [n] defined (PSyntax _ _) = [] defined (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap defined ds defined (PDirective _) = [] defined _ = [] updateN :: [(Name, Name)] -> Name -> Name updateN ns n | Just n' <- lookup n ns = n' updateN _ n = n updateNs :: [(Name, Name)] -> PTerm -> PTerm updateNs [] t = t updateNs ns t = mapPT updateRef t where updateRef (PRef fc fcs f) = PRef fc fcs (updateN ns f) updateRef t = t -- updateDNs :: [(Name, Name)] -> PDecl -> PDecl -- updateDNs [] t = t -- updateDNs ns (PTy s f n t) | Just n' <- lookup n ns = PTy s f n' t -- updateDNs ns (PClauses f n c) | Just n' <- lookup n ns = PClauses f n' (map updateCNs c) -- where updateCNs ns (PClause n l ts r ds) -- = PClause (updateN ns n) (fmap (updateNs ns) l) -- (map (fmap (updateNs ns)) ts) -- (fmap (updateNs ns) r) -- (map (updateDNs ns) ds) -- updateDNs ns c = c data PunInfo = IsType | IsTerm | TypeOrTerm deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable) -- | High level language terms data PTerm = PQuote Raw -- ^ Inclusion of a core term into the high-level language | PRef FC [FC] Name -- ^ A reference to a variable. The FC is its precise source location for highlighting. The list of FCs is a collection of additional highlighting locations. | PInferRef FC [FC] Name -- ^ A name to be defined later | PPatvar FC Name -- ^ A pattern variable | PLam FC Name FC PTerm PTerm -- ^ A lambda abstraction. Second FC is name span. | PPi Plicity Name FC PTerm PTerm -- ^ (n : t1) -> t2, where the FC is for the precise location of the variable | PLet FC Name FC PTerm PTerm PTerm -- ^ A let binding (second FC is precise name location) | PTyped PTerm PTerm -- ^ Term with explicit type | PApp FC PTerm [PArg] -- ^ e.g. IO (), List Char, length x | PAppImpl PTerm [ImplicitInfo] -- ^ Implicit argument application (introduced during elaboration only) | PAppBind FC PTerm [PArg] -- ^ implicitly bound application | PMatchApp FC Name -- ^ Make an application by type matching | PIfThenElse FC PTerm PTerm PTerm -- ^ Conditional expressions - elaborated to an overloading of ifThenElse | PCase FC PTerm [(PTerm, PTerm)] -- ^ A case expression. Args are source location, scrutinee, and a list of pattern/RHS pairs | PTrue FC PunInfo -- ^ Unit type..? | PResolveTC FC -- ^ Solve this dictionary by type class resolution | PRewrite FC PTerm PTerm (Maybe PTerm) -- ^ "rewrite" syntax, with optional result type | PPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm -- ^ A pair (a, b) and whether it's a product type or a pair (solved by elaboration). The list of FCs is its punctuation. | PDPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm PTerm -- ^ A dependent pair (tm : a ** b) and whether it's a sigma type or a pair that inhabits one (solved by elaboration). The [FC] is its punctuation. | PAs FC Name PTerm -- ^ @-pattern, valid LHS only | PAlternative [(Name, Name)] PAltType [PTerm] -- ^ (| A, B, C|). Includes unapplied unique name mappings for mkUniqueNames. | PHidden PTerm -- ^ Irrelevant or hidden pattern | PType FC -- ^ 'Type' type | PUniverse Universe -- ^ Some universe | PGoal FC PTerm Name PTerm -- ^ quoteGoal, used for %reflection functions | PConstant FC Const -- ^ Builtin types | Placeholder -- ^ Underscore | PDoBlock [PDo] -- ^ Do notation | PIdiom FC PTerm -- ^ Idiom brackets | PReturn FC | PMetavar FC Name -- ^ A metavariable, ?name, and its precise location | PProof [PTactic] -- ^ Proof script | PTactics [PTactic] -- ^ As PProof, but no auto solving | PElabError Err -- ^ Error to report on elaboration | PImpossible -- ^ Special case for declaring when an LHS can't typecheck | PCoerced PTerm -- ^ To mark a coerced argument, so as not to coerce twice | PDisamb [[T.Text]] PTerm -- ^ Preferences for explicit namespaces | PUnifyLog PTerm -- ^ dump a trace of unifications when building term | PNoImplicits PTerm -- ^ never run implicit converions on the term | PQuasiquote PTerm (Maybe PTerm) -- ^ `(Term [: Term]) | PUnquote PTerm -- ^ ~Term | PQuoteName Name Bool FC -- ^ `{n} where the FC is the precise highlighting for the name in particular. If the Bool is False, then it's `{{n}} and the name won't be resolved. | PRunElab FC PTerm [String] -- ^ %runElab tm - New-style proof script. Args are location, script, enclosing namespace. | PConstSugar FC PTerm -- ^ A desugared constant. The FC is a precise source location that will be used to highlight it later. deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable) data PAltType = ExactlyOne Bool -- ^ flag sets whether delay is allowed | FirstSuccess | TryImplicit deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable) -- | Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the -- general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used -- for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially. mapPTermFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PTerm -> PTerm mapPTermFC f g (PQuote q) = PQuote q mapPTermFC f g (PRef fc fcs n) = PRef (g fc) (map g fcs) n mapPTermFC f g (PInferRef fc fcs n) = PInferRef (g fc) (map g fcs) n mapPTermFC f g (PPatvar fc n) = PPatvar (g fc) n mapPTermFC f g (PLam fc n fc' t1 t2) = PLam (f fc) n (g fc') (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PPi plic n fc t1 t2) = PPi plic n (g fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PLet fc n fc' t1 t2 t3) = PLet (f fc) n (g fc') (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (mapPTermFC f g t3) mapPTermFC f g (PTyped t1 t2) = PTyped (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PApp fc t args) = PApp (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) args) mapPTermFC f g (PAppImpl t1 impls) = PAppImpl (mapPTermFC f g t1) impls mapPTermFC f g (PAppBind fc t args) = PAppBind (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) args) mapPTermFC f g (PMatchApp fc n) = PMatchApp (f fc) n mapPTermFC f g (PIfThenElse fc t1 t2 t3) = PIfThenElse (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (mapPTermFC f g t3) mapPTermFC f g (PCase fc t cases) = PCase (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) (map (\(l,r) -> (mapPTermFC f g l, mapPTermFC f g r)) cases) mapPTermFC f g (PTrue fc info) = PTrue (f fc) info mapPTermFC f g (PResolveTC fc) = PResolveTC (f fc) mapPTermFC f g (PRewrite fc t1 t2 t3) = PRewrite (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) t3) mapPTermFC f g (PPair fc hls info t1 t2) = PPair (f fc) (map g hls) info (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PDPair fc hls info t1 t2 t3) = PDPair (f fc) (map g hls) info (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (mapPTermFC f g t3) mapPTermFC f g (PAs fc n t) = PAs (f fc) n (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PAlternative ns ty ts) = PAlternative ns ty (map (mapPTermFC f g) ts) mapPTermFC f g (PHidden t) = PHidden (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PType fc) = PType (f fc) mapPTermFC f g (PUniverse u) = PUniverse u mapPTermFC f g (PGoal fc t1 n t2) = PGoal (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) n (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PConstant fc c) = PConstant (f fc) c mapPTermFC f g Placeholder = Placeholder mapPTermFC f g (PDoBlock dos) = PDoBlock (map mapPDoFC dos) where mapPDoFC (DoExp fc t) = DoExp (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPDoFC (DoBind fc n nfc t) = DoBind (f fc) n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPDoFC (DoBindP fc t1 t2 alts) = DoBindP (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (map (\(l,r)-> (mapPTermFC