language-lua-0.2.2: Lua parser and pretty-printer

Safe HaskellNone



Lexer/Parsec interface



type Parser = Parsec [LTok] ()Source

satisfy :: Stream [LTok] m LTok => (LTok -> Bool) -> ParsecT [LTok] u m LTokenSource

This parser succeeds whenever the given predicate returns true when called with parsed LTok. Same as satisfy.

tok :: Stream [LTok] m LTok => LToken -> ParsecT [LTok] u m LTokenSource

Parses given LToken.

anyIdent :: Monad m => ParsecT [LTok] u m LTokenSource

Parses a LTokIdent.

anyNum :: Monad m => ParsecT [LTok] u m LTokenSource

Parses a LTokNum.

string :: Monad m => ParsecT [LTok] u m LTokenSource

Parses a LTokSLit.