## Version 0.11 (2023-10-31) - Migrate to the *crypton* library ecosystem. *crypton* was a hard fork of *cryptonite*, which was no longer maintained. With this change, the minimum supported version of GHC increased to 8.8. There are no other notable changes in this release. - The `v0.10` series is the last release series to support *cryptonite*. It will continue to receive important bug fixes until the end of 2024. ## Version 0.10 (2022-09-01) - Introduce `newtype JOSE e m a` which behaves like `ExceptT e m a` but also has `instance (MonadRandom m) => MonadRandom (JOSE e m)`. The orphan `MonadRandom` instances were removed. ([#91][]) - Parameterise `JWT` over the claims data type. This is a cleaner mechanism to support applications that use additional claims beyond those registered by RFC 7519. `unregisteredClaims` and `addClaim` are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. ([#39][]) - Add Ed448 and X448 support. ([#74][]) - Add secp256k1 curve support (RFC 8812). - Added `checkJWK :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => JWK -> m ()`. This action performs some key usability checks. In particular it identifies too-small symmetric keys. ([#46][]) - Removed `QuickCheck` instances. *jose* no longer depends on `QuickCheck`. ([#106][]) - Removed orphan `ToJSON` and `FromJSON` instances for `URI`. - Fail signature verification when curve does not match algorithm. This is an additional defence against curve substitution attacks. - Improved error reporting when constructing a JWK from an X.509 certificate with ECDSA key. - Make compatible with `mtl == 2.3.*` ([#107][]) - Make compatible with `monad-time == 0.4` [#39]: https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/39 [#46]: https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/46 [#74]: https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/74 [#91]: https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/91 [#106]: https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/106 [#107]: https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/107 ## Older versions See Git commit history