f g l, mapPTermFC f g r)) alts) mapPDoFC (DoLet fc n nfc t1 t2) = DoLet (f fc) n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPDoFC (DoLetP fc t1 t2) = DoLetP (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PIdiom fc t) = PIdiom (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PReturn fc) = PReturn (f fc) mapPTermFC f g (PMetavar fc n) = PMetavar (g fc) n mapPTermFC f g (PProof tacs) = PProof (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) tacs) mapPTermFC f g (PTactics tacs) = PTactics (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) tacs) mapPTermFC f g (PElabError err) = PElabError err mapPTermFC f g PImpossible = PImpossible mapPTermFC f g (PCoerced t) = PCoerced (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PDisamb msg t) = PDisamb msg (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PUnifyLog t) = PUnifyLog (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PNoImplicits t) = PNoImplicits (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PQuasiquote t1 t2) = PQuasiquote (mapPTermFC f g t1) (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) t2) mapPTermFC f g (PUnquote t) = PUnquote (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PRunElab fc tm ns) = PRunElab (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g tm) ns mapPTermFC f g (PConstSugar fc tm) = PConstSugar (g fc) (mapPTermFC f g tm) mapPTermFC f g (PQuoteName n x fc) = PQuoteName n x (g fc) {-! dg instance Binary PTerm deriving instance NFData PTerm !-} mapPT :: (PTerm -> PTerm) -> PTerm -> PTerm mapPT f t = f (mpt t) where mpt (PLam fc n nfc t s) = PLam fc n nfc (mapPT f t) (mapPT f s) mpt (PPi p n nfc t s) = PPi p n nfc (mapPT f t) (mapPT f s) mpt (PLet fc n nfc ty v s) = PLet fc n nfc (mapPT f ty) (mapPT f v) (mapPT f s) mpt (PRewrite fc t s g) = PRewrite fc (mapPT f t) (mapPT f s) (fmap (mapPT f) g) mpt (PApp fc t as) = PApp fc (mapPT f t) (map (fmap (mapPT f)) as) mpt (PAppBind fc t as) = PAppBind fc (mapPT f t) (map (fmap (mapPT f)) as) mpt (PCase fc c os) = PCase fc (mapPT f c) (map (pmap (mapPT f)) os) mpt (PIfThenElse fc c t e) = PIfThenElse fc (mapPT f c) (mapPT f t) (mapPT f e) mpt (PTyped l r) = PTyped (mapPT f l) (mapPT f r) mpt (PPair fc hls p l r) = PPair fc hls p (mapPT f l) (mapPT f r) mpt (PDPair fc hls p l t r) = PDPair fc hls p (mapPT f l) (mapPT f t) (mapPT f r) mpt (PAlternative ns a as) = PAlternative ns a (map (mapPT f) as) mpt (PHidden t) = PHidden (mapPT f t) mpt (PDoBlock ds) = PDoBlock (map (fmap (mapPT f)) ds) mpt (PProof ts) = PProof (map (fmap (mapPT f)) ts) mpt (PTactics ts) = PTactics (map (fmap (mapPT f)) ts) mpt (PUnifyLog tm) = PUnifyLog (mapPT f tm) mpt (PDisamb ns tm) = PDisamb ns (mapPT f tm) mpt (PNoImplicits tm) = PNoImplicits (mapPT f tm) mpt (PGoal fc r n sc) = PGoal fc (mapPT f r) n (mapPT f sc) mpt x = x data PTactic' t = Intro [Name] | Intros | Focus Name | Refine Name [Bool] | Rewrite t | DoUnify | Induction t | CaseTac t | Equiv t | Claim Name t | Unfocus | MatchRefine Name | LetTac Name t | LetTacTy Name t t | Exact t | Compute | Trivial | TCInstance | ProofSearch Bool Bool Int (Maybe Name) [Name] -- allowed local names [Name] -- hints -- ^ the bool is whether to search recursively | Solve | Attack | ProofState | ProofTerm | Undo | Try (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t) | TSeq (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t) | ApplyTactic t -- see Language.Reflection module | ByReflection t | Reflect t | Fill t | GoalType String (PTactic' t) | TCheck t | TEval t | TDocStr (Either Name Const) | TSearch t | Skip | TFail [ErrorReportPart] | Qed | Abandon | SourceFC deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary PTactic' deriving instance NFData PTactic' !-} instance Sized a => Sized (PTactic' a) where size (Intro nms) = 1 + size nms size Intros = 1 size (Focus nm) = 1 + size nm size (Refine nm bs) = 1 + size nm + length bs size (Rewrite t) = 1 + size t size (Induction t) = 1 + size t size (LetTac nm t) = 1 + size nm + size t size (Exact t) = 1 + size t size Compute = 1 size Trivial = 1 size Solve = 1 size Attack = 1 size ProofState = 1 size ProofTerm = 1 size Undo = 1 size (Try l r) = 1 + size l + size r size (TSeq l r) = 1 + size l + size r size (ApplyTactic t) = 1 + size t size (Reflect t) = 1 + size t size (Fill t) = 1 + size t size Qed = 1 size Abandon = 1 size Skip = 1 size (TFail ts) = 1 + size ts size SourceFC = 1 size DoUnify = 1 size (CaseTac x) = 1 + size x size (Equiv t) = 1 + size t size (Claim x y) = 1 + size x + size y size Unfocus = 1 size (MatchRefine x) = 1 + size x size (LetTacTy x y z) = 1 + size x + size y + size z size TCInstance = 1 type PTactic = PTactic' PTerm data PDo' t = DoExp FC t | DoBind FC Name FC t -- ^ second FC is precise name location | DoBindP FC t t [(t,t)] | DoLet FC Name FC t t -- ^ second FC is precise name location | DoLetP FC t t deriving (Eq, Functor, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary PDo' deriving instance NFData PDo' !-} instance Sized a => Sized (PDo' a) where size (DoExp fc t) = 1 + size fc + size t size (DoBind fc nm nfc t) = 1 + size fc + size nm + size nfc + size t size (DoBindP fc l r alts) = 1 + size fc + size l + size r + size alts size (DoLet fc nm nfc l r) = 1 + size fc + size nm + size l + size r size (DoLetP fc l r) = 1 + size fc + size l + size r type PDo = PDo' PTerm -- The priority gives a hint as to elaboration order. Best to elaborate -- things early which will help give a more concrete type to other -- variables, e.g. a before (interpTy a). data PArg' t = PImp { priority :: Int, machine_inf :: Bool, -- true if the machine inferred it argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getTm :: t } | PExp { priority :: Int, argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getTm :: t } | PConstraint { priority :: Int, argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getTm :: t } | PTacImplicit { priority :: Int, argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getScript :: t, getTm :: t } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Data, Typeable) data ArgOpt = AlwaysShow | HideDisplay | InaccessibleArg | UnknownImp deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) instance Sized a => Sized (PArg' a) where size (PImp p _ l nm trm) = 1 + size nm + size trm size (PExp p l nm trm) = 1 + size nm + size trm size (PConstraint p l nm trm) = 1 + size nm +size nm + size trm size (PTacImplicit p l nm scr trm) = 1 + size nm + size scr + size trm {-! deriving instance Binary PArg' deriving instance NFData PArg' !