-- |
-- Module:      Data.LazyArray
-- Copyright:   (c) 2008, Milan Straka
-- License:     BSD 3 Clause
-- Maintainer:  fox@ucw.cz
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: non-portable (uses Data.Array.IO)
-- This is an implementation of monolithic lazy array. If you want to know
-- what an monolithic lazy array is good for, you can read for example
-- the paper \"Efficient Graph Algorithms Using Lazy Monolithic Arrays\"
-- (<http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/95126.html>).
-- Module "Data.LazyArray" implements the monolithic lazy array using 'Array'
-- with temporary buffer. For implementation without the temporary buffer
-- see "Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel" module.
-- Don't forget to import some kind of arrays when using this module.
-- Results of small benchmark and a discussion can be found at the bottom of this page.
module Data.LazyArray(
  -- * Generic lazy arrays
  lArray, lArrayMap, 

  -- * Specialised lazy arrays
  -- | Only the first element from the list of elements belonging to the same element
  -- is often needed. In that case you can use one of the following methods:
  lArrayMaybe, lArrayFirst,

  -- * Benchmark
  -- $benchmark
  ) where
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- | This function returns an array, which i-th element is a list, that
-- contains all values associated with i in the list of associations, in that order.
-- In other words, the result of @lArray bnds assoc@ is
-- @lArray bnds assoc = array bnds [(i,[e|(i',e)<-assoc,i'==i] | i<-range bnds]@.
-- The important difference between the two sides of previous equation is that
-- @lArray@ works in linear time, ie. each member in the @assoc@ list is accessed
-- exactly once, and @lArray@ is lazy in its second argument. It means the @assoc@
-- list is left intact until an i-th element of the resulting array needs to be evaluated.
-- At that time the @assoc@ list is examined until the first pair (i,e') is found.
-- Until such pair is found, processed elements of @assoc@ are stored at appropriate indexes
-- in the resulting array.
-- The implementation uses temporary array for such processed elements of @assoc@ list,
-- that were not yet \'requested\' [or \'evaluated\'] in the resulting array. This array
-- can be freed when all lists of the resulting array are fully evaluated.
-- Here is an example of how to use the monolithic lazy array. Given a graph of type
-- 'Array' 'Int' ['Int'] we construct the dfs numbering from a given vertex.
-- Obviously, only the first element of the @lArray@ is needed - 'lArrayFirst',
-- 'lArrayMaybe' or "Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel" are better choice here.
-- @dnum::Array Int [Int]->Int->Array Int (Maybe Int)
--dnum g s = amap listToMaybe marks where
--   list = dfs' [s] 0
--   marks = lArray (bounds g) list
--   dfs' []     _ = []
--   dfs' (s:ss) n = (s,n) : if n == head (marks!s) then dfs' ((g!s)++ss) (n+1) else dfs' ss n
-- @
lArray::(Ix i)=>
        (i,i)       -- ^ bounds of the array
      ->[(i,e)]     -- ^ list of associations
      ->Array i [e] -- ^ resulting array
lArray = lArrayMap id

data LAtmp i e = LAtmp !(IORef [(i,e)]) !(IOArray i [e])

-- | It is often needed to apply some function to the list of elements belonging
-- to the same index. Function @lArrayMap@ is provided, and could be defined like
-- @lArrayMap f = (amap f) . lArray@. Obviously, @lArray = lArrayMap id@.
lArrayMap::(Ix i)=>
           ([e]->e')   -- ^ function to apply to the list of elements belonging to the same index
         ->(i,i)       -- ^ bounds of the array
         ->[(i,e)]     -- ^ list of associations
         ->Array i e'  -- ^ resulting array

lArrayMap f bnds assoc = array bnds [(i,f $ lazyIndex i tmp (0::Int)) | i<-range bnds]
  tmp = LAtmp (unsafePerformIO $ newIORef assoc) (unsafePerformIO $ newArray bnds [])

  lazyIndex i t@(LAtmp ref elems) cntr = 
      let start = case unsafePerformIO $ readArray elems i of
                    [] -> unsafePerformIO $ readIORef ref >>= readUntil
                    es -> unsafePerformIO $ writeArray elems i [] >> return (reverse es)
      in start ++ case start of []->[]; otherwise->lazyIndex i t (cntr+1)
    readUntil [] = writeIORef ref [] >> return []
    readUntil ((i',e'):es) = if i==i' then writeIORef ref es >> return [e']
                             else readArray elems i' >>= writeArray elems i' . (e':) >> readUntil es

