Name: language-lua Description: Lua 5.2 lexer, parser and pretty-printer. Documentation: () . Changelog: . \0.4.4: . - Printer now takes operator precedences into account while printing `Binop` and `Unop` expressions and prints parenthesis as necessary. . - Printer now does not put line break in `Binop` expressions. . \0.4.3: . - `Data` and `Typeable` instances are implemented for syntax tree. . \0.4.2: . - More tweaks in pretty printer. . - Started using 2 spaces for indentation(instead of 4 as before). . \0.4.1: . - Some tweaks in pretty-printer. . \0.4.0: . - `Table` and `FunDef` nodes are removed from simplified syntax. . \0.3.1: . - Fixed incorrectly exported name `exp` in `Language.Lua.Parser` module. . \0.3.0: . - Added non-annotated syntax to make code-generation easier. . \0.2.3: . - Minor internal changes. . \0.2.2: . - Some tweaks in pretty-printer. . \0.2.0: . - Syntax tree is annotated. All parsers(`parseText`, `parseFile`) annotate resulting tree with source positions. Version: 0.4.4 x-revision: 4 Synopsis: Lua parser and pretty-printer Homepage: Bug-reports: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Omer Sinan Agacan Maintainer: Category: Language Build-type: Simple Stability: Experimental Cabal-version: >= 1.9.2 Extra-source-files: src/Text/PrettyPrint/LICENSE Source-repository head type: git location: git:// Library Hs-source-dirs: src Exposed-modules: Language.Lua Language.Lua.Token Language.Lua.Syntax Language.Lua.Parser Language.Lua.PrettyPrinter Language.Lua.Annotated Language.Lua.Annotated.Syntax Language.Lua.Annotated.Parser Language.Lua.Annotated.Simplify Text.Parsec.LTok Other-modules: Language.Lua.Annotated.Lexer Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen Build-depends: base >= 4.5 && < 4.8, mtl >= 2.0 && < 2.3, parsec >= 3.1.3 && < 3.2, array >= 0.4 && < 0.6 ghc-options: -Wall