-} pimp n t mach = PImp 1 mach [] n t pexp t = PExp 1 [] (sMN 0 "arg") t pconst t = PConstraint 1 [] (sMN 0 "carg") t ptacimp n s t = PTacImplicit 2 [] n s t type PArg = PArg' PTerm -- | Get the highest FC in a term, if one exists highestFC :: PTerm -> Maybe FC highestFC (PQuote _) = Nothing highestFC (PRef fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PInferRef fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PPatvar fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PLam fc _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PPi _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing highestFC (PLet fc _ _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PTyped tm ty) = highestFC tm <|> highestFC ty highestFC (PApp fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PAppBind fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PMatchApp fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PCase fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PIfThenElse fc _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PTrue fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PResolveTC fc) = Just fc highestFC (PRewrite fc _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PPair fc _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PDPair fc _ _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PAs fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PAlternative _ _ args) = case mapMaybe highestFC args of [] -> Nothing (fc:_) -> Just fc highestFC (PHidden _) = Nothing highestFC (PType fc) = Just fc highestFC (PUniverse _) = Nothing highestFC (PGoal fc _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PConstant fc _) = Just fc highestFC Placeholder = Nothing highestFC (PDoBlock lines) = case map getDoFC lines of [] -> Nothing (fc:_) -> Just fc where getDoFC (DoExp fc t) = fc getDoFC (DoBind fc nm nfc t) = fc getDoFC (DoBindP fc l r alts) = fc getDoFC (DoLet fc nm nfc l r) = fc getDoFC (DoLetP fc l r) = fc highestFC (PIdiom fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PReturn fc) = Just fc highestFC (PMetavar fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PProof _) = Nothing highestFC (PTactics _) = Nothing highestFC (PElabError _) = Nothing highestFC PImpossible = Nothing highestFC (PCoerced tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PDisamb _ opts) = highestFC opts highestFC (PUnifyLog tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PNoImplicits tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PQuasiquote _ _) = Nothing highestFC (PUnquote tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PQuoteName _ _ fc) = Just fc highestFC (PRunElab fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PConstSugar fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PAppImpl t _) = highestFC t -- Type class data data ClassInfo = CI { instanceCtorName :: Name, class_methods :: [(Name, (FnOpts, PTerm))], class_defaults :: [(Name, (Name, PDecl))], -- method name -> default impl class_default_superclasses :: [PDecl], class_params :: [Name], class_instances :: [(Name, Bool)], -- the Bool is whether to include in instance search, so named instances are excluded class_determiners :: [Int] } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary ClassInfo deriving instance NFData ClassInfo !-} -- Record data data RecordInfo = RI { record_parameters :: [(Name,PTerm)], record_constructor :: Name, record_projections :: [Name] } deriving Show -- Type inference data data TIData = TIPartial -- ^ a function with a partially defined type | TISolution [Term] -- ^ possible solutions to a metavariable in a type deriving Show -- | Miscellaneous information about functions data FnInfo = FnInfo { fn_params :: [Int] } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary FnInfo deriving instance NFData FnInfo !-} data OptInfo = Optimise { inaccessible :: [(Int,Name)], -- includes names for error reporting detaggable :: Bool } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary OptInfo deriving instance NFData OptInfo !-} -- | Syntactic sugar info data DSL' t = DSL { dsl_bind :: t, dsl_return :: t, dsl_apply :: t, dsl_pure :: t, dsl_var :: Maybe t, index_first :: Maybe t, index_next :: Maybe t, dsl_lambda :: Maybe t, dsl_let :: Maybe t, dsl_pi :: Maybe t } deriving (Show, Functor) {-! deriving instance Binary DSL' deriving instance NFData DSL' !-} type DSL = DSL' PTerm data SynContext = PatternSyntax | TermSyntax | AnySyntax deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary SynContext deriving instance NFData SynContext !-} data Syntax = Rule [SSymbol] PTerm SynContext | DeclRule [SSymbol] [PDecl] deriving Show syntaxNames :: Syntax -> [Name] syntaxNames (Rule syms _ _) = mapMaybe ename syms where ename (Keyword n) = Just n ename _ = Nothing syntaxNames (DeclRule syms _) = mapMaybe ename syms where ename (Keyword n) = Just n ename _ = Nothing syntaxSymbols :: Syntax -> [SSymbol] syntaxSymbols (Rule ss _ _) = ss syntaxSymbols (DeclRule ss _) = ss {-! deriving instance Binary Syntax deriving instance NFData Syntax !-} data SSymbol = Keyword Name | Symbol String | Binding Name | Expr Name | SimpleExpr Name deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance Binary SSymbol deriving instance NFData SSymbol !-} newtype SyntaxRules = SyntaxRules { syntaxRulesList :: [Syntax] } emptySyntaxRules :: SyntaxRules emptySyntaxRules = SyntaxRules [] updateSyntaxRules :: [Syntax] -> SyntaxRules -> SyntaxRules updateSyntaxRules rules (SyntaxRules sr) = SyntaxRules newRules where newRules = sortBy (ruleSort `on` syntaxSymbols) (rules ++ sr) ruleSort [] [] = EQ ruleSort [] _ = LT ruleSort _ [] = GT ruleSort (s1:ss1) (s2:ss2) = case symCompare s1 s2 of EQ -> ruleSort ss1 ss2 r -> r -- Better than creating Ord instance for SSymbol since -- in general this ordering does not really make sense. symCompare (Keyword n1) (Keyword n2) = compare n1 n2 symCompare (Keyword _) _ = LT symCompare (Symbol _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2) = compare s1 s2 symCompare (Symbol _) _ = LT symCompare (Binding _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (Binding _) (Symbol _) = GT symCompare (Binding b1) (Binding b2) = compare b1 b2 symCompare (Binding _) _ = LT symCompare (Expr _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (Expr _) (Symbol _) = GT symCompare (Expr _) (Binding _) = GT symCompare (Expr e1) (Expr e2) = compare e1 e2 symCompare (Expr _) _ = LT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Symbol _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Binding _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Expr _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr e1) (SimpleExpr e2) = compare e1 e2 initDSL = DSL (PRef f [] (sUN ">>=")) (PRef f [] (sUN "return")) (PRef f [] (sUN "<*>")) (PRef f [] (sUN "pure")) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing where f = fileFC "(builtin)" data Using = UImplicit Name PTerm | UConstraint Name [Name] deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary Using deriving instance NFData Using !-} data SyntaxInfo = Syn { using :: [Using], syn_params :: [(Name, PTerm)], syn_namespace :: [String], no_imp :: [Name], imp_methods :: [Name], -- class methods. When expanding -- implicits, these should be expanded even under -- binders decoration :: Name -> Name, inPattern :: Bool, implicitAllowed :: Bool, maxline :: Maybe Int, mut_nesting :: Int, dsl_info :: DSL, syn_in_quasiquote :: Int, syn_toplevel :: Bool } deriving Show {-! deriving instance NFData SyntaxInfo deriving instance Binary SyntaxInfo !-} defaultSyntax = Syn [] [] [] [] [] id False False Nothing 0 initDSL 0 True expandNS :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> Name expandNS syn n@(NS _ _) = n expandNS syn n = case syn_namespace syn of [] -> n xs -> sNS n xs -- For inferring types of things bi = fileFC "builtin" inferTy = sMN 0 "__Infer" inferCon = sMN 0 "__infer" inferDecl = PDatadecl inferTy NoFC (PType bi) [(emptyDocstring, [], inferCon, NoFC, PPi impl (sMN 0 "iType") NoFC (PType bi) ( PPi expl (sMN 0 "ival") NoFC (PRef bi [] (sMN 0 "iType")) (PRef bi [] inferTy)), bi, [])] inferOpts = [] infTerm t = PApp bi (PRef bi [] inferCon) [pimp (sMN 0 "iType") Placeholder True, pexp t] infP = P (TCon 6 0) inferTy (TType (UVal 0)) getInferTerm, getInferType :: Term -> Term getInferTerm (Bind n b sc) = Bind n b $ getInferTerm sc getInferTerm (App _ (App _ _ _) tm) = tm getInferTerm tm = tm -- error ("getInferTerm " ++ show tm) getInferType (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (toTy b) $ getInferType sc where toTy (Lam t) = Pi Nothing t (TType (UVar 0)) toTy (PVar t) = PVTy t toTy b = b getInferType (App _ (App _ _ ty) _) = ty -- Handy primitives: Unit, False, Pair, MkPair, =, mkForeign primNames = [inferTy, inferCon] unitTy = sUN "Unit" unitCon = sUN "MkUnit" falseDoc = fmap (const $ Msg "") . