# KUDZU will slowly grow to cover all of your code Kudzu is a library that throws test cases at your property tests until the code coverage no longer increases. # WHY? Property testing has no feedback loop, you randomly choose a number of test cases and hope for the best. How do you know if your property tests were any good? The best feedback I know is to use [hpc](https://wiki.haskell.org/Haskell_program_coverage) and look at the pretty colored HTML output to see what code was exercised. But wait, why do *I* have to look at the output? Isn't that why we have computers? # HOW? In Haskell, you can get [code coverage results](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hpc/docs/Trace-Hpc-Reflect.html#v:examineTix) while your program is running! # WHAT FEEDBACK LOOP? The simplest feedback loop is to keep running random tests until new code coverage stops increasing. # HOW DO I MAKE IT GO? 1. add kudzu to your test-suite depends, 2. import the [`Kudzu`] module 3. call the testUntil function of your choice 1. [`testUntilSameQCMany`] or [`testUntilSameQC`] 2. [`testUntilSameHHMany`] or [`testUntilSameHH`] 3. [`testUntilSameLCMany`] or [`testUntilsameLC`] 4. run with `cabal test --enable-coverage` # TELL ME MORE The best write up of this idea is [Random Test Generation, Coverage Based](https://danluu.com/testing/). # TODO - [x] support HedgeHog - [x] support QuickCheck - [x] support LeanCheck - [ ] figure out how to use Kudzu on Kudzu without looping forever # EXAMPLE You can see kudzu in use in the [tests](https://github.com/shapr/takedouble/blob/main/test/Main.hs) for [takedouble](https://github.com/shapr/takedouble/) [`Kudzu`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html [`testUntilSameQC`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html#v:testUntilSameQC [`testUntilSameQCMany`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html#v:testUntilSameQCMany [`testUntilSameHH`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html#v:testUntilSameHH [`testUntilSameHHMany`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html#v:testUntilSameHHMany [`testUntilSameLC`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html#v:testUntilSameLC [`testUntilSameLCMany`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kudzu/docs/Kudzu.html#v:testUntilSameLCMany