module Operation.Data.TestMissing where import qualified Data.Map as M import Generator.Data import Generator.Generic import Generator.Utils import Hedgehog (forAll, property, (===)) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import JsonLogic.Json import JsonLogic.Pure.Evaluator import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit as U import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Utils missingUnitTests :: TestTree missingUnitTests = testGroup "missing unit tests" [ testCase "logic {\"missing\":[]} data {} => []" $ U.assertEqual "empty case" (Right $ jArr []) (apply [] (jObj [("missing", jArr [])]) (jObj [])), testCase "logic {\"missing\":[\"a\", \"b\"]} data {\"a\":\"apple\", \"c\":\"carrot\"} => [\"b\"]" $ U.assertEqual "first test case on site" (Right $ jArr [jStr "b"]) (apply [] (jObj [("missing", jArr [jStr "a", jStr "b"])]) (jObj [("a", jStr "apple"), ("c", jStr "carrot")])), testCase "logic {\"missing\":[\"a\", \"b\"]} data {\"a\":\"apple\", \"b\":\"banana\"} => []" $ U.assertEqual "second test case on site" (Right $ jArr []) (apply [] (jObj [("missing", jArr [jStr "a", jStr "b"])]) (jObj [("a", jStr "apple"), ("b", jStr "banana")])), testCase "logic {\"missing\":[0, 1]} data [\"apple\", \"banana\"] => []" $ U.assertEqual "missing in lists" (Right $ jArr []) (apply [] (jObj [("missing", jArr [jNum 0, jNum 1])]) (jArr [jStr "apple", jStr "banana"])), testCase "logic {\"missing\":[0, 1]} data [\"apple\"] => [1]" $ U.assertEqual "missing in lists" (Right $ jArr [jNum 1]) (apply [] (jObj [("missing", jArr [jNum 0, jNum 1])]) (jArr [jStr "apple"])), testCase "logic {\"if\":[{\"missing\":[\"a\", \"b\"]}, \"Not enough fruit\", \"OK to proceed\"]} data {\"a\":\"apple\", \"b\":\"banana\"} => \"Ok to proceed\"" $ U.assertEqual "third test case on site" (Right $ jStr "OK to proceed") (apply [] (jObj [("if", jArr [jObj [("missing", jArr [jStr "a", jStr "b"])], jStr "Not enough fruit", jStr "OK to proceed"])]) (jObj [("a", jStr "apple"), ("b", jStr "banana")])) ] missingGeneratorTests :: TestTree missingGeneratorTests = testGroup "missing generator tests" [ hTestProperty "missing over emty" $ property $ do -- Create rule and data let missingEmpty = jObj [("missing", jArr [])] dataJsonArray <- forAll $ Gen.sized genSizedRandomJsonArray dataJsonObject <- forAll $ Gen.sized genSizedRandomJsonObject -- Empty rule over any data returns empty array Right (jArr []) === apply [] missingEmpty dataJsonArray Right (jArr []) === apply [] missingEmpty (JsonObject dataJsonObject), hTestProperty "Using integer index on array" $ property $ do -- Generate random data jsonData <- forAll $ Gen.sized genSizedRandomJson -- Create the rule x <- forAll $ $ Range.constant 0 30 let rule = jObj [("missing", jArr [jNum $ fromIntegral x])] -- Only returns empty array if the index is missing case jsonData of (JsonArray js) | x < length js -> Right (jArr []) === apply [] rule jsonData (JsonString s) | x < length s -> Right (jArr []) === apply [] rule jsonData -- If the index is a number and that index is in the dict it is indexed (JsonObject o) | M.member (show x) o -> Right (jArr []) === apply [] rule jsonData _ -> Right (jArr [jNum $ fromIntegral x]) === apply [] rule jsonData, hTestProperty "Using string index on array" $ property $ do -- Generate random array jsonData@(JsonArray js) <- forAll $ Gen.sized genSizedRandomJsonArray (indexJson, indexStr) <- forAll genGenericNonEmptyJsonString -- Item should be in result since it cannot be present let rule = jObj [("missing", jArr [indexJson])] case readMaybe indexStr :: Maybe Int of -- The string is by chance a number, if it is within the range the index is succesful Just i | i >= 0 && i < length js -> Right (jArr []) === apply [] rule jsonData -- Index is not present since it is a string or outside the range _ -> Right (jArr [indexJson]) === apply [] rule jsonData, hTestProperty "Using string index on object" $ property $ do -- Generate data jsonData <- forAll $ increaseSizeBy 1 $ Gen.sized genSizedRandomJsonObject -- Choose a random item from the object indexStr <- forAll $ Gen.element $ M.keys jsonData let rule = jObj [("missing", jArr [jStr indexStr])] -- The item should not be missing Right (jArr []) === apply [] rule (JsonObject jsonData), hTestProperty "Using integer index on object" $ property $ do -- Random data jsonData <- forAll $ Gen.sized genSizedRandomJsonObject -- Generate random index x <- forAll $ $ Range.constant 0 30 let rule = jObj [("missing", jArr [jNum $ fromIntegral x])] -- Item should be missing if M.member (show x) jsonData then Right (jArr []) === apply [] rule (JsonObject jsonData) else Right (jArr [jNum $ fromIntegral x]) === apply [] rule (JsonObject jsonData) ]