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "The empty type, also known as the trivially false proposition." ++ "\n\n" ++ "Use `void` or `absurd` to prove anything if you have a variable " ++ "of type `Void` in scope." falseTy = sUN "Void" pairTy = sNS (sUN "Pair") ["Builtins"] pairCon = sNS (sUN "MkPair") ["Builtins"] upairTy = sNS (sUN "UPair") ["Builtins"] upairCon = sNS (sUN "MkUPair") ["Builtins"] eqTy = sUN "=" eqCon = sUN "Refl" eqDoc = fmap (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "The propositional equality type. A proof that `x` = `y`." ++ "\n\n" ++ "To use such a proof, pattern-match on it, and the two equal things will " ++ "then need to be the _same_ pattern." ++ "\n\n" ++ "**Note**: Idris's equality type is potentially _heterogeneous_, which means that it " ++ "is possible to state equalities between values of potentially different " ++ "types. However, Idris will attempt the homogeneous case unless it fails to typecheck." ++ "\n\n" ++ "You may need to use `(~=~)` to explicitly request heterogeneous equality." eqDecl = PDatadecl eqTy NoFC (piBindp impl [(n "A", PType bi), (n "B", PType bi)] (piBind [(n "x", PRef bi [] (n "A")), (n "y", PRef bi [] (n "B"))] (PType bi))) [(reflDoc, reflParamDoc, eqCon, NoFC, PPi impl (n "A") NoFC (PType bi) ( PPi impl (n "x") NoFC (PRef bi [] (n "A")) (PApp bi (PRef bi [] eqTy) [pimp (n "A") Placeholder False, pimp (n "B") Placeholder False, pexp (PRef bi [] (n "x")), pexp (PRef bi [] (n "x"))])), bi, [])] where n a = sUN a reflDoc = annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "A proof that `x` in fact equals `x`. To construct this, you must have already " ++ "shown that both sides are in fact equal." reflParamDoc = [(n "A", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the type at which the equality is proven"), (n "x", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the element shown to be equal to itself.")] eqParamDoc = [(n "A", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the type of the left side of the equality"), (n "B", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the type of the right side of the equality") ] where n a = sUN a eqOpts = [] -- | The special name to be used in the module documentation context - -- not for use in the main definition context. The namespace around it -- will determine the module to which the docs adhere. modDocName :: Name modDocName = sMN 0 "ModuleDocs" -- Defined in builtins.idr sigmaTy = sNS (sUN "DPair") ["Builtins"] sigmaCon = sNS (sUN "MkDPair") ["Builtins"] piBind :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm piBind = piBindp expl piBindp :: Plicity -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm piBindp p [] t = t piBindp p ((n, ty):ns) t = PPi p n NoFC ty (piBindp p ns t) -- Pretty-printing declarations and terms -- These "show" instances render to an absurdly wide screen because inserted line breaks -- could interfere with interactive editing, which calls "show". instance Show PTerm where showsPrec _ tm = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . prettyImp defaultPPOption) tm instance Show PDecl where showsPrec _ d = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . showDeclImp verbosePPOption) d instance Show PClause where showsPrec _ c = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . showCImp verbosePPOption) c instance Show PData where showsPrec _ d = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . showDImp defaultPPOption) d instance Pretty PTerm OutputAnnotation where pretty = prettyImp defaultPPOption -- | Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names -- in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended information on a -- terminal. annotationColour :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> Maybe IdrisColour annotationColour ist _ | not (idris_colourRepl ist) = Nothing annotationColour ist (AnnConst c) = let theme = idris_colourTheme ist in Just $ if constIsType c then typeColour theme else dataColour theme annotationColour ist (AnnData _ _) = Just $ dataColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnType _ _) = Just $ typeColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnBoundName _ True) = Just $ implicitColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnBoundName _ False) = Just $ boundVarColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist AnnKeyword = Just $ keywordColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnName n _ _ _) = let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist theme = idris_colourTheme ist in case () of _ | isDConName n ctxt -> Just $ dataColour theme _ | isFnName n ctxt -> Just $ functionColour theme _ | isTConName n ctxt -> Just $ typeColour theme _ | isPostulateName n ist -> Just $ postulateColour theme _ | otherwise -> Nothing -- don't colourise unknown names annotationColour ist (AnnTextFmt fmt) = Just (colour fmt) where colour BoldText = IdrisColour Nothing True False True False colour UnderlineText = IdrisColour Nothing True True False False colour ItalicText = IdrisColour Nothing True False False True annotationColour ist _ = Nothing -- | Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names -- in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended -- information on a terminal. Note that strings produced this way will -- not be coloured on Windows, so the use of the colour rendering -- functions in Idris.Output is to be preferred. consoleDecorate :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> String -> String consoleDecorate ist ann = maybe id colourise (annotationColour ist ann) isPostulateName :: Name -> IState -> Bool isPostulateName n ist = S.member n (idris_postulates ist) -- | Pretty-print a high-level closed Idris term with no information about precedence/associativity prettyImp :: PPOption -- ^^ pretty printing options -> PTerm -- ^^ the term to pretty-print -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyImp impl = pprintPTerm impl [] [] [] -- | Serialise something to base64 using its Binary instance. -- | Do the right thing for rendering a term in an IState prettyIst :: IState -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyIst ist = pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist) [] [] (idris_infixes ist) -- | Pretty-print a high-level Idris term in some bindings context with infix info pprintPTerm :: PPOption -- ^^ pretty printing options -> [(Name, Bool)] -- ^^ the currently-bound names and whether they are implicit -> [Name] -- ^^ names to always show in pi, even if not used -> [FixDecl] -- ^^ Fixity declarations -> PTerm -- ^^ the term to pretty-print -> Doc OutputAnnotation pprintPTerm ppo bnd docArgs infixes = prettySe (ppopt_depth ppo) startPrec bnd where startPrec = 0 funcAppPrec = 10 prettySe :: Maybe Int -> Int -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettySe d p bnd (PQuote r) = text "![" <> pretty r <> text "]" prettySe d p bnd (PPatvar fc n) = pretty n prettySe d p bnd e | Just str <- slist d p bnd e = depth d $ str | Just n <- snat ppo d p e = depth d $ annotate (AnnData "Nat" "") (text (show n)) prettySe d p bnd (PRef fc _ n) = prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd n prettySe d p bnd (PLam fc n nfc ty sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $ text "\\" <> prettyBindingOf n False <+> text "=>" <$> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc prettySe d p bnd (PLet fc n nfc ty v sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group . align $ kwd "let" <+> (group . align . hang 2 $ prettyBindingOf n False <+> text "=" <$> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd v) kwd "in" <+> (group . align . hang 2 $ prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc) prettySe d p bnd (PPi (Exp l s _) n _ ty sc) | n `elem` allNamesIn sc || ppopt_impl ppo && uname n || n `elem` docArgs || ppopt_pinames ppo && uname n = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group $ enclose lparen rparen (group . align $ prettyBindingOf n False <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty) <+> st <> text "->" <$> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc | otherwise = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group $ group (prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd ty <+> st) <> text "->" <$> group (prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc) where uname (UN n) = case str n of ('_':_) -> False _ -> True uname _ = False st = case s of Static -> text "%static" <> space _ -> empty prettySe d p bnd (PPi (Imp l s _ fa _) n _ ty sc) | ppopt_impl ppo = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ lbrace <> prettyBindingOf n True <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <> rbrace <+> st <> text "->" prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc | otherwise = depth d $ prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc where st = case s of Static -> text "%static" <> space _ -> empty prettySe d p bnd (PPi (Constraint _ _) n _ ty sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd ty <+> text "=>" prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc prettySe d p bnd (PPi (TacImp _ _ (PTactics [ProofSearch{}])) n _ ty sc) = lbrace <> kwd "auto" <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <> rbrace <+> text "->" prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc prettySe d p bnd (PPi (TacImp _ _ s) n _ ty sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ lbrace <> kwd "default" <+> prettySe (decD d) (funcAppPrec + 1) bnd s <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <> rbrace <+> text "->" prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc -- This case preserves the behavior of the former constructor PEq. -- It should be removed if feasible when the pretty-printing of infix -- operators in general is improved. prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ n) [lt, rt, l, r]) | n == eqTy, ppopt_impl ppo = depth d . bracket p eqPrec $ enclose lparen rparen eq <+> align (group (vsep (map (prettyArgS (decD d) bnd) [lt, rt, l, r]))) | n == eqTy = depth d . bracket p eqPrec . align . group $ prettyTerm (getTm l) <+> eq <$> group (prettyTerm (getTm r)) where eq = annName eqTy (text "=") eqPrec = startPrec prettyTerm = prettySe (decD d) (eqPrec + 1) bnd prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ f) args) -- normal names, no explicit args | UN nm <- basename f , not (ppopt_impl ppo) && null (getShowArgs args) = prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd f prettySe d p bnd (PAppBind _ (PRef _ _ f) []) | not (ppopt_impl ppo) = text "!" <> prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd f prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ op) args) -- infix operators | UN nm <- basename op , not (tnull nm) && (not (ppopt_impl ppo)) && (not $ isAlpha (thead nm)) = case getShowArgs args of [] -> opName True [x] -> group (opName True <$> group (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd (getTm x))) [l,r] -> let precedence = maybe (startPrec - 1) prec f in depth d . bracket p precedence $ inFix (getTm l) (getTm r) (l@(PExp{}) : r@(PExp{}) : rest) -> depth d . bracket p funcAppPrec $ enclose lparen rparen (inFix (getTm l) (getTm r)) <+> align (group (vsep (map (prettyArgS d bnd) rest))) as -> opName True <+> align (vsep (map (prettyArgS d bnd) as)) where opName isPrefix = prettyName isPrefix (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd op f = getFixity (opStr op) left = case f of Nothing -> funcAppPrec + 1 Just (Infixl p') -> p' Just f' -> prec f' + 1 right = case f of Nothing -> funcAppPrec + 1 Just (Infixr p') -> p' Just f' -> prec f' + 1 inFix l r = align . group $ (prettySe (decD d) left bnd l <+> opName False) <$> group (prettySe (decD d) right bnd r) prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ hd@(PRef fc _ f) [tm]) -- symbols, like 'foo | PConstant NoFC (Idris.Core.TT.Str str) <- getTm tm, f == sUN "Symbol_" = annotate (AnnType ("'" ++ str) ("The symbol " ++ str)) $ char '\'' <> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd (PRef fc [] (sUN str)) prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ f as) = -- Normal prefix applications let args = getShowArgs as fp = prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd f shownArgs = if ppopt_impl ppo then as else args in depth d . bracket p funcAppPrec . group $ if null shownArgs then fp else fp <+> align (vsep (map (prettyArgS d bnd) shownArgs)) prettySe d p bnd (PCase _ scr cases) = align $ kwd "case" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd scr <+> kwd "of" <$> depth d (indent 2 (vsep (map ppcase cases))) where ppcase (l, r) = let prettyCase = prettySe (decD d) startPrec ([(n, False) | n <- vars l] ++ bnd) in nest nestingSize $ prettyCase l <+> text "=>" <+> prettyCase r -- Warning: this is a bit of a hack. At this stage, we don't have the -- global context, so we can't determine which names are constructors, -- which are types, and which are pattern variables on the LHS of the -- case pattern. We use the heuristic that names without a namespace -- are patvars, because right now case blocks in PTerms are always -- delaborated from TT before being sent to the pretty-printer. If they -- start getting printed directly, THIS WILL BREAK. -- Potential solution: add a list of known patvars to the cases in -- PCase, and have the delaborator fill it out, kind of like the pun -- disambiguation on PDPair. vars tm = filter noNS (allNamesIn tm) noNS (NS _ _) = False noNS _ = True prettySe d p bnd (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = depth d . bracket p funcAppPrec . group . align . hang 2 . vsep $ [ kwd "if" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd c , kwd "then" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd t , kwd "else" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd f ] prettySe d p bnd (PHidden tm) = text "." <> prettySe (decD d) funcAppPrec bnd tm prettySe d p bnd (PResolveTC _) = kwd "%instance" prettySe d p bnd (PTrue _ IsType) = annName unitTy $ text "()" prettySe d p bnd (PTrue _ IsTerm) = annName unitCon $ text "()" prettySe d p bnd (PTrue _ TypeOrTerm) = text "()" prettySe d p bnd (PRewrite _ l r _) = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ text "rewrite" <+> prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd l <+> text "in" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd r prettySe d p bnd (PTyped l r) = lparen <> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd l <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd r <> rparen prettySe d p bnd pair@(PPair _ _ pun _ _) -- flatten tuples to the right, like parser | Just elts <- pairElts