-- S P E C I A L I S E D     C A S E S
data LAFtmp i e = LAFtmp !(IORef [(i,e)]) !(IOArray i (Maybe e))

lArrayFirst'::(Ix i)=>e'->(e->e')->(i,i)->[(i,e)]->Array i e'
lArrayFirst' zero lift bnds assoc = array bnds [(i, lazyIndex i tmp) | i<-range bnds]
  tmp = LAFtmp (unsafePerformIO $ newIORef assoc) (unsafePerformIO $ newArray bnds Nothing)

  lazyIndex i (LAFtmp ref elems) = case unsafePerformIO $ readArray elems i of
                                     Nothing->unsafePerformIO $ readIORef ref >>= readUntil
                                     Just e->lift e
    readUntil [] = writeIORef ref [] >> return zero
    readUntil ((i',e):es) = if i==i' then writeIORef ref es >> return (lift e)
                            else do e'<-readArray elems i'
                                    case e' of Nothing->writeArray elems i' (Just e); otherwise->return ()
                                    readUntil es

-- | This is equivalent to @lArrayMaybe = lArrayMap listToMaybe@ but a bit faster.
lArrayMaybe::(Ix i)=>
             (i,i)             -- ^ bounds of the array
           ->[(i,e)]           -- ^ list of associations
           ->Array i (Maybe e) -- ^ resulting array
lArrayMaybe = lArrayFirst' Nothing Just

-- | This is equivalent to @lArrayFirst zero = lArrayMap (\\x->case x of []->zero; e:_->e)@
-- but a bit faster.
lArrayFirst::(Ix i)=>
               e           -- ^ \'zero\' element,
             ->(i,i)       -- ^ bounds of the array
             ->[(i,e)]     -- ^ list of associations
             ->Array i e   -- ^ resulting array
lArrayFirst zero = lArrayFirst' zero id

-- $benchmark
-- For comparison, various implementations of DFS numbering have been benchmarked. The
-- benchmark can be found in the lazyarray package, in the file @bench\/bench.hs@.
-- The DFS was implemented using "Data.LazyArray", "Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel",
-- "Data.Array.Diff", "Data.Map", "Data.IntMap" and in the "Control.Monad.ST" monad
-- using 'Data.Array.ST.runSTArray' and 'Data.Array.ST.runSTUArray'. Three graphs were used,
-- a path, a graph with 20 edges at each vertex, and a complete graph; each
-- graph was used once as connected and once with isolated vertex /iv/. The DFS number
-- of the isolated vertex was never asked for. Details can be found in the source file.
-- This whole benchmark is written in Haskell, so it is only approximate.
  -- @ DFS implemented using     | path |path+iv|20-path|20path+iv|cmplt gph|cmplt gph+iv
    -- --------------------------|------|-------|-------|---------|---------|-------------
  -- 'lArrayFirst'               | 5456 |  5572 |  1956 |   1968  |   1316  |    1296
-- 'lArrayFirst' with 'lArrayMap'| 5248 |  5248 |  3456 |   3452  |   3072  |    3040
  -- 'lArrayMaybe'               | 5772 |  5724 |  2044 |   2064  |   1308  |    1312
-- 'lArrayMaybe' with 'lArrayMap'| 5380 |  5352 |  3560 |   3564  |   3048  |    3024
-- 'Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel.laCreate'                  | 4560 |  4700 |  4984 |   9360  |   5280  |   11140
-- 'Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel.mlaCreate'                 | 5308 |  5824 |  5972 |  11508  |   6328  |   13712
  -- "Data.Array.Diff"           |29089 | 29173 | 14652 |  14144  |  15072  |   14988
  -- "Data.Map"                  | 7216 |  7292 |  4892 |   4912  |   3316  |    3300
  -- "Data.IntMap"               | 3328 |  3280 |  2616 |   2640  |   2492  |    2524
-- 'Data.Array.ST.runSTArray'                | 1112 |  1116 |  1188 |   1384  |   1460  |    1468
-- 'Data.Array.ST.runSTUArray'               |  688 |   692 |  1164 |   1160  |   1444  |    1440
-- @ 
-- The numbers are elapsed time in ms, but use these numbers only to compare implementations
-- in one column. The first two columns are quite inconclusive, because the
-- DFS does not really do much when graph is a path and "Data.Map" and "Data.IntMap" 
-- implementations don't do exactly the same as the others implementations. 
-- The 'Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel.laCreate' and 'Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel.mlaCreate' perform
-- very badly in the presence of isolated vertex - 'Data.LazyArray.Lowlevel.laFreeze' tries
-- hard to find a connection to the isolated vertex even if it is not asked for.