%- ; @botmancy from twitter but more sensical ; http://phrontistery.info/divine.html ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_divination ; crystallo- tydecl means = Fish | Stars | Plants | Books | Birds | Snakes | Sun | Animals | Lips | Dreams | Fire | Air | Placenta | Poo | Fingers | Cat | Number | Wood | Walk | Anthro | Bark | Rock | Large | Pearl | Small | Teeth | Bones | Land | Nails | Entrails (:def prefix (:lambda x means (:match x [Fish "ichthyo"] [Stars "astro"] [Plants "botano"] [Books "biblio"] [Birds "ornitho"] [Snakes "ophio"] [Sun "helio"] [Animals "zoo"] [Lips "labio"] [Dreams "oneiro"] [Fire "pyro"] [Air "aero"] [Placenta "amnio"] [Poo "scato"] [Fingers "dactylo"] [Cat "ailuro"] [Number "numero"] [Wood "xylo"] [Walk "ambulo"] [Anthro "anthro"] [Bark "ololyg"] [Rock "litho"] [Large "marco"] [Pearl "margarito"] [Small "micro"] [Teeth "odonto"] [Bones "osteo"] [Land "topo"] [Nails "onycho"] [Entrails "haru"]))) (:def english (:lambda x means (:match x [Fish "fish"] [Stars "stars"] [Plants "plants"] [Books "the Bible"] [Birds "birds"] [Snakes "snakes"] [Sun "sun"] [Animals "animals"] [Lips "lips"] [Dreams "dreams"] [Fire "fire"] [Air "the weather"] [Placenta "placenta"] [Poo "excrement"] [Fingers "finger movements"] [Cat "cats"] [Number "numbers"] [Wood "pieces of wood"] [Walk "walking"] [Anthro "human entrails"] [Bark "howling of dogs"] [Rock "rocks"] [Large "large objects"] [Pearl "pearls"] [Small "small objects"] [Teeth "teeth"] [Bones "bones"] [Land "landforms"] [Nails "fingernails"] [Entrails "entrails"]))) (:def mod (:branch (| 1.0 "") (| 0.2 "inspection of ") (| 0.2 "observation of ") ; observing? (| 0.3 "means of "))) (:def means ; :pick refers to a type (:pick means)) (:def postfix (:branch (| 1.0 "mancy") (| 0.065 "scopy") (| 0.03 "spication") (| 0.06 "logy"))) (:def main (:bind [means means] "${$prefix means}${postfix} - divination by ${mod}${$english means}"))