pair = depth d . enclose (ann lparen) (ann rparen) . align . group . vsep . punctuate (ann comma) $ map (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd) elts where ann = case pun of TypeOrTerm -> id IsType -> annName pairTy IsTerm -> annName pairCon prettySe d p bnd dpair@(PDPair _ _ pun l t r) | Just elts <- dPairElts dpair = depth d . enclose (annotated lparen) (annotated rparen) . align . group . vsep . punctuate (space <> annotated (text "**")) $ ppElts elts bnd | otherwise = depth d $ annotated lparen <> left <+> annotated (text "**") <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec (addBinding bnd) r <> annotated rparen where annotated = case pun of IsType -> annName sigmaTy IsTerm -> annName sigmaCon TypeOrTerm -> id (left, addBinding) = case (l, pun) of (PRef _ _ n, IsType) -> (bindingOf n False <+> text ":" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd t, ((n, False) :)) _ -> (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd l, id) ppElts [] bs = [] ppElts [(_, v)] bs = [prettySe (decD d) startPrec bs v] ppElts ((PRef _ _ n, t):rs) bs | IsType <- pun = (bindingOf n False <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bs t) : ppElts rs ((n, False):bs) ppElts ((l, t):rs) bs = (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bs l) : ppElts rs bs prettySe d p bnd (PAlternative ns a as) = lparen <> text "|" <> prettyAs <> text "|" <> rparen where prettyAs = foldr ((\ l r -> l <+> text "," <+> r) . depth d . prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd) empty as prettySe d p bnd (PType _) = annotate (AnnType "Type" "The type of types") $ text "Type" prettySe d p bnd (PUniverse u) = annotate (AnnType (show u) "The type of unique types") $ text (show u) prettySe d p bnd (PConstant _ c) = annotate (AnnConst c) (text (show c)) -- XXX: add pretty for tactics prettySe d p bnd (PProof ts) = kwd "proof" <+> lbrace <> ellipsis <> rbrace prettySe d p bnd (PTactics ts) = kwd "tactics" <+> lbrace <> ellipsis <> rbrace prettySe d p bnd (PMetavar _ n) = annotate (AnnName n (Just MetavarOutput) Nothing Nothing) $ text "?" <> pretty n prettySe d p bnd (PReturn f) = kwd "return" prettySe d p bnd PImpossible = kwd "impossible" prettySe d p bnd Placeholder = text "_" prettySe d p bnd (PDoBlock dos) = bracket p startPrec $ kwd "do" <+> align (vsep (map (group . align . hang 2) (ppdo bnd dos))) where ppdo bnd (DoExp _ tm:dos) = prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd tm : ppdo bnd dos ppdo bnd (DoBind _ bn _ tm : dos) = (prettyBindingOf bn False <+> text "<-" <+> group (align (hang 2 (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd tm)))) : ppdo ((bn, False):bnd) dos ppdo bnd (DoBindP _ _ _ _ : dos) = -- ok because never made by delab text "no pretty printer for pattern-matching do binding" : ppdo bnd dos ppdo bnd (DoLet _ ln _ ty v : dos) = (kwd "let" <+> prettyBindingOf ln False <+> (if ty /= Placeholder then colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <+> text "=" else text "=") <+> group (align (hang 2 (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd v)))) : ppdo ((ln, False):bnd) dos ppdo bnd (DoLetP _ _ _ : dos) = -- ok because never made by delab text "no pretty printer for pattern-matching do binding" : ppdo bnd dos ppdo _ [] = [] prettySe d p bnd (PCoerced t) = prettySe d p bnd t prettySe d p bnd (PElabError s) = pretty s -- Quasiquote pprinting ignores bound vars prettySe d p bnd (PQuasiquote t Nothing) = text "`(" <> prettySe (decD d) p [] t <> text ")" prettySe d p bnd (PQuasiquote t (Just g)) = text "`(" <> prettySe (decD d) p [] t <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) p [] g <> text ")" prettySe d p bnd (PUnquote t) = text "~" <> prettySe (decD d) p bnd t prettySe d p bnd (PQuoteName n res _) = text start <> prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd n <> text end where start = if res then "`{" else "`{{" end = if res then "}" else "}}" prettySe d p bnd (PRunElab _ tm _) = bracket p funcAppPrec . group . align . hang 2 $ text "%runElab" <$> prettySe (decD d) funcAppPrec bnd tm prettySe d p bnd (PConstSugar fc tm) = prettySe d p bnd tm -- should never occur, but harmless prettySe d p bnd _ = text "missing pretty-printer for term" prettyBindingOf :: Name -> Bool -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyBindingOf n imp = annotate (AnnBoundName n imp) (text (display n)) where display (UN n) = T.unpack n display (MN _ n) = T.unpack n -- If a namespace is specified on a binding form, we'd better show it regardless of the implicits settings display (NS n ns) = (intercalate "." . map T.unpack . reverse) ns ++ "." ++ display n display n = show n prettyArgS d bnd (PImp _ _ _ n tm) = prettyArgSi d bnd (n, tm) prettyArgS d bnd (PExp _ _ _ tm) = prettyArgSe d bnd tm prettyArgS d bnd (PConstraint _ _ _ tm) = prettyArgSc d bnd tm prettyArgS d bnd (PTacImplicit _ _ n _ tm) = prettyArgSti d bnd (n, tm) prettyArgSe d bnd arg = prettySe d (funcAppPrec + 1) bnd arg prettyArgSi d bnd (n, val) = lbrace <> pretty n <+> text "=" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd val <> rbrace prettyArgSc d bnd val = lbrace <> lbrace <> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd val <> rbrace <> rbrace prettyArgSti d bnd (n, val) = lbrace <> kwd "auto" <+> pretty n <+> text "=" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd val <> rbrace annName :: Name -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Doc OutputAnnotation annName n = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) opStr :: Name -> String opStr (NS n _) = opStr n opStr (UN n) = T.unpack n slist' :: Maybe Int -> Int -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PTerm -> Maybe [Doc OutputAnnotation] slist' (Just d) _ _ _ | d <= 0 = Nothing slist' d _ _ e | containsHole e = Nothing slist' d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ nil) _) | not (ppopt_impl ppo) && nsroot nil == sUN "Nil" = Just [] slist' d p bnd (PRef _ _ nil) | not (ppopt_impl ppo) && nsroot nil == sUN "Nil" = Just [] slist' d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ cons) args) | nsroot cons == sUN "::", (PExp {getTm=tl}):(PExp {getTm=hd}):imps <- reverse args, all isImp imps, Just tl' <- slist' (decD d) p bnd tl = Just (prettySe d startPrec bnd hd : tl') where isImp (PImp {}) = True isImp _ = False slist' _ _ _ tm = Nothing slist d p bnd e | Just es <- slist' d p bnd e = Just $ case es of [] -> annotate (AnnData "" "") $ text "[]" [x] -> enclose left right . group $ x xs -> enclose left right . align . group . vsep . punctuate comma $ xs where left = (annotate (AnnData "" "") (text "[")) right = (annotate (AnnData "" "") (text "]")) comma = (annotate (AnnData "" "") (text ",")) slist _ _ _ _ = Nothing pairElts :: PTerm -> Maybe [PTerm] pairElts (PPair _ _ _ x y) | Just elts <- pairElts y = Just (x:elts) | otherwise = Just [x, y] pairElts _ = Nothing dPairElts :: PTerm -> Maybe [(PTerm, PTerm)] dPairElts (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) | Just elts <- dPairElts r = Just ((l, t):elts) | otherwise = Just [(l, t), (Placeholder, r)] dPairElts _ = Nothing natns = "Prelude.Nat." snat :: PPOption -> Maybe Int -> Int -> PTerm -> Maybe Integer snat ppo d p e | ppopt_desugarnats ppo = Nothing | otherwise = snat' d p e where snat' :: Maybe Int -> Int -> PTerm -> Maybe Integer snat' (Just x) _ _ | x <= 0 = Nothing snat' d p (PRef _ _ z) | show z == (natns++"Z") || show z == "Z" = Just 0 snat' d p (PApp _ s [PExp {getTm=n}]) | show s == (natns++"S") || show s == "S", Just n' <- snat' (decD d) p n = Just $ 1 + n' snat' _ _ _ = Nothing bracket outer inner doc | outer > inner = lparen <> doc <> rparen | otherwise = doc ellipsis = text "..." depth Nothing = id depth (Just d) = if d <= 0 then const ellipsis else id decD = fmap (\x -> x - 1) kwd = annotate AnnKeyword . text fixities :: M.Map String Fixity fixities = M.fromList [(s, f) | (Fix f s) <- infixes] getFixity :: String -> Maybe Fixity getFixity = flip M.lookup fixities -- | Strip away namespace information basename :: Name -> Name basename (NS n _) = basename n basename n = n -- | Determine whether a name was the one inserted for a hole or -- guess by the delaborator isHoleName :: Name -> Bool isHoleName (UN n) = n == T.pack "[__]" isHoleName _ = False -- | Check whether a PTerm has been delaborated from a Term containing a Hole or Guess containsHole :: PTerm -> Bool containsHole pterm = or [isHoleName n | PRef _ _ n <- take 1000 $ universe pterm] -- | Pretty-printer helper for names that attaches the correct annotations prettyName :: Bool -- ^^ whether the name should be parenthesised if it is an infix operator -> Bool -- ^^ whether to show namespaces -> [(Name, Bool)] -- ^^ the current bound variables and whether they are implicit -> Name -- ^^ the name to pprint -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyName infixParen showNS bnd n | (MN _ s) <- n, isPrefixOf "_" $ T.unpack s = text "_" | (UN n') <- n, T.unpack n' == "_" = text "_" | Just imp <- lookup n bnd = annotate (AnnBoundName n imp) fullName | otherwise = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) fullName where fullName = text nameSpace <> parenthesise (text (baseName n)) baseName (UN n) = T.unpack n baseName (NS n ns) = baseName n baseName (MN i s) = T.unpack s baseName other = show other nameSpace = case n of (NS n' ns) -> if showNS then (concatMap (++ ".") . map T.unpack . reverse) ns else "" _ -> "" isInfix = case baseName n of "" -> False (c : _) -> not (isAlpha c) parenthesise = if isInfix && infixParen then enclose lparen rparen else id showCImp :: PPOption -> PClause -> Doc OutputAnnotation showCImp ppo (PClause _ n l ws r w) = prettyImp ppo l <+> showWs ws <+> text "=" <+> prettyImp ppo r <+> text "where" <+> text (show w) where showWs [] = empty showWs (x : xs) = text "|" <+> prettyImp ppo x <+> showWs xs showCImp ppo (PWith _ n l ws r pn w) = prettyImp ppo l <+> showWs ws <+> text "with" <+> prettyImp ppo r <+> braces (text (show w)) where showWs [] = empty showWs (x : xs) = text "|" <+> prettyImp ppo x <+> showWs xs showDImp :: PPOption -> PData -> Doc OutputAnnotation showDImp ppo (PDatadecl n nfc ty cons) = text "data" <+> text (show n) <+> colon <+> prettyImp ppo ty <+> text "where" <$> (indent 2 $ vsep (map (\ (_, _, n, _, t, _, _) -> pipe <+> prettyName True False [] n <+> colon <+> prettyImp ppo t) cons)) showDecls :: PPOption -> [PDecl] -> Doc OutputAnnotation showDecls o ds = vsep (map (showDeclImp o) ds) showDeclImp _ (PFix _ f ops) = text (show f) <+> cat (punctuate (text ",") (map text ops)) showDeclImp o (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ t) = text "tydecl" <+> text (showCG n) <+> colon <+> prettyImp o t showDeclImp o (PClauses _ _ n cs) = text "pat" <+> text (showCG n) <+> text "\t" <+> indent 2 (vsep (map (showCImp o) cs)) showDeclImp o (PData _ _ _ _ _ d) = showDImp o { ppopt_impl = True } d showDeclImp o (PParams _ ns ps) = text "params" <+> braces (text (show ns) <> line <> showDecls o ps <> line) showDeclImp o (PNamespace n fc ps) = text "namespace" <+> text n <> braces (line <> showDecls o ps <> line) showDeclImp _ (PSyntax _ syn) = text "syntax" <+> text (show syn) showDeclImp o (PClass _ _ _ cs n _ ps _ _ ds _ _) = text "interface" <+> text (show cs) <+> text (show n) <+> text (show ps) <> line <> showDecls o ds showDeclImp o (PInstance _ _ _ _ cs acc _ n _ _ t _ ds) = text "implementation" <+> text (show cs) <+> text (show n) <+> prettyImp o t <> line <> showDecls o ds showDeclImp _ _ = text "..." -- showDeclImp (PImport o) = "import " ++ o getImps :: [PArg] -> [(Name, PTerm)] getImps [] = [] getImps (PImp _ _ _ n tm : xs) = (n, tm) : getImps xs getImps (_ : xs) = getImps xs getExps :: [PArg] -> [PTerm] getExps [] = [] getExps (PExp _ _ _ tm : xs) = tm : getExps xs getExps (_ : xs) = getExps xs getShowArgs :: [PArg] -> [PArg] getShowArgs [] = [] getShowArgs (e@(PExp _ _ _ tm) : xs) = e : getShowArgs xs getShowArgs (e : xs) | AlwaysShow `elem` argopts e = e : getShowArgs xs | PImp _ _ _ _ tm <- e , containsHole tm = e : getShowArgs xs getShowArgs (_ : xs) = getShowArgs xs getConsts :: [PArg] -> [PTerm] getConsts [] = [] getConsts (PConstraint _ _ _ tm : xs) = tm : getConsts xs getConsts (_ : xs) = getConsts xs getAll :: [PArg] -> [PTerm] getAll = map getTm -- | Show Idris name showName :: Maybe IState -- ^^ the Idris state, for information about names and colours -> [(Name, Bool)] -- ^^ the bound variables and whether they're implicit -> PPOption -- ^^ pretty printing options -> Bool -- ^^ whether to colourise -> Name -- ^^ the term to show -> String showName ist bnd ppo colour n = case ist of Just i -> if colour then colourise n (idris_colourTheme i) else showbasic n Nothing -> showbasic n where name = if ppopt_impl ppo then show n else showbasic n showbasic n@(UN _) = showCG n showbasic (MN i s) = str s showbasic (NS n s) = showSep "." (map str (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ showbasic n showbasic (SN s) = show s fst3 (x, _, _) = x colourise n t = let ctxt' = fmap tt_ctxt ist in case ctxt' of Nothing -> name Just ctxt | Just impl <- lookup n bnd -> if impl then colouriseImplicit t name else colouriseBound t name | isDConName n ctxt -> colouriseData t name | isFnName n ctxt -> colouriseFun t name | isTConName n ctxt -> colouriseType t name -- The assumption is that if a name is not bound and does not exist in the -- global context, then we're somewhere in which implicit info has been lost -- (like error messages). Thus, unknown vars are colourised as implicits. | otherwise -> colouriseImplicit t name showTm :: IState -- ^^ the Idris state, for information about identifiers and colours -> PTerm -- ^^ the term to show -> String showTm ist = displayDecorated (consoleDecorate ist) . renderPretty 0.8 100000 . prettyImp (ppOptionIst ist) -- | Show a term with implicits, no colours showTmImpls :: PTerm -> String showTmImpls = flip (displayS . renderCompact . prettyImp verbosePPOption) "" -- | Show a term with specific options showTmOpts :: PPOption -> PTerm -> String showTmOpts opt = flip (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . prettyImp opt) "" instance Sized PTerm where size (PQuote rawTerm) = size rawTerm size (PRef fc _ name) = size name size (PLam fc name _ ty bdy) = 1 + size ty + size bdy size (PPi plicity name fc ty bdy) = 1 + size ty + size fc + size bdy size (PLet fc name nfc ty def bdy) = 1 + size ty + size def + size bdy size (PTyped trm ty) = 1 + size trm + size ty size (PApp fc name args) = 1 + size args size (PAppBind fc name args) = 1 + size args size (PCase fc trm bdy) = 1 + size trm + size bdy size (PIfThenElse fc c t f) = 1 + sum (map size [c, t, f]) size (PTrue fc _) = 1 size (PResolveTC fc) = 1 size (PRewrite fc left right _) = 1 + size left + size right size (PPair fc _ _ left right) = 1 + size left + size right size (PDPair fs _ _ left ty right) = 1 + size left + size ty + size right size (PAlternative _ a alts) = 1 + size alts size (PHidden hidden) = size hidden size (PUnifyLog tm) = size tm size (PDisamb _ tm) = size tm size (PNoImplicits tm) = size tm size (PType _) = 1 size (PUniverse _) = 1 size (PConstant fc const) = 1 + size fc + size const size Placeholder = 1 size (PDoBlock dos) = 1 + size dos size (PIdiom fc term) = 1 + size term size (PReturn fc) = 1 size (PMetavar _ name) = 1 size (PProof tactics) = size tactics size (PElabError err) = size err size PImpossible = 1 size _ = 0 getPArity :: PTerm -> Int getPArity (PPi _ _ _ _ sc) = 1 + getPArity sc getPArity _ = 0 -- Return all names, free or globally bound, in the given term. allNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name] allNamesIn tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where -- TODO THINK added niTacImp, but is it right? ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | not (n `elem` env) = [n] ni 0 env (PPatvar _ n) = [n] ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . snd) os ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = ni 0 env c ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env f ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PLet _ n _ ty val sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 env val ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) Placeholder r) = n : ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a ls) = concatMap (ni 0 env) ls ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i+1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i env scr niTacImp _ _ _ = [] -- Return all names defined in binders in the given term boundNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name] boundNamesIn tm = S.toList (ni 0 S.empty tm) where -- TODO THINK Added niTacImp, but is it right? ni :: Int -> S.Set Name -> PTerm -> S.Set Name ni 0 set (PApp _ f as) = niTms 0 (ni 0 set f) (map getTm as) ni 0 set (PAppBind _ f as) = niTms 0 (ni 0 set f) (map getTm as) ni 0 set (PCase _ c os) = niTms 0 (ni 0 set c) (map snd os) ni 0 set (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = niTms 0 set [c, t, f] ni 0 set (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = S.insert n $ ni 0 (ni 0 set ty) sc ni 0 set (PLet fc n nfc ty val sc) = S.insert n $ ni 0 (ni 0 (ni 0 set ty) val) sc ni 0 set (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 (S.insert n $ ni 0 (ni 0 set ty) sc) p ni 0 set (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 (ni 0 set l) r ni 0 set (PTyped l r) = ni 0 (ni 0 set l) r ni 0 set (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 (ni 0 set l) r ni 0 set (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 (ni 0 set t) r ni 0 set (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 (ni 0 (ni 0 set l) t) r ni 0 set (PAlternative ns a as) = niTms 0 set as ni 0 set (PHidden tm) = ni 0 set tm ni 0 set (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 set tm ni 0 set (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 set tm ni 0 set (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 set tm ni i set (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) set tm `S.union` maybe S.empty (ni i set) ty ni i set (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) set tm ni i set tm = foldr (S.union . ni i set) set (children tm) niTms :: Int -> S.Set Name -> [PTerm] -> S.Set Name niTms i set [] = set niTms i set (x : xs) = niTms i (ni i set x) xs niTacImp i set (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i set scr niTacImp i set _ = set -- Return names which are valid implicits in the given term (type). implicitNamesIn :: [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] implicitNamesIn uvars ist tm = let (imps, fns) = execState (ni 0 [] tm) ([], []) in nub imps \\ nub fns where addImp n = do (imps, fns) <- get put (n : imps, fns) addFn n = do (imps, fns) <- get put (imps, n: fns) notCAF [] = False notCAF (PExp _ _ _ _ : _) = True notCAF (_ : xs) = notCAF xs notHidden (n, _) = case getAccessibility n of Hidden -> False Private -> False _ -> True getAccessibility n = case lookupDefAccExact n False (tt_ctxt ist) of Just (n,t) -> t _ -> Public ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n@(NS _ _)) | not (n `elem` env) -- Never implicitly bind if there's a namespace = addFn n ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | not (n `elem` env) && implicitable n || n `elem` uvars = addImp n ni 0 env (PApp _ f@(PRef _ _ n) as) | n `elem` uvars = do ni 0 env f mapM_ (ni 0 env . getTm) as | otherwise = do case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of [] -> return () _ -> addFn n mapM_ (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = do ni 0 env f mapM_ (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = do ni 0 env f mapM_ (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = do ni 0 env c -- names in 'os', not counting the names bound in the cases mapM_ (ni 0 env . snd) os (imps, fns) <- get put ([] ,[]) mapM_ (ni 0 env . fst) os (impsfst, _) <- get put (nub imps \\ nub impsfst, fns) ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = mapM_ (ni 0 env) [c, t, f] ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = do ni 0 env ty; ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = do ni 0 env ty; ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = do ni 0 env l; ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = do ni 0 env l; ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = do ni 0 env l; ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = do ni 0 env t; ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = do ni 0 env l ni 0 env t ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a as) = mapM_ (ni 0 env) as ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = do ni (i + 1) env tm maybe (return ()) (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = mapM_ (ni i env) (children tm) -- Return names which are free in the given term. namesIn :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] namesIn uvars ist tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | not (n `elem` env) = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of [] -> [n] _ -> [n | n `elem` (map fst uvars)] ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ -- names in 'os', not counting the names bound in the cases (nub (concatMap (ni 0 env . snd) os) \\ nub (concatMap (ni 0 env . fst) os)) ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = concatMap (ni 0 env) [c, t, f] ni 0 env (PLam fc n nfc ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a as) = concatMap (ni 0 env) as ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i env scr niTacImp _ _ _ = [] -- Return which of the given names are used in the given term. usedNamesIn :: [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] usedNamesIn vars ist tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where -- TODO THINK added niTacImp, but is it right? ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | n `elem` vars && not (n `elem` env) = case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of Nothing -> [n] _ -> [] ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . snd) os ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = concatMap (ni 0 env) [c, t, f] ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a as) = concatMap (ni 0 env) as ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i env scr niTacImp _ _ _ = [] -- Return the list of inaccessible (= dotted) positions for a name. getErasureInfo :: IState -> Name -> [Int] getErasureInfo ist n = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_optimisation ist) of Just (Optimise inacc detagg) -> map fst inacc Nothing -> []